That with respect to revised Report GC2020-0583, the following be adopted, after amendment:
The Green Line Committee recommends that Council:
1. Reconsider its decision of 2017 June 26 as it relates to approving the alignment and station locations of Stage 1 (16 Avenue N (Crescent Heights) to 126 Avenue S (Shepard)) and approve the updated Stage 1 alignment and station locations outlined in the revised Attachment 3. (For clarity, this is a reconsideration only of the alignment and station locations in Stage 1);
2. Direct Administration to implement a stage-gate process for delivery of Green Line Stage 1 Program (“Stage 1”) in accordance with the following Segments as outlined in the revised Attachment 3:
a. Segment 1: 126 Avenue S.E. (Shepard) to East of the Elbow River (Inglewood/Ramsay);
b. Segment 2A: East of the Elbow River (Inglewood/Ramsay) to 2 Avenue S.W. Station (Eau Claire); and
c. Segment 2B: North of 2 Avenue S.W. Station (Eau Claire) to 16 Avenue N;
3. Reconsider its decision of 2019 July 29 by approving the substitution of the word ‘Segment’ for the word ‘Contract’ and the substitution of the words ‘East of the Elbow River (Inglewood/Ramsay)’ for the words ‘4th Street SE’ wherever they appear in the decision;
4. Direct Administration to undertake the Segment 2A Functional LRT Plan and report back to the Green Line Committee with the results of the Segment 2A Functional LRT Plan no later than the end of Q4 2020;
6. Direct Administration to undertake the Segment 2B Functional LRT Plan and to continue stakeholder engagement and communications in Segment 2B as required while completing the following plans:
• Mobility Studies Plan;
• Access Management Plan;
• Streetscape Plan; and
• Bow River Bridge Plan.
Direct Administration to report back to the Green Line Committee with the results of the above plans no later than the end of Q2 2021;
7. Direct Administration to release the RFP for Segment 1 no later than 2020 July 24, execute required contracts and proceed with Segment 1 provided the Segment 1 cost estimate, including contingency, is estimated at no less than P80 and is within the Council approved Green Line Program budget;
8. Direct Administration to develop a contracting strategy for Segments 2A and 2B;
9. Direct Administration to prepare and release the procurement for Segment 2A provided the Segment 2A cost estimate, including contingency, is estimated at no less than P80 and is within the Council approved Green Line Program budget, and execute required contracts for Segment 2A and proceed with construction of Segment 2A;
10. Direct Administration to prepare and release the procurement for Segment 2B but not enter into a commitment to construct Segment 2B until Administration has determined that the construction of Segment 2A has sufficiently advanced to materially demonstrate that the Stage 1 cost estimate, including contingency, is estimated at no less than P80 and is within the Council approved Green Line Program budget. Once Administration has determined this and reported to Council, execute required contracts for Segment 2B and proceed with the construction of Segment 2B;
11. Direct Administration to advance enabling works construction in Segment 2A and 2B that materially reduces Segment 2A and 2B risk or advances their critical path schedule. Enabling works include but are not limited to utility relocations, demolition of existing buildings, environmental remediation and construction preparation activities;
12. In accordance with Council’s direction on 2019 July 29 direct Administration to continue working with our funding partners to obtain agreement that any capital cost savings from the Green Line Stage 1 Program be applied to extension(s) south to McKenzie Towne or north to 40 Avenue N, the extension(s) to be determined utilizing the RouteAhead Project Prioritization Framework, and options to negotiate such extension(s) to be included in the contracts;
13. Direct that the primary focus of the Green Line Committee shift to planning for Stage 2 of the Green Line (the balance of 160 Avenue N to Seton) with an emphasis on North Central Calgary and the creation of a flexible and convertible mobility corridor in preparation for LRT that accommodates BRT and transit-on-demand as interim options until full funding for LRT can be secured, as well as the process of LRT and Transit- Oriented Development planning, with the goal of improving transit in North Central Calgary in the short and long term. Any updates to the Terms of Reference for the Green Line Committee as a result of this new focus shall be presented to the Committee no later than end of Q3 2020;
14. Direct Administration to develop a Functional Plan for a flexible and convertible mobility corridor in North Central Calgary from 160 Avenue to Downtown (including but not limited to improvements identified in Attachments 7a and 7b) and return with recommendations for which improvements can be accommodated within the Council approved Green Line Program budget. This Functional Plan shall:
a. Take into consideration the mode progression from express buses to a convertible BRT/LRT mobility corridor from 160 Avenue N to Downtown, including but not limited to the improvements identified in Attachment 7b from 160 Avenue N to 96 Avenue N; and
b. Identify potential funding sources and strategies required to construct improvements beyond the funding that is part of the Council approved Green Line Program budget.
Administration to report back to the Green Line Committee no later than the end of Q2 2021 with the functional plan and the delivery plan for the funded improvements;
15. Direct Administration to proceed with the real property transactions based on the updated Stage 1 alignment as outlined in the revised Attachment 3, including the North Central BRT Improvements, in accordance with the procedures as outlined in the previously approved Proposed Delegated Authority, Stage 1 Green Line Project [C2018- 0333];
16. Direct Administration to:
a. Advise the Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta of Council’s approval of the recommendations in this report;
b. Secure any required amendments to the funding agreement, such amendments to include but not be limited to the Government of Canada agreeing to expedite the release of its funding contributions to help mitigate debt financing costs; and
c. Secure written assurances from the Government of Alberta resolving the issues related to the 90-day termination provision contained in the Public Transit and Green Infrastructure Project Act (Alberta).
All amendments and written assurances are to be in content satisfactory to the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and in form satisfactory to the City Solicitor and General Counsel. Should all amendments and written assurances not be secured by the end of Q4 2020 direct Administration to report back to the Priorities and Finance Committee;
17. Notwithstanding the approvals above, and provided that the total Green Line Program Stage 1 cost does not exceed the Council approved Green Line Program budget, should significant additional funding for public transit become available, direct Administration to return to the Priorities and Finance Committee with recommendations for investments outlined in the Route Ahead prioritization strategy (including north and south extensions of the Green Line). Further, if adjustments to the Green Line Program are required to attract additional funding, direct Administration to make recommendations to Council regarding those adjustments and funding opportunities.