That with respect to Notice of Motion EC2022-0627, the following be adopted:
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the 2022 property taxes for the Calgary Housing Company (CHC) properties be cancelled for the Municipal portion of $1,377,229.35, representing the 12 months in 2022;
AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that City Council request that the Mayor write a letter to the Government of Alberta requesting that the provincial requisition portion of the property taxes on CHC properties be cancelled for the 2022 tax year, with City Administration following through on this request with the Ministries of Municipal Affairs and Seniors and Housing;
AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that City Council consider passing a bylaw to exempt properties owned by Calgary Housing Company, from property tax, in future years.
AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED as part of the promised Provincial review of Community Organization Property Tax Exemption Regulation that The City continue to advocate for reforms to exempt CHC and other non-profit housing providers from municipal and provincial property taxes, working with Alberta Municipalities and through other avenues as needed.
By General Consent, Council postponed Item 11.4.3 to the Call of the Chair.
Council then dealt with Item 11.4.4.