Meeting #:
  • Councillor G-C. Carra
  • Councillor D. Colley-Urquhart
  • Councillor P. Demong
  • Councillor D. Farrell
  • Councillor S. Keating
  • Councillor J. Magliocca
  • Councillor W. Sutherland
  • Councillor E. Woolley
  • Mayor N. Nenshi
  • Councillor J. Farkas
  • Councillor J. Gondek
  • Councillor G. Chahal
  • Councillor R. Jones
  • Councillor J. Davison
  • City Manager J. Fielding
  • City Solicitor and General Counsel G. Cole
  • General Manager S. Dalgleish
  • General Manager K. Hanson
  • Chief Financial Officer E. Sawyer
  • General Manager R. Stanley
  • Deputy City Manager B. Stevens
  • Acting City Clerk B. Hilford
  • Legislative Recorder J. Lord Charest
  • Legislative Assistant T. Rowe
  • Acting General Manager C. Collier
  • Acting General Manager M. Thompson

Mayor Nenshi called this meeting to order at 9:32 a.m.

Mayor Nenshi called for a moment of quiet contemplation at today's Meeting and reflected on The City's and Council's successes during the 2017 calendar year.



1. Councillor Farkas

Topic: Resignation of the General Manager of Transportation and Transit

2. Councillor Carra

Topic: Best Practices and Bylaw requirements regarding idling of vehicles in residential neighbourhoods.

  • Moved byCouncillor Magliocca
    Seconded byCouncillor Woolley


    That the Agenda for today's meeting be amended by adding the following items of Urgent Business:

    • 33rd and 34th Av S.W. (Marda Loop) Streetscape Master Plan Update, PUD2017-1088
    • Infill Property Development Policy Improvements - Scoping Report, PUD2017-1125
    • Rundle Area Master Plan, PUD2017-1172
    • Miscellaneous – R-CG Monitoring Report, City Wide, M2017-034



  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart


    That the Agenda for today's meeting, as amended, be further amended by adding the following item of Urgent Business:

    • Audit Committee 2018 Work Plan , AC2017-1136
  • Moved byCouncillor Farkas
    Seconded byCouncillor Demong


    That the Agenda for today's meeting, as amended, be further amended by adding the following item of Confidential Urgent Business:

    • Legal Briefing (Verbal), VR2017-0057


    For: (9)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Davison, Councillor Jones, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Mayor Nenshi
    Against: (5)Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Keating, and Councillor Woolley
  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Demong


    That the Agenda for today's meeting, as amended, be further amended by adding the following item of Confidential Urgent Business: 

    • Proposed Acquisition - (Belmont) - Ward 14 (Cllr. Peter Demong) File No: 200 210 Av SE (JRM), UCS2017-1215
  • Moved byCouncillor Keating
    Seconded byCouncillor Demong


    That the Agenda for today's meeting, as amended, be further amended by adding the following item of Confidential Urgent Business:

    • Green Line Legal Briefing (Verbal), VR2017-0056


  • Moved byCouncillor Keating
    Seconded byCouncillor Davison

    That the Agenda for the 2017 December 18 Meeting of Council be confirmed, as amended, as follows:


    11.1 33rd and 34th Av S.W. (Marda Loop) Streetscape Master Plan Update, PUD2017-1088

    11.2 Infill Property Development Policy Improvements - Scoping Report, PUD2017-1125

    11.3 Rundle Area Master Plan, PUD2017-1172

    11.4 Audit Committee 2018 Work Plan , AC2017-1136

    11.5 Miscellaneous – R-CG Monitoring Report, City Wide, M2017-034


    12.6  Proposed Acquisition - (Belmont) - Ward 14 (Cllr. Peter Demong) File No: 200 210 Av SE (JRM), UCS2017-1215

    12.7 Green Line Legal Briefing (Verbal), VR2017-0056

    12.8 Legal Briefing (Verbal), VR2017-0057



Councillor Farkas recognized the City Clerk's Office for the quality of the Minutes they provide for The City.

  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart

    That the Minutes of the following meetings be confirmed: 


Mayor Nenshi presented the 2017 Transportation Planning Council Best Practice Award in Council for The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE).

Mayor Nenshi presented the 2017 Sustainable Urban Transportation Award in Council for The Transportation Association of Canada (TAC).


Mayor Nenshi announced the departure of his Chief of Staff, Chima Nkemdirim, who is embarking on a new adventure in the private sector. Mayor Nenshi thanked Mr. Nkemdirim for his seven years of dedicated service as his Chief of Staff along with the legacy that he is leaving behind.

Councillor Colley-Urquhart acknowledged Mac Logan for his leadership and vision during his career with The City.

  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart

    That the Committee Recommendations contained in the following Reports be adopted in an omnibus motion: 

  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That with Respect to Report PFC2017-1081, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1.Approve an additional allocation of $90 million for the long-term funding value of the Economic Development Investment Fund (EDIF) for a total of $100 million;


    For: (13)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Jones, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Woolley
    Against: (1)Councillor Farkas
  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That with respect to Report PFC2017-1081 the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    2. Direct Administration and CED to report to Priorities & Finance Committee with the EDIF Terms of Reference, including a strong governance structure, no later than 2018-Q1; 


  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That with Respect to Report PFC2017-1081, the following be adopted, after amendment:

    That Council: 

    3. Approve the transfers from the following reserve funds to a newly created Economic Development Investment Fund (EDIF) reserve:

      • From the CBS and CCS – Business License Sustainment Reserve: $20M for 2017 and $20M for 2018
      • From the anticipated savings in Corporate Programs $25M for 2017
      • From the Budget Savings Account $25M for 2018;

     Against: Councillor Farkas

  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That with Respect to Report PFC2017-1081, the following be adopted, after amendment:

    That Council:

    4. Direct Administration to return to Council with the terms and conditions for the newly created EDIF reserve fund for approval with the EDIF governance structure, no later than 2018 Q1.


  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Keating

    That with respect Report PFC2017-1241, the following be adopted:

    1. Approve the changes to reserves recommended by the 2017 Triennial Reserves Review as outlined in Attachment 11.1 and Attachment 11.2;
    2. Approve the list of reserves to be reviewed in 2018 as outlined in Attachment 11.3;
    3. Approve the amendment of the Community Sustainability & Public Art Reserve as outlined in Attachment 11.4; and
    4. Receive for information the 2016 Report on Reserves and Long Term Liabilities, contained in Attachment 11.5.
  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart

    That with respect to Report CPS2017-1128, the following be adopted:

    That Council receive this report for information.

    Against: Councillor Demong



    Mayor Nenshi introduced a group of students from West Dalhousie School, in Ward 4, along with their teacher Shannon Lobreau.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart

    That with respect to Report CPS2017-1142, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1.  Direct Administration to work with Metis Nation of Alberta Region 3 to develop a Metis Nation of Alberta Region 3 Policy Implementation Guide that is reflective of their culture and history no later than the end of Q4 2018; and

    2.  Direct Administration to set up an Official signing and formal acknowledgement of the Council approved indigenous Policy to include the Metis Nation of Alberta Region 3 Treaty 7, City Council and the City of Calgary.

  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Chahal


    That Recommendation 2 contained in Report TT2017-1121 be amended by deleting the year "2018" following the words "safety plan for", and by substituting with the year "2019".

    Against: Councillor Farrell


  • Moved byCouncillor Keating
    Seconded byCouncillor Davison

    That with respect to Report TT2017-1121, the following be adopted, after amendment, as follows:

    That Council:

    1. Receive this report for information; and
    2. Direct Administration to report back to the SPC on Transportation and Transit with a proposed traffic safety plan for 2019-2022 by Q3 2018.



  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart

    That with respect to Report C2017-1212, the following be adopted:

    That Council refer report C2017-1212 back to Administration for further consultation with the Ward Councillors and return to Council with a new report no later than Q1 2018.


Item 9.2.2, Report C2017-1231 and Item 9.2.3, Report C2017-1169 was postponed to be dealt with in today's Closed Agenda, by general consent.



  • Pursuant to Section 197(6) of the Municipal Government Act, the following members of Administration were in attendance in the closed meeting discussion with respect to Attachment 2, 3, 4 and 5 to Report C2017-1231:

    B. Hilford (Clerk), J. Lord Charest (Clerk), J. Fielding (Advice), G. Cole (Legal Advice), L. Kennedy (Advice).

    Moved byCouncillor Carra
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That with respect to Report C2017-1231, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Appoint the following seven public members to the Urban Design Review Panel, each for a term set to expire at the 2019 Organizational Meeting of Council
      1. Janice Liebe - Alberta Association of Architects (AAA
      2. Jeremy Sturgess - Alberta Association of Architects ()AAA)
      3. Gary Mundy - Alberta Association of Architects (AAA
      4. Glen Pardoe - One member of the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists (APEGA)
      5. Jack Vanstone- Alberta Association of Landscape Architects (AALA)
      6. Eric Toker - “adjunct” member of the panel of the Alberta Association of Architects (AAA) with Heritage expertise.
      7. Chris Hardwicke - Alberta Professional Planners Institute (APPI); and
    2. Direct that Attachments 2, 3, 4 and 5 and the closed meeting discussions remain confidential pursuant to Sections 17 and 19 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

    Against: Councillor Magliocca

  • Pursuant to Section 197(6) of the Municipal Government Act, the following members of Administration were in attendance in the closed meeting discussion with respect to Report C2017-1169:

    B. Hilford (Clerk), J. Lord Charest (Clerk), J. Fielding (Advice), G. Cole (Legal Advice), L. Kennedy (Advice).

    Moved byCouncillor Farrell
    Seconded byCouncillor Carra

    That with respect to Report C2017-1169, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Appoint members to the boards of business improvement areas and business revitalization zones for the 2018/2019 terms as per the Attachment to Report C2017-1169; and
    2. Direct that retiring board members receive a letter from the Mayor thanking them for their service.
    3. Direct that the closed meeting discussions, remain confidential pursuant to Sections 17 and 19 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
  • Moved byCouncillor Chahal
    Seconded byCouncillor Demong


    That with respect to report C2017-1191, a new recommendation 2 be added, as follows:

    2. Direct the Returning Officer to include the following in the above noted report:

    a) Election eligibility requirements for voters and candidates; and

    b) Enhancements of ID requirements without disenfranchising votes.

  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Magliocca

    That with respect to Report C2017-1164, the following be adopted, as amended, as follows:

    That Council:

    1. Direct that on or before the end of Q3 2018, the Returning Officer provide Council with a comprehensive four-year election program that modernizes and enhances Calgary’s election processes and meets the expectations of voters, media and candidates; and

    2. Direct the Returning Officer to include the following in the above noted report:

    a) Election eligibility requirements for voters and candidates; and

    b) Enhancements of ID requirements without disenfranchising votes.


  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Woolley

    That with respect to Report PFC2017-1082, the following be adopted:

    That Council give three readings to the proposed Bylaw 1M2018.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Woolley

    That Bylaw 1M2018 be introduced and read a first time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Woolley

    That Bylaw 1M2018 be read a second time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Woolley

    That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 1M2018 a third time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Woolley

    That Bylaw 1M2018 be read a third time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Davison

    That with respect to Report PFC2017-1127, the following be adopted:

    That Council Give three readings to the proposed Bylaw 48M2017.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Davison

    That Bylaw 48M2017 be introduced and read a first time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Davison

    That Bylaw 48M2017 be read a second time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Davison

    That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 48M2017 a third time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Davison

    That Bylaw 48M2017 be read a third time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Keating

    That Bylaw 2B2017 be introduced and read a first time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Keating

    That Bylaw 2B2017 be read a second time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Keating

    That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 2B2017 a third time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Keating

    That Bylaw 2B2017 be read a third time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Keating

    That Bylaw 3B2017 be introduced and read a first time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Keating

    That Bylaw 4B2017 be introduced and read a first time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Keating

    That Bylaw 5B2017 be introduced and read a first time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Keating

    That Bylaw 47M2017 be introduced and read a first time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Magliocca
    Seconded byCouncillor Woolley

    That with respect to Report PUD2017-1088, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Receive this Report for information; and
    2. Direct Administration to return, through the Planning and Urban Development Committee, to Council in Q4 2018, with a comprehensive Streetscape Master Plan for 33rd and 34th Avenues S.W. (Marda Loop) that will include options that are integrated with the proposed SW Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) route at Crowchild Trail and 33rd Av S.W. intersection, along with funding options.
  • Moved byCouncillor Magliocca
    Seconded byCouncillor Woolley

    That with respect to Report PUD2017-1125, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Direct Administration to report back to the Calgary Planning Commission no later than Q3 2018, with Land Use Bylaw amendments to address issues identified in Phase 1; and
    2. Direct Administration to report back to the SPC on Planning and Urban Development no later than Q4 2018, with results from Phase 2.
  • Moved byCouncillor Jones
    Seconded byCouncillor Carra

    That with respect to Report PUD22017-1172, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Receive the Master Plan for information.
    2. Direct Administration to use the Master Plan to evaluate development applications in the study area and to consider the goals of the Master Plan when making future infrastructure decisions pertaining to the plan area;
    3. Direct Administration to report back to Council, through the Special Policy Committee on Transportation and Transit, by 2018 May with a scope of work to further evaluate and develop an implementation plan for multi-modal transportation infrastructure needed to further support realization of the Master Plan; and
    4. Direct Administration to consider making this a statutory Station Area Plan or ARP in conjunction with the upcoming report on plans for 2018 local area plan work.
  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley
    Seconded byCouncillor Chahal

    That with respect to Report AC2017-1136, the following be adopted:

    That Council receive this Report and the 2018 Work Plan (Attachment) for Information.


  • Moved byCouncillor Magliocca
    Seconded byCouncillor Keating

    That with respect to Report M2017-034, the following be adopted:

    That Council direct Administration to review, for the R-CG district, secondary suites, parking for secondary suites, rowhouse maximum building height, and corner rowhouse issues, and report with recommendations to Council, through Calgary Planning Commission, by 2018 Q3.


  • That, in accordance with Section 197 of the Municipal Government Act and Sections 17(1), 23(1)(b), 24(1), 25(1) and 27(1) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Council now move into the [enter additional info], in the [location], in order to discuss several confidential matters.

Calgary Housing Update (verbal) - C2017-1186 (FOIP 24)

Referral Report – Calgary Regional Partnership Membership, IGA2017-1235 (FOIP 23 and 24)

Attachments 2 and 3 to Report Corporate Security Capital Request – Implementation Plan, PFC2017-1101(Item 7.6 in Open Agenda)  FOIP 23 and 24

Attachments 2, 3, 4 and 5 to Urban Design Review Panel - Non-binding Nominations, C2017-1231 (FOIP 17 and 19)(Item 9.2.2 in the Open Agenda)

Attachment 1 to Business Improvement Areas and Business Revitalization Zones – Board Appointments, C2017-1169 (FOIP 17 and 19)(Item 9.2.3 in the Open Agenda)

Proposed Acquisition - (Belmont) - Ward 14 (Cllr. Peter Demong) File No: 200 210 Av SE (JRM), UCS2017-1215 (FOIP 23, 24 and 25)

Proposed Urgent Business: Green Line Legal Briefing (Verbal), VR2017-0056 (FOIP 24, 25 and 27)

Proposed Urgent Business: Legal Briefing (Verbal), VR2017-0057 (FOIP 24, 25 and 27)

  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Keating

    Pursuant to Section 197 of the Municipal Government Act, and the following Sections of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Council now recess at 11:45 a.m. to reconvene in Closed Meeting at 1:00 p.m. in the Council Boardroom to consider the following:

    • Item 9.2.2, Confidential Attachments 2, 3, 4 and 5 to Report C2017-1231, and Item 9.2.3, Attachment 1 to Report C2017-1169, pursuant to Sections 17 and 19;
    • Item 12.1, Report C2017-1186, pursuant to Section 24;
    • Item 12.2, Report IGA2017-1235, pursuant to Sections 23 and 24;
    • Item 12.6, Report UCS2017-1215, pursuant to Sections 23, 24 and 25; and
    • Item 12.7, Report VR2017-0056, and Item 12.8, Report VR2017-0057, pursuant to Sections 24, 25 and 27.


    For: (14)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Jones, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Sutherland, and Councillor Woolley

    Council recessed, in closed meeting, in the Council Boardroom at 3:20 p.m.

    Council reconvened, in public meeting, in Council Chamber, at 3:51 p.m., with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chahal
    Seconded byCouncillor Gondek

    That Council now rise without reporting, to consider Item 7.1, Report PFC2017-1081, in public meeting.

  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Magliocca

    Pursuant to Section 197 of the Municipal Government Act, and the following Sections of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Council now move into closed meeting, in the Council Boardroom, to consider the following:

    • Item 9.2.2, Confidential Attachments 2, 3, 4 and 5 to Report C2017-1231, and Item 9.2.3, Attachment 1 to Report C2017-1169, pursuant to Sections 17 and 19;
    • Item 12.7, Report VR2017-0056, and Item 12.8, Report VR2017-0057, pursuant to Sections 24, 25 and 27; and
    • Item 12.9, Report VR2017-0058, pursuant to Sections 17, 19 and 27.


    For: (13)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Jones, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, and Councillor Sutherland
  • Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Carra

    That Council now Rise and Report.


Copies of a document which is to be held confidential under Sections 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act was distributed.

  • Pursuant to Section 197(6) of the Municipal Government Act, the following members of Administration were in attendance in the closed meeting discussion with respect to Report C2017-1186:

    B. Hilford (Clerk), J. Lord Charest (Clerk), J. Fielding (Advice), G. Cole (Legal Advice), K. Hanson (Advice), T. Ward (Advice), D. Corbin (Advice), S. Woodgate (Advice).


    Moved byCouncillor Farrell
    Seconded byCouncillor Chahal

    That with respect to Report C2017-1186, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Adopt the recommendations discussed in the closed meeting with respect to Report C2017-1186; and
    2. Direct that the closed meeting discussions, recommendations and confidential distribution with respect to Report C2017-1186 remain confidential pursuant to Sections 21 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

    Against: Councillor Colley-Urquhart

  • Pursuant to Section 197(6) of the Municipal Government Act, the following members of Administration were in attendance in the closed meeting discussion with respect to Report IGA2017-1235:

    B. Hilford (Clerk), J. Lord Charest (Clerk), J. Fielding (Advice), G. Cole (Legal Advice), D. Corbin (Advice), B. Stevens (Advice).


    Moved byCouncillor Carra
    Seconded byCouncillor Gondek

    That with respect to Report IGA2017-1235, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. File Recommendation 1, from the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee, contained in Report IGA2017-1235; and
    2. Direct that this Report, Recommendation and Closed Meeting discussions remain confidential under Sections 23 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection Act until this matter is resolved.

A clerical correction was noted to the title of Report UCS2017-1215, as follows:

1. By deleting the words "Ward 14" and substituting with the words "Ward 13"; and

2. By deleting the words "Cllr. Peter Demong" and substituting with the words "Cllr. Colley-Urquhart".

  • Pursuant to Section 197(6) of the Municipal Government Act, the following members of Administration were in attendance in the closed meeting discussion with respect to Report UCS2017-1215:

    B. Hilford (Clerk), J. Lord Charest (Clerk), J. Fielding (Advice), B. Stevens (Advice), G. Cole (Legal Advice), B. Inlow (Legal Advice).

    Moved byCouncillor Sutherland
    Seconded byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart

    That with respect to Report UCS2017-1215, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Adopt Administration Recommendation 1 contained in Report UCS2017-1215; and
    2. Direct that Recommendations, Report and Attachments remain confidential under Sections 23, 24, 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act until the transaction has been closed.


Copies of 2 documents which are to be held confidential under Sections 24, 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act were distributed.

  • Pursuant to Section 197(6) of the Municipal Government Act, the following members of Administration were in attendance in the closed meeting discussion with respect to Report VR2017-0056:

    B. Hilford (Clerk), J. Lord Charest (Clerk), J. Fielding (Advice), B. Stevens (Advice), G. Cole (Legal Advice), M. Bendfeld (Legal Advice), J. Wilson (External Legal Advice), M. Thompson (Advice), D. Morgan (Advice).


    Moved byCouncillor Gondek
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That with respect to Report VR2017-0056, the following be adopted:

    That Council receive the verbal presentation and direct that the discussions held in closed meeting with respect to Item 1 to Report VR2017-0056 remain confidential pursuant to Sections 24, 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

  • Councillor's Demong and Keating declared a conflict of interest on Item 2 of the confidential discussions with respect to Report VR2017-0056 and left the closed meeting discussions. 

    Subsequently they were ineligible to vote on Item 2 to Report VR2017-0056 and left Council Chamber upon Rise and Report.

    Moved byCouncillor Gondek
    Seconded byCouncillor Farrell

    That with respect to Report VR2017-0056, the following be adopted:

    That Council receive the verbal presentation and direct that the discussions held in closed meeting with respect to Item 2 to Report VR2017-0056 remain confidential pursuant to Sections 24, 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

  • Pursuant to Section 197(6) of the Municipal Government Act, the following members of Administration were in attendance in the closed meeting discussion with respect to Report VR2017-0056:

    B. Hilford (Clerk), J. Lord Charest (Clerk), J. Fielding (Advice), B. Stevens (Advice), G. Cole (Legal Advice), L. Kennedy (Advice), B. Inlow (Legal Advice), D. Gallow (Advice), T. Fam (Advice).


    Moved byCouncillor Farrell
    Seconded byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart

    That with respect to Report VR2017-0057, the following be adopted:

    That Council direct that the discussions held in closed meeting with respect to Report VR2017-0057 remain confidential pursuant to Sections 24, 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

    Against:  Councillor Farkas


No Administrative Inquiries were received at today's meeting.

  • Moved byCouncillor Jones
    Seconded byCouncillor Colley-Urquhart

    That this Council adjourn at 5:54 p.m. on 2017 December 18.


    For: (8)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Davison, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farrell, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Jones, and Councillor Sutherland
    Against: (4)Councillor Colley-Urquhart, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Keating, and Councillor Magliocca


No Item Selected