  • Councillor S. Chu (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor J. Gondek (Partial Remote Participation)
  • Councillor J. Farkas (Partial Remote Participation)
  • Councillor J. Davison (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor S. Keating (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor P. Demong (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor D. Colley-Urquhart (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor D. Farrell (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor W. Sutherland (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor G. Chahal (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor E. Woolley (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor J. Magliocca (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor G-C. Carra (Remote Participation)
  • Mayor N. Nenshi
  • City Manager D. Duckworth (Partial Remote Participation)
  • City Solicitor and General Counsel J. Floen (Partial Remote Participation)
  • A/General Manager C. Arthurs (Remote Participation)
  • A/General Manager K. Black (Remote Participation)
  • General Manager S. Dalgleish (Partial Remote Participation)
  • A/General Manager D. Limacher (Remote Participation)
  • Chief Financial Officer C. Male (Remote Participation)
  • A/General Manager D. Morgan (Remote Participation)
  • General Manager M. Thompson (Remote Participation)
  • Assistant City Solicitor D. Jakal (Remote Participation)
  • Deputy City Clerk T. Mowrey
  • Legislative Coordinator M. A. Cario
  • Legislative Advisor A. de Grood
  • Legislative Advisor J. Palaschuk

Mayor Nenshi called today's Meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. on 2020 November 02.

Mayor Nenshi provided opening remarks, called for a moment of quiet contemplation, and provided a traditional land acknowledgement. 


Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Demong, Councillor Davison, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, and Councillor Colley-Urquhart.

Councillor Farkas recognized the Franco-Calgarian community and the publishing of their book documenting the historic neighbourhood of Rouleauville.

1. Councillor Chu

Topic: Mattress recycling at City landfills.

Due to technical issues Council recessed at 9:45 a.m. on 2020 November 02 to the Call of the Chair.

Council reconvened at 9:52 a.m. on 2020 November 02 with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair.


Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Woolley, and Mayor Nenshi.

Due to technical issues Council recessed at 9:54 a.m. on 2020 November 02 to the Call of the Chair.

Council reconvened at 10:05 a.m. on 2020 November 02 with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair.


Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Woolley, and Mayor Nenshi.

2. Councillor Keating

Topic: Update on work related to sub-division and development regulation setbacks.

3. Councillor Gondek

Topic: Appointing and reappointing Members of Council during the annual Organizational Meeting of Council.

By General Consent, pursuant to Section 6(1) of the Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, Council suspended Section 62(1)(a) to allow for one additional question during Question Period.

4. Councillor Chahal

Topic: Recognizing exceptional work of City of Calgary 311 employees.

  • Moved byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart
    Seconded byCouncillor Chu

    That the Agenda for today's meeting be amended by postponing Item 7.4., Annexation from Foothills County – Resource and Timelines, IGA2020-1153, to the 2021 February 01 Strategic Meeting of Council.

  • Moved byCouncillor Davison
    Seconded byCouncillor Gondek

    That the Agenda for today's meeting be amended by referring Item 11.4.3, Residential Parking Program Review, TT2020-0923, back to Administration for further consultation with Members of Council and stakeholders, to return to the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation and Transit no later than Q1 2021.


    For: (9)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, Councillor Farrell, and Councillor Sutherland
    Against: (5)Councillor Farkas, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Magliocca, and Councillor Demong

    Councillor Colley-Urquhart rose on a Question of Privilege.

    Mayor Nenshi ruled on the Question of Privilege.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chu
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That the Agenda for today's meeting be amended by referring Item 10.1, Shared Access, Network Term and Delegated Authority, GPT2020-0886, back to Administration for further work, to return to Council through the Gas, Power, and Telecommunications Committee in Q4 2020.

  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Carra

    That the Agenda for today's meeting be amended by adding an Urgent Notice of Motion, Reallocating Policing Resources to Support Community Safety, C2020-1266, as Item 13.1.

    Note: a two-thirds affirmative vote is required to add this Item to the Agenda.


    For: (9)Councillor Gondek, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
    Against: (5)Councillor Chu, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Demong, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, and Councillor Magliocca
  • Moved byCouncillor Gondek
    Seconded byCouncillor Woolley

    That Council reconsider its decision to add Urgent Notice of Motion Reallocating Policing Resources to Support Community Safety, C2020-1266.


    For: (11)Councillor Gondek, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
    Against: (3)Councillor Chu, Councillor Farkas, and Councillor Colley-Urquhart
  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Carra

    That the Agenda for today's meeting be amended by adding an Urgent Notice of Motion, Reallocating Policing Resources to Support Community Safety, C2020-1266, as Item 13.1.


    For: (10)Councillor Gondek, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
    Against: (4)Councillor Chu, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, and Councillor Magliocca
  • Moved byCouncillor Chahal
    Seconded byCouncillor Farkas

    That the Agenda for today's meeting be amended by adding an Urgent Notice of Motion, Hailstorm Relief, C2020-1267, as Item 13.2.

  • Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Gondek

    That the Agenda for the 2020 November 02 Combined Meeting of Council be confirmed, as amended.

    Against: Councillor Colley-Urquhart and Councillor Farkas


    Item 11.3.1, Report C2020-1244, was heard following Confirmation of the Agenda.

This item was dealt with following Item 11.3.1.

This Item was dealt with following Item 11.3.1.

  • Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Demong

    That the Minutes of the 2020 October 05 Regular Meeting of the Combined Meeting of Council be confirmed.

  • Moved byCouncillor Gondek
    Seconded byCouncillor Farkas

    That the Consent Agenda be adopted, as follows:

Item 7.3 was heard in conjunction with Item 13.1.

  • Moved byCouncillor Carra
    Seconded byCouncillor Woolley

    That with respect to Report CPS2020-1027, the following be adopted:

    That Council authorize Administration to expend the remaining $8 million of the previously earmarked Community Action on Mental Health and Addiction funds that were committed to support community-based programs with:

    1. Up to $3 million being allocated in 2021 to maintain programs currently-funded through the Prevention Investment Framework with a Mental Health and Addiction lens that are demonstrating positive outcomes, and
    2. The remaining $5 million to be invested as per the original Notice of Motion over the next three years in alignment with the Community Action on Mental Health and Addiction strategy and in accordance with existing funding processes.
    For: (12)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Davison, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Woolley
    Against: (2)Councillor Colley-Urquhart, and Councillor Demong

    Council recessed at 10:01 p.m. on 2020 November 03, reconvened at 1:05 p.m. on 2020 November 04 with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair, and dealt with Item 11.4.4.

This item was dealt with following Item 7.10.

  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Sutherland

    That with respect to Report PFC2020-0952, the following be adopted:

    That Council add a new Recommendation number 4, as follows, and renumber accordingly:

    1. Approve new capital budget in Real Estate and Development Services Program #705 for up to $750,000 in 2021 from the Real Estate Services Reserve, for all work at Richmond Green.
    For: (13)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Woolley
    Against: (1)Councillor Farkas
  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Sutherland

    That with respect to Report PFC2020-0952, the following be adopted, as amended:

    That Council receive for the Corporate Record the results of the assessment of market interest in a long-term contract to provide public golf service, and direct Administration to:

    1. Direct Real Estate and Development Services (RE&DS) to prepare land use and subdivision applications for the ±5 acre parcel at 33 AVE SW and Sarcee Road SW and if planning approvals are granted, proceed to market the property consistent with The City’s established sales process;
    2. Direct RE&DS to bring back a real estate feasibility assessment that substantiates Corporate needs at the remaining land at Richmond Green, and the Richmond Green Operations Workplace Centers (OWC), to determine further disposition opportunities and report to Priorities and Finance Committee (PFC) on or before Q4 2021;
    3. Prepare and implement a plan to accommodate disc golf as an interim use at Richmond Green starting in 2021 and until such time that a future redevelopment plan has been completed and implemented;
    4. Approve new capital budget in Real Estate and Development Services Program #705 for up to $750,000 in 2021 from the Real Estate Services Reserve, for all work at Richmond Green; and
    5. Direct that Attachment 4 remain confidential pursuant to Section 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, to be reviewed 2025 October 01.
    For: (12)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Demong
    Against: (1)Councillor Farkas

    By General Consent, Councillor Carra was allowed to change his vote from the negative to the affirmative

  • Mayor Nenshi left the Chair at 2:49 p.m. on 2020 November 03 and Deputy Mayor Demong assumed the Chair.

    Council recessed at 3:00 p.m. on 2020 November and reconvened at 3:32 p.m. on 2020 November 03 with Deputy Mayor Demong in the Chair.


    Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Demong, Councillor Davison, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Woolley, and Mayor Nenshi.

    Mayor Nenshi rose on a Point of Order.

    The Chair ruled on the Point of Order. 

    Moved byMayor Nenshi
    Seconded byCouncillor Farkas

    That with respect to Report PFC2020-0952, the following Motion Arising be adopted:

    That Council

    1. Direct Administration to terminate all work on the RFP;
    2. Accept Administration’s forecast that golf operations will become sustainable by 2022 without a mill rate subsidy through the existing workplan already underway; and
    3. Direct Administration to provide a financial summary in Q2 on an annual basis to ensure Council oversight of the sustainability of golf operations.


    For: (6)Councillor Farkas, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
    Against: (8)Councillor Chu, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, and Councillor Magliocca

    Mayor Nenshi resumed the Chair at 3:56 p.m. on 2020 November 03 and Councillor Demong returned to his regular seat in Council.

    Following the vote on Item 7.8, Council returned to the Agenda to deal with Item 10.2.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chahal
    Seconded byCouncillor Farkas

    Following Item 14.3.2, Council moved to reconsider the Motion Arising with respect to Item 7.8, Report PFC2020-0952.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chahal
    Seconded byCouncillor Farkas

    That with respect to Report PFC2020-0952, the following be adopted:

    That Council add a new Recommendation #5, as follows, and renumber:

    5. Direct administration to develop a scoping report for the costs of the Request for Proposal for the contracting out of golf course operations, and a confidential Labour Relations Report returning to Council through the Priorities and Finance Committee for approval prior to proceeding and releasing the Request for Proposal as soon as possible.


    For: (7)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Keating, Councillor Carra, Councillor Farrell, and Councillor Demong
    Against: (4)Councillor Davison, Councillor Chu, Councillor Magliocca, and Councillor Sutherland
  • Moved byCouncillor Chahal
    Seconded byCouncillor Farkas

    That with respect to Report PFC2020-0952, the following be adopted, as amended

    That Council receive for the Corporate Record the results of the assessment of market interest in a long-term contract to provide public golf service, and direct Administration to:

    1. Direct Real Estate and Development Services (RE&DS) to prepare land use and subdivision applications for the ±5 acre parcel at 33 AVE SW and Sarcee Road SW and if planning approvals are granted, proceed to market the property consistent with The City’s established sales process;
    2. Direct RE&DS to bring back a real estate feasibility assessment that substantiates Corporate needs at the remaining land at Richmond Green, and the Richmond Green Operations Workplace Centers (OWC), to determine further disposition opportunities and report to Priorities and Finance Committee (PFC) on or before Q4 2021;
    3. Prepare and implement a plan to accommodate disc golf as an interim use at Richmond Green starting in 2021 and until such time that a future redevelopment plan has been completed and implemented;
    4. Approve new capital budget in Real Estate and Development Services Program #705 for up to $750,000 in 2021 from the Real Estate Services Reserve, for all work at Richmond Green; and
    5. Direct administration to develop a scoping report for the costs of the Request for Proposal, and a confidential Labour Relations Report returning to Council through the Priorities and Finance Committee for approval prior to proceeding and releasing the Request for Proposal as soon as possible.
    6. Direct that Attachment 4 remain confidential pursuant to Section 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, to be reviewed 2025 October 01.

    Mayor Nenshi resumed the Chair at 3:56 p.m. on 2020 November 03 and Councillor Demong returned to his regular seat in Council.

    Following the vote on Item 7.8, Council returned to the Agenda to deal with Item 10.2.

This item was dealt with following Item 8.2.4.

By General Consent, Council allowed Councillor Gondek to propose a Motion Arising with respect to Item 7.10, Report PFC2020-1149.

Councillor Davison rose on a Question of Privilege.

The Chair ruled on the Question of Privilege.

  • Moved byCouncillor Gondek
    Seconded byCouncillor Chahal

    That with respect to Report PFC2020-1149, the following Motion Arising be adopted, as follows:

    That Council:

    Direct Administration to engage the newly forming Real Estate Working Group to:

    1. Identify industrial lands in Calgary that are well-positioned for attracting or relocating investment with an interest in logistics, distribution, agricultural technology, clean energy and other progressive business ideas that will further advance Calgary Economic Development’s New Economy pillars of Talent, Innovation, Place and Business;

    2. Explore the use of revised provisions under Bill 7 (“Municipal Government (Property Tax Incentives) Amendment Act, 2019) to identify how ideas like a time-limited assessment cap or modified mill rate could attract investment to Calgary; and

    3. Report back to Priorities & Finance Committee no later than Q2 2021 with:

    a. A geographic illustration of industrial lands in Calgary that are well-positioned for attracting or relocating firms which could aid in forming employment hubs;
    b. Projections of one-time gains from industrial land sales; and
    c. Projections of non-residential property tax revenues as the result of actions outlined above.


    For: (13)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Woolley
    Against: (1)Councillor Farkas

    Council then returned to the Agenda to deal with Item 10.2.

Council recessed at 1:41 p.m. on 2020 November 02 and reconvened at 1:55 p.m. on 2020 November 02 with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair.


Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Demong, Councillor Davison, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, and Councillor Colley-Urquhart.

The following documents were distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-1091:

  • ​A presentation entitled "LOC2020-0111 Land Use Amendment (R-C2 to R-CG)" was distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-1091;
  • A presentation from Boris Karn, CivicWorks entitled "Land Use Redesignation R-C2 to R-CG: 428 – 34 AV NW"

​The Public Hearing was called and the following speakers addressed Council with respect to Bylaw 144D2020:
1. Boris Karn, CivicWorks
2. Nicola Kieran

By General Consent and pursuant to Section 90(2) of Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, as amended, Council recalled the applicant, in order to ask additional questions of clarification.

  • Moved byCouncillor Farrell
    Seconded byCouncillor Carra

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-1091, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.08 hectares ± (0.21 acres ±) located at 428 – 34 Avenue NW (Plan 3674S, Block 9, Lots 15 to 17) from Residential – Contextual One / Two Dwelling (R-C2) District to Residential – Grade-Oriented Infill (R-CG) District; and
    2. Give three readings to the Proposed Bylaw 144D2020.


    For: (10)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, and Councillor Sutherland
    Against: (4)Councillor Farkas, Councillor Chu, Councillor Magliocca, and Councillor Demong
  • That Bylaw 144D2020 be introduced and read a first time.


    For: (10)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, and Councillor Sutherland
    Against: (4)Councillor Farkas, Councillor Chu, Councillor Magliocca, and Councillor Demong
  • That Bylaw 144D2020 be read a second time.


    For: (10)Councillor Gondek, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
    Against: (4)Councillor Chu, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Demong, and Councillor Magliocca
  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 144D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 144D2020 be read a third time.


    For: (11)Councillor Gondek, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
    Against: (3)Councillor Chu, Councillor Farkas, and Councillor Demong

The following documents were distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-1034:

  • A presentation entitled "LOC2019-0112 Land Use Amendment (M-CGd72 to R-CG)"; and
  • A presentation from Boris Karn, CivicWorks entitled "Land Use Redesignation M-CG to R-CG: 204 - 40 Avenue NW."

The Public Hearing was called and Boris Karn addressed Council with respect to Bylaw 145D2020.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chu
    Seconded byCouncillor Farkas

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-1034, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.06 hectares ± (0.14 acres ±) located at 204 – 40 Avenue NW (Plan 5422GK, Block 3, Lot 11) from Multi-Residential – Contextual Grade-Oriented (M-CGd75) District to Residential – Grade-Oriented Infill (R-CG) District; and
    2. Give three readings to the Proposed Bylaw 145D2020.
    For: (13)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Demong
  • That Bylaw 145D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 145D2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 145D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 145D2020 be read a third time.

    For: (13)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Demong

A presentation entitled "LOC2018-0108 Land Use Amendment (R-C2 to MU-1f4.0h21)" was distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-0961.

​The Public Hearing was called and Kevin Ngo, k5 Designs addressed Council with respect to Bylaw 141D2020.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chu
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0961, the following be adopted:

    That Council;

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed land use redesignation of 0.13 hectares ± (0.33 acres ±) located at 4203 and 4219 Centre Street NW (Plan 5422GK, Block 9, Lots 1 and 5) from Residential – Contextual One / Two Dwelling (R-C2) District to Mixed Use - General (MU-1f4.0h21) District; and
    2. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 141D2020.
  • That Bylaw 141D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 141D2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 141D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 141D2020 be read a third time.

    For: (13)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Demong

​A presentation entitled "LOC2020-0065 Land Use Amendment [I-G to DC(I-G)]" was distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-0990.

​The Public Hearing was called and the following speakers addressed Council with respect to Bylaw 142D2020:

1. Jay German, Ronmor

2. Chris Peterson

3. Harrison Zivot

4. Rick Grol, Square One Properties Ltd.

5. Vyetta Sunderland

6. Dan Brink, Square One Properties Ltd.

7. Justin Barrett

By General Consent and pursuant to Section 90(2) of the Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, Council recalled the Applicant in order to ask additional questions of clarification.

By General Consent, pursuant to Section 6(1) of Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, Council suspended Section 78(1)(b) of the Procedure Bylaw in order to complete the item prior to the afternoon break.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chahal
    Seconded byCouncillor Gondek

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0990, the following be adopted:

    That Council;

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.91 hectares ± (2.25 acres ±) located at 3625 - 12 Street NE (Plan 731502, Block 2, Lot 11) from Industrial – General (I-G) District to DC Direct Control District to accommodate the additional use of Funeral Home, with guidelines (Attachment 2); and
    2. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 142D2020.


  • That Bylaw 142D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 142D2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 142D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 142D2020 be read a third time.

    For: (13)Councillor Chu, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Demong, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi

    Council recessed at 3:40 p.m. on 2020 November 02 and reconvened at 4:13 p.m. on 2020 November 02 with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair. 


    Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Woolley, and Councillor Davison.

​A presentation entitled "LOC2020-0068 Policy and Land Use Amendment (R-C2 to M-CGd75)" was distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-1057.

​The Public Hearing was called Sarah Ly, k5 Designs addressed Council with respect to Bylaws 47P2020 and 147D2020.

  • Moved byCouncillor Farrell
    Seconded byCouncillor Carra

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-1057, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed amendment to the North Hill Area Redevelopment Plan (Attachment 2); and
    2. Give three readings to the Proposed Bylaw 47P2020.
    3. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.07 ± hectares (0.177 acres ±) at 129 – 32 Avenue NE (Plan 2617AG, Block 65, Lots 36 and 37) from Residential – Contextual One / Two Dwelling (R-C2) District to Multi-Residential – Contextual Grade-Oriented (M-CGd75) District; and
    4. Give three readings to the Proposed Bylaw 147D2020.
  • That Bylaw 47P2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 47P2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 47P2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 47P2020 be read a third time.

    For: (14)Councillor Chu, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Demong, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
  • That Bylaw 147D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 147D2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 147D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 147D2020 be read a third time.


​The following documents were distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-0913:

  • A presentation entitled "LOC2019-0086 Land Use Amendment (R-C2 & DC to MU-1f4.0h16)"; and
  • A letter from West Hillhurst Community Association Planning Committee's, dated 2020 October 29.

​The Public Hearing was called and the following speakers addressed Council with respect to Bylaw 140D2020:

1. Murad Shivji

2. Alexander Dhand

3. Ken Hersen, West Hillhurst Community Association

  • Moved byCouncillor Farrell
    Seconded byCouncillor Gondek

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0913, the following be adopted:

    That Council;

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.12 hectares ± (0.29 acres ±) located at 2417, 2419 and 2421 - 5 Avenue NW (Plan 710N, Block 20, Lots 10 to 13) from Residential – Contextual One / Two Dwelling (R-C2) District and DC Direct Control District to Mixed Use - General (MU-1f4.0h16) District; and
    2. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 140D2020.
  • That Bylaw 140D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

    Against: Councillor Chu

  • That Bylaw 140D2020 be read a second time.

    Against: Councillor Chu

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 140D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 140D2020 be read a third time.

    For: (13)Councillor Gondek, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Demong, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
    Against: (1)Councillor Chu

A presentation entitled "LOC2020-0058 Land Use Amendment (R-C1 to R-C2)" was distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-0912.

​The Public Hearing was called and John Liang addressed Council with respect to Bylaws 46P2020 and 139D2020.

  • Moved byCouncillor Farrell
    Seconded byCouncillor Gondek

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0912, the following be adopted:

    That Council;

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed amendments to the Montgomery Area Redevelopment Plan (Attachment 3); and
    2. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 46P2020.
    3. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.09 hectares ± (0.23 acres ±) located at 1920 Home Road NW (Plan 5439FW, Block 21, Lot 9) from Residential – Contextual One Dwelling (R-C1) District to Residential – Contextual One / Two Dwelling (R-C2) District; and
    4. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 139D2020.
  • That Bylaw 46P2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 46P2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 46P2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 46P2020 be read a third time.

    For: (14)Councillor Chu, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Demong, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
  • That Bylaw 139D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 139D2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 139D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 139D2020 be read a third time.

    For: (13)Councillor Chu, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Demong, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi

​A presentation entitled "LOC2020-0086 Land Use Amendment DC (M-G) to C-C1" was distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-0996.

The Public Hearing was called and the following speakers addressed Council with respect to Bylaw 148D2020:

1. Vern Hart

2. Dennis Inglis

  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Davison

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0996, the following be approved:

    That Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council hold a Public Hearing, and

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.46 hectares ± (1.13 acres ±) located at 20 Crestridge Common SW (Condominium Plan 1910292, Unit 176) from DC Direct Control District to Commercial – Community 1 (C-C1) District; and
    2. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 148D2020.
  • That Bylaw 148D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 148D2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 148D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 148D2020 be read a third time.

    For: (14)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Demong

A presentation entitled "LOC2020-0056 Land Use Amendment DC to DC" was distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-0910.

​The Public Hearing was called and Amanda Birmingham addressed Council with respect to Bylaw 143D2020.

  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Farkas

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0910, the following be adopted:

    That Council;

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed land use redesignation of 0.03 hectares ± (0.08 acres ±) located at 96 Beny-Sur-Mer Road SW (Plan 1010457, Block 8, Lot 17) from DC Direct Control District to DC Direct Control District to allow for the additional use of Garage Suite, with guidelines (Attachment 2); and
    2. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 143D2020.
  • That Bylaw 143D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 143D2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 143D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 143D2020 be read a third time.

    For: (14)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Demong

​The following documents were distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-1026:

  • A presentation entitled "LOC2020-0119 Land Use Amendment M-C2d162 to M-C2d172"

​The Public Hearing was called and the following speakers addressed Council with respect to Bylaw 146D2020:
1. Rick Grol
2. Hardeep Singh

  • Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Woolley

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-1026, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.14 hectares ± (0.35 acres ±) located at 707 - 57 Avenue SW (Plan 0211137, Block E, Lot 12) from Multi-Residential – Contextual Medium Profile (M-C2d162) District to Multi-Residential – Contextual Medium Profile (M-C2d172) District; and
    2. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 146D2020.
  • That Bylaw 146D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 146D2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 146D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 146D2020 be read a third time.

    For: (14)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Demong

The following documents were distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-1064:

  • A presentation entitled "LOC2020-0098 Land Use Amendment R-1s, R-1N, R-2M to R-CG, R-Gm"; and
  • A public submission letter

​The Public Hearing was called and Jack Moddle addressed Council with respect to Bylaw 149D2020.

  • Moved byCouncillor Keating
    Seconded byCouncillor Demong

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-1064, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Adopt by bylaw the proposed redesignation of 83.90 hectares ± (207.32 acres ±) located at multiple addresses (Attachment 5) from Residential – One Dwelling (R-1s) District, Residential – Narrow Parcel One Dwelling (R-1N) District, and Residential – Low Density Multiple Dwelling (R-2M) District to Residential – Low Density Mixed Housing (R-G) District, Residential – Low Density Mixed Housing (R-Gm) District; and
    2. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 149D2020.
  • That Bylaw 149D2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 149D2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 149D2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 149D2020 be read a third time.

    For: (14)Councillor Chu, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Demong, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi

A presentation entitled "PUD2020-1106 - Review and Update of the Municipal Development Plan and Calgary Transportation Plan" was distributed with respect to Report PUD2020-1106.

Mayor Nenshi left the Chair at 6:04 p.m. on 2020 November 02 and Deputy Mayor Demong assumed the Chair.

​The Public Hearing was called and the following speakers addressed Council with respect to Bylaw 49P2020:

1. Larry Heather

2. Gary Miller

By General Consent, pursuant to Section 6(1) of Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, Council suspended Section 78(1)(c) to allow Council to complete the item before the dinner recess.

  • Moved byCouncillor Gondek
    Seconded byMayor Nenshi

    That with respect to Report PUD2020-1106, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Give first reading to the Proposed Bylaw 49P2020, the proposed Municipal Development Plan, Volumes 1 and 3 (Attachment 3); and
    2. WITHHOLD second and third reading of the Proposed Bylaw 49P2020 until volumes 1 and 3 of the Municipal Development Plan have been approved by the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB).
    3. Following third reading of the Proposed Bylaw 49P2020, Municipal Development Plan Volumes 1 and 3:
      1. RESCIND, by resolution, Council Policy TP012 (Calgary Transportation Plan).
    4. Direct Administration, as part of the next MDP/CTP monitoring report, to report back on:
      1. Proposed changes to the 14 core indicators, and related impacts, taking into consideration the forthcoming CMRB Growth Plan.
      2. The impacts of COVID-19 on achieving the long-term vision of the plans.


    For: (11)Councillor Gondek, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Demong, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
    Against: (3)Councillor Chu, Councillor Farkas, and Councillor Magliocca
  • That Bylaw 49P2020 be introduced and read a first time.


    For: (11)Councillor Gondek, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Demong, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
    Against: (3)Councillor Chu, Councillor Farkas, and Councillor Magliocca

    Mayor Nenshi resumed the Chair at 6:25 p.m. on 2020 November 02 and Councillor Demong returned to his regular seat in Council. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Gondek

    Postpone Neighbourhood Speed Limit Review, TT2020-1036 to first item of new business on 2020 November 03. 

    Pursuant to Section 100(3) of the Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, this motion was withdrawn by General Consent. 

    Council recessed at 6:25 p.m. on 2020 November 02 and reconvened at 7:27 p.m. on 2020 November 02 with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair.


    Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Davison, and Councillor Keating. 

    Council dealt with Item 11.4.6 prior to returning to Item 8.2.2.

Following Item 11.4.6, Council dealt with Item 8.2.2.

The following documents were distributed with respect to report TT2020-1036:

  • A presentation entitled "Neighbourhood Speed Limits Review"; 
  • A presentation from Dave Fryett entitled "TT2020 -1036 Residential Speed Limit Reduction: Why exclude Collectors?";
  • A package of letters from Industry and public; and
  • Letters from the public (51).
The Public Hearing was called, and the following speakers addressed Council with respect to Bylaw 1H2020:
1. Laura Comden
2. Doug McNeill
3. Dave Fryett
4. Todd Thomas
5. Larry Stanleigh
6. Bill Attwood

Mayor Nenshi left the Chair at 8:56 p.m. on 2020 November 02 and Deputy Mayor Demong assumed the Chair.

7. Laura Wiebe
8. Jon van Heyst
Mayor Nenshi resumed the Chair at 9:04 p.m. on 2020 November 02 and Councillor Demong returned to his regular seat in Council.
9. Michelle Mather
10. Vanessa Urschel
  • Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Chu

    That Item 8.2.2  be postponed and dealt with as the first Item of Business on 2020 November 03


    Following the postponement of Item 8.2.2, Council dealt with Item 8.2.3.

  • Council reconvened at 9:34 a.m. on 2020 November 03 with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair.


    Councillor Chu, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Demong, Councillor Keating, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Davison, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi

    Councillor Farkas rose on a Question of Privilege. 

    The Mayor ruled on the Question of Privilege.

  • Moved byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That Council add an Item of Urgent Business to the closed meeting portion of today's meeting, Item 14.3.1, Discussion on the AHS Update on EMS Dispatch (Verbal), C2020-1274.

  • Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Chu

    That Council bring forward Item 13.1 Notice of Motion, Reallocating Policing Resources to Support Community Safety, C2020-1266, to be the first Item of Business following the Public Hearing portion of today's agenda.


    For: (6)Councillor Chu, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Demong, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, and Councillor Magliocca
    Against: (8)Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
  • 11. Nathan Hawryluk

    12. Lindsay Bliek

    13. Tim Claughton

    14. Greg Miller

    15. Terry Wong

    16. Larry Heather

    17. Natalie Robertson

  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Farkas

    That with respect to Report TT2020-1036, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Refer this item to Administration to consider a potential Vote of the Electors during the 2021 Municipal Election;
    2. Develop potential questions to be placed to the electors; and
    3. Return to the 2021 February 01 Strategic Meeting of Council to discuss this and other potential questions for a Vote of the Electors in the 2021 Municipal Election.


    For: (8)Councillor Chu, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, and Councillor Magliocca
    Against: (6)Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
  • Moved byCouncillor Keating
    Seconded byCouncillor Magliocca

    That Councillor Davison's Motion Arising with respect to Report TT2020-1036, be amended, as follows:

    By deleting the words “to support 30 km/h roadways”, following the words “to revise Residential standards”, and replacing with the words “to support 40 km/h roadways”.


    For: (6)Councillor Chu, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Keating, Councillor Demong, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Magliocca
    Against: (8)Councillor Gondek, Councillor Davison, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
  • Moved byCouncillor Davison
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That with respect to Report TT2020-1036, the following Motion Arising be adopted:

    Direct Administration to work with industry partners to revise Collector standards to support 40 km/h roadways and to revise Residential standards to support 30 km/h roadways, and to apply those standards in new communities and for retrofit projects on existing city roadways.


    For: (11)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Woolley
    Against: (3)Councillor Chu, Councillor Farkas, and Councillor Keating

    Council recessed at 11:56 a.m. on 2020 November 03 and reconvened at 1:10 p.m. on 2020 November 03 with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair.


    Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Woolley, and Mayor Nenshi

    Item 14.2.2 was dealt with at this time.

​The following documents were distributed with respect to Report C2020-1084:

  • A presentation entitled "Parking Choices for Businesses" was distributed with respect to Report C2020-1084; and
  • A letter from Karen Paul.

​The Public Hearing was called and the following speakers addressed Council with respect to Bylaw 48P2020:
1. Guy Huntingford

2. David Kowel

3. Beverley Jarvis

By General Consent, pursuant to Section 6(1) of Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, Council suspended Section 79, to allow Council to complete the item before the evening recess.

  • Moved byCouncillor Gondek
    Seconded byCouncillor Sutherland

    That Council:

    1. Adopt the proposed amendments to Land Use Bylaw 1P2007 (Attachment 1); and
    2. Give three readings to Bylaw 48P2020 (Attachment 2).
  • That Bylaw 48P2020 be introduced and read a first time.

    Against: Councillor Keating and Councillor Farkas

  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Woolley

    That Bylaw 48P2020 be amended by deleting section 2 in its entirety and replacing with the following:

                “2. This Bylaw comes into force on the date it is passed.”

    For: (12)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Demong
    Against: (2)Councillor Farkas, and Councillor Gondek
  • That Bylaw 48P2020 be read a second time, as amended.

    Against: Councillor Keating and Councillor Farkas

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 48P2020, as amended a third time.

  • That Bylaw 48P2020 be read a third time, as amended.

    Against: Councillor Keating and Councillor Farkas.

    For: (12)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Demong
    Against: (2)Councillor Farkas, and Councillor Keating

    Council recessed at 10:15 p.m. on 2020 November 02, reconvened at 9:34 a.m. on 2020 November 03 with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair and dealt with Item 8.2.2.

This item was dealt with following Item 14.2.2.

A presentation entitled "PFC2020-1028 City of Calgary Debt Policy", was distributed with respect to Report PFC2020-1028.

​The Public Hearing was called and Larry Heather addressed Council with respect to Item 8.2.4.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chu
    Seconded byCouncillor Sutherland

    That with respect to Report PFC2020-1028, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    Approve The City of Calgary Debt Policy.


Item 10.1, Shared Access, Network Term and Delegated Authority, GPT2020-0886, was referred back to Administration during Confirmation of Agenda.

  • Moved byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart
    Seconded byCouncillor Gondek

    That with respect to Report C2020-1227, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Approve the Chair, Coordinating Committee of the Councillors Office (“CCCO”) as the employing Councillor for the interim;
    2. Request CCCO and the Councillors for Wards 5 and 9 to discuss this as soon as possible and implement any other solutions deemed more effective; 
    3. Assign the Ward 10 communities to the Ward 5 and 9 Councillors as follows:

      Ward 5: industrial areas north of 16th Avenue plus Whitehorn, Temple, Coral Springs, Rundle and Monterey Park

      Ward 9: industrial areas south of 16th Avenue plus Maryland Heights, Vista Heights, Marlborough, Marlborough Park, Abbeydale and Pineridge; and

    4. Allocate the non-staffing portions of the Ward 10 budget 50/50 to the Ward 5 and 9 budgets for activities and communication in Ward 10.
    For: (14)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Demong
  • 7.3 Accessing Previously Earmarked Funds for Community Action on Mental Health and Addiction, CPS2020-1027
  • 7.8 Golf Course Operations Expression of Interest and Real Estate Assessment, PFC2020-0952
  • Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Gondek

    That with respect to Report C2020-1158, the following be adopted:

    That Council request the Returning Officer to consider, as part of the candidate biographies hosted for Vote 2021, a link be provided to the candidate's voluntary contributions disclosure website if available.

    For: (13)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Woolley
    Against: (1)Councillor Keating
  • Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Gondek

    That with respect to Report C2020-1158, the following Motion Arising be adopted:

    That Council request that Mayor Nenshi write to the newly appointed Municipal Affairs Minister, requesting the restoration of the right of municipalities to pass a bylaw requiring the proactive disclosure of campaign contributions.

    For: (13)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, and Councillor Woolley
    Against: (1)Councillor Sutherland

This item was dealt with following Confirmation of Agenda.

A presentation entitled "EMS Dispatch Consolidation" was distributed with respect to Report C2020-1244.

By General Consent, pursuant to Section 6(1) of Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, Council suspended Section 78(1)(a) of the Procedure Bylaw in order to finish this item prior to the scheduled lunch recess.

  • Moved byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart
    Seconded byCouncillor Farkas

    That with respect to Verbal Report C2020-1244, the following be adopted:

    That Council receive the presentation for the Corporate Record.


    Council recessed at 12:19 p.m. on 2020 November 02 and reconvened at 1:32 p.m. on 2020 November 02 with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair.


    Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra

    Council then returned to Confirmation of Minutes.

  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Farkas

    That Council recess after the supper break today and resume at 1:00 p.m. on 2020 November 04.


    For: (6)Councillor Farkas, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, and Councillor Carra
    Against: (8)Councillor Chu, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Demong, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Magliocca, and Mayor Nenshi
  • Moved byCouncillor Gondek
    Seconded byCouncillor Sutherland

    That with respect to Report PUD2020-1108, the following be adopted:

    That Council give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 44M2020.

  • That Bylaw 44M2020 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 44M2020 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 44M2020 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 44M2020 be read a third time.

    For: (14)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Woolley

​The following documents were distributed with respect to Report PFC2020-0963:

  • Revised Attachment 4
  • Presentation entitled "New Community Growth Strategy 2020", dated 2020 November 2
  • Letters from the public (5)
  • Moved byCouncillor Magliocca
    Seconded byCouncillor Chu

    That with respect to Report PFC2020-0963 the following be adopted:

    That Council, for the eleven business cases identified in Attachment 4 (PFC2020-0963):

    1. Remove Growth Management Overlays for each area that does not require capital funding; and
    2. Allow business cases where capital funding is required to re-submit with a strategy to mitigate capital costs


    For: (4)Councillor Chu, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, and Councillor Sutherland
    Against: (10)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, and Councillor Woolley

    Councillor Chu rose on a Question of Privilege.

    The Chair ruled on the Question of Privilege.

    Council recessed at 6:02 p.m. on 2020 November 03 and reconvened at 6:44 p.m. on 2020 November 03 with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair.


    Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Woolley, and Councillor Davison.

    Mayor Nenshi left the Chair at 6:45 p.m. on 2020 November 03 and Deputy Mayor Demong assumed the Chair. 

    Mayor Nenshi resumed the Chair at 6:48 p.m. on 2020 November 03 and Councillor Demong returned to his regular seat in Council. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Carra
    Seconded byCouncillor Chahal

    That Report PFC2020-0963 be amended by adding the following:

    6. That Council direct Administration to work with Belvedere landowners and consider options for adjustments/ reallocation and sequencing of existing GMO removals and proposed Business Cases for targeted GMO removals along the 17 AV MAX Purple BRT transit corridor.


    For: (10)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, and Councillor Magliocca
    Against: (4)Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Woolley
  • Moved byCouncillor Farrell
    Seconded byCouncillor Demong

    That the following proposed amendments, Recommendations 7 and 8, be referred to Administration until early results are available from Recommendation 6 and to identify a funding source for this work to report to Council through the Priorities and Finance Committee as soon as possible:

    7. Establish a funding and timing framework for the prioritization of the 17 AV MAX Purple BRT transit corridor; and,

    8. Report back to Priorities and Finance Committee no later than Q2 of 2021.

    For: (12)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Woolley
    Against: (2)Councillor Colley-Urquhart, and Councillor Magliocca
  • Moved byCouncillor Keating
    Seconded byCouncillor Davison

    That with respect to Report PFC2020-0963, the following be adopted:

    That Council approve the Tafford Business Case (Westcreek) #7.


    For: (5)Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Chu, Councillor Magliocca, and Councillor Sutherland
    Against: (9)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, and Councillor Demong
  • Moved byCouncillor Keating
    Seconded byCouncillor Magliocca

    That with respect to Report PFC2020-0963 the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    To leverage the existing public and private capital investment within the Southeast Sector and availability of services and road infrastructure, direct Administration to remove the Growth Management Overlay for a portion of the Ricardo Ranch Community. Land use approval may be granted for the three north quarter sections (see map on page 33 of Revised Attachment 4) and associated stormwater infrastructure, as determined within future Outline Plan approvals.


    For: (3)Councillor Chu, Councillor Keating, and Councillor Magliocca
    Against: (11)Councillor Gondek, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
  • Moved byCouncillor Gondek
    Seconded byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart

    That Report PFC2020-0963 be amended by adding the following:

    That Council:

    9. Direct Administration to review the transportation infrastructure projects from the Off Site Levy Bylaw (OSLB) that are as yet unconstructed but approved to move forward through previous growth management overlay (GMO) removals in order to identify:

    a. which projects could be right-sized (e.g. decrease road widths) to save capital costs as well as ongoing operating costs for maintenance;

    b. which projects do not need to start until after 2026 (beyond the present and subsequent 4-year budget cycle); and

    c. which projects could be staged with an initial interim solution, followed by full completion after 2026

    10. Direct Administration to provide a summary of the findings from point 9 above, with clarity on allocated capital cost that could be reduced and a revised schedule of project starts, no later than end Q1 2021.

    11. Based on the findings outlined in points 9 and 10 above, direct Administration in collaboration with Established Area Growth and Change Strategy and Infrastructure Calgary, to bring forward a preliminary recommendation, no later than 2021 Q1, that demonstrates how much allocated capital within One Calgary could be redirected from The City’s contribution to Off Site Levy Bylaw projects, toward an Established Areas Infrastructure Investment Fund to further support our Municipal Development Plan goals. A full review of all applicable OSL projects and related recommendations will help inform the 2022 budget deliberations to be held in November 2021.


    For: (9)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, and Councillor Sutherland
    Against: (5)Councillor Farkas, Councillor Keating, Councillor Chu, Councillor Magliocca, and Councillor Demong
  • Moved byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That with respect to Report PFC2020-0963 the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Receive Report PFC2020-0963 for the Corporate Record; 
    2. Adopt the 2023-2026 New Community Growth Strategy as outlined in Report PFC2020-0963; 
    3. Encourage landowners in currently-approved business case areas to maximize development in those areas;
    4. Invite the 11 business case proponents to resubmit these applications during the next New Community Growth Strategy process; and
    5. Direct Administration to develop new supply demand forecasts based upon updated data as available.
    For: (14)Councillor Chu, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Demong, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
  • Moved byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That with respect to Report PFC2020-0963 the following be adopted, as amended:

    That Council:

    6. Direct Administration to work with Belvedere landowners and consider options for adjustments/ reallocation and sequencing of existing GMO removals and proposed Business Cases for targeted GMO removals along the 17 AV MAX Purple BRT transit corridor.


    For: (8)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Carra, and Councillor Demong
    Against: (6)Councillor Woolley, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Magliocca, and Councillor Sutherland
  • Moved byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That with respect to Report PFC2020-0963 the following be adopted, as amended:

    That Council:

    9. Direct Administration to review the transportation infrastructure projects from the Off Site Levy Bylaw (OSLB) that are as yet unconstructed but approved to move forward through previous growth management overlay (GMO) removals in order to identify:

    a. which projects could be right-sized (e.g. decrease road widths) to save capital costs as well as ongoing operating costs for maintenance;

    b. which projects do not need to start until after 2026 (beyond the present and subsequent 4-year budget cycle); and

    c. which projects could be staged with an initial interim solution, followed by full completion after 2026

    10. Direct Administration to provide a summary of the findings from point 9 above, with clarity on allocated capital cost that could be reduced and a revised schedule of project starts, no later than end Q1 2021.

    11. Based on the findings outlined in points 9 and 10 above, direct Administration in collaboration with Established Area Growth and Change Strategy and Infrastructure Calgary, to bring forward a preliminary recommendation, no later than 2021 Q1, that demonstrates how much allocated capital within One Calgary could be redirected from The City’s contribution to Off Site Levy Bylaw projects, toward an Established Areas Infrastructure Investment Fund to further support our Municipal Development Plan goals. A full review of all applicable OSL projects and related recommendations will help inform the 2022 budget deliberations to be held in November 2021.


    For: (10)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, and Councillor Sutherland
    Against: (4)Councillor Farkas, Councillor Chu, Councillor Magliocca, and Councillor Demong
  • Moved byCouncillor Gondek
    Seconded byCouncillor Magliocca

    That with respect to Report PFC2020-0963 the following Motion Arising be adopted:

    In an effort to reinforce the role of the City of Calgary as the regulator for planning and land development, to better align with the Municipal Development Plan and to provide greater predictability of process, that Council refer the following to the Standing Policy Committee on Planning and Urban Development for discussion:

    1. Prioritize the goal of creating a city-wide growth strategy that brings together the presently segregated New Community Growth Strategy, Established Areas Growth and Change Strategy and Industrial Area Growth Strategy;
    2. Continue to evaluate the merits of applications for land use and/or outline plan that are presently under a growth management overlay, with a possible outcome of first reading of Council where warranted;
    3. Revisit areas where growth management overlay removal has resulted in designation of City of Calgary capital to evaluate whether design or timing of approved infrastructure can be right-sized or postponed; and
    4. Bring forward recommendations for growth funding in all parts of the city (including growth management overlay removal when applicable) as part of November budget deliberations beginning in 2021, so that Council is able to make capital and operating budget decisions based on: 1) alignment with MDP/CTP targets, 2) market viability and 3) financial implications.
    For: (14)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Demong
  • Moved byCouncillor Carra
    Seconded byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart

    That with respect to Report PFC2020-0963, the following Motion Arising be adopted:

    1. Council directs Administration to establish a framework for assessing the impact of growth on the City’s approved climate targets as outlined in the Climate Resilience Strategy. This framework should be integrated into any growth and development decisions being presented Council or the designated development authority.
    2. While developing the climate impact assessment framework, Council directs administration to work with applicants bringing forward growth and/or development applications and encourage them to conduct self-assessments for review by Council prior to any approvals. Climate assessments should include, but are not limited to, the following:
      1. An assessment of GHG emissions associated with buildings, transportation and natural systems, including existing business-as-usual or base line assessments
      2. Outlined measures and actions taken to reduce GHG emissions associated with all of the above, including but not limited to greater integration of mobility options like transit or cycle infrastructure
      3. An assessment of climate risks for the geographical area and associated with the development
      4. Defined locally determined risk-tolerance within a context of existing and available Emergency Response Services and relief
      5. Report on measures and actions taken to mitigate stated climate risk and reduce GHG emissions associated with the development
      6. Provide an evaluation of all the above items, within the context of existing GHG limits or citywide carbon budget for Calgary.
    3. Council directs Administration to report to Council through Priorities and Finance no later than Q1 2021 with a report on the development of the aforementioned framework, business case evaluation template, and any necessary resources to ensure strategic alignment between the City’s approved climate targets and future growth decision-making.


    For: (11)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Demong
    Against: (3)Councillor Farkas, Councillor Chu, and Councillor Magliocca
  • Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Demong

    That Council recess until 1:00 p.m. on 2020 November 04.


    For: (4)Councillor Chu, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Demong, and Councillor Magliocca
    Against: (10)Councillor Gondek, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi

    Council then dealt with Item 13.1

Council reconvened at 1:05 p.m. on 2020 November 04.


Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Demong, Councillor Davison, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, and Councillor Colley-Urquhart.

Absent for Roll Call: Councillor Gondek and Councillor Woolley

  • Councillor Woolley joined the Remote Meeting at 1:10 p.m. on 2020 November 04.

    Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Chu

    That with respect to Report TT2020-1191 the following be adopted, as amended:

    That Council:

    1. Amend Council Policy TP017 "Calgary Parking Policies" to add the new Britannia pricing area zone 25 as proposed in Attachment 1; and
    2. Direct Administration to activate the new zone on or before 2021 November, taking into account market conditions and parking behavior in the area”.


    For: (9)Councillor Chu, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Demong, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, and Councillor Carra
    Against: (4)Councillor Farkas, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Magliocca, and Mayor Nenshi

    By General Consent, Councillor Farrell was allowed to change her vote from the negative to the affirmative with respect to Report TT2020-1191.

A Notice of Motion Checklist was distributed with respect to Report PFC2020-1168.

  • Moved byCouncillor Carra
    Seconded byCouncillor Farkas

    That Notice of Motion PFC2020-1168 be amended in Recommendation #1, as follows:

    By deleting the words “compensating for” following the words “Genesis Centre and further” and replacing with the words “investigating”.
    By deleting the words “where opportunities may include, but not limited to,” following the words “public art funds in these communities,” and replacing with the words “identifying potential opportunities that may include, but are not limited to”.


    For: (9)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, Councillor Farrell, and Councillor Sutherland
    Against: (4)Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Magliocca, and Councillor Demong
  • Moved byCouncillor Chahal
    Seconded byCouncillor Woolley

    That with respect to Notice of Motion PFC2020-1168, the following be adopted, as amended:

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct Administration to:

    1. Explore public art opportunities in Northeast Calgary communities, with an emphasis on replacing the gap left by the Wishing Well at the Genesis Centre and further investigating a historically inequitable distribution of public art funds in these communities, identifying potential opportunities that may include, but are not limited to, community programming, local artist residencies, public art installations, community story-telling demonstrating resilience and strength, as shown in the response to the June 2020 hail storm, and considering the investment as mechanism for economic resiliency;
    2. Immediately start public engagement with a diverse group of stakeholders including community members until the end of 2020; and
    3. Report back to Council by Q1 2021, with recommendations on potential projects, funding sources, scope of work, and implementation plan.



    For: (8)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Keating, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Woolley
    Against: (5)Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, and Councillor Magliocca

    Council then returned to the Agenda to deal with Item 13.2.

This Item was dealt with as the first Item of Business following the dinner recess on 2020 November 02.

A presentation entitled "Calgary Council Compensation Review Committee" was distributed with respect to Report C2020-1081.

  • Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Chu

    That Recommendation 5 with respect to Report C2020-1081 be amended by deleting the words “If a member of Council leaves voluntarily (i.e. chooses not to stand for re-election, retires, resigns),” prior to the words “cap payable amount of Transition Allowance”.


    For: (5)Councillor Chu, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Demong, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, and Councillor Magliocca
    Against: (9)Councillor Gondek, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
  • Moved byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart
    Seconded byCouncillor Carra

    That with respect to Report C2020-1081, the following be adopted:

    That Council adopt the Council Compensation Review Committee recommendations as follows:

    1. Although this Committee’s mandate covers the period after the next election of Council in late 2021 onwards, we note that unprecedented circumstances stemming from COVID-19 have skewed the Alberta Average Weekly Earnings (“AWE”) calculation normally used to determine Council pay adjustments. We therefore recommend no salary adjustment, up or down, for Calgary members of Council in 2021.
    2. Notwithstanding the current misalignment, the AWE index should continue to be used to adjust Council’s annual salary, based on a monthly AWE average from September to September each year, as approved by Council in 2012. (See Appendix 3 for a calculation example.)
    3. Provide the members of Council with Workers Compensation Benefits coverage.
    4. On a go-forward basis, discontinue credited service in the Supplementary Pension Plan, while preserving accrued benefits.
    5. Amend the current Transition Allowance as follows (prospective basis only; no changes to earned and accrued benefits):
      • If a member of Council leaves voluntarily (i.e. chooses not to stand for re-election, retires, resigns), cap payable amount of Transition Allowance at 2 weeks per year of service to a maximum of 26 weeks.
      • No other changes to Transition Allowance.
    For: (14)Councillor Chu, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Demong, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
  • Moved byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart
    Seconded byCouncillor Gondek

    That with respect to Report C2020-1081, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Pursuant to Section 6(1) of the Workers' Compensation Regulation, Calgary City Council hereby applies to the Worker’s Compensation Board to have the Workers' Compensation Act apply to all members of Council;
    2. Thank the Council Compensation Review Committee members for their hard work and contribution; and
    3. Direct Administration to disband the Council Compensation Review Committee.
    For: (8)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, and Councillor Keating
    Against: (5)Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Magliocca, and Councillor Sutherland
  • Moved byCouncillor Farrell
    Seconded byCouncillor Davison

    That with respect to Report C2020-1081, the following Motion Arising be adopted:

    That Council direct Administration to explore the possibility of Long Term Disability Insurance for Members of Council.

    For: (12)Councillor Chu, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
    Against: (2)Councillor Demong, and Councillor Colley-Urquhart

    Council then returned to the agenda to deal with Item 8.2.2.

Item 13.1 was heard following Item 11.4.2.

Gondek Question of Privilege

The Chair ruled on the Question.

Councillor Farrell rose on a Question of Privilege.

The Chair ruled on the Question.


  • Councillor Gondek rose on a Question of Privilege.

    The Chair ruled on the Question.

    Councillor Farrell rose on a Question of Privilege.

    The Chair ruled on the Question.

    Pursuant to Section D(1)(2) of the Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, debate on the Question of Privilege was ended and Council voted on the Motion before them.

    Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Chu

    That Notice of Motion C2020-1266 be amended as follows:

    On the second And Further Be It Resolved paragraph, by deleting the words “to the base budget from the existing police budget to support implementation of the framework” following “and a further $10 million in 2022” and replacing with words “from the Fiscal Stability Reserve to support implementation of the framework on a pilot basis.”


    For: (4)Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, and Councillor Magliocca
    Against: (10)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Woolley
  • Moved byCouncillor Keating
    Seconded byCouncillor Woolley

    That Notice of Motion C2020-1266 be amended as follows:

    On the second And Further Be It Resolved paragraph, by deleting the words “reallocation of up to $10 million in 2021 and a further $10 million in 2022 to the base budget from the existing police budget to support implementation of the framework.” following the words “November 2020 for Council to consider the” and replacing with the following words “allocation of up to $10 million in 2021 and $10 million in 2022 in base budget to the implementation of this framework, with an assessment of the impact of reallocating from the police budget and other sources.”


    For: (9)Councillor Chu, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Davison, Councillor Keating, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi
    Against: (5)Councillor Farkas, Councillor Demong, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Magliocca
  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Carra

    That with respect to Notice of Motion C2020-1266, the following be adopted, as amended:

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct Administration to develop a Community Safety Investment Framework that addresses gaps in: crisis services for individuals, their families and support networks; outreach services; and the emergency response system in Calgary; including any gaps in racially and culturally appropriate services.
    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that Administration engage the Calgary Police Service in the
    development of the framework.
    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that Administration report back as a part of the budget process in
    November 2020 for Council to consider the allocation of up to $10 million in 2021 and $10 million in 2022 in base budget to the implementation of this framework, with an assessment of the impact of reallocating from the police budget and other sources.


    For: (9)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Woolley
    Against: (5)Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, and Councillor Magliocca

    Council then dealt with Item 7.3.

​The following documents were distributed with respect to Notice of Motion C2020-1267:

  • A Notice of Motion entitled "Hailstorm Relief"; and
  • A Notice of Motion Checklist-C2020-1267.
  • Moved byCouncillor Davison
    Seconded byCouncillor Carra

    That Notice of Motion C2020-1267 be amended, as follows:

    • By adding the words "or similar proof of damage" following the words "June 13 2020 hail storm" in 1a; and
    • By adding a new # 3, as follows:

    "3. Council request the Mayor to write to the Province on the situation and advocating for relief to the residents and systemic reform."

  • Moved byCouncillor Chahal
    Seconded byCouncillor Carra

    That with respect to Notice of Motion C2020-1267, the following be adopted, as amended:


    1. Council directs Administration to immediately allow affected residents who have not yet paid their 2020 property taxes to apply to The City, through an intake process that is designed in the spirit and intent of The City’s Compassionate Property Tax Penalty Relief Program, to be considered for a deferral of 2020 property taxes, without penalties, to December 31 2021. Furthermore, allow for the preliminary intake of affected residents who anticipate they may face difficulty in paying 2021 property taxes; The intake process will consider the following:

    1. A valid home insurance claim number that shows the claim is from the June 13 2020 hail storm or similar proof of damage;
    2. Any property taxes already paid are not eligible for a refund;

    2. Council direct Administration to report back to Council no later than Q3 2021 with a list of qualifying properties (identified by roll number) for approval under the program, as well an analysis of this property tax penalty relief program; and

    3. Council request the Mayor to write to the Province on the situation and advocate for relief to the residents and systemic reform.

    For: (10)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Davison, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, and Councillor Woolley
    Against: (2)Councillor Colley-Urquhart, and Councillor Sutherland
  • Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Davison

    That Council add an Item of Confidential Urgent Business, Organizational Meeting Appointments (Verbal), C2020-1282, as Item 14.3.2

  • Moved byCouncillor Carra
    Seconded byCouncillor Chahal

    That pursuant to Sections 17 (Disclosure harmful to personal privacy), 19 (Confidential evaluations), 24 (Advice from officials), 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body), and 27 (Privileged Information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Council now move into Closed Meeting at 2:30 p.m. on 2020 November 04, in the Council Boardroom, to discuss confidential matters with respect to the following Items:

    14.2.1 City Manager Update (Verbal), C2020-1238

    14.2.3 Off-site Levy Update, C2020-1237

    14.3.1 Discussion on the AHS Update on EMS Dispatch (Verbal), C2020-1274

    14.3.2 Organizational Meeting Appointments, C2020-1282

    And further, pursuant to Section 6(1) of Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, Council suspend Section 78(1)(a) of the Procedure Bylaw in order to complete the remainder of today's Agenda prior to the afternoon recess.


    Council reconvened in Public Meeting at 4:50 p.m. on 2020 November 04 with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair.


    Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Demong, Councillor Davison, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, and Councillor Chu.

    Absent for Roll Call: Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Gondek

  • Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Carra

    That Council rise and report.


A confidential presentation was distributed with respect to Confidential Verbal Report C2020-1238.

​Administration in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Report C2020-1238:

Clerk: T. Mowrey. City Manager: D. Duckworth. Advice: C. Male.
  • Moved byCouncillor Chu
    Seconded byCouncillor Sutherland

    That with respect to Report C2020-1238 the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Receive the Closed Meeting presentation for the Corporate Record; and
    2. Direct that the presentation and discussions remain confidential pursuant to Sections 17 (Disclosure to personal privacy), 24 (Advice from officials) and 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

    Against: Councillor Farrell


This item was dealt with following the lunch recess on 2020 November 03.

​Administration and Public Members in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Report C2020-1249:

Clerks: T. Mowrey, G. Chaudhary. City Manager: David Duckworth. Law: J. Floen. Advice: D. Fletcher, D. Holub (Chair), R. Pootmans (Member).
  • Moved byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That pursuant to Sections 16 (Disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party), 17 (Disclosure harmful to personal privacy), 19 (Confidential evaluations), 24 (Advice from officials), and 27 (Privileged Information)of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Council now move into Closed Meeting at 1:14 p.m. on 2020 November 03, in the Council Boardroom, to discuss confidential matters with respect to the following Item:

    14.2.2 Report of the Citizen-Led Selection Committee for the Integrity Commissioner, C2020-1249


    Council reconvened in Public Meeting at 1:37 p.m. on 2020 November 03 with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair.


    Councillor Chu, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Demong, Councillor Keating, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Davison, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Sutherland, Councillor Carra, and Mayor Nenshi

    Absent for Roll Call: Councillor Woolley

  • Moved byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That Council rise and report.

  • Moved byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That with respect to Confidential Report C2020-1249, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Approve the appointment of the Integrity Commissioner as set out in Attachment 3;
    2. Authorize the City Manager and City Solicitor & General Counsel to enter into and execute a retainer agreement with the appointed individual; and
    3. Direct that all records associated with the recruitment process and the Closed Meeting discussion be kept confidential pursuant to Sections 16 (Disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party), 17 (Disclosure to personal privacy), 19 (Confidential evaluations), 24 (Advice from officials) and 27 (Privileged information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act indefinitely, and keep this Report and Attachments confidential pursuant to those Sections until such time as all required agreements are signed and following the public announcement of the Integrity Commissioner appointment.
    For: (14)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Woolley

    Council then returned to the Agenda to deal with Item 8.2.4.

A confidential presentation was distributed with respect to Confidential Report C2020-1237.

​Administration in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Report C2020-1237:

Clerks: T. Mowrey and L. Gibb. City Manager: D. Duckworth. Law: J. Floen and T. Wobeser. Advice: K. Davies Murphy, S. Dalgleish, D. Limacher, C. Male, L. Tochor, D. Morgan, G. Skeates, M. Tita, and S. MacFayden.
  • Moved byCouncillor Farrell
    Seconded byCouncillor Davison

    That with respect to Confidential Report C2020-1237 the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Adopt confidential recommendations 1 and 2 as contained in Confidential Report C2020 1237; and
    2. Direct that the Closed Meeting discussions, Report, Recommendations, and Attachment remain confidential pursuant
      to Sections 24 (Advice from officials), 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interest of a public body), and 27 (Privileged information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, to be reviewed 2020 November 09.

​Administration in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Report C2020-1274:

Clerks: T. Mowrey and L. Gibb. City Manager: D. Duckworth. Law: J. Floen. Advice: R. Hinse, K. Black, and C. Male.
  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Davison

    That with respect to Confidential Verbal Report C2020-1274, the following be adopted:

    That Council direct that the Closed Meeting discussions remain confidential pursuant to Section 24 (Advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

    Against: Councillor Farkas


​Administration in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Report C2020-1282:

Clerk: T. Mowrey and L. Gibb. City Manager: D. Duckworth. Law: J. Floen.
  • Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Chahal

    That with respect to Confidential Verbal Report C2020-1282, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Appoint Graham Jones, Parks Manager, to the Friends of HMCS Calgary Committee (non-voting), for a one-year term to expire at the 2021 Organizational Meeting of Council;
    2. Reconsider their 2020 October 26 decision with respect to Report C2020-1054, Administration member nominations to the Calgary Housing Corporation and confirm and approve Administration member nominees for appointment to the Calgary Housing Corporation Board of Directors, as follows, with terms to expire at the 2023 Organizational Meeting of Council:
      1. Director of Calgary Neighbourhoods Melanie Hulsker; and
      2. Manager, Treasury, Aaron Brown;
    3. Appoint Mayor Nenshi to the Corporate Pension Governance Committee, for a term with no set end date; and
    4. Direct that the confidential discussions remain confidential pursuant to Sections 17 (Disclosure harmful to personal privacy) and 19 (Confidential evaluations) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

    Council reconsidered Item 7.8 at this time.

Submitted by: Councillor Woolley

With a General election coming in 2021 I am wondering if/how City of Calgary employees are engaged around the rules and expectations on becoming involved in the wide range of opportunities to participate in the democratic process?

I have been made aware that City of Calgary staff have been discouraged from volunteering on political campaigns or donating to political campaigns and would like some clarity from the City Manager and Administration on employee participation in the democratic process.

  • Moved byCouncillor Farrell
    Seconded byCouncillor Keating

    That this Council adjourn at 5:13 p.m. on 2020 November 04.

No Item Selected