Councillor Gondek rejoined the Remote Meeting at 5:48 p.m. on 2021 January 18.
The following documents were distributed with respect to Report C2021-0023:
- A presentation entitled "Enabling Streamlined Approvals - Change of Use and Renovation Exemption Area Pilot, C2021-0023", dated 2021 January 18
- A slide entitled "Item 8.2.1 - Enabling Streamlined Approvals - Change of Use and Renovation Exemption Area Pilot C2021-0023"
- A letter from the Southview Community Association
- A letter from Forest Lawn Community Association, dated 2021 January 12.
The Public Hearing was called and the following speakers addressed Council with respect to Bylaw 6P2021:
1. Wendy Whitehouse, Southview Community Association
2. Rick Grol, International Avenue BRZ
3. Alison Karim-McSwiney, International Avenue BRZ
4. Andre Chabot
5. Elizabeth Daniels, Forest Lawn Community Association
By General Consent, pursuant to Section 6(1) of Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, Council suspended Section 78(c) in order to complete the Public Hearing prior to the dinner recess.
By General Consent, Council postponed Item 8.2.1. to the Call of the Chair.