This Item was dealt with following Item 7.2.11.
The following documents were distributed with respect to Report IP2023-0274:
- A revised presentation entitled "Heritage Communities Local Area Plan"; and
- A document entitled "Support for LAP by Teri Posyniak".
The Public Hearing was called and the following speakers addressed Council with respect to Bylaws 32P2023 and 33P2023:
1. Teresa Posyniak
2. Jo Williams
Councillor Chu (Remote Member) joined the meeting at 1:34 p.m.
Councillor Wong (Remote Member) joined the meeting at 1:36 p.m.
3. Hanita Simard
4. Sonja Johnson
5. Becky Poschmann
6. Doug McNeill
7. Guy Buchanan
Councillor Dhaliwal (Remote Member) joined the meeting at 2:02 p.m.
8. Chris LeGallais
9. Shona Gillis
10. Chris Baillie
11. Ray Kettenbach
12. Pat Withers
13. Don Schwartz
14. Rebecca Aizenman
15. Elizabeth Duerkop
By General Consent, Council modified the afternoon recess to begin following the conclusion of Item 7.3.1.