That the Agenda for today's meeting be amended by bringing forward Item 8.1.9, Report CPC2019-1293 to be dealt with as the first item of the Public Hearing.
That the Agenda for today's Meeting be amended, by general consent, by bringing forward Item 8.1.15, Land Use Amendment in Highfield Industrial (Ward 9) at Highfield Circle SE, CPC2019-1272, to be dealt with as the first Public Hearing Item after the lunch recess.
That the Agenda for today's Meeting be amended, by general consent, by bringing forward Item 8.1.33, Policy Amendment to the Keystone Hills Area Structure Plan, CPC2019-1387 to be dealt with prior to Item 8.1.29, Land Use Amendment in Livingston (Ward 3) for multiple properties, LOC2018-0213, CPC2019-1386.
That the Agenda for today's Meeting be amended, by general consent, by bringing forward Items 12.2.1 and 12.2.2 to be dealt with under Planning Matters Not Requiring Public Hearing as 9.2.1 and 9.2.3.
That the Agenda for today's Meeting be amended, by general consent, by withdrawing from the Agenda, Item 11.4.1 Notice of Motion - Deeming Calgary 9-1-1 an Essential Service at the City of Calgary, PFC2019-1523.
That the Agenda for today's Meeting be amended, by general consent, by hearing Item 10.2, Social Procurement Update, PFC2019-0384 in conjunction with Item 10.1, Business Advisory Committee Opinion on Social Procurement, BAC2019-1524.
That the Agenda for today's Meeting be amended, by general consent, by bringing forward Item 9.1.1, Street Name in Rangeview (Ward 12), SN2019-0003, Report CPC2019-1068 to be dealt with in conjunction with Item 8.1.20, Road Closure and Land Use Amendment in Rangeview (Ward 12), at multiple addresses, LOC2018-0088, CPC2019-1236.