  • Mayor N. Nenshi
  • Councillor G-C. Carra (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor G. Chahal (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor S. Chu (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor D. Colley-Urquhart (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor J. Davison (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor P. Demong (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor J. Farkas
  • Councillor D. Farrell (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor J. Gondek
  • Councillor R. Jones (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor S. Keating (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor J. Magliocca
  • Councillor W. Sutherland
  • Councillor E. Woolley (Remote Participation)
  • City Manager D. Duckworth
  • City Auditor K. Palmer (Remote Participation)
  • City Solicitor and General Counsel J. Floen (Remote Participation)
  • A/General Manager C. Arthurs (Remote Participation)
  • A/General Manager K. Black (Remote Participation)
  • General Manager S. Dalgleish (Remote Participation)
  • A/General Manager D. Limacher (Remote Participation)
  • Chief Financial Officer C. Male (Partial Remote Participation)
  • A/General Manager D. Morgan (Partial Remote Participation)
  • General Manager M. Thompson
  • City Clerk L. Kennedy
  • Deputy City Clerk T. Mowrey
  • Legislative Coordinator M. A. Cario
  • Legislative Advisor J. Palaschuk

Mayor Nenshi called today's Meeting to order at 9:34 a.m.

Mayor Nenshi provided opening remarks, called for a moment of quiet contemplation and provided a traditional land acknowledgment.


Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Jones, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland and Councillor Woolley.

Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Gondek, and Councillor Sutherland congratulated the 2019 Calgary Awards recipients.

1. Councillor Demong

Topic: Explain annual Property Tax Bill differences between TIPP (monthly program) and regular taxpayers experience?

2. Councillor Chu

Topic: How are officers controlling coyotes and wildlife in the Nose Hill area?

3. Councillor Magliocca

Topic: With the potential of flooding, how would Administration make sand bags available during this time with COVID-19 restrictions?

Council postponed Items 7.4, Report GC2020-0583, and 11.4.1, Report GC2020-0616, to Tuesday, June 16 at 3:45 pm, by General Consent.

Council received correspondence for Item 7.4, Report GC2020-0583, as directed to the Clerk, by General Consent, for the Corporate Record.

  • Moved byCouncillor Davison
    Seconded byCouncillor Farkas

    That the Agenda for today's Meeting be amended by postponing Item 8.1.1, Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Patterson (Ward 6) at 1186 Prominence Way SW, LOC2019-0165, CPC2020-0320 to the 2020 July 27 Combined Meeting of Council.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Gondek

    That the Agenda for today's Meeting be amended, by adding 13.2 Notice of Motion Union Wage Contract Negotiations, C2020-0714, as an item of Urgent Business.

  • Moved byCouncillor Gondek
    Seconded byCouncillor Farkas

    That the Agenda for today’s meeting be amended, by adding a Procedural request, Item 7.1.2. Refer the Guidebook for Great Communities and North Hill Communities Local Area Plan back to Administration, to return through the Standing Policy Committee on Planning and Urban Development, 2020 July 15, C2020-0713.

  • Moved byCouncillor Carra
    Seconded byCouncillor Chahal

    That the Agenda for today's Meeting be amended, by adding 13.1 Notice of Motion - Calgary’s Commitment To Anti-Racism, C2020-0715, as an item of Urgent Business.

  • Moved byCouncillor Jones
    Seconded byCouncillor Farkas

    That the Agenda for today’s meeting be amended, by adding 13.3. Ward Office Budget Reductions (Verbal), Report C2020-0718, as an item of Urgent Business.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chahal
    Seconded byCouncillor Gondek

    That the Agenda for today’s meeting be amended, by adding 13.4. Severe Weather Event, C2020-0719, as an item of Urgent Business, to be heard as the first item of business after Confirmation of Agenda.

  • The Mayor noted the following revised items:

    7.4 Green Line Update Stage 1, revised attach 14;
    11.2.1 Ward Boundary Review, revised attach 4 & 5; and
    14.2.1 City-Owned Social Housing Operating Agreement, revised attach 1-3.

    Moved byCouncillor Jones
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That the Revised Agenda for the 2020 June 15 Combined Meeting of Council be confirmed, as amended.

  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Farkas

    That the Minutes of the 2020 May 25 Regular Meeting of the Combined Meeting of Council be confirmed.

  • Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Magliocca

    That the Consent Agenda be adopted, as follows:

A clerical correction was noted on page 2 of the Regional Transit Update Briefing, C2020-0574, on page 2 in the first bullet, by deleting the words "refinement of the existing feasibility study".

​This item was heard following the Motions Arising on Item 13.1, after Council reconvened from the afternoon break.

Council reconvened on June 16 at 4:27 p.m. with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair.


Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland and Councillor Woolley.

Absent from ROLL CALL: Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal and Councillor Jones. 

Councillor Carra and Councillor Chahal rejoined the Remote Meeting at 4:31 p.m. on 2020 June 16.

Councillor Jones rejoined the Remote Meeting at 4:56 p.m. on 2020 June 16.

The following items were electronically distributed with respect to Report GC2020-0583:

  • A letter from Chinatown BIA, dated 2020 June 12, Re: Green Line LRT Stage 1 Updated Alignment Chinatown Perspective;
  • A letter from Highland Park Community Association, dated 2020 June 05, Re: Support For The Green Line Stage One Plan;
  • A letter from Sandstone MacEwan Community Association (SMCA), dated 2020 June 13, Re: Green Line Stage 1;
  • A letter from Thorncliffe-Greenview Community Association, dated 2020 June 14, Re: Green Line Stage 1;
  • A letter from NAIOP, BOMA et al., dated 2020 June 10 Re: Letter of Support for Green Line Stage 1;
  • A document with Revised Administration Recommendations, dated June 15, 2020;
  • A Revised Attachment 3;
  • A Revised Attachment 7a; 
  • A Revised Attachment 7b; and
  • A Public Submission from Joey Stewart.

The following items were electronically distributed and displayed with respect to Report GC2020-0583:

  • Presentation entitled "Green Line Update Stage 1 GC2020-0583", dated 2020, June 16.

Pursuant to Section 6(1) of the Procedure Bylaw, 35M2017, and by General Consent, Council suspended Section 78(1)(c) in order to complete this item prior to the dinner recess.

By General Consent, Council directed that the Agenda for the 2020 June 15 Combined Meeting of Council be amended by adding an Item of Urgent Business: Item 15.2. Response to Administration Inquiry from 2020 May 11 - Green Line Program, AI2020-0004.

  • Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Magliocca

    That with respect to Report GC2020-0583, the following be adopted:

    That Council refer this matter to Administration, directing the Returning Officer to return to Council by Q4 2020 with the proposed wording of a question (or questions) and related vote explanations (for or against) related to authorizing the funding and project completion for the Green Line, to be put to Calgary electors during the 2021 General Election.


    For: (2)Councillor Farkas, and Councillor Magliocca
    Against: (13)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Jones, Councillor Keating, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Woolley
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved byCouncillor Keating
    Seconded byCouncillor Carra

    That with respect to revised Report GC2020-0583, the following be adopted, after amendment:

    The Green Line Committee recommends that Council:

    1. Reconsider its decision of 2017 June 26 as it relates to approving the alignment and station locations of Stage 1 (16 Avenue N (Crescent Heights) to 126 Avenue S (Shepard)) and approve the updated Stage 1 alignment and station locations outlined in the revised Attachment 3. (For clarity, this is a reconsideration only of the alignment and station locations in Stage 1);

    2. Direct Administration to implement a stage-gate process for delivery of Green Line Stage 1 Program (“Stage 1”) in accordance with the following Segments as outlined in the revised Attachment 3:

    a. Segment 1: 126 Avenue S.E. (Shepard) to East of the Elbow River (Inglewood/Ramsay);
    b. Segment 2A: East of the Elbow River (Inglewood/Ramsay) to 2 Avenue S.W. Station (Eau Claire); and
    c. Segment 2B: North of 2 Avenue S.W. Station (Eau Claire) to 16 Avenue N;

    3. Reconsider its decision of 2019 July 29 by approving the substitution of the word ‘Segment’ for the word ‘Contract’ and the substitution of the words ‘East of the Elbow River (Inglewood/Ramsay)’ for the words ‘4th Street SE’ wherever they appear in the decision;

    4. Direct Administration to undertake the Segment 2A Functional LRT Plan and report back to the Green Line Committee with the results of the Segment 2A Functional LRT Plan no later than the end of Q4 2020;

    6. Direct Administration to undertake the Segment 2B Functional LRT Plan and to continue stakeholder engagement and communications in Segment 2B as required while completing the following plans:
    • Mobility Studies Plan;
    • Access Management Plan;
    • Streetscape Plan; and
    • Bow River Bridge Plan.

    Direct Administration to report back to the Green Line Committee with the results of the above plans no later than the end of Q2 2021;

    7. Direct Administration to release the RFP for Segment 1 no later than 2020 July 24, execute required contracts and proceed with Segment 1 provided the Segment 1 cost estimate, including contingency, is estimated at no less than P80 and is within the Council approved Green Line Program budget;

    8. Direct Administration to develop a contracting strategy for Segments 2A and 2B;

    9. Direct Administration to prepare and release the procurement for Segment 2A provided the Segment 2A cost estimate, including contingency, is estimated at no less than P80 and is within the Council approved Green Line Program budget, and execute required contracts for Segment 2A and proceed with construction of Segment 2A;

    10. Direct Administration to prepare and release the procurement for Segment 2B but not enter into a commitment to construct Segment 2B until Administration has determined that the construction of Segment 2A has sufficiently advanced to materially demonstrate that the Stage 1 cost estimate, including contingency, is estimated at no less than P80 and is within the Council approved Green Line Program budget. Once Administration has determined this and reported to Council, execute required contracts for Segment 2B and proceed with the construction of Segment 2B;

    11. Direct Administration to advance enabling works construction in Segment 2A and 2B that materially reduces Segment 2A and 2B risk or advances their critical path schedule. Enabling works include but are not limited to utility relocations, demolition of existing buildings, environmental remediation and construction preparation activities;

    12. In accordance with Council’s direction on 2019 July 29 direct Administration to continue working with our funding partners to obtain agreement that any capital cost savings from the Green Line Stage 1 Program be applied to extension(s) south to McKenzie Towne or north to 40 Avenue N, the extension(s) to be determined utilizing the RouteAhead Project Prioritization Framework, and options to negotiate such extension(s) to be included in the contracts;

    13. Direct that the primary focus of the Green Line Committee shift to planning for Stage 2 of the Green Line (the balance of 160 Avenue N to Seton) with an emphasis on North Central Calgary and the creation of a flexible and convertible mobility corridor in preparation for LRT that accommodates BRT and transit-on-demand as interim options until full funding for LRT can be secured, as well as the process of LRT and Transit- Oriented Development planning, with the goal of improving transit in North Central Calgary in the short and long term. Any updates to the Terms of Reference for the Green Line Committee as a result of this new focus shall be presented to the Committee no later than end of Q3 2020;

    14. Direct Administration to develop a Functional Plan for a flexible and convertible mobility corridor in North Central Calgary from 160 Avenue to Downtown (including but not limited to improvements identified in Attachments 7a and 7b) and return with recommendations for which improvements can be accommodated within the Council approved Green Line Program budget. This Functional Plan shall:

    a. Take into consideration the mode progression from express buses to a convertible BRT/LRT mobility corridor from 160 Avenue N to Downtown, including but not limited to the improvements identified in Attachment 7b from 160 Avenue N to 96 Avenue N; and
    b. Identify potential funding sources and strategies required to construct improvements beyond the funding that is part of the Council approved Green Line Program budget.

    Administration to report back to the Green Line Committee no later than the end of Q2 2021 with the functional plan and the delivery plan for the funded improvements;

    15. Direct Administration to proceed with the real property transactions based on the updated Stage 1 alignment as outlined in the revised Attachment 3, including the North Central BRT Improvements, in accordance with the procedures as outlined in the previously approved Proposed Delegated Authority, Stage 1 Green Line Project [C2018- 0333];

    16. Direct Administration to:
    a. Advise the Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta of Council’s approval of the recommendations in this report;
    b. Secure any required amendments to the funding agreement, such amendments to include but not be limited to the Government of Canada agreeing to expedite the release of its funding contributions to help mitigate debt financing costs; and
    c. Secure written assurances from the Government of Alberta resolving the issues related to the 90-day termination provision contained in the Public Transit and Green Infrastructure Project Act (Alberta).

    All amendments and written assurances are to be in content satisfactory to the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and in form satisfactory to the City Solicitor and General Counsel. Should all amendments and written assurances not be secured by the end of Q4 2020 direct Administration to report back to the Priorities and Finance Committee;

    17. Notwithstanding the approvals above, and provided that the total Green Line Program Stage 1 cost does not exceed the Council approved Green Line Program budget, should significant additional funding for public transit become available, direct Administration to return to the Priorities and Finance Committee with recommendations for investments outlined in the Route Ahead prioritization strategy (including north and south extensions of the Green Line). Further, if adjustments to the Green Line Program are required to attract additional funding, direct Administration to make recommendations to Council regarding those adjustments and funding opportunities.


    For: (14)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Jones, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Woolley
    Against: (1)Councillor Farkas
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved byCouncillor Keating
    Seconded byCouncillor Carra

    5. Direct Administration to include a cost-benefit comparison (based on the Council approved evaluation criteria themes: Mobility, Connectivity, Development, Environmental, Cost and Value, Risk and Constructability) for the 10 and 12 Avenue S and 11 Avenue S alignments in the report required in Recommendation 4 above, if the risk adjusted cost estimate for the 10 and 12 Avenue S alignment becomes less than or equal to the risk adjusted cost estimate for the 11 Avenue S alignment;

    Against: Mayor Nenshi

  • Moved byCouncillor Farrell
    Seconded byCouncillor Chu

    Motion Arising:


    That with respect to Report GC2020-0583, the following Motion Arising be adopted:

    That Council directs Administration, in association with Green Line planning, Tomorrow’s Chinatown local area planning, and the Main Streets program, to develop a streetscape masterplan for Centre St S (Centre Street Bridge to 4 Av S) to improve public realm, improve pedestrian safety, and integrate with future BRT infrastructure, with a funding strategy identified outside of the Green Line program.


    Council recessed at 7:14 p.m. on 2020 June 16. Council reconvened at 8:04 p.m. to consider Item 11.4.1.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chu
    Seconded byCouncillor Sutherland

    That with respect to Report PFC2020-0561, the following be adopted, after amendment:

    That Council:

    1. Approve the City of Calgary Investment & Governance Policy (Attachment 1); and
    2. Rescind Policy CF0001 – The City of Calgary Investment Governance Policy and CF00007 – Investment Policy

This item was dealt with during Closed Meeting on 2020 June 16.

Administration in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Report PFC2020-0665:

Clerks: L. Kennedy and G. Chaudhary. City Manager: D. Duckworth. Law: J. Floen. Observer: K. Black, C. Male, and D. Morgan.
  • Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Gondek

    That with respect to Report PFC2020-0665, the following be adopted, as amended:

    1. Reconsider its motion of 2020 March 16, C2020-0378 which created a Selection Committee for the Integrity Commissioner comprised of Members of Council;

    2. Approve the Terms of Reference for the Citizen-Led Selection Committee for the Integrity Commissioner outlined in Attachment 1 contained in report PFC2020-0665;

    3. Appoint the following public members to the Citizen-Led Selection Committee for the Integrity Commissioner:

    • Richard Pootmans
    • Denise Bodnaryk
    • David Holub

    4. Direct that Attachment 2 of PFC2020-0665 remain confidential pursuant to Sections 17 (Disclosure harmful to personal privacy) and 19 (Confidential evaluations) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and not be released.



A presentation entitled "LOC2020-0018 Land Use Amendment R-C2 to R-CG" was electronically distributed and displayed with respect to Report CPC2020-0451.

A document entitled “1139-21 Ave NW-Rezoning Proposal in Capital Hill (No Development Permit)” was distributed.

The Public Hearing was called and Jennifer Dobbin addressed Council with respect to Bylaw 67D2020.

  • Moved byCouncillor Farrell
    Seconded byCouncillor Farkas

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0451, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.06 hectares ± (0.14 acres ±) located at 1139 – 21 Avenue NW (Plan 3150P, Block 22, Lots 21 and 22) from Residential – Contextual One / Two Dwelling (R-C2) District to Residential – Grade-Oriented Infill (R-CG) District; and
    2. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 67D2020.
  • That Bylaw 67D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 67D2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 67D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 67D2020 be read a third time.


The following presentations were electronically distributed and displayed with respect to Report CPC2020-0488:

  • A presentation entitled "LOC2019-0170 Land Use Amendment DC (M-X2) to DC (M-C2), DC (C-N2)"; and
  • A presentation entitled "Shawnee Slopes LU Amendment" from Graywood Developments.

The Public Hearing was called and the following people addressed Council with respect to Bylaws 72D2020 and 73D2020:

1. Bela Syal, Graywood Developments

2. Patrick Briscoe, Graywood Developments

3. Bruce McKenzie, NORR Architects

4. Russell Whitehead, Colliers International

Pursuant to Section 6(1) of the Procedure Bylaw, 35M2017, and by General Consent, Council suspended Section 78(1)(a) in order to complete questions for the Applicant prior to breaking for lunch.

Council recessed on Monday, 2020 June 15 at 12:20 p.m. and reconvened at 1:40 p.m. with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair.


Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Jones, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, and Councillor Sutherland

Absent from ROLL CALL (Councillor Woolley).

Mayor Nenshi left the Chair at 1:42 p.m. and Deputy Mayor Keating remotely assumed the Chair 1:42 p.m. on 2020 June 15.

5. Irene Breland, Shawnee Evergreen Community Association

6. Yuri Kytsenko, Shawnee Evergreen Community Association

7. Linda Barnes, Shawnee Evergreen Community Association

Mayor Nenshi resumed the Chair at 2:02 p.m. on 2020 June 15 and Councillor Keating returned to his regular seat in Council (remotely).

8. Norm Rousseau, Shawnee Evergreen Community Association

9. David Jacobs

10. Lynn Jobe, Shawnee Evergreen Community Association

11. Joe Tanney

  • Moved byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart
    Seconded byCouncillor Sutherland

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0488, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 2.01 hectares ± (4.96 acres ±) located at 88 Shawnee Street SW (Portion of Plan 1611940, Block 21, Lot 1) from DC Direct Control District to DC Direct Control District to accommodate multi-residential development;

    2. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 72D2020.

    3. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.81 hectares ± (2.00 acres ±) located at 88 Shawnee Street SW (Portion of Plan 1611940, Block 21, Lot 1) from DC Direct Control District to DC Direct Control District to accommodate neighbourhood commercial development; and

    4. Give first reading to Proposed Bylaw 73D2020.

    5. Amend Proposed Bylaw 73D2020 by deleting Sections 5, 6 and 7 of the DC Direct Control District and replace with the following:

    Permitted Uses

    5 The permitted uses of the Commercial - Neighbourhood 1 (C-N1) District of Bylaw 1P2007 are the permitted uses in Direct Control District;

    Discretionary Uses

    6 The discretionary uses  of the Commercial - Neighbourhood 1 (C-N1) District of Bylaw 1P2007 are the discretionary uses  in Direct Control District.; and

    Bylaw 1P2007 District Rules

    7 Unless otherwise specified, the rules of the Commercial - Neighbourhood 1 (C-N1) District of Bylaw 1P2007 apply in this Direct Control District; and

    6. Give second and third readings to Proposed Bylaw 73D2020, as amended.

  • That Bylaw 72D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 72D2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 72D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 72D2020 be read a third time.

  • That Bylaw 73D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart
    Seconded byCouncillor Sutherland

    That Bylaw 73D2020 be amended as follows:

    5. Delete Sections 5, 6 and 7 of the DC Direct Control District and replace with the following:

    Permitted Uses

    5 The permitted uses of the Commercial – Neighbourhood 1 (C-N1) District of Bylaw 1P2007 are the permitted uses in Direct Control District;

    Discretionary Uses

    6 The discretionary uses of the Commercial – Neighbourhood 1 (C-N1) District of Bylaw 1P2007 are the discretionary uses in Direct Control District.; and

    Bylaw 1P2007 District Rules

    7 Unless otherwise specified, the rules of the Commercial – Neighbourhood 1 (C-N1) District of Bylaw 1P2007 apply in this Direct Control District

  • That Bylaw 73D2020 be read a second time, as amended.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 73D2020 a third time, as amended.

  • That Bylaw 73D2020 be read a third time, as amended.


​A presentation entitled "LOC2019-0187 Land Use Amendment I-G to I-B" was electronically distributed and displayed with respect to Report CPC2020-0461.

The Public Hearing was called and no one addressed Council with respect to Bylaw 71D2020.

  • Moved byCouncillor Carra
    Seconded byCouncillor Magliocca

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0461, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.83 hectares ± (2.0 acres ±) located at 5711 – 1 Street SE (Plan 2853GN, Block 3, Lot 2) from Industrial – General (I-G) District to Industrial – Business (I-B f2.0h27) District; and
    2. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 71D2020.
  • That Bylaw 71D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 71D2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 71D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 71D2020 be read a third time.


A presentation entitled "LOC2020-0021 Land Use Amendment" was electronically distributed and displayed with respect to Report CPC2020-0422.

A clerical correction was noted in the Cover Report by deleting all instances of the words "Ward 8" and by substituting with the words "Ward 11".

The Public Hearing was called and Anna Daklala addressed Council with respect to Bylaw 76D2020.

  • Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Woolley

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0422, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.22 hectares ± (0.54 acres ±) located at 2110 – 54 Avenue SW (Plan 1810096, Block 20, Lot 45) from Multi-Residential – Medium Support Commercial (M-X2f2.0d175) District to DC Direct Control District to accommodate a mixed-use development with an additional discretionary use of medical clinic, with guidelines (Amended Attachment 2); and
    2. Give three reading to Proposed Bylaw 76D2020.
  • That Bylaw 76D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 76D2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 76D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 76D2020 be read a third time.


A presentation entitled "LOC2020-0023 Policy & Land Use Amendment" was electronically distributed and displayed with respect to Report CPC2020-0456.

The Public Hearing was called and the following people addressed Council with respect to Bylaws 27D2020 and 74D2020:

1. Darlene Paranaque, Civic Works

2. David White, Civic Works

Pursuant to Section 6(1) of the Procedure Bylaw, 35M2017, and by General Consent, Council suspended Section 78(1)(b) in order to complete this item prior to the afternoon recess.

3. Joan Bloxom

4. Dr. Michael Hofer

Letters from Dr. Michael Hofer, dated 2020 June 7, 8, and 9, were electronically distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-0456.

Councillor Farrell rose on a Point of Order.

Mayor Nenshi ruled on the Point of Order.

  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Magliocca

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0456, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed amendment to the Bankview Area Redevelopment Plan (Attachment 1); and
    2. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 27P2020.
    3. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.18 hectares ± (0.44 acres ±) located at 2318 15 Street SW (Plan 3936L, Block 2, Portion of Lot 12 and Lots 13 to 17) from Multi-Residential – Contextual Grade-Oriented (M-CGd111) District to Multi-Residential – Contextual Medium Profile (M-C2) District; and
    4. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 74D2020.

    Against: Councillor Farkas and Mayor Nenshi

  • That Bylaw 27P2020 be introduced and read a first time.

    Against: Councillor Farkas and Mayor Nenshi

  • That Bylaw 27P2020 be read a second time.

    Against: Councillor Farkas and Mayor Nenshi

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 27P2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 27P2020 be read a third time.

    Against: Councillor Farkas and Mayor Nenshi

  • That Bylaw 74D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

    Against: Councillor Farkas and Mayor Nenshi

  • That Bylaw 74D2020 be read a second time.

    Against: Councillor Farkas and Mayor Nenshi

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 74D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 74D2020 be read a third time.

    Against: Councillor Farkas and Mayor Nenshi


    Council recessed at 3:32 p.m. on 2020 June 15.

Council reconvened on at 4:08 p.m. on 2020 June 15 with Deputy Mayor Keating in the Chair.


Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Jones, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland and Councillor Woolley.

Absent from ROLL CALL (Mayor Nenshi).

Mayor Nenshi resumed the Chair at 4:13 p.m. on June 15 and Councillor Keating returned to his regular seat in Council (remotely).

The following items were electronically distributed and displayed with respect to Report CPC2020-0411:

  • A presentation entitled "LOC2016-0232 Land Use Amendment & Road Closure", dated 2020, June 15; and
  • A presentation entitled "East Village Courtyard LOC2016-0232", dated 2020, June 15.

The Public Hearing was called and the following people addressed Council with respect to Bylaws 6C2020 and 70D2020:

1. Chito Pabustan, East Village Courtyard

2. Taylor Stollbert, East Village Courtyard

3. Rob Proud, East Village Courtyard

Pursuant to Sections 88 and 90 (2) of Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, and by General Consent, Council reopened the Public Hearing for Bylaws 6C2020 and 70D2020 in order to hear from more speakers.

4. Alistair McLean, Hostelling International Canada

5. Chris Bell, Hostelling International Canada

6. Haider Ali

  • Moved byCouncillor Farrell
    Seconded byCouncillor Carra

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0411, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed closure of 0.063 hectares ± (0.156 acres ±) of road (Plan 1611617, Area ‘A’) adjacent to 520, 526, 528, 532, 534, 538 - 7 Avenue SE and 555 - 6 Avenue SE, with conditions (Attachment 1);
    2. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 6C2020;
    3. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.82 hectares ± (2.02 acres ±) located at 520, 526, 528, 532, 534, 538 - 7 Avenue SE, 555 - 6 Avenue SE and the closed road (Plan 1510969, Block 38, Lot 41; Plan A, Block 38, Lots 7 to 29; Plan 1611617, Area ‘A’) from Centre City East Village Integrated Residential District (CC-EIR), Centre City East Village Primarily Residential District (CC-EPR) to DC Direct Control District to accommodate mixed use commercial and residential development with guidelines (Attachment 2); and
    4. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 70D2020.
  • That Bylaw 6C2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 6C2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 6C2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 6C2020 be read a third time.

  • That Bylaw 70D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 70D2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 70D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 70D2020 be read a third time.


A presentation entitled "LOC2020-0017 Policy and Land Use Amendment R-C1 to R-C2" was electronically distributed and displayed with respect to Report CPC2020-0437.

The Public Hearing was called and Sam Edney addressed Council with respect to Bylaws 25P2020 and 68D2020.

  • Moved byCouncillor Farrell
    Seconded byCouncillor Sutherland

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0437, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed amendments to the Montgomery Area Redevelopment Plan (Attachment 1); and
    2. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 25P2020.
    3. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.06 hectares ± (0.14 acres ±) located at 5028 - 20 Avenue NW (Plan 4994GI, Block 37, Lot 7) from the Residential – Contextual One Dwelling (R-C1) District to Residential – Contextual One / Two Dwelling (R-C2) District; and
    4. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 68D2020.
  • That Bylaw 25P2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 25P2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 25P2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 25P2020 be read a third time.

  • That Bylaw 68D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 68D2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 68D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 68D2020 be read a third time.


The following items were electronically distributed and displayed with respect to Report CPC2020-0489:

  • A presentation entitled "LOC2019-0101 Land Use Amendment", dated 2020 June 15; and
  • A presentation entitled "Greenwich Romeo and Juliet Site".

The following items were electronically distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-0489:

  • A letter from Jeanne Limacher, dated 2020 June 12;
  • A letter from Alan Easton, dated 2020 June 6;
  • Three letters from Kevin Doyle, dated 2020 June 10 and 11; and
  • An email thread from Chris Luzi and Boris Karn, dated 2020, June 9.

The Public Hearing was called and the following people addressed Council with respect to Bylaws 26P2020 and 77D2020:

1. David White, CivicWorks

2. Boris Karn, CivicWorks

3. Graeme Melton, Melcor

4. Chris Luzi

  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Magliocca

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0489, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed amendments to the Bowness Area Redevelopment Plan (Attachment 1);
    2. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 26P2020;
    3. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 1.04 hectares ± (2.58 acres ±) located at 222 Greenbriar Place NW (Plan 8211023, Block 8, Lot 7) from Multi-Residential – Contextual Medium Profile (M-C2f2.5d42) District to DC Direct Control District to accommodate a multi-residential development, with guidelines (Attachment 2); and
    4. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 77D2020.

    Against: Councillor Farkas and Mayor Nenshi

  • That Bylaw 26P2020 be introduced and read a first time.

    Against: Councillor Farkas and Mayor Nenshi

  • That Bylaw 26P2020 be read a second time.

    Against: Councillor Farkas and Mayor Nenshi

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 26P2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 26P2020 be read a third time.

    Against: Councillor Farkas and Mayor Nenshi

  • That Bylaw 77D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

    Against: Councillor Farkas and Mayor Nenshi

  • That Bylaw 77D2020 be read a second time.

    Against: Councillor Farkas and Mayor Nenshi

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 77D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 77D2020 be read a third time.

    Against: Councillor Farkas and Mayor Nenshi


A presentation entitled "LOC2019-0092 Land Use Amendment R-C2 to M-CGd75" was electronically distributed and displayed with respect to Report CPC2020-0472.

The Public Hearing was called and Kevin Ngo, K5designs, addressed Council with respect to Bylaw 75D2020.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chu
    Seconded byCouncillor Magliocca

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0472, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.06 hectares ± (0.14 acres ±) located at 204 - 40 Avenue NW (Plan 5422GK, Block 3, Lot 11) from Residential – Contextual One / Two Dwelling (R-C2) District to Multi-Residential – Contextual Grade-Oriented (M‑CGd75) District; and
    2. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 75D2020.
  • That Bylaw 75D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 75D2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 75D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 75D2020 be read a third time.


A presentation entitled "LOC2020-0039 Land Use Amendment I-G to I-C", dated 2020 June 15 was electronically distributed and displayed with respect to Report CPC2020-0466.

The Public Hearing was called and no one addressed Council with respect to Bylaw 69D2020.

  • Moved byCouncillor Gondek
    Seconded byCouncillor Chahal

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0466, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.15 hectares ± (0.37 acres ±) located at 11105 - 11 Street NE (Plan 1911083, Block 4, portion of Lot 11) from Industrial – General (I-G) District to Industrial – Commercial (I-C) District; and
    2. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 69D2020.
  • That Bylaw 69D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 69D2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 69D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 69D2020 be read a third time.


Pursuant to Section 6(1) of Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, as amended, Section 78​(1)(c), be suspended by General Consent, to allow Council to complete Items 9.2.2 and 9.3.1 before the dinner recess.

A presentation entitled "COVID-19 Relief Package to Support Patios on Private Property", dated 2020, June 15 was electronically distributed and displayed with respect to Report C2020-0650.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Gondek

    That with respect to Report C2020-0650, the following be adopted:

    That Council approve the temporary amendment identified in Attachment 1 to the 2020 Planning Applications Fee Schedule to change the Outdoor Café Development Permit to $0 N/A GST, to take effect 2020 May 01 up to and including 2020 October 31.

​A presentation entitled "Off-site levy payment relief in response to COVID-19 pandemic", dated 2020, June 15 was electronically distributed and displayed with respect to Report C2020-0647.

  • Moved byCouncillor Gondek
    Seconded byCouncillor Woolley

    That with respect to Report C2020-0647, the following be adopted:

    That Council direct Administration to develop an off-site levy payment relief program as outlined in option 2 in Attachment 3, and report back to Council no later than 2020 July.

    Against: Councillor Farrell

  • Moved byCouncillor Carra
    Seconded byCouncillor Jones

    That with respect to Report C2020-0674, the following be adopted:

    That Council give second and third readings to Bylaw 13P2020.

  • That Bylaw 13P2020 be read a second time.

  • That Bylaw 13P2020 be read a third time.


    Council recessed at 6:30 p.m., June 15.

    Council reconvened at 7:19 p.m. to consider Item 13.1.

The following Consent Agenda items were selected for debate:

  • Item 7.4. Green Line Update Stage 1, GC2020-0583
  • Item 7.6. City of Calgary Investment & Governance Policy, PFC2020-0561

This Item was dealt with following Item 11.2.2.

A revised attachment 2, attachment 3, revised Ward 8 map, and revised Ward 11 map were electronically distributed with respect to Report C2020-0638.

  • Moved byCouncillor Magliocca
    Seconded byCouncillor Sutherland

    That with respect to Report C2020-0638, the following be approved:

    That the Returning Officer bring forward a bylaw to adopt the recommended ward boundaries (Revised Attachment 2) at the July 20, 2020 Combined Council meeting to take effect for the 2021 October 18 General Election.

    Against: Councillor Farkas.



Council reconvened on Tuesday, 2020 June 16 at 1:04 p.m. with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair.

The Mayor recognized the tremendous service Roy Little Chief has made to the community and asked for a minute of silence for his passing.


Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Jones, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland and Councillor Woolley.

​The following documents were electronically distributed and displayed with respect to Report C2020-0474:

  • A presentation entitled "Advisory Committee on Accessibility (ACA) BCC Report to Council", dated 2020 June 16;
  • A presentation entitled "Assessment Review Board (ARB) Update", dated 2020 June 16;
  • A presentation entitled "The Calgary Parking Authority", dated 2020 June 16;
  • A presentation entitled "Calgary Planning Commission", dated 2020 June 16; 
  • A presentation entitled "Social Wellbeing Committee", dated 2020 June 16;
  • A presentation entitled "Subdivision & Development Appeal Board SDAB Overview"; and
  • A presentation entitled "Urban Design Review Panel Report to COuncil", dated 2020 June 16.

A document entitled "Attachment 9-B Significant Development Applications presented to CPC in 2019" was electronically distributed with respect to Report C2020-0474.

The following people addressed Council with respect to Report C2020-0474:

  1. Advisory Committee on Accessibility: Chair Lauri Brunner
  2. Calgary Police Commission: Chair Bonita Croft
  3. Assessment Review Board: Chair John Mathias
  4. Calgary Parking Authority: Chair John Pantazopoulos
  5. Calgary Planning Commission: Vice-Chair Ryan Vanderputten
  6. Calgary Planning Commission: Commissioner Lourdes Juan
  7. Social Wellbeing Advisory Committee: Chair Jason Kingsley
  8. Subdivision and Development Appeal Board: Chair Bill Chomik
  9. Urban Design Review Panel: Chair Chad Russill
  • Moved byCouncillor Jones
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That with respect to Report C2020-0474, the following be adopted:

    That Council receive this report for the Corporate Record.


A presentation entitled "C2020-0632 Spring 2020 Research Results Council Presentation", dated 2020 June 15 was electronically displayed and distributed with respect to Report C2020-0632.

  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Jones

    That with respect to Report C2020-0632, the following be adopted:

    That Council receive this report and presentation for the Corporate record and Council discussion.


    Council recessed at 9:57 p.m. on Monday, June 15, to reconvene Tuesday, June 16 to deal with Item 11.2.2 as the first Item of Business.

This Item was dealt with following Item 7.4, after Council reconvened from its dinner break. 

Council reconvened on at 8:04 p.m. on 2020 June 16 with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair.


Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland and Councillor Woolley.

Absent from ROLL CALL (Councillor Jones).

  • Moved byCouncillor Keating
    Seconded byCouncillor Carra

    That with respect to Report GC2020-0616, the following be adopted, after amendment:

    That Council:

    1. Approve an increase in Capital Budget ID 869-00 of $4,739.9 million for the Green Line Stage 1 Program, as shown in Attachment 4, including all related capital and financing costs, as listed in Attachment 4, to be funded by:
      1. $1,530.0 million in federal funding for Green Line;
      2. $1,530.0 million in provincial funding for Green Line;
      3. $1,679.9 million in municipal funding consisting of:
        1. $52.0 million per annum for 20 years (2025-2044) from the 2013 tax room;
        2. $23.7 million per annum for 27 years (2018-2044) for from the 2017 tax room.
    2. Give first reading to Bylaw 5B2020, being a bylaw of The City authorizing The City to incur indebtedness for financing of capital costs associated with the Green Line Stage 1 program;
    3. Direct Administration to advertise Bylaw 5B2020 and return to Council for second and third reading following the advertising period.
    4. Direct that Attachment 2 of Report GC2020-0616 remain confidential pursuant to Sections 23 (Local public body confidences), 24 (Advice from officials), and 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, to be reviewed by 2027 December 31.

    Against: Councillor Farkas

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • That Bylaw 5B2020 be introduced and read a first time.

    Against: Councillor Farkas

  • Moved byCouncillor Chahal
    Seconded byCouncillor Carra

    That with respect to Notice of Motion PFC2020-0657, the following be adopted:

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT by this resolution of Council, The City of Calgary apply to The Province of Alberta including the Minister of Municipal Affairs for an amendment to the AVPA regulation to allow for a School Use at 4353 54 Ave NE

  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That with respect to Notice of Motion PFC2020-0666, the following be adopted:

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT COUNCIL endorse proposal of the following resolution to the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association, and by doing so reaffirm its support for the development of Province-wide Extended Producer Responsibility Legislation:

    WHEREAS Alberta faces unprecedented short and medium term economic challenges caused mainly by blocked access for oil to markets, the volatility of markets for fossil fuels, and the current COVID-19 threat;

    AND WHEREAS without the ability possessed by other levels of government to repay borrowed funds over a long period of time, municipalities face a unique challenge when attempting to provide tax/rate relief without sacrificing services that might prevent further economic hardship, or contribute to economic recovery;

    AND WHEREAS moving forward, fiscal restraint and tax relief will be critical as other levels of government contend with the debt they have incurred to deal with the COVID-19 threat;

    AND WHEREAS extended producer responsibility (EPR) is a policy approach that places the financial and/or physical responsibility for end of life management of products with the companies that produce those products, and would remove the financial burden for recycling programs from ratepayers and/or taxpayers;

    AND WHEREAS under EPR municipalities realize extensive savings due to reduced responsibility for managing paper and packaging products at end of life;

    AND WHEREAS a recent study conducted by the AUMA, the City of Calgary, the City of Edmonton, and industry partners has estimated adoption of Province-wide EPR legislation would result in $105 million in savings to municipalities annually;

    AND WHEREAS these savings would be realized in a way that does not pose a risk to the quality or level of waste management services provided to Albertans, and in some circumstances would perhaps even increase it;

    AND WHEREAS thirty-five Albertan municipalities (including Calgary and Edmonton)—representing the vast majority of Albertans—have individually expressed their support for moving forward with Provincial EPR legislation by way of motion, letter of support, etc.;

    AND WHEREAS the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association and the Rural Municipalities Association have both endorsed official resolutions calling on the Provincial Government to enact EPR Packaging and Paper Recycling legislation.

    IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT should the Government of Alberta adopt EPR legislation, every member municipality shall do everything in its power to pass any and all savings directly back to taxpaying and/or ratepaying Albertans.


Council agreed, by General Consent, to deal with this Item as the first Item following the dinner break.

This Item was dealt with following Item 9.3.1, after Council's dinner break. 

Council reconvened at 7:19 p.m. on 2020 June 15 with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair.


Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland and Councillor Woolley and Mayor Nenshi.

​A Notice of Motion entitled "Calgary's Commitment to Anti-Racism" was electronically distributed and displayed with respect to Report C2020-0715.

Councillor Woolley rose on a Point of Order regarding the materials of the Motion Arising. 

The Chair ruled on the Point of Order. 

Councillor Gondek rose on a Question of Privilege regarding the timing of the Motion Arising.

Councillor Colley-Urquhart asked the Chair a question of procedure regarding Motions Arising. 

Councillor Gondek rose on a Question of Privilege regarding the contents of the Motion Arising.

The following documents were electronically distributed with respect to the Motion Arising:

  • A proposal entitled "Black Lives Matter Mural Initiative", dated 2020 June 15;
  • A letter from Antyx Community Arts;
  • A letter from BUMP, dated 2020 June 12;
  • A letter from the Canadian Cultural Mosaic Foundation, dated 2020 June 15;
  • A letter from Katherine Ylitalo, dated 2020 June 12; and
  • A letter from Colin Gallant, Pink Flamingo.
  • Moved byCouncillor Carra
    Seconded byCouncillor Chahal

    That Notice of Motion C2020-0715 be amended as follows:

    On the second Be It Further Resolved paragraph, last sentence, following the words "human resources practices", add the word "naming".

    On the last "And Be It Further Resolved" paragraph, following the words "issues of systemic racism", add the words "and discrimination".

  • Moved byCouncillor Carra
    Seconded byCouncillor Chahal

    That with respect to Notice of Motion C2020-0715, the following be adopted, as amended:

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Calgary respond to citizen requests to hold a public consultation on systemic racism through a meeting of the Standing Policy Committee on Community and Protective Services which would include presentations from an expert panel and opportunities for public submissions;
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Calgary establish an Anti-Racism Action Committee, to be appointed at its Organizational Meeting in October 2020, to develop and implement a community-based antiracism strategy that will:  
    (a) Identify systemic barriers to accessing City of Calgary programs and services; (b) Identify language barriers in accessing information regarding City of Calgary programs and services;  (c) Identify opportunities to work with community partners and organizations on actions to address structural racism on a community-wide level; and (d) Be diverse and inclusive, and a true reflection of Calgary’s residents.
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that as part of the work above, and informed by the aforementioned public consultation through the Community and Protective Services committee, Council direct Administration to immediately engage in meaningful re-evaluation of City of Calgary internal practices and policies through the Diversity and Inclusion Framework lens. This includes but is not limited to budget deliberations, organizational structure, human resource practices, naming and procurement. 
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Calgary City Council (including Council Staff) and the Administrative Leadership Team demonstrate a commitment to meaningful change by undertaking mandatory training on antiracism best practices as soon as possible, and commit to recurring training no less than once every four years.  
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Calgary City Council formally request the Calgary Police Commission to report to Council as soon as possible on the anti-racism work currently underway and contemplated within the Calgary Police Service, and any plans for engaging in a broader conversation with the community on the future of policing in a diverse city.
    AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council request the Community-based Public Safety Taskforce to consider issues of systemic racism and discrimination in its work.

  • Moved byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart
    Seconded byCouncillor Magliocca

    Refer the following Motion Arising to Administration to better flesh out this proposal in terms of budget and locations, returning to Council as soon as possible after the Standing Policy Committee on Community and Protective Services meeting:

    "That with respect to Notice of Motion C2020-0715, the following Motion Arising be adopted:

    That with respect to the support of Black Lives Matter and Indigenous, People of Colour movements, Council direct $120,000 from the Public Art Reserve through Calgary Arts Development, to fund four city-wide murals that reflect the application details as submitted by Pink Flamingo."

    For: (7)Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Jones, Councillor Magliocca, and Councillor Sutherland
    Against: (8)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, Councillor Woolley, and Mayor Nenshi
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Pursuant to Section 6(1) of the Procedure Bylaw, 35M2017, and by General Consent, Council suspended Section 78(1)(b) in order to complete this item prior to the recess.

    Council agreed, by General Consent, that Motion Arising #1 (below) be tabled to Call of the Chair. The Item was dealt with Tuesday, 2020 June 16 following Item 11.2.2.

  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That with respect to Notice of Motion C2020-0715, the following Motion Arising be adopted:

    Based on the community engagement process outlined in the Application by Pink Flamingo with regards to support of Black Lives Matter, as well as Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) movements, Council endorse CADA's facilitation of four city-wide murals that reflect the application details as submitted by Pink Flamingo through allocation of $120,000 from the Public Art Reserve to CADA for project delivery.

    For: (8)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Jones, Councillor Keating, and Councillor Woolley
    Against: (7)Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Magliocca, and Councillor Sutherland
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Council agreed, by General Consent, that Motion Arising #2 (below) be tabled to the Call of the Chair. The Item was dealt with following Motion Arising #1 above.

  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Farkas

    That with respect to Notice of Motion C2020-0715, the following Motion Arising be adopted:

    That Council authorize up to $250,000 from the Family and Community Support Services Stabilization Fund for the purpose of funding collaborative, community-based capacity-building initiatives that work to undo systemic racism and support long-term policy and systems reform in Calgary (aligned to the Social Wellbeing Policy, White Goose Flying Report, the Gender Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, Resilient Calgary Strategy and other policy documents), and that Administration bring an update on this to the Special Meeting of Community and Protective Services as a part of the work arising from the Notice of Motion, Calgary’s Commitment to Anti-Racism.

  • Moved byCouncillor Carra
    Seconded byCouncillor Chahal

    That with respect to Notice of Motion C2020-0715, the following be adopted:

    That a Special Meeting of the Standing Policy Committee on Community and Protective Services re: Calgary’s Commitment to Anti-Racism be scheduled on 2020 July 7 at 9:30 a.m.


    Council recessed at 4:04 p.m. on 2020 June 16. 

    Council reconvened at 4:27 p.m. to deal with Item 7.4.

​Administration in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Report C2020-0714:

Clerks: L. Kennedy and G. Chaudhary. City Manager: D. Duckworth. Advice: C. Male and M. Lavallee. Law: J. Floen. Observer: D. Hamilton.

A Notice of Motion entitled "Union Wage Contract Negotiations 2021-2022" was electronically distributed and displayed with respect to Report C2020-0714.

Council, by General Consent, moved this Item to be dealt with in Closed Meeting.

A confidential presentation entitled "Collective Bargaining", dated 2020 June 15 was received for the Corporate Record.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Chu

    That with respect to Notice of Motion C2020-0714, the following be adopted, as amended:

    NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct:

        1. The City Manager to communicate with the City of Calgary Unions that Calgarians require them to be part of the solution to addressing The City’s fiscal challenges currently being experienced and that lie ahead due to the compounding negative financial implications of COVID-19;
        2. Administration to return to the Priorities and Finance Committee in Closed Meeting on 2020 July 14 for a discussion on the 2021 indicative tax rate to meet the service and financial goals and targets of The City in a time of recovery and resiliency, with a view to our longer-term financial sustainability; and
        3. Administration report back to Council in Closed Meeting in September with a negotiation strategy to help address our fiscal challenges through collective bargaining; and
        4. That the Closed Meeting discussions and presentation remain confidential pursuant to Section 24 (Advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
  • Moved byCouncillor Jones
    Seconded byCouncillor Chu

    That with respect to Report C2020-0718, the following be adopted:

    That Council approve the following Ward Budget amendments:

    1. COVID-19 response: a $2,500 per Ward office budget as a one-time budget reduction for the remainder of 2020; and
    2. One Calgary budget reduction 2021: a $2,500 per Ward budget, which would reduce the overall Ward office budgets from $280,900 per annum per Ward office down to $278,400 in the base budget, starting on January 1, 2021.

This item was dealt with immediately following the Confirmation of Minutes.

A presentation entitled "Severe Weather Event", dated 2020 June 15 was electronically distributed and displayed with respect to Report C2020-0719.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chahal
    Seconded byCouncillor Jones

    That with respect to Report C2020-0719, the following be adopted:

    That the distributed presentation be received for the Corporate Record.


Pursuant to Section 6(1) of the Procedure Bylaw, 35M2017, and by General Consent, Council suspended Section 79 in order to complete the remainder of the agenda prior to adjournment.

  • Moved byCouncillor Farrell
    Seconded byCouncillor Sutherland

    That pursuant to Sections 17 (Disclosure harmful to personal privacy), 19 (Confidential evaluations), 24 (Advice from officials) and 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Council now move into Closed Meeting at 8:22 p.m. on 2020 June 16, in the Council Boardroom, to discuss confidential matters with respect to the following Items:

    • 7.9 Citizen-Led Selection Committee for the Integrity Commissioner, PFC2020-0665
    • 13.2 Notice of Motion - Union Wage Contract Negotiations 2021-2022, C2020-0714
    • 14.2.1 2021 – 2024 City-Owned Social Housing Operating Agreement, C2020-0642
    • 14.2.2 City Auditor Verbal Update, C2020-0679
  • Council moved into Public Meeting at 9:52 p.m. on 2020 June 16 with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair. 


    Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Jones, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland and Councillor Woolley.

    Moved byCouncillor Chahal
    Seconded byCouncillor Woolley

    That Council rise and report.


Item 7.9 Citizen-Led Selection Committee for the Integrity Commissioner, PFC2020-0665 was selected from the Consent Agenda for debate.

​Administration in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Report C2020-0642:

Clerks: L. Kennedy and G. Chaudhary. City Manager: D. Duckworth. Advice: C. Male, S. Woodgate, T. Ward, J. Veenstra, N. Edwards. Law: J. Floen. Observers: K. Black and D. Morgan.
  • Moved byCouncillor Farrell
    Seconded byCouncillor Farkas

    That with respect to Report C2020-0642, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Direct Administration to finalize a formal agreement with the Alberta Social Housing Corporation to reflect the fundamental terms as set out in the Term Sheet (Attachment 1) in form and content acceptable to the Director of Calgary Housing;
    2. Direct Administration to report back to the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee on the status of negotiations for the provincially-owned social housing portfolio in Q4 2020; and
    3. Direct that this report, attachments, discussions, and presentation remain confidential pursuant to Sections 24 (Advice from officials), and 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, until 2020 December 31.

​Administration in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Report C2020-0679:

Clerks: L. Kennedy and G. Chaudhary. City Manager: D. Duckworth. Advice: K. Palmer. Law: J. Floen. Observers: None.
  • Moved byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart
    Seconded byCouncillor Gondek

    That with respect to Report C2020-0679, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Accept the proposed intake process for concerns directed to the Integrity Commissioner; and
    2. Direct that the Closed Meeting discussions and presentation remain confidential pursuant to Section 24 (Advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, to be released to the public on or before 2020 June 30.

Council, by General Consent, waived notice and added an Item of Confidential Urgent Business, Item 14.3.1. Financial Mandate, C2020-0275.

​Administration in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Report C2020-0275:

Clerks: L. Kennedy and G. Chaudhary. City Manager: D. Duckworth. Advice: C. Male, M. Lavallee, and D. Hamilton. Law: J. Floen. Observer: None.
  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Chu

    That with respect to Report C2020-0275, the following be adopted:

    That Council direct that the confidential recommendations and presentation be approved and remain confidential pursuant to Sections 24 (Advice from officials) and 27 (Privileged information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, until 2026 June 30.


On April 16th, 2007 Council approved the Rivers District Community Revitalization Plan. Part of this plan included the Rivers Community Revitalization Levy (CRL) initiative. This Levy enabled the City of Calgary to make up front infrastructure investments in the Rivers District and collect the money back from properties in the area over a 20 year period from 2009 to 2028. In December 2018, City Council approved a 20 year extension to the original agreement extending it to 2047.

This front-end borrowing plan anticipated a “ROBUST ECONOMY WITH INCREASING PROPERTY TAX VALUE”, and also a “RAPID BUILD OUT OF THE PLANNED AREA” to enable the proper revenue generated by the CRL to be able to repay the initial amount. Considering changes in economic forecasting, is this CRL funding model still able to provide stable funding from 2009 to 2047 as originally intended?

  • Moved byCouncillor Jones
    Seconded byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart

    That this Council adjourn at 10:03 p.m. on 2020 June 16.

No Item Selected