REVISED AGENDA COMBINED MEETING OF COUNCILMeeting #:Date:Monday, September 09, 2019 at 9:30 A.m. - Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 11:30 P.m.Location:IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER1.CALL TO ORDER 2.OPENING REMARKS 3.RECOGNITIONS 3.1Calgary Round-Up Band 2019 World Association of Marching Show Bands Junior Band Champions 3.2Volunteer Civic Complex Tour Guides Recognition (Time Specific 1:00 p.m.) 4.QUESTION PERIOD 5.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 6.CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 6.1Unconfirmed Minutes of the 2019 July 22-23 Combined Meeting of Council 1.Unconfirmed Minutes Combined Meeting of Council Jul 22 2019.pdf6.2Unconfirmed Minutes of the 2019 July 29-30 Combined Meeting of Council 1.Unconfirmed Minutes Combined Meeting of Council Jul 29 2019.pdf7.CONSENT AGENDA 7.1DEFERRALS AND PROCEDURAL REQUESTS 7.1.1Deferral Request Policy and land amendment at 407 27 AV NW, CPC2018-1301 to 2019 Dec 16 Council, C2019-1099 7.1.2Social Procurement Postponed to no later than the 2019 December 16 Combined Meeting of Council, C2019-1135 7.2BRIEFINGS None7.3Arts Commons Transformation Project - Project Update, ACA2019-0948 1.Arts Commons Transformation Project – Project Update - ACA2019-0948.pdf2.Revised Attach 1 - ACA2019-0948.pdf3.Attach 2 - ACA2019-0948.pdf7.4Decision Report – ATCO Utilities IT Common Matters, GPT2019-0920 1.Decision Report - ATCO Utilities IT Common Matters - GPT2019-0920.pdf2.Attach 2 - GPT2019-0920.pdfAttachment 1 held confidential pursuant to Section 23 (local public body confidences) of FOIP.7.5Integrated Risk Management Mid-Year Update, AC2019-0356 1.Integrated Risk Management Mid-Year Update - AC2019-0356.pdf2.Attach 1 - AC2019-0356.pdf3.Attach 3 - AC2019-0356.pdfAttachment 2 held confidential pursuant to Section 24 (advice from officials) of FOIP. Release By: 2034 June 307.6External Auditor 2019 Audit Service Plan and Fees, AC2019-0936 1.External Auditor 2019 Audit Service Plan and Fees - AC2019-0936.pdf2.Attach - AC2019-0936.pdf7.7City Auditor's Office 2nd Quarter 2019 Report, AC2019-0900 1.City Auditor's Office 2nd Quarter 2019 Report - AC2019-0900.pdf2.Attach 1- AC2019-0900.pdf7.8Summary of Real Estate Transactions for the First Quarter 2019, UCS2019-0919 1.Summary of Real Estate Transactions for the First Quarter 2019 - UCS2019-0919(1).pdf2.UCS2019-0919 ATTACH 1(1).pdf3.UCS2019-0919 ATTACH 2(1).pdf4.UCS2019-0919 ATTACH 3(1).pdf5.UCS2019-0919 ATTACH 4(1).pdf6.UCS2019-0919 ATTACH 5(1).pdf7.UCS2019-0919 ATTACH 6(1).pdf8.PLANNING MATTERS FOR PUBLIC HEARING Note: Members of the public wishing to address Council, on any public hearing matter on this Agenda, may pre-register by contacting the City Clerk's Office at [email protected] or by calling 403-268-5861.8.1CALGARY PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS 8.1.1Land Use Amendment in Bowness (Ward 1) at 4655 – 80 Street NW, LOC2019-0038, CPC2019-0812 1.Land Use Amendment in Bowness (Ward 1) at 4655 – 80 Street NW, LOC2019-0038 - CPC2019-0812.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant's Submission-CPC2019-0812.pdf3.Attach 2-Community Association Letter-CPC2019-0812.pdf4.Attach 3-Development Permit (DP2019-1702) Summary-CPC2019-0812.pdf5.Attach 4-Bylaw 185D2019-CPC2019-0812.pdf6.Attach 5-Public Submissions-CPC2019-0812.pdfProposed Bylaw 185D20198.1.2Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Mount Pleasant (Ward 7) at 802 – 23 Avenue NW, LOC2019-0029, CPC2019-0837 1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Mount Pleasant (Ward 7) at 802 – 23 Avenue NW, LOC2019-0029, CPC2019-0837.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant Submission-CPC2019-0837.pdf3.Attach 2-Community Association Letter-CPC2019-0837.pdf4.Attach 3-Bylaw 64P2019-CPC2019-0837.pdf5.Attach 4-Bylaw 179D2019-CPC2019-0837.pdf6.Attach 5-Public Submissions-CPC2019-0837.pdfProposed Bylaws 64P2019 and 179D20198.1.3Land Use Amendment in Royal Vista (Ward 1) at 11 Royal Vista Link NW, LOC2019-0066, CPC2019-0813 1.Land Use Amendment in Royal Vista (Ward 1) at 11 Royal Vista Link NW, LOC2019-0066 CPC2019-0813.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant's Submission-CPC2019-0813.pdf3.Attach 2 -Bylaw 178D2019-CPC2019-0813.pdf4.Attach 3-DP Summary-CPC2019-0813.pdf5.Attach 4-CPC Member Comments-CPC2019-0813.pdfProposed Bylaw 178D20198.1.4Land Use Amendment in Highland Park (Ward 4) at 4120 Centre Street NE and 116 and 124 – 41 Avenue NE, LOC2018-0235, CPC2019-0891 1.Land Use Amendment in Highland Park (Ward 4), LOC2018-0235, CPC2019-0891.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant's Submission-CPC2019-0891.pdf3.Attach 2-CAs Submissions-CPC2019-0891.pdf4.Attach 3-Public Outreach 11x17-CPC2019-0891.pdf5.Attach 4-Bylaw 182D2019-CPC2019-0891.pdf6.Attach 5-Public Submissions-CPC2019-0891.pdfProposed Bylaw 182D20198.1.5Land Use Amendment in Banff Trail (Ward 7) at 2471 - 23 Street NW, LOC2018-0238, CPC2019-0753 1.Land Use Amendment in Banff Trail (Ward 7) at 2471 - 23 Street NW, LOC2018-0238, CPC2019-0753.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant's Submission-CPC2019-0753.pdf3.Attach 2-Open House Summary-CPC2019-0753.pdf4.Attach 3-Banff Trail Association's Letter-CPC2019-0753.pdf5.Attach 4-Bylaw 183D2019-CPC2019-0753.pdfProposed Bylaw 183D20198.1.6Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Winston Heights/Mountainview (Ward 7) at 639 – 18 Avenue NE, LOC2019-0003, CPC2019-0881 1.Policy Amendment in Winston Heights - CPC2019-0881.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant Submission-CPC2019-0881.pdf3.Attach 2-Bylaw 63P2019-CPC2019-0881.pdf4.Attach 3-Bylaw 184D2019-CPC2019-0881.pdf5.Attach 4-Public Submissions-CPC2019-0881.pdfProposed Bylaws 63P2019 and 184D20198.1.7Land Use Amendment in Aspen Woods (Ward 6) at 1385 – 69 Street SW, LOC2019-0049, CPC2019-0873 1.Land Use Amendment in Aspen Woods (Ward 6) at 1385 – 69 Street SW, LOC2019-0049, CPC2019-0873.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant Submission - CPC2019-0873.pdf3.Attach 2 - Applicant Response - CPC2019-0873.pdf4.Attach 3-Bylaw 180D2019-CPC2019-0873.pdf5.Attach 4-Public Submissions-CPC2019-0873.pdfProposed Bylaw 180D20198.1.8Land Use Amendment in Residual Sub-Area 13J and 13K (Ward 13) at 1414 - 210 Avenue SW, LOC2015-0124, CPC2019-0016 1.Land Use Amendment in Residual Sub-Area 13J and 13K (Ward 13) at 1414 - 210 Avenue SW, LOC2015-0124, CPC2019-0016.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant's Submission-CPC2019-0016.pdf3.Attach 2-Proposed Outline Plan-CPC2019-0016.pdf4.Attach 3-Bylaw 181D2019-CPC2019-0016.pdfProposed Bylaw 181D20198.1.9Land Use Amendment in Stoney Industrial (Ward 3) at 12450 and 12620 - 15 Street NE, LOC2018-0246, CPC2019-0800 1.Land Use Amendment in Stoney Industrial (Ward 3) at 12450 and 12620 - 15 Street NE, LOC2018-0246 - CPC2019-0800.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant's Submission-CPC2019-0800.pdf3.Attach 2-Bylaw 176D2019-CPC2019-0800.pdfProposed Bylaw 176D20198.1.10Disposal of Reserve in Stoney 1 (Ward 3), 12450 - 15 Street NE, SB2019-0080, CPC2019-0746 1.Disposal of Reserve in Stoney 1 (Ward 3), 12450 - 15 Street NE, SB2019-0080 CPC2019-0746.pdf2.Attachment 1-Filed Plan showing area required for Disposition of Reserve-CPC2019-0746.pdf3.Attachment 2-Applicant Submission-CPC2019-0746.pdf8.1.11Land Use Amendment in Stoney Industrial (Ward 5) at 2505 Country Hills Boulevard NE, LOC2018-0192, CPC2019-0791 1.Land Use Amendment in Stoney Industrial (Ward 5) at 2505 Country Hills Boulevard NE, LOC2018-0192 - CPC2019-0791.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant Submission-CPC2019-0791.pdf3.Attach 2-Bylaw 177D2019-CPC2019-0791.pdfProposed Bylaw 177D20198.1.12Road Closure and Land Use Amendment in Forest Lawn (Ward 9) adjacent to 3711 - 17 Avenue SE, LOC2019-0039, CPC2019-0793 1.Road Closure and Land Use Amendment in Forest Lawn (Ward 9) adjacent to 3711 - 17 Avenue SE, LOC2019-0039 - CPC2019-0793.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant's submission-CPC2019-0793.pdf3.Attach 2-Registered Road Plan-CPC2019-0793.pdf4.Attach 3-Road Closure Conditions-CPC2019-0793.pdf5.Attach 4-Bylaw 11C2019-CPC2019-0793.pdf6.Attach 5-Bylaw 174D2019-CPC2019-0793.pdfProposed Bylaws 11C2019 and 174D20198.1.13Land Use Amendment in Forest Lawn (Ward 9) at 4725 - 8 Avenue SE(LOC2019-0053), CPC2019-0867 1.Land Use Amendment in Forest Lawn (Ward 9) at 4725 - 8 Avenue SE, LOC2019 0053 - CPC2019-0867.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant's submission-CPC2019-0867.pdf3.Attach 2-Bylaw 175D2019-CPC2019-0867.pdfProposed Bylaw 175D20198.2OTHER REPORTS AND POSTPONEMENTS FOR PUBLIC HEARING (including non-statutory) None9.PLANNING MATTERS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARING 9.1CALGARY PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS 9.1.1Proposed Street Name and Community Boundary Adjustment in Residual Sub-Area 13J (Ward 13) at 1414 - 210 Avenue SW, SN2019-0001, CPC2019-0892 1.Proposed Street Name and Community Boundary Adjustment in Residual Sub-Area 13J (Ward 13) CPC2019-0892.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant Submission - CPC2019-0892.pdf3.Attach 2 - West Macleod Structure Map - CPC2019-0892.pdf4.Attach 3 - Policy Steward Compliance Report - CPC2019-0892.pdf9.1.2Proposed Street Name changes in Silverado, Belmont, Pine Creek, Residual Sub-Area 13L and Residual Sub-Area 13K (Ward 13), SN2019-0006, CPC2019-0747 1.Proposed Street Name Changes in multiple communities, (Ward 13), SN2019-0006, CPC2019-0747.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant Submission CPC2019-0747.pdf3.Attach 2 Quadrant Boundary Adjustment CPC2019-0747.pdf4.Attach 3 - Location Maps CPC2019-0747.pdf5.Attach 4 - List of Proposed Street Name Changes CPC2019-0747.pdf6.Attach 5 -Revised-Distrib-CPC2019-0747.pdf9.2OTHER REPORTS AND POSTPONEMENTS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARING None9.3BYLAW TABULATIONS (related to planning matters)9.3.1Bylaw Tabulation 10C2017, 271D2017 and 45P2017 1.Bylaw Tabulation - 45P2017 10C2017 271D2017.pdf2.Attach 1 - Bylaw Tabulation.pdf9.3.1.1Bylaw 10C2017 Second and Third Reading 1.10C2017.pdf9.3.1.2Bylaw 271D2017 Second and Third Reading 1.271D2017.pdf9.3.1.3Bylaw 45P2017 Second and Third Reading 1.45P2017.pdf10.POSTPONED REPORTS (including related/supplemental reports) None11.ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES 11.1CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS SELECTED FOR DEBATE None11.2OFFICER OF COUNCIL REPORTS 11.2.12019 Grey Cup Festival and 107th Grey Cup, C2019-1043 1.2019 Grey Cup Festival and 107th Grey Cup - C2019-1043_09-03-2019.pdf2.Attach 1 - C2019-1043.pdf3.Attach 2 - C2019-1043.pdf4.Attach 3 - C2019-1043.pdf11.3ADMINISTRATION REPORTS None11.4COMMITTEE REPORTS None12.ITEMS DIRECTLY TO COUNCIL 12.1BYLAW TABULATIONS None12.2MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS None13.URGENT BUSINESS REVISED MATERIALS13.1Modernization of Municipal Expense Disclosure, C2019-1153 1.Modernization of Municipal Expense Disclosure-C2019-1153.pdfPROPOSED URGENT BUSINESS 14.CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 14.1CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS SELECTED FOR DEBATE None14.2ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES None14.3URGENT BUSINESS 15.ADMINISTRATIVE INQUIRIES 16.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Arts Commons Transformation Project – Project Update - ACA2019-0948.pdf2.Revised Attach 1 - ACA2019-0948.pdf3.Attach 2 - ACA2019-0948.pdf1.Decision Report - ATCO Utilities IT Common Matters - GPT2019-0920.pdf2.Attach 2 - GPT2019-0920.pdf1.Unconfirmed Minutes Combined Meeting of Council Jul 22 2019.pdf1.Unconfirmed Minutes Combined Meeting of Council Jul 29 2019.pdf1.Integrated Risk Management Mid-Year Update - AC2019-0356.pdf2.Attach 1 - AC2019-0356.pdf3.Attach 3 - AC2019-0356.pdf1.External Auditor 2019 Audit Service Plan and Fees - AC2019-0936.pdf2.Attach - AC2019-0936.pdf1.City Auditor's Office 2nd Quarter 2019 Report - AC2019-0900.pdf2.Attach 1- AC2019-0900.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Bowness (Ward 1) at 4655 – 80 Street NW, LOC2019-0038 - CPC2019-0812.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant's Submission-CPC2019-0812.pdf3.Attach 2-Community Association Letter-CPC2019-0812.pdf4.Attach 3-Development Permit (DP2019-1702) Summary-CPC2019-0812.pdf5.Attach 4-Bylaw 185D2019-CPC2019-0812.pdf6.Attach 5-Public Submissions-CPC2019-0812.pdf1.Road Closure and Land Use Amendment in Forest Lawn (Ward 9) adjacent to 3711 - 17 Avenue SE, LOC2019-0039 - CPC2019-0793.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant's submission-CPC2019-0793.pdf3.Attach 2-Registered Road Plan-CPC2019-0793.pdf4.Attach 3-Road Closure Conditions-CPC2019-0793.pdf5.Attach 4-Bylaw 11C2019-CPC2019-0793.pdf6.Attach 5-Bylaw 174D2019-CPC2019-0793.pdf1.Disposal of Reserve in Stoney 1 (Ward 3), 12450 - 15 Street NE, SB2019-0080 CPC2019-0746.pdf2.Attachment 1-Filed Plan showing area required for Disposition of Reserve-CPC2019-0746.pdf3.Attachment 2-Applicant Submission-CPC2019-0746.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Forest Lawn (Ward 9) at 4725 - 8 Avenue SE, LOC2019 0053 - CPC2019-0867.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant's submission-CPC2019-0867.pdf3.Attach 2-Bylaw 175D2019-CPC2019-0867.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Stoney Industrial (Ward 3) at 12450 and 12620 - 15 Street NE, LOC2018-0246 - CPC2019-0800.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant's Submission-CPC2019-0800.pdf3.Attach 2-Bylaw 176D2019-CPC2019-0800.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Stoney Industrial (Ward 5) at 2505 Country Hills Boulevard NE, LOC2018-0192 - CPC2019-0791.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant Submission-CPC2019-0791.pdf3.Attach 2-Bylaw 177D2019-CPC2019-0791.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Royal Vista (Ward 1) at 11 Royal Vista Link NW, LOC2019-0066 CPC2019-0813.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant's Submission-CPC2019-0813.pdf3.Attach 2 -Bylaw 178D2019-CPC2019-0813.pdf4.Attach 3-DP Summary-CPC2019-0813.pdf5.Attach 4-CPC Member Comments-CPC2019-0813.pdf1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Mount Pleasant (Ward 7) at 802 – 23 Avenue NW, LOC2019-0029, CPC2019-0837.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant Submission-CPC2019-0837.pdf3.Attach 2-Community Association Letter-CPC2019-0837.pdf4.Attach 3-Bylaw 64P2019-CPC2019-0837.pdf5.Attach 4-Bylaw 179D2019-CPC2019-0837.pdf6.Attach 5-Public Submissions-CPC2019-0837.pdf1.Proposed Street Name Changes in multiple communities, (Ward 13), SN2019-0006, CPC2019-0747.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant Submission CPC2019-0747.pdf3.Attach 2 Quadrant Boundary Adjustment CPC2019-0747.pdf4.Attach 3 - Location Maps CPC2019-0747.pdf5.Attach 4 - List of Proposed Street Name Changes CPC2019-0747.pdf6.Attach 5 -Revised-Distrib-CPC2019-0747.pdf1.Proposed Street Name and Community Boundary Adjustment in Residual Sub-Area 13J (Ward 13) CPC2019-0892.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant Submission - CPC2019-0892.pdf3.Attach 2 - West Macleod Structure Map - CPC2019-0892.pdf4.Attach 3 - Policy Steward Compliance Report - CPC2019-0892.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Aspen Woods (Ward 6) at 1385 – 69 Street SW, LOC2019-0049, CPC2019-0873.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant Submission - CPC2019-0873.pdf3.Attach 2 - Applicant Response - CPC2019-0873.pdf4.Attach 3-Bylaw 180D2019-CPC2019-0873.pdf5.Attach 4-Public Submissions-CPC2019-0873.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Residual Sub-Area 13J and 13K (Ward 13) at 1414 - 210 Avenue SW, LOC2015-0124, CPC2019-0016.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant's Submission-CPC2019-0016.pdf3.Attach 2-Proposed Outline Plan-CPC2019-0016.pdf4.Attach 3-Bylaw 181D2019-CPC2019-0016.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Highland Park (Ward 4), LOC2018-0235, CPC2019-0891.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant's Submission-CPC2019-0891.pdf3.Attach 2-CAs Submissions-CPC2019-0891.pdf4.Attach 3-Public Outreach 11x17-CPC2019-0891.pdf5.Attach 4-Bylaw 182D2019-CPC2019-0891.pdf6.Attach 5-Public Submissions-CPC2019-0891.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Banff Trail (Ward 7) at 2471 - 23 Street NW, LOC2018-0238, CPC2019-0753.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant's Submission-CPC2019-0753.pdf3.Attach 2-Open House Summary-CPC2019-0753.pdf4.Attach 3-Banff Trail Association's Letter-CPC2019-0753.pdf5.Attach 4-Bylaw 183D2019-CPC2019-0753.pdf1.Policy Amendment in Winston Heights - CPC2019-0881.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant Submission-CPC2019-0881.pdf3.Attach 2-Bylaw 63P2019-CPC2019-0881.pdf4.Attach 3-Bylaw 184D2019-CPC2019-0881.pdf5.Attach 4-Public Submissions-CPC2019-0881.pdf1.2019 Grey Cup Festival and 107th Grey Cup - C2019-1043_09-03-2019.pdf2.Attach 1 - C2019-1043.pdf3.Attach 2 - C2019-1043.pdf4.Attach 3 - C2019-1043.pdf1.Bylaw Tabulation - 45P2017 10C2017 271D2017.pdf2.Attach 1 - Bylaw Tabulation.pdf1.10C2017.pdf1.271D2017.pdf1.45P2017.pdf1.Summary of Real Estate Transactions for the First Quarter 2019 - UCS2019-0919(1).pdf2.UCS2019-0919 ATTACH 1(1).pdf3.UCS2019-0919 ATTACH 2(1).pdf4.UCS2019-0919 ATTACH 3(1).pdf5.UCS2019-0919 ATTACH 4(1).pdf6.UCS2019-0919 ATTACH 5(1).pdf7.UCS2019-0919 ATTACH 6(1).pdf1.Modernization of Municipal Expense Disclosure-C2019-1153.pdf