REVISED AGENDACOMBINED MEETING OF COUNCILMeeting #:Date:Monday, December 16, 2019 at 9:30 A.m. - 11:55 P.m.Location:IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER1.CALL TO ORDER 2.OPENING REMARKS 3.RECOGNITIONS 3.1Advisory Committee on Accessibility Awards Recognition 3.2Indigenous Flags Presentation Time specific: First item after the lunch recess3.3The Transportation Association of Canada Road Safety Engineering Award 4.QUESTION PERIOD 5.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 6.CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 6.1Minutes of the Strategic Meeting of Council, Re: Adjustments to the One Calgary Service Plans and Budgets, 2019 November 12, 25-29 1.Unconfirmed Minutes - Strategic Meeting of Council_Nov12_2019 - English.pdfAs Amended6.2Minutes of the Combined Meeting of Council, 2019 November 18-19 1.Unconfirmed Minutes - 2019 November 18 - Combined Meeting of Council.pdf6.3Minutes of the Strategic Meeting of Council, Re: Annual Planning Session, 2019 December 09 1.Unconfirmed Minutes -2019-12-09- Strategic Meeting of Council.pdf7.CONSENT AGENDA 7.1DEFERRALS AND PROCEDURAL REQUESTS 7.1.1Business Advisory Committee Appointments (Verbal), C2019-1581 Appointment of Councillor Sutherland as Chair and Councillor Demong as Vice-Chair7.1.2Deferral request of Civic Census Program Review (C2019-0137), C2019-1583 Moved from 2019 December 16 to 2020 February 37.1.3Deferral request of City of Calgary Citizen Privacy Data Practices (C2019-0560), C2019-1588 Moved from 2019 December 16 to 2020 January 277.2BRIEFINGS 7.2.1Significant Industry and Regulatory Developments in 2019, C2019-1512 1.Significant Industry and Regulatory Developments in 2019 - C2019-1512.pdf7.3Interim Protocol for City-Initiated Challenges to the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board, IGA2019-1383 1.Interim Protocol for City-Initiated Challenges to the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board - IGA2019-1383.pdf2.IGA2019-1383-Attach 1.pdf3.IGA2019-1383-Attach 2.pdf7.4Summary of Current Proceedings, GPT2019-1373 Held confidential pursuant to Sections 23 (Local public body confidences) and 24 (Advice from officials) of FOIP. Review by: 2022 November 14.7.5School Safe Zones, CPS2019-1424 1.School Safe Zones - CPS2019-1424.pdf2.CPS2019-1424-Attach 1- Notice of Motion C2019-0446 School Safe Zones.pdf3.CPS2019-1424-Attach 2-Calgary School Safe Zones Stakeholder Report Back.pdf4.CPS2019-1424-Attach 3-Canadian Municipal Scan.pdf7.6Impact of Cannabis Bylaws, CPS2019-1403 1.Impact of Cannabis Bylaws - CPS2019-1403.pdf2.CPS2019-1403-Attach 1- Cannabis Consumption Related Tickets.pdf3.CPS2019-1403-Attach 2- Summary of Calgary Festivals with Cannabis Consumption Areas 2019.pdf4.CPS2019-1403-Attach 3- Provincially Licensed Cannabis Stores by Municipality.pdf5.CPS2019-1403-Attach 4-Total Costs of Cannabis Legalization to The City of Calgary.pdf7.7Strengthening the Smoking and Vaping Bylaw, CPS2019-1405 1.Strengthening the Smoking and Vaping Bylaw - CPS2019-1405.pdf2.CPS2019-1405-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 47M2019.pdf3.CPS2019-1405-Attach 2-Waterpipe Shisha Regulations Leading Practices.pdf4.CPS2019-1405-Attach 3-Letter from Waterpipe Researcher Dr. Fadi Hammal.pdf5.CPS2019-1405-Attach 4- Smoking and Vaping Bylaw Engagement What We Heard.pdf6.CPS2019-1405-Attach 5- Smoking and Vaping Research Topline Report.pdf7.CPS2019-1405-Attach 6-Opinion Poll Cover Sheet.pdf8.CPS2019-1405-Attach 7-Letter at Committee.pdfProposed Bylaw 47M20197.8Inaugural Green Line Committee Meeting Updates (Verbal) - GC2019-1440 1.GC2019-1440-Attach 1-Presentation.pdf2.GC2019-1440-Attach 2 - Letters.pdf7.9Transit-Oriented Development Implementation Strategy – Final Report, PUD2019-1515 1.PUD2019-1515-TOD Implementation Strategy.pdf2.PUD2019-1515-Attach 1– Transit Oriented Development Implementation Strategy.pdf3.PUD2019-1515-Attach 2–Sample Station Area Evaluations.pdf4.PUD2019-1515-Attach 3–TOD Program Timelines.pdf5.PUD2019-1515-Attach 4-Bild Letter.pdf6.PUD2019-1515-Attach 5-Presentation.pdf7.10Bridgeland Character Home Retention Incentive District: Two-Year Update, PUD2019-1437 1.PUD2019-1437-Bridgeland Character Home Retention Incentive District 2-Year Update.pdf2.PUD2019-1437-Attach 1 - Bylaw 273D2017.pdf3.PUD2019-1437-Attach 2 - Construction Realized and Applications Approved Table.pdf7.11Compassionate Property Tax Penalty Relief Report Back, PFC2019-1105 1.Compassionate Property Tax Penalty Relief Report Back - PFC2019-1105.pdf2.PFC2019-1105 Attachment 1.pdf3.PFC2019-1105 Attachment 2.pdf4.PFC2019-1105 Attachment 2A.pdf5.PFC2019-1105 Attachment 2B.pdf7.12Four Year Formal Council Policy Review – 2016-2019 Outcomes, PFC2019-1525 1.Four Year Formal Council Policy Review 2016-2019 Outcomes - PFC2019-1525.pdf2.PFC2019-1525-Attach 1-2016-2019 Review Outcomes.pdf3.PFC2019-1525-Attach 2-New Policies.pdf4.PFC2019-1525-Attach 3-Proposed Rescindments.pdf7.13Beltline Community Investment Fund Request for Humpy Hollow Park, PFC2019-1430 1.Beltline Community Investment Fund Request for Humpy Hollow Park - PFC2019-1430.pdf2.PFC2019-1430-Attach 1 - Humpy Hollow Park BCIF Application.pdf3.PFC2019-1430-Attach 2 - Updated Project Timeline for the redevelopment of Humpy Hollow Park.pdf4.PFC2019-1430-Attach 3-Letters of Support.pdf5.PFC2019-1430-Attach 4-Examples of Projects Funded by Beltline Community Investment Fund.pdf7.14Council Innovation Fund Application for Greater Forest Lawn Governance and Communications Model, PFC2019-1464 1.Council Innovation Fund Application for Greater Forest Lawn Governance and Communications Model - PFC2019-1464.pdf2.PFC2019-1464 -Attach 1- Application to The City of Calgary Council Innovation Fund.pdf3.PFC2019-1464-Attach 2 - Table 1 Project Overview and Budget (over 18 months).pdf4.PFC2019-1464 -Attach 3 - Council Innovation Fund Terms of Reference.pdf5.PFC2019-1529-Attach 4 - Letter of Support Dover Community Association.pdf6.PFC2019-1464-Attach 5 - Letter of Support 12CSI.pdf7.PFC2019-1464-Attach 6 - Letter of Support The Alex Community Health Centre.pdf8.PFC2019-1464-Attach 7 - Letter of Support Action Dignity.pdf7.152019 Triennial Reserves Review Report, PFC2019-1385 1.2019 Triennial Reserve Review Report - PFC2019-1385.pdf2.PFC2019-1385-Attach 1 - Reserve review comments and recommendations.pdf3.PFC2019-1385- Attach 2 - Relevant excerpts from the 2018 Annual Reserve Report.pdf4.PFC2019-1385-Attach 3 - Reserves to be reviewed in 2020.pdf7.16Administration's Response to C2019-1472 (Retirement Allowance), PFC2019-1503 1.Administration Response to C2019-1472 - PFC2019-1503.pdf2.PFC2019-1503-Attach 1 - Administration Overview and Recommendations.pdf3.PFC2019-1503-Attach 4-C2019-1472 NoM Lead Sheet Info.pdfAttachments 2 and 3 to be held confidential pursuant to Sections 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) and 27 (Privileged information) of FOIP. Review by: 2022 January 31.REVISED MATERIAL7.16.1Administration's Response to C2019-1472 (Retirement Allowance), PFC2019-1503 1.RA Archive Summary 2019 Dec 11.pdf7.17Water Utility report back to the Business Advisory Committee on Indemnified Contractors, BAC2019-1484 1.Water Utility report back to the Business Advisory Committee on Indemnified Contractors - BAC2019-1484.pdf2.BAC2019-1484-Attach 1-Update on the actions underway in the Water Utility to address Indemnified Contractors concerns.pdf3.BAC2019-1484-Attach 2-October Engagement Sessions Summary.pdf4.BAC2019-1484-Attach 3-Proposed corporate-wide process for continued improvement of the Indemnified Contractor experience.pdf7.18Waste and Recycling – Blue Cart Contamination Prevention Audit, AC2019-1240 1.AC2019-1240-Blue Cart Contamination Prevention Audit .pdf2.AC2019-1240-Attach 1-Blue Cart Contamination Prevention Audit.pdf7.19Audit Committee 2020 Interim Work Plan, AC2019-1541 1.AC2019-1541-Audit Committee 2020 Interim Work Plan.pdf2.Revised Attachment AC2019-1541.pdf7.20Status of Community Associations and Social Recreation Organizations on City-Owned Land, AC2019-1175 1.Status of Community Association and Social Recreation Organizations on City-Owned Land - AC2019-1175.pdf2.AC2019-1175 Att 1.pdf3.AC2019-1175 Att 2.pdfAttachment 3 held confidential pursuant to Sections 16 (Disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party), 23 (Local public body confidences) , and 24 (Advice from officials) of FOIP. Review by: 2029 December 068.PLANNING MATTERS FOR PUBLIC HEARING Note: Members of the public wishing to address Council, on any public hearing matter on this Agenda, may pre-register by contacting the City Clerk's Office at [email protected] or by calling 403-268-5861.8.1CALGARY PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS 8.1.1Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Tuxedo Park (Ward 7) at 140 - 25 Avenue NE, LOC2019-0064, CPC2019-1354 1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Tuxedo Park (Ward 7) at 140 - 25 Avenue NE, LOC2019-0064 - CPC2019-1354.pdf2.CPC2019-1354-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1354-Attach 2-Community Association Letter.pdf4.CPC2019-1354-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 82P2019.pdf5.CPC2019-1354-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 236D2019.pdfProposed Bylaws 82P2019 and 236D2019 R-CG8.1.2Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Mount Pleasant (Ward 7) at 739 - 21 Avenue NW, LOC2019-0090, CPC2019-1239 1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Mount Pleasant (Ward 7) at 739 - 21 Avenue NW, LOC2019-0090, CPC2019-1239.pdf2.CPC2019-1239-Attach 1-Applicant Submission .pdf3.CPC2019-1239-Attach 2-Community Association Letter .pdf4.CPC2019-1239-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 78P2019.pdf5.CPC2019-1239-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 222D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1239 - Attach 5 - Public Submissions.pdfProposed Bylaws 78P2019 and 222D2019 R-CG8.1.3Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Montgomery (Ward 7) at 2416 – 48 Street NW, LOC2019-0118, CPC2019-1288 1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Montgomery (Ward 7) at 2416 - 48 Street NW, LOC2019-0118, CPC2019-1288.pdf2.CPC2019-1288-Attach 1-Applicant Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1288-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 79P2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1288-Attach 3-Community Association Letter.pdf5.CPC2019-1288-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 223D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1288-Attach 5-Public Submissions.pdfBylaws 79P2019 and 223D2019 R-CG8.1.4Land Use Amendment in Spruce Cliff (Ward 8) at 3802 – 4 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0097, CPC2019-1260 1.Land Use Amendment in Spruce Cliff (Ward 8) at 3802 – 4 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0097, CPC2019-1260.pdf2.CPC2019-1260-Attach 1-applicant's submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1260-Attach 2-spruce cliff community association comments.pdf4.CPC2019-1260-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 224D2019.pdfProposed Bylaw 224D2019 Attach 3 R-CG8.1.5Land Use Amendment in Rosscarock (Ward 8) at 4104 - 7 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0111, CPC2019-1186 1.Land Use Amendment in Rosscarock (Ward 8) at 4104 - 7 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0111, CPC2019-1186.pdf2.CPC2019-1186-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1186-Attach2-Proposed Bylaw 225D2019.pdfProposed Bylaw 225D2019 R-CG8.1.6Land Use Amendment in North Glenmore Park (Ward 11) at 5101 - 19 Street SW, LOC2019-0088, CPC2019-1057 1.Land Use Amendment in North Glenmore Park (Ward 11) at 5101 - 19 Street SW, LOC2019-0088, CPC2019-1057.pdf2.CPC2019-1057-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1057-Attach 2-Community Association Letter.pdf4.CPC2019-1057-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 226D2019.pdf5.CPC2019-1057-Attach 4-Public Submission.pdfProposed Bylaw 226D2019 R-CG8.1.7Land Use Amendment in Glendale (Ward 6) at 4503, 4507, and 4511- 17 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0076, CPC2019-1112 1.Land Use Amendment in Glendale (Ward 6) at 4503, 4507, 4511- 17 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0076, CPC2019-1112.pdf2.CPC2019-1112-Attach 1-Applicant Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1112-Attach 2-DTR and UDRP Comments-Applicant Response.pdf4.CPC2019-1112-Attach 3-Stakeholder Engagement Chronology.pdf5.CPC2019-1112-Attach 4-What We Heard Report.pdf6.CPC2019-1112-Attach 5-Proposed Bylaw 231D2019.pdf7.CPC2019-1112-Attach 6-Community Association Response.pdf8.CPC2019-1112-Attach 7-Draft Development Scheme.pdf9.CPC2019-1112-Attach 8- Public Submissions.pdf10.CPC2019-1112-Attach 9 - CPC Member Comments.pdfProposed Bylaw 231D20198.1.8Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Altadore (Ward 8) at 1603 – 37 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0137, CPC2019-1338 1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Altadore (Ward 8) at 1603 – 37 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0137 - CPC2019-1338.pdf2.CPC2019-1338-Attach 1-Applicant Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1338-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 84P2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1338-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 247D2019.pdf5.CPC2019-1338-Attach 4 - CPC Member Comments.pdfProposed Bylaws 84P2019 and 247D20198.1.9Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Hillhurst (Ward 7) at multiple properties, LOC2019-0058, CPC2019-1293 1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Hillhurst (Ward 7) at multiple properties, LOC2019-0058, CPC2019-1293.pdf2.CPC2019-1293-Attach 1-Applicant Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1293-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 227D2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1293-Attach 3-Community Association Letter.pdf5.CPC2019-1293-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 81P2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1293-Attach 5-Letters From Commission Meeting.pdf7.CPC2019-1293-Attach 6-Public Submissions.pdf8.CPC2019-1293-Attach 7 - CPC Member Comments.pdfProposed Bylaws 81P2019 and 227D20198.1.10Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Bridgeland - Riverside (Ward 9) at 520 - 5 Street NE, LOC2019-0116, CPC2019-1352 1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Bridgeland-Riverside (Ward 9) at 520 5 Street NE, LOC2019-0116, CPC2019-1352.pdf2.CPC2019-1352-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1352-Attach 2- Proposed Bylaw 88P2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1352-Attach 3-Development Permit (DP2019-0631) Summary.pdf5.CPC2019-1352-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 256D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1352-Attach 5-Public Submissions.pdfProposed Bylaw 88P2019 and 256D20198.1.11Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Bridgeland - Riverside (Ward 9) at 612 - 4 Avenue NE, LOC2019-0083, CPC2019-1351 1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Bridgeland-Riverside (Ward 9) at 612 4 Avenue NE,LOC2019-0083, CPC2019-1351.pdf2.CPC2019-1351-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1351-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 89P2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1351-Attach 3-Development Permit (DP2019-2766) Summary.pdf5.CPC2019-1351-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 257D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1351-Attach 5- Public Submissions.pdfProposed Bylaw 89P2019 and 257D20198.1.12Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Bridgeland - Riverside (Ward 9) at 717, 721, and 723 McDougall Road NE, LOC2017-0405, CPC2019-1301 1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Bridgeland-Riverside (Ward 9) at multiple properties, LOC2017-0405-CPC2019-1301.pdf2.CPC2019-1301-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 86P2019.pdf3.CPC2019-1301-Attach 2-Applicant Submission.pdf4.CPC2019-1301-Attach 3-DP Summary.pdf5.CPC2019-1301-Attach 4-BRCA Response.pdf6.CPC2019-1301-Attach 5-Proposed Bylaw 253D2019.pdf7.CPC2019-1301-Attach 6-Public Submissions.pdfProposed Bylaw 86P2019 and 253D20198.1.13Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Inglewood (Ward 9) at 915 – 9 Avenue SE, LOC2018-0038, CPC2019-1174 1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Inglewood (Ward 9) at 915 – 9 Avenue SE, LOC2018-0038 CPC2019-1174.pdf2.CPC2019-1174-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1174-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 87P2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1174-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 254D2019.pdf5.CPC2019-1174-Attach 4-Community Association Letters.pdf6.CPC2019-1174-Attach 5 - Applicant's What We Heard Report.pdf7.CPC2019-1174-Attach 6_Public Submissions.pdf8.CPC2019-1174-Attach 7 - CPC Member Comments.pdfProposed Bylaw 87P2019 and 254D20198.1.14Land Use Amendment in Inglewood (Ward 9) at 922 – 8 Avenue SE, LOC2019-0109, CPC2019-1364 1.Land Use Amendment in Inglewood (Ward 9) at 922 – 8 Ave SE, LOC2019-0109.pdf2.CPC2019-1364-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 255D2019.pdf3.CPC2019-1364-Attach 2-Applicant's Submission.pdf4.CPC2019-1364-Attach 3-Community Association Letter.pdf5.CPC2019-1364-Attach 4-CPC Member Comments .pdfProposed Bylaw 255D20198.1.15Land Use Amendment in Highfield Industrial (Ward 9) at Highfield Circle SE, LOC219-0134, CPC2019-1272 1.Land Use Amendment in Highfield Industrial (Ward 9) at Highfield Circle SE, LOC219-0134, CPC2019-1272.pdf2.CPC2019-1272-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1272-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 232D2019.pdfProposed Bylaw 232D20198.1.16Land Use Amendment in Manchester Industrial at 6420 - 1A Street SW, LOC2019-0108, CPC2019-1356 1.Land Use Amendment in Manchester Industrial (Ward 9) at 6420 1A Street SW, LOC2019-0108, CPC2019-1356.pdf2.CPC2019-1356-Attach 1-Applicants Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1356-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 252D2019.pdfProposed Bylaw 252D20198.1.17Land Use Amendment in Kingsland (Ward 11) at 7112 and 7116 Elbow Drive SW, LOC2019-0113, CPC2019-1132 1.Land Use Amendment in Kingsland (Ward 11) at 7112 and 7116 Elbow Drive SW, LOC2019-0113, CPC2019-1132.pdf2.CPC2019-1132-Attach 1-Applicant’s Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1132-Attach 2-Community Association Letter.pdf4.CPC2019-1132-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 234D2019.pdf5.CPC2019-1132-Attach 4-Public Submissions.pdfProposed Bylaw 234D20198.1.18Land Use Amendment in Haysboro (Ward 11) at 9232 Horton Road SW, LOC2019-0106, CPC2019-1217 1.Land Use Amendment in Haysboro (Ward 11) at 9232 Horton Road SW, LOC2019-0106, CPC2019-1217(1).pdf2.CPC2019-1217-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1217-Attach 2-Community Association Letter.pdf4.CPC2019-1217-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 233D2019.pdf5.CPC2019-1217-Attach 4-Public Submissions.pdfProposed Bylaw 233D20198.1.19Land Use Amendment in East Shepard Industrial (Ward 12) at 5315 Dufferin Boulevard SE, LOC2019-0117, CPC2019-1365 1.Land Use Amendment in East Shepard Industrial (Ward 12) at 53115 Dufferin Boulevard SE, LOC2019-0117-CPC2019-1365.pdf2.CPC2019-1365-Attach 1-Applicant’s Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1365-Attach2-Proposed Bylaw 251D2019.pdfProposed Bylaw 251D20198.1.20Road Closure and Land Use Amendment in Rangeview (Ward 12), at multiple addresses, LOC2018-0088, CPC2019-1236 1.Road Closure and Land Use Amendment in Rangeview (Ward 12), at multiple addresses, LOC2018-0088.pdf2.CPC2019-1236-Attach 1-Proposed Road Closure Conditions.pdf3.CPC2019-1236-Attach 2-Applicant's Submission.pdf4.CPC2019-1236-Attach 3-Proposed Outline Plan.pdf5.CPC2019-1236-Attach 4-Registered Road Plan.pdf6.CPC2019-1236-Attach 5-Proposed Land Use District Map.pdf7.CPC2019-1236-Attach 6-Proposed Bylaw 14C2019.pdf8.CPC2019-1236-Attach 7-Proposed Bylaw 235D2019.pdfProposed Bylaws 14C2019 and 235D20198.1.21Land Use Amendment in Wolf Willow (Ward 14) at 2107 - 194 Avenue SE, LOC2019-0124, CPC2019-1344 1.Land Use Amendment in Wolf Willow (Ward 14) at 2107 - 194 Avenue SE, LOC2019-0124.pdf2.CPC2019-1344-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1344-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 237D2019.pdfProposed Bylaw 237D20198.1.22Land Use Amendment in Silverado (Ward 13) at multiple addresses, LOC2018-0209, CPC2019-0432 1.Land Use Amendment in Silverado (Ward 13) at multiple addresses, LOC2018-0209, CPC2019-0432.pdf2.CPC2019-0432 -Attach 1-Approved Outline Plan, LOC2009-0102.pdf3.CPC2019-0432-Attach 2-Applicant's Submission.pdf4.CPC2019-0432-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 229D2019.pdf5.CPC2019-0432-Attach 4- Concept plan of a Future Development.pdf6.CPC2019-0432-Attach 5-UDRP Comments.pdf7.CPC2019-0432 -Attach 6-Community Association's Letter.pdfProposed Bylaw 229D20198.1.23Land Use Amendment in Evergreen (Ward 13) at 167 Evermeadow Avenue SW, LOC2019-0056, CPC2019-1355 1.Land Use Amendment in Evergreen (Ward 13) at 167 Evermeadow Avenue SW, LOC2019-0056, CPC2019-1355.pdf2.CPC2019-1355-Attach 1-Applicant Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1355-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 246D2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1355-Attach 3 - CPC Member Comments.pdfProposed Bylaw 246D20198.1.24Land Use Amendment in Residual Ward 1 - Calgary West (Ward 1) at 10721 and 10809 West Valley Road SW, LOC2019-0104, CPC2019-1279 1.Land Use Amendment in Residual Ward 1 - Calgary West (Ward 1) at multiple properties, LOC2019-0104, CPC2019-1279.pdf2.CPC2019-1279-Attach 1 - Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1279-Attach 2 -Direct Control District 45D2012 (existing).pdf4.CPC2019-1279-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 230D2019.pdfProposed Bylaw 230D20198.1.25Policy Amendment, Road Closure and Land Use Amendment in Bowness (Ward 1) at multiples properties, CPC2019-1339 1.PolicyAmendment, RoadClosure and LandUseAmendment in Bowness (Ward 1) at multiples properties, LOC2018-0272 - CPC2019-1339.pdf2.CPC2019-1339-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 85P2019.pdf3.CPC2019-1339-Attach 2-Registered Road Closure Plan.pdf4.CPC2019-1339-Attach 3-Proposed Road Closure Conditions.pdf5.CPC2019-1339-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 249D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1339-Attach 5 -Municipal Addresses for Redesignation.pdf7.CPC2019-1339-Attach 6-Proposed Bylaw 250D2019.pdf8.CPC2019-1339-Attach 7- Applicant Submission.pdf9.CPC2019-1339-Attach 8 - What We Heard report.pdf10.CPC2019-1339-Attach 9 - Community Association Letter.pdf11.CPC2019-1339-Attach 10-Proposed Bylaw 15C2019.pdf12.CPC2019-1339-Attach 11-Proposed Bylaw 248D2019.pdf13.CPC2019-1339-Attach 12 - CPC Member Comments.pdfProposed Bylaws 85P2019, 15C2019, 248D2019, 249D2019, 250D20198.1.26Land Use Amendment in Highland Park (Ward 4) at 4111 - 1 Street NE, LOC2019-0115, CPC2019-1337 1.Land Use Amendment in Highland Park (Ward 4) at 4111 - 1 Street NE, LOC2019-0115, CPC2019-1337.pdf2.CPC2019-1337-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission-CPC2019-1337.pdf3.CPC2019-1337-Attach 2-CA Letter.pdf4.CPC2019-1337-Attach 3-Additional Community Association Letter.pdf5.CPC2019-1337-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 245D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1337-Attach 5 - CPC Member Comments.pdfProposed Bylaw 245D20198.1.27Land Use Amendment in Sage Hill (Ward 2) at 3655 Sage Hill Drive NW and 625 Sage Valley Boulevard NW, LOC2017-0404, CPC2019-1370 1.Land Use Amendment in Sage Hill (Ward 2) at multiple properties, LOC2017-0404 - CPC2019-1370.pdf2.CPC2019-1370-Attach 1-Applicant Submission .pdf3.CPC2019-1370-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 244D2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1370-Attach 3-Proposed Outline Plan.pdf5.CPC2019-1370-Attach 4-Public Submissions.pdfProposed Bylaw 244D20198.1.28Land Use Amendment in Carrington (Ward 3) at 15000 – 14 Street NW, LOC2019-0093, CPC2019-1218 1.Land Use Amendment in Carrington (Ward 3) at 15000 - 14 Street NW, LOC2019-0093, CPC2019-1218.pdf2.CPC2019-1218-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 228D2019.pdf3.CPC2019-1218-Attach 2-Applicant Submission.pdf4.CPC2019-1218-Attach 3-Previously Approved Outline Plan (LOC2013-0105).pdf5.CPC2019-1218-Attach 4-Proposed Outline Plan.pdf6.CPC2019-1218-Attach 5-Comparison of Approved and Proposed Outline Plan.pdfProposed Bylaw 228D20198.1.29Land Use Amendment in Livingston (Ward 3) for multiple properties, LOC2018-0213, CPC2019-1386 1.Land Use Amendment in Livingston (Ward 3) for multiple properties, LOC2018-0213 CPC2019-1386.pdf2.CPC2019-1386-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1386-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 238D2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1386-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 239D2019.pdfProposed Bylaws 238D2019 and 239D20198.1.30Land Use Amendment in Skyview Ranch (Ward 5) at 6011 Country Hills Boulevard NE, LOC2014-0165, CPC2019-1367 1.Land Use Amendment in Skyview Ranch (Ward 5) at 6011 Country Hills Boulevard NE, LOC2014-0165, CPC2019-1367.pdf2.CPC2019-1367-Attach 1-Proposed Land Use District Map.pdf3.CPC2019-1367-Attach 2-Proposed Outline Plan.pdf4.CPC2019-1367-Attach 3-Applicant's Submission.pdf5.CPC2019-1367-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 241D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1367-Attach 5-Proposed Bylaw 242D2019.pdf7.CPC2019-1367-Attach 6-Proposed Bylaw 243D2019.pdf8.CPC2019-1367-Attach 7-Proposed Bylaw 240D2019.pdfProposed Bylaws 240D2019 and 241D2019 and 242D2019 and 243D20198.1.31Road Closure and Land Use Amendment in Cityscape (Ward 05) at multiple addresses, LOC2018-0249, CPC2019-1375 1.Road Closure and Land Use Amendment in Cityscape (Ward 05) at multiple addresses, LOC2018-0249 - CPC2019-1375.pdf2.CPC2019-1375-Attach 1-Revised Road Closure Plan.pdf3.CPC2019-1375-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 259D2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1375-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 260D2019.pdf5.CPC2019-1375-Attach 4-Applicant Submission.pdf6.CPC2019-1375-Attach 5-Proposed Road Closure Conditions.pdf7.CPC2019-1375-Attach 6-Revised Proposed Land Use District Map.pdf8.CPC2019-1375-Attach 7-Revised Proposed Outline Plan.pdf9.CPC2019-1375-Attach 8-Proposed Bylaw 16C2019.pdf10.CPC2019-1375-Attach 9-Proposed Bylaw 258D2019.pdf11.CPC2019-1375-Attach 10-Public Submissions.pdfProposed Bylaws 16C2019, 258D2019, 259D2019, 260D2019 8.1.32Policy Amendment - Southeast Industrial Area Structure Plan Mapping Correction, CPC2019-1110 1.Policy Amendment - Southeast Industrial Area Structure Plan Mapping Correction, CPC2019-1110.pdf2.CPC2019-1110-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 80P2019.pdf3.CPC2019-1110-Attach 2-Proposed amendments to the Supporting Information.pdf4.CPC2019-1110-Attach 3-Report to Council.pdfProposed Bylaw 80P2019 8.1.33Policy Amendment to the Keystone Hills Area Structure Plan, CPC2019-1387 1.Policy Amendment to the Keystone Hills Area Structure Plan, CPC2019-1387.pdf2.CPC20191387-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 83P2019.pdf3.CPC2019-1387-Attach 2-Stakeholder Comments.pdf4.CPC2019-1387-Attach 3-CPC Comments and Admin Follow up.pdfProposed Bylaw 83P2019 8.2OTHER REPORTS AND POSTPONEMENTS FOR PUBLIC HEARING (including non-statutory)8.2.1Multiple Municipal Historic Resource Designation – Winter 2019, PUD2019-1347 1.PUD2019-1347-Multiple Municipal Historic Resource Designation – Winter 2019.pdf2.PUD2019-1347-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 48M2019.pdf3.PUD2019-1347-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 49M2019.pdf4.PUD2019-1347-Attach 3 - Heritage Conservation Overview and Benefit Summary.pdf5.PUD2019-1347-Attach 4 - Heritage Conservation Process and Incentives (Including Grants).pdf6.PUD2019-1347-Attach 5 - Heritage Conservation in Calgary – Progress Snapshot December 2019.pdf7.PUD2019-1347-Attach 6 – Calgary Heritage Authority Letters of Support.pdfProposed Bylaws 48M2019 and 49M2019 9.PLANNING MATTERS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARING 9.1CALGARY PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS 9.1.1Street Name in Rangeview (Ward 12), SN2019-0003, CPC2019-1068 1.Street Name in Rangeview (Ward 12), SN2019-0003 - CPC2019-1068.pdf2.CPC2019-1068-Attach 1 - Applicants Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1068-Attach 2 - Comments.pdf9.1.2Proposed Street Name Change – 128 Avenue NW to Symons Valley Parkway NW, in multiple communities (Ward 2), SN2019-0009, CPC2019-1357 1.Proposed Street Name Change in multiple communities (Ward 2), SN2019 0009 CPC2019-1357.pdf2.CPC2019-1357-Attach 1 - Applicant Submission.pdf9.2OTHER REPORTS AND POSTPONEMENTS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARING None9.3BYLAW TABULATIONS (related to planning matters) None10.POSTPONED REPORTS (including related/supplemental reports)10.1Business Advisory Committee Opinion on Social Procurement, BAC2019-1524 1.Business Advisory Committee Opinion on Social Procurement - BAC2019-1524.pdf10.2Social Procurement Update, PFC2019-0384 1.PFC2019-0384-Postponed Report Cover Page.pdf2.Social Procurement Update - PFC2019-0384.pdf3.PFC2019-0384-Attach 1-Policy Implementation.pdf11.ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES 11.1CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS SELECTED FOR DEBATE 11.2OFFICER OF COUNCIL REPORTS None11.3ADMINISTRATION REPORTS None11.4COMMITTEE REPORTS 11.4.1Notice of Motion - Deeming Calgary 9-1-1 an Essential Service at The City of Calgary, PFC2019-1523 1.PFC2019-1523-NOM Cover Page.pdf2.PFC2019-1523-Attach 1-Deeming 9-1-1 an Essential Service in The City of Calgary.pdf3.PFC2019-1523-Attach 2-Approved Notice of Motion Checklist - ESSENTIAL SERVICE NOM.pdfCouncillor Diane Colley-Urquhart11.4.2Notice of Motion - Efficient and Effective Parking Management - Calgary Parking Authority (CPA) becoming a “Controlled Corporation” pursuant to Section 75.1 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA), PFC2019-1510 1.PFC2019-1510-NOM Cover Page.pdf2.PFC2019-1510-Attach 1-Efficient and Effective Parking Management.pdf3.PFC2019-1510-Attach 2-NM Checklist.pdfCouncillor Davison, Councillor Chu11.4.3Notice of Motion - Rallying Federal Support for Extended Producer Responsibility, PFC2019-1529 1.PFC2019-1529-NOM Cover Page.pdf2.PFC2019-1529-Attach 1-Notice of Motion - Rallying Federal Support For Extended Producer Responsibility.pdf3.PFC2019-1529-Attach 2-Approved Notice of Motion Checklist - FCM Motion.pdf4.PFC2019-1529- Attach 3 - Extended Producer Responsibility.pdf5.PFC2019-1529-Attach 4 - AUMA Request for Decision - Collaboration on Extended Producer Responsibility.pdfCouncillor Demong11.4.4Notice of Motion - Ending the Payment of the City Council Transition Allowance, PFC2019-1552 1.PFC2019-1552-NOM Cover Page.pdf2.PFC2019-1552-Attach 1-Revised NM.pdf3.PFC2019-1552-Attach 2-NM Checklist.pdfCouncillor Farkas11.4.5Notice of Motion - Addressing Lead Pipes in Calgary, PFC2019-1569 1.PFC2019-1569-NOM Cover Page.pdf2.PFC2019-1569-Attach 1-NM.pdf3.PFC2019-1569-Attach 2-NM Checklist.pdfCouncillor Farrell and Councillor Farkas12.ITEMS DIRECTLY TO COUNCIL 12.1BYLAW TABULATIONS None12.2MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 12.2.1Policy Amendment: West View Area Structure Plan, POL2018-0001 (Ward 01), C2019-1455 1.Proposed Policy Amendments to the West View Area Structure Plan, POL2018-0001 (Ward 01) - C2019-1455.pdf2.C2019-1455-Attach 1 -Proposed Amendments to Bylaw 62P2019.pdf3.C2019-1455-Attach 2-Letter from Rocky View County.pdf12.2.2Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Winston Heights/Mountview (Ward 7) at 407 - 27 Avenue NE, LOC2018-0172, C2019-1576 1.Policy and Land Use Amendment in Winston Heights Mountview (Ward 7) LOC2018-0172 - C2019-1576.pdf2.C2019-1576-Attach 1-Administration Report CPC2018-1301.pdf3.C2019-1576-Attach 2 -Applicant's Cancellation Request.pdf4.C2019-1576-Attach 3 - Proposed Bylaw 2P2019.pdf5.C2019-1576-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 13D2019.pdf12.2.3Ward Boundary Review Engagement Plan & Timelines , C2019-1584 1.Ward Boundary Review Engagement Plan - C2019-1584.pdf2.C2019-1584-Attach 1-Ward Boundary Review Engagement Plan.pdf13.URGENT BUSINESS REVISED MATERIALS13.12020-2022 Family and Community Support Services Funding Recommendations, CPS2019-1286 1.13.1 UB Cover Sheet.pdf2.2020-2022 Family and Community Support Services Funding Recommendations.pdf3.CPS2019-1286-Attach 1 - 2020-2022 FCSS Funding Recommendations.pdf4.CPS2019-1286-Attach 2 - FCSS Funding Framework.pdf13.2Bid for the 2024 FCM Annual Conference and Trade Show, IGA2019-1558 1.13.2 Urgent Business Cover Sheet.pdf2.Bid for the 2024 FCM Annual Convention and Trade Show - IGA2019-1558.pdf3.Attach 1 IGA2019-1558 FCM Request for Proposals.pdfAttachments 2 and 3 be held confidential pursuant to Section 16 (Disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party) of FOIP. Review By: 2024 December 31 14.CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 14.1CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS SELECTED FOR DEBATE 14.2ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES 14.2.1Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee – Resignation and Appointment, C2019-1557 Report and Attachment 1 to be released publicly after Council rises and reports. Attachment 2 held confidential pursuant to Sections 17 (personal information) and 19 (confidential evaluations) of FOIP. Review by: 2069 December Manager Update (Verbal) - C2019-1593 Held confidential pursuant to Section 24 (Advice from officials) of FOIP.14.3URGENT BUSINESS 15.ADMINISTRATIVE INQUIRIES 15.1Response to Councillor Keating's Administrative Inquiry Re: Hiring Practices, AI2019-14 1.Response to Councillor Keating - Hiring Practices, AI2019-14.pdf15.2Response to Councillor Keating's Administrative Inquiry Re: Budget Items, AI2019-08 1.Response to Councillor Keating - Budget Items - AI2019-08.pdf16.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Mount Pleasant (Ward 7) at 739 - 21 Avenue NW, LOC2019-0090, CPC2019-1239.pdf2.CPC2019-1239-Attach 1-Applicant Submission .pdf3.CPC2019-1239-Attach 2-Community Association Letter .pdf4.CPC2019-1239-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 78P2019.pdf5.CPC2019-1239-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 222D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1239 - Attach 5 - Public Submissions.pdf1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Montgomery (Ward 7) at 2416 - 48 Street NW, LOC2019-0118, CPC2019-1288.pdf2.CPC2019-1288-Attach 1-Applicant Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1288-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 79P2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1288-Attach 3-Community Association Letter.pdf5.CPC2019-1288-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 223D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1288-Attach 5-Public Submissions.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Spruce Cliff (Ward 8) at 3802 – 4 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0097, CPC2019-1260.pdf2.CPC2019-1260-Attach 1-applicant's submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1260-Attach 2-spruce cliff community association comments.pdf4.CPC2019-1260-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 224D2019.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Rosscarock (Ward 8) at 4104 - 7 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0111, CPC2019-1186.pdf2.CPC2019-1186-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1186-Attach2-Proposed Bylaw 225D2019.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in North Glenmore Park (Ward 11) at 5101 - 19 Street SW, LOC2019-0088, CPC2019-1057.pdf2.CPC2019-1057-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1057-Attach 2-Community Association Letter.pdf4.CPC2019-1057-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 226D2019.pdf5.CPC2019-1057-Attach 4-Public Submission.pdf1.Policy Amendment - Southeast Industrial Area Structure Plan Mapping Correction, CPC2019-1110.pdf2.CPC2019-1110-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 80P2019.pdf3.CPC2019-1110-Attach 2-Proposed amendments to the Supporting Information.pdf4.CPC2019-1110-Attach 3-Report to Council.pdf1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Hillhurst (Ward 7) at multiple properties, LOC2019-0058, CPC2019-1293.pdf2.CPC2019-1293-Attach 1-Applicant Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1293-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 227D2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1293-Attach 3-Community Association Letter.pdf5.CPC2019-1293-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 81P2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1293-Attach 5-Letters From Commission Meeting.pdf7.CPC2019-1293-Attach 6-Public Submissions.pdf8.CPC2019-1293-Attach 7 - CPC Member Comments.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Carrington (Ward 3) at 15000 - 14 Street NW, LOC2019-0093, CPC2019-1218.pdf2.CPC2019-1218-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 228D2019.pdf3.CPC2019-1218-Attach 2-Applicant Submission.pdf4.CPC2019-1218-Attach 3-Previously Approved Outline Plan (LOC2013-0105).pdf5.CPC2019-1218-Attach 4-Proposed Outline Plan.pdf6.CPC2019-1218-Attach 5-Comparison of Approved and Proposed Outline Plan.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Silverado (Ward 13) at multiple addresses, LOC2018-0209, CPC2019-0432.pdf2.CPC2019-0432 -Attach 1-Approved Outline Plan, LOC2009-0102.pdf3.CPC2019-0432-Attach 2-Applicant's Submission.pdf4.CPC2019-0432-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 229D2019.pdf5.CPC2019-0432-Attach 4- Concept plan of a Future Development.pdf6.CPC2019-0432-Attach 5-UDRP Comments.pdf7.CPC2019-0432 -Attach 6-Community Association's Letter.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Residual Ward 1 - Calgary West (Ward 1) at multiple properties, LOC2019-0104, CPC2019-1279.pdf2.CPC2019-1279-Attach 1 - Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1279-Attach 2 -Direct Control District 45D2012 (existing).pdf4.CPC2019-1279-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 230D2019.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Glendale (Ward 6) at 4503, 4507, 4511- 17 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0076, CPC2019-1112.pdf2.CPC2019-1112-Attach 1-Applicant Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1112-Attach 2-DTR and UDRP Comments-Applicant Response.pdf4.CPC2019-1112-Attach 3-Stakeholder Engagement Chronology.pdf5.CPC2019-1112-Attach 4-What We Heard Report.pdf6.CPC2019-1112-Attach 5-Proposed Bylaw 231D2019.pdf7.CPC2019-1112-Attach 6-Community Association Response.pdf8.CPC2019-1112-Attach 7-Draft Development Scheme.pdf9.CPC2019-1112-Attach 8- Public Submissions.pdf10.CPC2019-1112-Attach 9 - CPC Member Comments.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Highfield Industrial (Ward 9) at Highfield Circle SE, LOC219-0134, CPC2019-1272.pdf2.CPC2019-1272-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1272-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 232D2019.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Haysboro (Ward 11) at 9232 Horton Road SW, LOC2019-0106, CPC2019-1217(1).pdf2.CPC2019-1217-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1217-Attach 2-Community Association Letter.pdf4.CPC2019-1217-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 233D2019.pdf5.CPC2019-1217-Attach 4-Public Submissions.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Kingsland (Ward 11) at 7112 and 7116 Elbow Drive SW, LOC2019-0113, CPC2019-1132.pdf2.CPC2019-1132-Attach 1-Applicant’s Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1132-Attach 2-Community Association Letter.pdf4.CPC2019-1132-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 234D2019.pdf5.CPC2019-1132-Attach 4-Public Submissions.pdf1.Road Closure and Land Use Amendment in Rangeview (Ward 12), at multiple addresses, LOC2018-0088.pdf2.CPC2019-1236-Attach 1-Proposed Road Closure Conditions.pdf3.CPC2019-1236-Attach 2-Applicant's Submission.pdf4.CPC2019-1236-Attach 3-Proposed Outline Plan.pdf5.CPC2019-1236-Attach 4-Registered Road Plan.pdf6.CPC2019-1236-Attach 5-Proposed Land Use District Map.pdf7.CPC2019-1236-Attach 6-Proposed Bylaw 14C2019.pdf8.CPC2019-1236-Attach 7-Proposed Bylaw 235D2019.pdf1.Street Name in Rangeview (Ward 12), SN2019-0003 - CPC2019-1068.pdf2.CPC2019-1068-Attach 1 - Applicants Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1068-Attach 2 - Comments.pdf1.Interim Protocol for City-Initiated Challenges to the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board - IGA2019-1383.pdf2.IGA2019-1383-Attach 1.pdf3.IGA2019-1383-Attach 2.pdf1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Tuxedo Park (Ward 7) at 140 - 25 Avenue NE, LOC2019-0064 - CPC2019-1354.pdf2.CPC2019-1354-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1354-Attach 2-Community Association Letter.pdf4.CPC2019-1354-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 82P2019.pdf5.CPC2019-1354-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 236D2019.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Wolf Willow (Ward 14) at 2107 - 194 Avenue SE, LOC2019-0124.pdf2.CPC2019-1344-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1344-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 237D2019.pdf1.Proposed Street Name Change in multiple communities (Ward 2), SN2019 0009 CPC2019-1357.pdf2.CPC2019-1357-Attach 1 - Applicant Submission.pdf1.Policy Amendment to the Keystone Hills Area Structure Plan, CPC2019-1387.pdf2.CPC20191387-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 83P2019.pdf3.CPC2019-1387-Attach 2-Stakeholder Comments.pdf4.CPC2019-1387-Attach 3-CPC Comments and Admin Follow up.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Livingston (Ward 3) for multiple properties, LOC2018-0213 CPC2019-1386.pdf2.CPC2019-1386-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1386-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 238D2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1386-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 239D2019.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Skyview Ranch (Ward 5) at 6011 Country Hills Boulevard NE, LOC2014-0165, CPC2019-1367.pdf2.CPC2019-1367-Attach 1-Proposed Land Use District Map.pdf3.CPC2019-1367-Attach 2-Proposed Outline Plan.pdf4.CPC2019-1367-Attach 3-Applicant's Submission.pdf5.CPC2019-1367-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 241D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1367-Attach 5-Proposed Bylaw 242D2019.pdf7.CPC2019-1367-Attach 6-Proposed Bylaw 243D2019.pdf8.CPC2019-1367-Attach 7-Proposed Bylaw 240D2019.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Sage Hill (Ward 2) at multiple properties, LOC2017-0404 - CPC2019-1370.pdf2.CPC2019-1370-Attach 1-Applicant Submission .pdf3.CPC2019-1370-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 244D2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1370-Attach 3-Proposed Outline Plan.pdf5.CPC2019-1370-Attach 4-Public Submissions.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Evergreen (Ward 13) at 167 Evermeadow Avenue SW, LOC2019-0056, CPC2019-1355.pdf2.CPC2019-1355-Attach 1-Applicant Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1355-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 246D2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1355-Attach 3 - CPC Member Comments.pdf1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Altadore (Ward 8) at 1603 – 37 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0137 - CPC2019-1338.pdf2.CPC2019-1338-Attach 1-Applicant Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1338-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 84P2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1338-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 247D2019.pdf5.CPC2019-1338-Attach 4 - CPC Member Comments.pdf1.PolicyAmendment, RoadClosure and LandUseAmendment in Bowness (Ward 1) at multiples properties, LOC2018-0272 - CPC2019-1339.pdf2.CPC2019-1339-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 85P2019.pdf3.CPC2019-1339-Attach 2-Registered Road Closure Plan.pdf4.CPC2019-1339-Attach 3-Proposed Road Closure Conditions.pdf5.CPC2019-1339-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 249D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1339-Attach 5 -Municipal Addresses for Redesignation.pdf7.CPC2019-1339-Attach 6-Proposed Bylaw 250D2019.pdf8.CPC2019-1339-Attach 7- Applicant Submission.pdf9.CPC2019-1339-Attach 8 - What We Heard report.pdf10.CPC2019-1339-Attach 9 - Community Association Letter.pdf11.CPC2019-1339-Attach 10-Proposed Bylaw 15C2019.pdf12.CPC2019-1339-Attach 11-Proposed Bylaw 248D2019.pdf13.CPC2019-1339-Attach 12 - CPC Member Comments.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in East Shepard Industrial (Ward 12) at 53115 Dufferin Boulevard SE, LOC2019-0117-CPC2019-1365.pdf2.CPC2019-1365-Attach 1-Applicant’s Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1365-Attach2-Proposed Bylaw 251D2019.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Manchester Industrial (Ward 9) at 6420 1A Street SW, LOC2019-0108, CPC2019-1356.pdf2.CPC2019-1356-Attach 1-Applicants Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1356-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 252D2019.pdf1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Bridgeland-Riverside (Ward 9) at multiple properties, LOC2017-0405-CPC2019-1301.pdf2.CPC2019-1301-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 86P2019.pdf3.CPC2019-1301-Attach 2-Applicant Submission.pdf4.CPC2019-1301-Attach 3-DP Summary.pdf5.CPC2019-1301-Attach 4-BRCA Response.pdf6.CPC2019-1301-Attach 5-Proposed Bylaw 253D2019.pdf7.CPC2019-1301-Attach 6-Public Submissions.pdf1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Inglewood (Ward 9) at 915 – 9 Avenue SE, LOC2018-0038 CPC2019-1174.pdf2.CPC2019-1174-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1174-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 87P2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1174-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 254D2019.pdf5.CPC2019-1174-Attach 4-Community Association Letters.pdf6.CPC2019-1174-Attach 5 - Applicant's What We Heard Report.pdf7.CPC2019-1174-Attach 6_Public Submissions.pdf8.CPC2019-1174-Attach 7 - CPC Member Comments.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Inglewood (Ward 9) at 922 – 8 Ave SE, LOC2019-0109.pdf2.CPC2019-1364-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 255D2019.pdf3.CPC2019-1364-Attach 2-Applicant's Submission.pdf4.CPC2019-1364-Attach 3-Community Association Letter.pdf5.CPC2019-1364-Attach 4-CPC Member Comments .pdf1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Bridgeland-Riverside (Ward 9) at 520 5 Street NE, LOC2019-0116, CPC2019-1352.pdf2.CPC2019-1352-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1352-Attach 2- Proposed Bylaw 88P2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1352-Attach 3-Development Permit (DP2019-0631) Summary.pdf5.CPC2019-1352-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 256D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1352-Attach 5-Public Submissions.pdf1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Bridgeland-Riverside (Ward 9) at 612 4 Avenue NE,LOC2019-0083, CPC2019-1351.pdf2.CPC2019-1351-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1351-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 89P2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1351-Attach 3-Development Permit (DP2019-2766) Summary.pdf5.CPC2019-1351-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 257D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1351-Attach 5- Public Submissions.pdf1.School Safe Zones - CPS2019-1424.pdf2.CPS2019-1424-Attach 1- Notice of Motion C2019-0446 School Safe Zones.pdf3.CPS2019-1424-Attach 2-Calgary School Safe Zones Stakeholder Report Back.pdf4.CPS2019-1424-Attach 3-Canadian Municipal Scan.pdf1.Impact of Cannabis Bylaws - CPS2019-1403.pdf2.CPS2019-1403-Attach 1- Cannabis Consumption Related Tickets.pdf3.CPS2019-1403-Attach 2- Summary of Calgary Festivals with Cannabis Consumption Areas 2019.pdf4.CPS2019-1403-Attach 3- Provincially Licensed Cannabis Stores by Municipality.pdf5.CPS2019-1403-Attach 4-Total Costs of Cannabis Legalization to The City of Calgary.pdf1.Strengthening the Smoking and Vaping Bylaw - CPS2019-1405.pdf2.CPS2019-1405-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 47M2019.pdf3.CPS2019-1405-Attach 2-Waterpipe Shisha Regulations Leading Practices.pdf4.CPS2019-1405-Attach 3-Letter from Waterpipe Researcher Dr. Fadi Hammal.pdf5.CPS2019-1405-Attach 4- Smoking and Vaping Bylaw Engagement What We Heard.pdf6.CPS2019-1405-Attach 5- Smoking and Vaping Research Topline Report.pdf7.CPS2019-1405-Attach 6-Opinion Poll Cover Sheet.pdf8.CPS2019-1405-Attach 7-Letter at Committee.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Highland Park (Ward 4) at 4111 - 1 Street NE, LOC2019-0115, CPC2019-1337.pdf2.CPC2019-1337-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission-CPC2019-1337.pdf3.CPC2019-1337-Attach 2-CA Letter.pdf4.CPC2019-1337-Attach 3-Additional Community Association Letter.pdf5.CPC2019-1337-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 245D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1337-Attach 5 - CPC Member Comments.pdf1.Road Closure and Land Use Amendment in Cityscape (Ward 05) at multiple addresses, LOC2018-0249 - CPC2019-1375.pdf2.CPC2019-1375-Attach 1-Revised Road Closure Plan.pdf3.CPC2019-1375-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 259D2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1375-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 260D2019.pdf5.CPC2019-1375-Attach 4-Applicant Submission.pdf6.CPC2019-1375-Attach 5-Proposed Road Closure Conditions.pdf7.CPC2019-1375-Attach 6-Revised Proposed Land Use District Map.pdf8.CPC2019-1375-Attach 7-Revised Proposed Outline Plan.pdf9.CPC2019-1375-Attach 8-Proposed Bylaw 16C2019.pdf10.CPC2019-1375-Attach 9-Proposed Bylaw 258D2019.pdf11.CPC2019-1375-Attach 10-Public Submissions.pdf1.Unconfirmed Minutes - 2019 November 18 - Combined Meeting of Council.pdf1.PUD2019-1515-TOD Implementation Strategy.pdf2.PUD2019-1515-Attach 1– Transit Oriented Development Implementation Strategy.pdf3.PUD2019-1515-Attach 2–Sample Station Area Evaluations.pdf4.PUD2019-1515-Attach 3–TOD Program Timelines.pdf5.PUD2019-1515-Attach 4-Bild Letter.pdf6.PUD2019-1515-Attach 5-Presentation.pdf1.PUD2019-1437-Bridgeland Character Home Retention Incentive District 2-Year Update.pdf2.PUD2019-1437-Attach 1 - Bylaw 273D2017.pdf3.PUD2019-1437-Attach 2 - Construction Realized and Applications Approved Table.pdf1.PUD2019-1347-Multiple Municipal Historic Resource Designation – Winter 2019.pdf2.PUD2019-1347-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 48M2019.pdf3.PUD2019-1347-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 49M2019.pdf4.PUD2019-1347-Attach 3 - Heritage Conservation Overview and Benefit Summary.pdf5.PUD2019-1347-Attach 4 - Heritage Conservation Process and Incentives (Including Grants).pdf6.PUD2019-1347-Attach 5 - Heritage Conservation in Calgary – Progress Snapshot December 2019.pdf7.PUD2019-1347-Attach 6 – Calgary Heritage Authority Letters of Support.pdf1.Compassionate Property Tax Penalty Relief Report Back - PFC2019-1105.pdf2.PFC2019-1105 Attachment 1.pdf3.PFC2019-1105 Attachment 2.pdf4.PFC2019-1105 Attachment 2A.pdf5.PFC2019-1105 Attachment 2B.pdf1.Four Year Formal Council Policy Review 2016-2019 Outcomes - PFC2019-1525.pdf2.PFC2019-1525-Attach 1-2016-2019 Review Outcomes.pdf3.PFC2019-1525-Attach 2-New Policies.pdf4.PFC2019-1525-Attach 3-Proposed Rescindments.pdf1.Beltline Community Investment Fund Request for Humpy Hollow Park - PFC2019-1430.pdf2.PFC2019-1430-Attach 1 - Humpy Hollow Park BCIF Application.pdf3.PFC2019-1430-Attach 2 - Updated Project Timeline for the redevelopment of Humpy Hollow Park.pdf4.PFC2019-1430-Attach 3-Letters of Support.pdf5.PFC2019-1430-Attach 4-Examples of Projects Funded by Beltline Community Investment Fund.pdf1.Council Innovation Fund Application for Greater Forest Lawn Governance and Communications Model - PFC2019-1464.pdf2.PFC2019-1464 -Attach 1- Application to The City of Calgary Council Innovation Fund.pdf3.PFC2019-1464-Attach 2 - Table 1 Project Overview and Budget (over 18 months).pdf4.PFC2019-1464 -Attach 3 - Council Innovation Fund Terms of Reference.pdf5.PFC2019-1529-Attach 4 - Letter of Support Dover Community Association.pdf6.PFC2019-1464-Attach 5 - Letter of Support 12CSI.pdf7.PFC2019-1464-Attach 6 - Letter of Support The Alex Community Health Centre.pdf8.PFC2019-1464-Attach 7 - Letter of Support Action Dignity.pdf1.2019 Triennial Reserve Review Report - PFC2019-1385.pdf2.PFC2019-1385-Attach 1 - Reserve review comments and recommendations.pdf3.PFC2019-1385- Attach 2 - Relevant excerpts from the 2018 Annual Reserve Report.pdf4.PFC2019-1385-Attach 3 - Reserves to be reviewed in 2020.pdf1.Administration Response to C2019-1472 - PFC2019-1503.pdf2.PFC2019-1503-Attach 1 - Administration Overview and Recommendations.pdf3.PFC2019-1503-Attach 4-C2019-1472 NoM Lead Sheet Info.pdf1.Business Advisory Committee Opinion on Social Procurement - BAC2019-1524.pdf1.Water Utility report back to the Business Advisory Committee on Indemnified Contractors - BAC2019-1484.pdf2.BAC2019-1484-Attach 1-Update on the actions underway in the Water Utility to address Indemnified Contractors concerns.pdf3.BAC2019-1484-Attach 2-October Engagement Sessions Summary.pdf4.BAC2019-1484-Attach 3-Proposed corporate-wide process for continued improvement of the Indemnified Contractor experience.pdf1.AC2019-1240-Blue Cart Contamination Prevention Audit .pdf2.AC2019-1240-Attach 1-Blue Cart Contamination Prevention Audit.pdf1.AC2019-1541-Audit Committee 2020 Interim Work Plan.pdf2.Revised Attachment AC2019-1541.pdf1.Status of Community Association and Social Recreation Organizations on City-Owned Land - AC2019-1175.pdf2.AC2019-1175 Att 1.pdf3.AC2019-1175 Att 2.pdf1.GC2019-1440-Attach 1-Presentation.pdf2.GC2019-1440-Attach 2 - Letters.pdf1.PFC2019-1523-NOM Cover Page.pdf2.PFC2019-1523-Attach 1-Deeming 9-1-1 an Essential Service in The City of Calgary.pdf3.PFC2019-1523-Attach 2-Approved Notice of Motion Checklist - ESSENTIAL SERVICE NOM.pdf1.PFC2019-1510-NOM Cover Page.pdf2.PFC2019-1510-Attach 1-Efficient and Effective Parking Management.pdf3.PFC2019-1510-Attach 2-NM Checklist.pdf1.PFC2019-0384-Postponed Report Cover Page.pdf2.Social Procurement Update - PFC2019-0384.pdf3.PFC2019-0384-Attach 1-Policy Implementation.pdf1.PFC2019-1529-NOM Cover Page.pdf2.PFC2019-1529-Attach 1-Notice of Motion - Rallying Federal Support For Extended Producer Responsibility.pdf3.PFC2019-1529-Attach 2-Approved Notice of Motion Checklist - FCM Motion.pdf4.PFC2019-1529- Attach 3 - Extended Producer Responsibility.pdf5.PFC2019-1529-Attach 4 - AUMA Request for Decision - Collaboration on Extended Producer Responsibility.pdf1.PFC2019-1552-NOM Cover Page.pdf2.PFC2019-1552-Attach 1-Revised NM.pdf3.PFC2019-1552-Attach 2-NM Checklist.pdf1.PFC2019-1569-NOM Cover Page.pdf2.PFC2019-1569-Attach 1-NM.pdf3.PFC2019-1569-Attach 2-NM Checklist.pdf1.Proposed Policy Amendments to the West View Area Structure Plan, POL2018-0001 (Ward 01) - C2019-1455.pdf2.C2019-1455-Attach 1 -Proposed Amendments to Bylaw 62P2019.pdf3.C2019-1455-Attach 2-Letter from Rocky View County.pdf1.Significant Industry and Regulatory Developments in 2019 - C2019-1512.pdf1.Policy and Land Use Amendment in Winston Heights Mountview (Ward 7) LOC2018-0172 - C2019-1576.pdf2.C2019-1576-Attach 1-Administration Report CPC2018-1301.pdf3.C2019-1576-Attach 2 -Applicant's Cancellation Request.pdf4.C2019-1576-Attach 3 - Proposed Bylaw 2P2019.pdf5.C2019-1576-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 13D2019.pdf1.Response to Councillor Keating - Hiring Practices, AI2019-14.pdf1.Response to Councillor Keating - Budget Items - AI2019-08.pdf1.Ward Boundary Review Engagement Plan - C2019-1584.pdf2.C2019-1584-Attach 1-Ward Boundary Review Engagement Plan.pdf1.Unconfirmed Minutes - Strategic Meeting of Council_Nov12_2019 - English.pdf1.Unconfirmed Minutes -2019-12-09- Strategic Meeting of Council.pdf1.13.1 UB Cover Sheet.pdf2.2020-2022 Family and Community Support Services Funding Recommendations.pdf3.CPS2019-1286-Attach 1 - 2020-2022 FCSS Funding Recommendations.pdf4.CPS2019-1286-Attach 2 - FCSS Funding Framework.pdf1.RA Archive Summary 2019 Dec 11.pdf1.13.2 Urgent Business Cover Sheet.pdf2.Bid for the 2024 FCM Annual Convention and Trade Show - IGA2019-1558.pdf3.Attach 1 IGA2019-1558 FCM Request for Proposals.pdf