  • Councillor G-C. Carra (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor C. Walcott
  • Councillor E. Spencer
  • Councillor K. Penner
  • Councillor T. Wong (Partial Remote Participation)
  • Councillor J. Wyness (Partial Remote Participation)
  • Councillor J. Mian
  • Councillor S. Sharp (Partial Remote Participation)
  • Councillor R. Pootmans
  • Councillor P. Demong (Partial Remote Participation)
  • Councillor D. McLean (Partial Remote Participation)
  • Councillor R. Dhaliwal (Partial Remote Participation)
  • Councillor A. Chabot (Partial Remote Participation)
  • Councillor S. Chu (Remote Participation)
  • Mayor J. Gondek
  • City Manager D. Duckworth
  • City Solicitor and General Counsel J. Floen
  • General Manager C. Arthurs
  • General Manager K. Black
  • General Manager S. Dalgleish
  • Chief Financial Officer C. Male
  • General Manager D. Morgan
  • General Manager M. Thompson
  • City Clerk K. Martin
  • Deputy City Clerk J. Fraser
  • Legislative Advisor C. Nelson
  • Legislative Advisor J. Palaschuk

Mayor Gondek called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m.


Councillor Carra, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Councillor Dhaliwal, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Wong, Councillor Wyness, and Mayor Gondek.

Councillor Dhaliwal provided a traditional land acknowledgement. 

Mayor Gondek recognized April 28 as the Day of Mourning for Persons Killed or injured in the Workplace, also known as National Day of Mourning.

Mayor Gondek recognized May 5 as the National Day of Awareness for Missing, Murdered, and Exploited Indigenous People, also known as Red Dress Day.

​The following documents were distributed with respect to Opening Remarks:

  • A presentation entitled “Recognizing Those Killed or Injured in the Workplace”; and
  • A presentation entitled “Red Dress Day”.


1. Councillor Penner
Topic: Street sweeping costs, duration, and how this year compares to previous years and other jurisdictions.

2. Councillor Wyness
Topic: Calgary Transit operators and violence and trauma being experienced.

3. Councillor Mian
Topic: Green bins and opportunities to improve composting of pet waste in parks.

  • Moved byCouncillor Pootmans
    Seconded byCouncillor Demong

    That the Agenda for today's meeting be amended by:

    1. Adding the following Items as Items of Urgent Business:
    • 11.1 The City of Calgary 2022 Annual Financial Report, AC2023-0327, to be dealt with following Item 12.2.3;
    • 11.2 External Auditor 2022 Year-End Report, AC2023-0356, to be dealt with following Item 11.1;
    • 11.3 Joint Planning Area Context Study Terms of References - Calgary Metropolitan Region Board, IGA2023-0251;
    1. Setting Item 9.3.8 Notice of Motion - Enhancing Investment in Mobility Infrastructure through Seasonal Operational Savings, EC2023-0463, to be dealt with following the dinner recess;
    2. Setting Item 9.3.9 Notice of Motion - Re-invest On-street Parking Revenue for Streets Service, EC2023-0464, to be dealt with following Item 9.3.8; and
    3. Setting Item 10.2.1 Calgary Airport Authority – Annual Presentation (Verbal), C2023-0452, to be dealt with at 4:00 p.m. 
  • Moved byCouncillor Mian
    Seconded byCouncillor Penner

    That the Agenda for the 2023 April 25 Regular Meeting of Council be confirmed, as amended.

  • Moved byCouncillor Dhaliwal
    Seconded byCouncillor Wong

    That the Consent Agenda be adopted as follows:


    Mayor Gondek introduced a group of Grade 5 and 6 students from Buchanan School (Ward 4), along with their teacher, Alex Gilbert.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sharp
    Seconded byCouncillor Mian

    That pursuant to Sections 16 (Disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party), 24 (Advice from officials), 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body), and 27 (Privileged information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Council now move into Closed Meeting, at 9:54 a.m. in the Council Boardroom, to discuss confidential matters with respect to the following Items:

    • 12.2.2 Event Centre Update (Verbal), ECC2023-0352
    • 12.2.3 2023 April Event Centre Update, ECC2023-0482

    And further, that the following External Members be invited to attend the Closed Meeting with respect to Items 12.2.2 and 12.2.3: Dr. Emily Laidlaw (Ethics Advisor), Dan Barrett (CAA ICON), Art Aaron (CAA ICON), Dan Wowryk (CAA ICON), Linda Brown (McCarthy Tetrault), Olivia Colic (McCarthy Tetrault), Deborah Yedlin (Calgary Chamber of Commerce), and Brad Parry (Calgary Economic Development).

    For: (15)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal

    By General Consent, Council modified the normal recess times set out in Section 78(1) of Procedure Bylaw 35M2017 to be at the Call of the Chair.

    Council reconvened in public meeting at 12:00 p.m. with Mayor Gondek in the Chair.


    Councillor Carra, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Councillor Dhaliwal, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councilor Penner, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Wong, Councillor Wyness, and Mayor Gondek.

  • Moved byCouncillor Penner
    Seconded byCouncillor Dhaliwal

    That Council rise and report.


    Council then dealt with Item 12.2.2.

This Item was dealt with following Item 9.3.7.

  • Moved byCouncillor Penner
    Seconded byCouncillor Mian

    That with respect to Report IGA2023-0086, the following be adopted:

    That Council direct Administration to use the proposed approach and themes to conduct a 2023 YYC Matters Provincial Campaign.

    For: (12)Councillor Carra, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal
    Against: (3)Councillor Chu, Councillor McLean, and Councillor Chabot
  • Moved byCouncillor Dhaliwal
    Seconded byCouncillor Wong

    That with respect to Report EC2023-0140, the following be adopted:

    That Council receive this report for the Corporate Record.

    For: (13)Councillor Carra, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal
    Against: (2)Councillor Chu, and Councillor McLean

    Council then dealt with Item 10.1.1.

This Item was dealt with following Item 11.2.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chabot
    Seconded byCouncillor Spencer

    That with respect to Report C2023-0355, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Appoint the individual named in Confidential Attachment 1 to serve on the Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee as a Public Aboriginal Member for a two-year term expiring on 2024 October 31;
    2. Direct the City Clerk to make the appointment public following notification of the appointee; and
    3. Direct that Confidential Attachment 1 be held confidential pursuant to Section 17 (Disclosure harmful to personal privacy) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
    For: (15)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal
  • Moved byCouncillor Penner
    Seconded byCouncillor Mian

    That with respect to Report C2023-0413, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Ratify the 2023 Calgary Awards Recipient for the W.O. Mitchell Book Prize as recommended by the selection jury (Attachment 1); and
    2. Direct that Attachment 1 be held confidential pursuant to Section 17 (Disclosure harmful to personal privacy) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act until after the Calgary Awards ceremony on 2023 June 14.
    For: (15)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal

A presentation entitled "Amendments to the Procedure Bylaw and Councillors’ Budgets and Expenses Bylaw" was distributed with respect to Report C2023-0409.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chabot
    Seconded byCouncillor Wong

    That with respect to Report C2023-0409, the following be adopted:

    That Council amend the Procedure Bylaw and the Councillors’ Budgets and Expenses Bylaw by giving three readings to Proposed Bylaw 20M2023, as set out in Attachment 1.

    For: (15)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal
  • That Bylaw 20M2023 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 20M2023 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 20M2023 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 20M2023 be read a third time.


Councillor Penner rose on a Point of Privilege.

Councillor Wyness corrected her statement.

  • Moved byCouncillor Walcott
    Seconded byCouncillor Penner

    That with respect to Report C2023-0371, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Receive the progress update report and attachments on safe and inclusive access for information; and
    2. Direct Administration to monitor the utilization of the Safe and Inclusive Access Bylaw, and as necessary, return to Council with any recommended amendments.
    For: (14)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal
  • Moved byCouncillor Chabot
    Seconded byCouncillor Sharp

    That with respect to Report CSC2023-0189, the following be adopted:

    That Council refer Report CSC2023-0189 to Administration so that the results of its review of the Supporting Procedures for the Reimbursement of Employee Business Expenses can be considered in proposed amendments to the Councillors’ Budgets and Expenses Bylaw, and direct Administration to report back to the Council Services Committee no later than 2023 December 7.

    For: (15)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal
  • Moved byCouncillor Penner
    Seconded byCouncillor Demong

    That with respect to Report CD2023-0064, the following be adopted:

    That Council give three readings to Proposed 2023 Special Tax Bylaw 12M2023 (Attachment 2).

    For: (14)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal
    Against: (1)Councillor Chabot
  • That Bylaw 12M2023 be introduced and read a first time.

    Against: Councillor Chabot

  • That Bylaw 12M2023 be read a second time.

    Against: Councillor Chabot

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 12M2023 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 12M2023 be read a third time.

    Against: Councillor Chabot

  • Moved byCouncillor Penner
    Seconded byCouncillor McLean

    That with respect to Report EC2023-0199, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Give first reading to Bylaw 11M2023 (Attachment 3), authorizing the City of Calgary (“The City”) to guarantee third party bank indebtedness of the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Limited (“The Stampede”) in the amount of $10 million;
    2. Withhold second and third readings until the advertising requirements have been met; and
    3. Direct Administration to amend any existing agreements between The City and The Stampede as applicable and in accordance with the Credit Documentation – Loans and Loan Guarantees Policy and Procedures.
    For: (15)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal
  • That Bylaw 11M2023 be introduced and read a first time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Wong
    Seconded byCouncillor Penner

    That with respect to Report EC2023-0157, the following be adopted, after amendment:

    That Council:

    1. Reconsider Report C2022-1051 with respect to Recommendation 1(I)(f) that directs “$2 million in 2023 to expand the Non-Residential Heritage Conservation Program, initiate the Residential Tax Heritage Incentive Program, and resource both programs”.

    For: (15)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal
  • Moved byCouncillor Wong
    Seconded byCouncillor Pootmans

    That with respect to Report EC2023-0157, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    2. Direct Administration to allocate the one-time $2 million for heritage incentives to maximize support for new Municipal Historic Resource designations and not offer the Residential Heritage Tax Incentive in 2023.

    For: (15)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal
  • Moved byCouncillor Chabot
    Seconded byCouncillor Sharp

    That with respect to Report IP2023-0322, the following be adopted:

    That Council give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 21M2023 as proposed in Attachment 1 to amend the Suite Registry Bylaw 11M2018.

    For: (15)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal
  • That Bylaw 21M2023 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 21M2023 be read a second time.

  • That authorization now be given to read Bylaw 21M2023 a third time.

  • That Bylaw 21M2023 be read a third time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Mian
    Seconded byCouncillor Walcott

    That with respect to Report EC2023-0197, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Give first reading to Proposed Bylaw 5B2023 (Attachment 2), being the proposed bylaw authorizing The City of Calgary (“The City”) to borrow up to the maximum amount of $45 million for financing capital projects of the Calgary Municipal Land Corporation;
    2. Give first reading to Proposed Bylaw 6B2023 (Attachment 3), being the proposed bylaw to amend Bylaw 9B2021 authorizing The City to increase the borrowing authority from the maximum amount of $135 million to $165 million for financing the development of Phase 1 of the Arts Commons Transformation Capital Project;
    3. Give first reading to Proposed Bylaw 10M2023 (Attachment 4), being the proposed bylaw authorizing loans in the maximum amount of $45 million to the Calgary Municipal Land Corporation;
    4. Give first reading to Proposed Bylaw 9M2023 (Attachment 5), being the proposed bylaw to amend Bylaw 56M2021 authorizing the increase of the amount of loans to the Calgary Municipal Land Corporation from the maximum amount of $135 million to $165 million;
    5. Withhold second and third readings until the advertising requirements set out in the Municipal Government Act, RSA 2000, c. M-26, have been met; and
    6. Direct Administration to amend any existing agreements between The City and the Calgary Municipal Land Corporation as applicable and in accordance with the Credit Documentation – Loans and Loan Guarantees Policy and Procedures.
    For: (15)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal
  • That Bylaw 5B2023 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 6B2023 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 10M2023 be introduced and read a first time.

  • That Bylaw 9M2023 be introduced and read a first time.

  • Moved byCouncillor Spencer
    Seconded byCouncillor Walcott

    That with respect to Notice of Motion EC2023-0328, the following be adopted:

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct Administration to draft Amendments to the Community Standards Bylaw to address Foxtail Barley, with a focus on larger non-residential parcels;

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct Administration to develop a public education and awareness campaign for pet owners to understand the risks of Foxtail Barley and actions that can be taken to protect their pets;

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct Administration to report back to The Community Development Committee in Q2 2023.

    For: (14)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal
    Against: (1)Councillor Chabot

    By General Consent, Council postponed Items 9.3.8 and 9.3.9 to be heard at the Call of the Chair.

    Council then dealt with Item 7.4.

This Item was dealt with following Item 10.1.2.

Councillor Sharp (Remote Member) left the meeting at 2:42 p.m.

Councillor Chabot rose on a Point of Order.

The Chair ruled on the Point of Order.

  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Dhaliwal

    That with respect to Notice of Motion EC2023-0463, the following be adopted:

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that City Council directs City Administration to review opportunities to direct operating surpluses from the SNIC Reserve and the Winter Operations operating budget to be annually allocated for street repairs to improve mobility for all modes such as vehicles, bicycles, transit buses and scooters.

    AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that Administration report back on enhancements or amendments to existing reserves through the Snow and Ice Control Policy update. 

    For: (14)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal

Mayor Gondek left the Chair at 3:00 p.m. and Deputy Mayor Mian assumed the Chair.

  • Moved byCouncillor Demong
    Seconded byCouncillor Dhaliwal

    That with respect to Notice of Motion EC2023-0464, the following be adopted:

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct Administration to report back to Council with options to fund the Streets service line annual reinvestment programs of Street Light Lifecycle & Upgrade, and Pavement Rehabilitation with on-street parking revenues as part of the current review of the Financial Return Policies contained in Calgary Parking Policies already planned to be brought to committee in 2023.

    For: (13)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal

    Council recessed at 3:05 p.m. and reconvened at 4:05 p.m. with Deputy Mayor Mian in the Chair.


    Councillor Carra, Councillor Dhaliwal, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Penner, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Mian, and Councillor Chu.

    Absent from Roll Call: Councillor Chabot, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Wong, Councillor Demong, and Mayor Gondek.

    Councillor Demong (Remote Member) joined the meeting at 4:09 p.m.

    Council then dealt with Item 10.2.1.

This Item was dealt with following Item 7.9.

Pursuant to Section 184(a) of the Municipal Government Act, Councillor Sharp abstained from voting on Bylaws 5P2023 and 6P2023 as Councillor Sharp was absent for the Public Hearing on Bylaws 5P2023 and 6P2023.

  • Moved byCouncillor Walcott
    Seconded byCouncillor Pootmans

    That with respect to Report C2023-0465, the following be adopted:

    That Council give second and third readings to Proposed Bylaws 5P2023 and 6P2023.

    For: (12)Councillor Carra, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal
    Against: (2)Councillor Chu, and Councillor McLean
  • That Bylaw 5P2023 be read a second time.

    Against: Councillor Chu and Councillor McLean

  • That Bylaw 5P2023 be read a third time.

    Against: Councillor Chu and Councillor McLean

  • That Bylaw 6P2023 be read a second time.

    Against: Councillor Chu and Councillor McLean

  • That Bylaw 6P2023 be read a third time.

    Against: Councillor Chu and Councillor McLean

  • Moved byCouncillor Walcott
    Seconded byCouncillor Mian

    That with respect to Report C2023-0484, the following be adopted:

    That Council give Loan Bylaws 5M2023 and 6M2023 second and third readings.

    For: (15)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal
  • That Bylaw 5M2023 be read a second time.

  • That Bylaw 5M2023 be read a third time.

  • That Bylaw 6M2023 be read a second time.

  • That Bylaw 6M2023 be read a third time.


    Council then dealt with Item 9.3.8.

This Item was dealt with following Item 9.3.9.

Mayor Gondek resumed the Chair at 4:39 p.m.

  • Moved byCouncillor Mian
    Seconded byCouncillor Pootmans

    That with respect to Verbal Report C2023-0452, the following be adopted:

    That Council receive the presentation for the Corporate Record.

    For: (14)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal

    Council then dealt with Item 12.

This Item was dealt with following Item 12.2.3.

Mayor Gondek left the Chair at 1:18 p.m. and Deputy Mayor Mian assumed the Chair.

Mayor Gondek resumed the Chair at 1:20 p.m. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Pootmans
    Seconded byCouncillor Spencer

    That with respect to Report AC2023-0327, the following be adopted:

    That Council approve The City of Calgary 2022 Annual Financial Report.

    For: (15)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal
  • Moved byCouncillor Pootmans
    Seconded byCouncillor Spencer

    That with respect to Report AC2023-0356, the following be adopted:

    That Council receive Report AC2023-0356, External Auditor 2022 Year-End Report, and the Attachments for the Corporate Record.

    For: (15)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal

    Council then dealt with Item 9.2.1.

This Item was dealt with following Item 12.​

Administration in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Report IGA2023-0251:

Clerks: K. Martin, J. Fraser, M. A. Cario, and B. Robinson. City Manager: D. Duckworth. Law: J. Floen. Advice: C. Arthurs, K. Black, S. Dalgleish, C. Male, D. Morgan, M. Atkinson, and J. White.
  • Moved byCouncillor Chabot
    Seconded byCouncillor Pootmans

    That with respect to Report IGA2023-0251, the following be adopted, after amendment:
    That Council:

    1. Approve the draft Joint Planning Area 1 Context Study Terms of Reference (Attachment 2);
    2. Appoint Councillors Dhaliwal and Carra to the Trilateral Joint Planning Area 1 Committee;
    3. Approve the draft Joint Planning Area 2 Context Study Terms of Reference (Attachment 3);
    4. Appoint Councillors Spencer and Carra to the Trilateral Joint Planning Area 2 Committee; and
    5. Direct that the Closed Meeting discussions be held confidential pursuant to Sections 17 (Disclosure harmful to personal privacy) and 19 (Confidential evaluations) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
    For: (15)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal

    Council then dealt with Item 12.2.1.

This Item was dealt with following Item 10.2.1.

  • Moved byCouncillor Penner
    Seconded byCouncillor Wong

    That pursuant to Sections 17 (Disclosure harmful to personal privacy), 18 (Disclosure harmful to individual for public safety), 19 (Confidential evaluations), 24 (Advice from officials) and 27 (Privileged information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Council now move into Closed Meeting, at 4:47 p.m., in the Council Boardroom, to discuss confidential matters with respect to the following items:

    • 11.3 Joint Planning Area Context Study Terms of Reference - Calgary Metropolitan Region Board, IGA2023-0251 
    • 12.2.1 Status of Expenditures on Regulatory Proceedings, CD2023-0163
    • 12.2.4 Corporate Security Update, C2023-0441
    For: (14)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal

    Councillor Sharp (Remote Member) joined the meeting at 4:47 p.m.

    Councillor Sharp (Remote Member) left the meeting at 5:02 p.m.

    Council reconvened in public meeting at 5:18 p.m. with Mayor Gondek in the Chair.


    Councillor Carra, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Councillor Dhaliwal, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Wong, Councillor Wyness, and Mayor Gondek.

  • Moved byCouncillor Penner
    Seconded byCouncillor Walcott

    That Council rise and report.


    Council then dealt with Item 11.3.


This Item was dealt with following Item 11.3.

Administration in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Confidential Report CD2023-0163:

Clerks: K. Martin, J. Fraser, M. A. Cario and B. Robinson. City Manager: D. Duckworth. Law: J. Floen. Advice: C. Arthurs, K. Black, S. Dalgleish, C. Male, M. Thompson, D. Morgan, C. Stewart, O. Shyllon, and K. Wyllie.
  • Moved byCouncillor Chabot
    Seconded byCouncillor Walcott

    That with respect to Confidential Report CD2023-0163, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Approve the Committee Confidential Recommendation 1 contained in Confidential Report CD2023-0163; and
    2. Direct that the Report and Closed Meeting discussions be held confidential pursuant to Sections 23 (Local public body confidences) and 24 (Advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, to be reviewed by 2027 March 31.
    For: (15)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal

    Council then dealt with Item 12.2.4.

This Item was dealt with following the Consent Agenda.

People in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Confidential Verbal Report ECC2023-0352:

Clerks: K. Martin, M. A. Cario, and J. Fraser. City Manager: D. Duckworth. Law: J. Floen and L. Davies. Advice: S. Dalgleish, M. Thompson, K. Black, C. Arthurs, C. Male, D. Morgan, S. McMullen, J. Paulenko, S. Brandt, R. Murray, J. Guimond, J. Halfyard, F. Lakha, M. K. Musica, and L. Harris. External: E. Laidlaw, D. Barrett, A. Aaron, D. Wowryk, L. Brown, O. Colic, D. Yedlin, and B. Parry.
  • Moved byCouncillor Wong
    Seconded byCouncillor Walcott

    That with respect to Confidential Verbal Report ECC2023-0352, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Receive the Confidential Verbal Report and Confidential Distributions for the Corporate Record;
    2. Adopt the Confidential recommendation in the Confidential Distribution entitled "Amendment - Confidential Distribution"; and
    3. Direct that the Closed Meeting discussions and Confidential Distributions be held confidential pursuant to Sections 16 (Disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party), 24 (Advice from officials), 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body), and 27 (Privileged information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, to be reviewed by 2025 December 31.
    For: (15)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal

Revised Restricted Attachment 8 was distributed with respect to Restricted Report C2023-0482

People in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Restricted Report C2023-0482:

Clerks: K. Martin, M.A. Cario, and J. Fraser. City Manager: D. Duckworth. Law: J. Floen and L. Davies. Advice: S. Dalgleish, M. Thompson, K. Black, C. Arthurs, C. Male, D. Morgan, S. McMullen, J. Paulenko, S. Brandt, R. Murray, J. Guimond, J. Halfyard, F. Lakha, M. K. Musica, and L. Harris. External: E. Laidlaw, D. Barrett, A. Aaron, D. Wowryk, L. Brown, O. Colic, D. Yedlin, and B. Parry.
  • Moved byCouncillor Sharp
    Seconded byCouncillor Chabot

    That with respect to Restricted Report C2023-0482, the following be adopted, after amendment:

    That Council:

      1. Adopt the Restricted Recommendations included in Revised Restricted Attachment 8; and
      2. Authorize the Mayor and the Event Centre Committee Chair to make a public announcement; and 
      3. Direct that the Closed Meeting discussions, Restricted Report, Restricted Attachments and Restricted Distributions be held confidential pursuant to Sections 16 (Disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party), 24 (Advice from officials), 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body); and 27 (Privileged information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, to be reviewed by 2028 December 31.
    For: (15)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal

    Council recessed at 12:04 p.m. and reconvened at 1:17 p.m. with Mayor Gondek in the Chair.


    Councillor Carra, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Councillor Dhaliwal, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Wong, Councillor Wyness, and Mayor Gondek.

    Council then dealt with Item 11.1.

This Item was dealt with following Item 12.2.1.

​Administration in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Confidential Report CD2023-0441:

Clerks: K. Martin, J. Fraser, and M. A. Cario and B. Robinson. City Manager: D. Duckworth. Law: J. Floen. Advice: S. Dalgleish, C. Male, K. Black, C. Arthurs, D. Morgan, and M. Tillotson.
  • Moved byCouncillor Pootmans
    Seconded byCouncillor Spencer

    That with respect to Confidential Report C2023-0441, the following be adopted:

    That Council:

    1. Receive this Report for information; and
    2. Direct that the Report, Presentation, and Closed Meeting discussions be held confidential pursuant to Sections 18 (Disclosure harmful to individual or public safety), 24 (Advice from officials), and 27 (Privileged information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
    For: (15)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Wyness, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Wong, and Councillor Dhaliwal


  • Moved byCouncillor Chabot
    Seconded byCouncillor Pootmans

    That this Council adjourn at 5:22 p.m.

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