Mayor Gondek resumed the Chair at 11:22 a.m. on 2023 November 14.
Councillor Demong (Remote Member) left the meeting at 11:22 a.m. on 2023 November 14.
The following documents were distributed with respect to Report CPC2023-0944:
- A presentation entitled "LOC2023-0057 / CPC2023-094 Policy and Land Use Amendment";
- A presentation entitled "Graywood Developments";
- A collection of maps;
- A collection of photos; and
- A confidential public submission.
The Public Hearing was called and the following speakers addressed Council with respect to Bylaws 77P2023 and 200D2023:
1. Brian Horton, O2 Planning
2. Becky Poschmann, Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association
3. Owen Wedholm
4. Patrick Hartigan, The Theodore
Mayor Gondek left the Chair at 11:49 a.m. on 2023 November 14 and Deputy Mayor Wong assumed the Chair.
Council recessed at 11:54 a.m. and reconvened at 1:18 p.m. on 2023 November 14 with Mayor Gondek in the Chair.
Councillor Carra, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Chu, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Wong, Councillor Wyness, and Mayor Gondek
Absent from Roll Call: Councillor Demong, Councillor Dhaliwal, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor Spencer, and Councillor Walcott
5. Jonathan Klein
6. Dora Lam
Councillor Walcott (Remote Member) joined the meeting at 1:31 p.m. on 2023 November 14.