That Proposed Bylaw 67P2024 be amended as follows:
- In Section 1.3 “Community Context”, subsection “History”, second paragraph after “passed through the” delete “future East Calgary International Avenue”;
- In Section 1.3 “Community Context”, subsection “History”, fifteenth paragraph before “has always attracted new Canadians” delete “East Calgary International Avenue area” and insert “The Plan Area”;
- In Section 1.3 “Community Context”, subsection “History”, seventeenth paragraph after “subsidized housing contributed to the” delete “East Calgary International Avenue”;
- In Section 1.3 “Community Context”, subsection “History”, eighteenth paragraph after “that figure ranged in the” delete “East Calgary International Avenue”;
- In Section 1.3 “Community Context”, subsection “Community Characteristics”, subsection “Topography”, delete “East Calgary International Avenue Communities are” and insert “Plan Area is”;
- In Section 1.3 “Community Context”, subsection “Community Characteristics”, subsection “Natural Features and Open Space”, second paragraph, delete “The East Calgary International Avenue Communities Plan” and insert “The Plan Area”;
- In Section 1.3 “Community Context”, subsection “Community Characteristics”, subsection “Landfill Setbacks”, after “the southeast corner of the Plan” insert “Area”;
- In Section 1.3 “Community Context”, subsection “Community Characteristics”, subsection “Climate Risk”, in the first sentence, before “East Calgary International Avenue Communities” insert “The”;
- In Section 2.1.1 “Future Growth Concept”, fifth paragraph, in the last sentence, after “each of the distinct geographic parts of the” delete “East Calgary International Avenue Communities”;
- In Section “17 Avenue SE (International Avenue) Sites” delete bullet “iii.” in its entirety and renumber the subsequent bullets accordingly;
- In Section 2.5.1 “17 Avenue SE Urban Main Street” delete the first sentence and replace with the following text:“The Municipal Development Plan identifies 17 Avenue SE, also known as International Avenue, as an Urban Main Street between Barlow Trail SE/26 Street SE and 61 Street SE.”;
- In Section 2.5.1 “17 Avenue SE Urban Main Street” delete existing Figure 10 entitled “17 Avenue SE Urban Main Street” and replace with revised Figure 10 entitled “17 Avenue SE Urban Main Street”, as distributed;
- In Section 2.5.1 “17 Avenue SE Urban Main Street”, subsection “Policy”, bullet “e.”, after the first sentence add the following: “Any two of these uses are not allowed in the same development.”;
- In Section 2.5.1 “17 Avenue SE Urban Main Street”, subsection “Policy”, delete bullet “j” and replace with the following:
"j. Development should create a well-defined street wall to support a human-scaled street environment on 17 Avenue SE. Design strategies may include, but are not limited to:
- building stepbacks at or below the sixth storey;
- the reduction of building mass at or above the sixth storey; and,
- building articulation using high-quality building materials, massing and projections; and
- external finishing materials for proposed commercial signage and developments should be compatible with the best examples of local development.";
- In Section 2.5.1 “17 Avenue SE Urban Main Street”, subsection “Policy”, bullet “n” after the first sentence add the following: “Windows should be free of cluster to maintain clear gazing.”;
- In Section 2.5.1 “17 Avenue SE Urban Main Street”, subsection “Policy”, delete bullet “o.” and replace with the following:
"o. Fencing along 17th Avenue SE is generally discouraged but may be permitted for screening or security purposes to a maximum of 1.8 meters tall and should not include the use of barbed wire, razor wire, or chain link. Acceptable materials include wrought iron, galvanized painted fencing, brick, stucco and wood.”;
- In Section 2.5.1 “17 Avenue SE Urban Main Street”, subsection “Policy”, bullet “aa.” and replace with the following:
"aa. Third-party advertising signs, digital third-party advertising signs and billboards shall not be located along the Urban Main Street.”;
- Following Section “61 Street SE & 70 Street SE Transit Station Areas” insert new Section as follows:
" Future Transit Station Areas
The following policies apply to future transit station areas within the Plan boundary:
- Should a new LRT or BRT transit station be provided, an amendment to this Plan should be made to address transit station area policies on the following:
- apply Core and Transition Zones within approximately 600 metres of the station;
- include transit supportive urban form categories and building scale;
- identify opportunities for a transit plaza and other open space amenities;
- support a high-quality public space and mobility connections; and
- prioritize multi-modal mobility connections with an emphasis on pedestrian and cycling connections to the surrounding communities.”
- In Section 3.2.5 “Vibrant and Diverse Culture, Arts and Business”, subsection “Educational Facility” after “Communities can also offer” and before “English as a second” insert “the”;
- In Section 3.2.5 “Vibrant and Diverse Culture, Arts and Business”, subsection “Educational Facility”, bullet “d.” delete “The educational facility should consist of the following:”, and insert “An educational facility is encouraged to consider the following:”;
- In Section 3.2.5 “Vibrant and Diverse Culture, Arts and Business”, subsection “Educational Facility”, bullet “d.i.”, delete “East Calgary International Avenue Communities” and insert “Plan Area”;
- In Section 4.2 “Local Area Plan Interpretation” subsection “Map Interpretation”, bullet “a.” after “unless specified in” delete “section (e)” and insert “sections (e), (f), and (g).”;
- In Appendix A “Investment Opportunities”, “Summary of Investment Opportunities” table, “Inclusive Parks, Open Space and Community Facilities” section, sixth row, after “the East Calgary International” and before “Communities.” insert “Avenue”;
- In Appendix C “Mobility” before the first paragraph insert the following as a new paragraph:
"The following maps highlight various aspects of the transportation network. Together, they represent a robust multi-modal transportation network that offers a variety of choices throughout the Plan Area.";
- In Appendix C “Mobility” after the last paragraph insert the following:
"Improvements to the mobility network will prioritize pedestrians and cyclists where possible, by providing accessible pathway and bikeway connections between the communities and to local and regional destinations. This includes supporting the Future Growth Concept with appropriate facilities in the public right-of-way. Improvements identified on Maps C1: Pedestrian Corridors and C2: Cycling Network will take time and will be phased as budget allows, subject to technical feasibility.
Map C3: Road and Street Network provides an overview of the street classifications throughout the Plan Area. The map is not intended to make any recommendations about the specific corridors.
Map C4: Goods Movement provides an overview based on the Calgary Goods Movement Strategy.
Map C5: Transit Network identifies existing and future major transit routes on the Primary Transit Network (PTN) only.
The mobility maps in Appendix C are intended to complement and inform the investment priorities identified in Section 3.2.2 Safe, Efficient and Well-Connected Mobility Options as well as future mobility improvements and investment.”;
- In Appendix D “Constraints”, subsection “Operating Landfill Setbacks”, delete the last sentence and replace with the following: “The regulated setbacks are subject to section 17 of the Matters Related to Subdivision and Development Regulation of the Municipal Government Act.”; and
- In Appendix E “Additional Historical Information” subsection “Albert Park/Raddison Heights” in the caption under the photo, in the last sentence delete “Radisson Heights property where Oughton School now stands.” and insert “Oughton School site property.”.
Council then dealt Item 10.1.