1. That Proposed Bylaw 16P2024 in Schedule “A” be amended by:
(a) Deleting Policies Creating Housing Options in Beltline and replacing with the following:
“(a) The Development Authority shall exclude the gross floor area for three- or more bedroom units from the gross floor area calculation at the time of Development Permit, up to a maximum of 10 per cent of the total units proposed.
(b) Any three- or more bedroom units proposed above the 10 per cent shall be included in the FAR calculation as part of the bylaw check.
(c) This FAR exclusion incentive shall not apply to any three- or more bedroom units:
(i) of a larger than typical floor area (other than townhouse three- or more bedroom units); or
(ii) penthouse-type units on the top two floors of a building."
(b) Deleting the second paragraph and both bullet points of Policy 5.2 Density Exclusion for Provision of Three- or More Bedroom Units and replacing with the following:
“As per the policies under Section 4.1.11 Creating Housing Options in Beltline, the Development Authority shall exclude the gross floor area for three- or more bedroom units from the gross FAR calculations at the time of Development Permit, up to a maximum of 10 per cent of the total units proposed.
- Any three- or more bedroom units proposed above the 10 per cent shall be included in the gross floor area calculation.”
2. That Bylaw 17P2024 (Attachment 3) 1.(a)-(d) be amended as follows:
(a) Add subsection 1126(3):
“(3) Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (1) to (2), where a development provides units with three or more bedrooms in the form of Assisted Living, Dwelling Units, Live Work Units or Multi-Residential Development, the Development Authority may exclude the three or more bedroom units from the gross floor area ratio calculation, up to a maximum of 10 per cent of the total units in the development.”
(b) Add subsection 1136(3):
“(3) Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (1) to (2), where a development provides units with three or more bedrooms in the form of Assisted Living, Dwelling Units, Live Work Units or Multi-Residential Development, the Development Authority may exclude the three or more bedroom units from the gross floor area ratio calculation, up to a maximum of 10 per cent of the total units in the development.”
(c) Add subsection 1166(4):
“(4) Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (1) to (3), where a development provides units with three or more bedrooms in the form of Assisted Living, Dwelling Units, Live Work Units or Multi-Residential Development, the Development Authority may exclude the three or more bedroom units from the gross floor area ratio calculation, up to a maximum of 10 per cent of the total units in the development.”
(d) Add subsection 1183(4):
“(4) Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (1) to (3), where a development provides units with three or more bedrooms in the form of Assisted Living, Dwelling Units, Live Work Units or Multi-Residential Development, the Development Authority may exclude the three or more bedroom units from the gross floor area ratio calculation, up to a maximum of 10 per cent of the total units in the development.”