REVISED AGENDA COMBINED MEETING OF COUNCILMeeting #:Date:Monday, October 21, 2019 at 9:30 A.m. - Tuesday, October 22, 2019 at 10:30 P.m.Location:IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER1.CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL NOTE: Mayor Nenshi will participate remotely for this meeting.2.OPENING REMARKS 3.RECOGNITIONS None4.QUESTION PERIOD 5.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 6.CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 6.1Minutes of the Combined Meeting of Council, 2019 September 30 1.Unconfirmed Minutes-Combined Meeting of Council-2019 September 30.pdf6.2Minutes of the Strategic Meeting of Council, 2019 October 07 1.Unconfirmed Minutes-Strategic Meeting of Council-2019 October 07.pdf7.CONSENT AGENDA 7.1DEFERRALS AND PROCEDURAL REQUESTS None7.2BRIEFINGS 7.2.1River Access Strategy Update, C2019-1346 1.River Access Strategy Update - C2019-1346_final.pdf7.3Status of Emergency Preparedness – Police and Security Threats, EM2019-1310 1.Status of Emergency Preparedness – Police and Security Threats - EM2019-1310.pdf2.Distrib-Presentation-EM2019-1310.pdf7.4Civic Partners Program Update (Verbal) - CPS2019-1308 Presentation held confidential pursuant to Sections 16 (Disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party), 23 (Local public body confidences), and 24 (Advice from officials), of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, until 2019 December 31. Review by: 2019 December 317.5Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) Program Update (Verbal) - CPS2019-1307 Presentation held confidential pursuant to Sections 21 (Disclosure harmful to intergovernmental relations) and 24 (Advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, until the impact of the provincial budget on the program is known, or no later than 2019 December 31. Review by: 2019 December 317.6Calgary Fire Department Update (Verbal), CPS2019-1328 Presentation held confidential pursuant to Sections 21 (Disclosure harmful to intergovernmental relations) and 24 (Advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and review by 2019 October 21. Review by: 2019 October 217.7Assessment and Tax Circumstances Report, PFC2019-1058 1.Assessment and Tax Circumstances Report - PFC2019-1058.pdf2.Attach 1 - List of Tax Cancellations Related to Prior Years' Assessment Rolls - PFC2019-1058.pdf3.Attach 2 - List of Tax Cancellations Related to the Non-Profit Tax Mitigation Policy - PFC2019-1058.pdf7.82020 Preliminary Assessment Roll and Related Estimates, PFC2019-1147 1.2020 Preliminary Assessment Roll and Related Estimates - PFC2019-1147.pdf8.PLANNING MATTERS FOR PUBLIC HEARING Note: Members of the public wishing to address Council, on any public hearing matter on this Agenda, may pre-register by contacting the City Clerk's Office at [email protected] or by calling 403-268-5861.8.1CALGARY PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS 8.1.1Land Use Amendment in North Glenmore Park (Ward 11) at 5216 - 21 Street SW, LOC2019-0103, CPC2019-1036 1.Land Use Amendment in North Glenmore Park (Ward 11) at 5216 - 21 Street SW, LOC2019-0103 - CPC2019-1036.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant Submission-CPC2019-1036.pdf3.Attach 2-CPC2019-1036- Applicant Letter to North Glenmore Park CA.pdf4.Attach 3-CPC2019-1036-Proposed Bylaw 196D2019.pdfProposed Bylaw 196D20198.1.2Land Use Amendment in Glamorgan (Ward 6) at 5027- 40 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0054, CPC2019-1053 1.Land Use Amendment in Glamorgan (Ward 6) at 5027- 40 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0054 - CPC2019-1053.pdf2.CPC2019-1053-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1053-Attach 2-Community Association Response.pdf4.CPC2019-1053-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 197D2019.pdf5.CPC2019-1053-Attach 4-Public Submissions.pdfProposed Bylaw 197D20198.1.3Land Use Amendment in Bowness (Ward 1) at 8351 - 34 Avenue NW, LOC2019-0085, CPC2019-1048 1.Land Use Amendment in Bowness (Ward 1) at 8351 - 34 Avenue NW, LOC2019 0085 - CPC2019-1048.pdf2.CPC2019-1048-Attach 1- Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1048-Attach 2- Proposed Bylaw 198D2019.pdfProposed Bylaw 198D20198.1.4Road Closure and Land Use Amendment in Seton and Residual Sub-Area 12I (Ward 12) at 20607 – 56 Street SE and 21410 – 40 Street SE, LOC2019-0062, CPC2019-1066 1.Road Closure and Land Use Amendment in Seton and Residual Sub-Area 12I (Ward 12), LOC2019-0062-CPC2019-1066.pdf2.CPC2019-1066-Attach 1-Applicant's submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1066-Attach 2-Road Plan.pdf4.CPC2019-1066-Attach 3-Road Closure Conditions.pdf5.CPC2019-1066-Attach 4-Seton LU Amendment.pdf6.CPC2019-1066-Attach 5-Proposed Bylaw 12C2019.pdf7.CPC2019-1066-Attach 6-Proposed Bylaw 199D2019.pdfProposed Bylaws 12C2019 and 199D20198.1.5Land Use Amendment in Cornerstone (Ward 5) at 76 and 134 Cornerstone Heights NE, LOC2019-0070, CPC2019-1064 1.Land Use Amendment in Cornerstone (Ward 5) at 76 and 134 Cornerstone Heights NE, LOC2019-0070 - CPC2019-1064.pdf2.CPC2019-1064-Attach 1-Applicant Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1064-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 200D2019.pdfProposed Bylaw 200D20198.1.6Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Mount Pleasant (Ward 7) at 534, 540 and 542 - 23 Avenue NW, LOC2019-0022, CPC2019-1069 1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Mount Pleasant (Ward 7) at multiple properties, LOC2019-0022 - CPC2019-1069.pdf2.CPC2019-1069-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1069-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 67P2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1069-Attach 3-Community Association Letter.pdf5.CPC2019-1069-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 201D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1069-Attach 5-Public Submissions.pdfProposed Bylaws 67P2019 and 201D20198.1.7Land Use Amendment in Highland Park (Ward 4) at multiple addresses, LOC2019-0030, CPC2019-1065 1.Land Use Amendment in Highland Park (Ward 4) at multiple addresses, LOC2019-0030 - CPC2019-1065.pdf2.CPC2019-1065-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1065-Attach 2-CA Submission.pdf4.CPC2019-1065-Attach 3- Proposed Bylaw 202D2019.pdfProposed Bylaw 202D20198.1.8Land Use Amendment in Elbow Park (Ward 11) at 313 - 40 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0096, CPC2019-1054 1.Land Use Amendment in Elbow Park (Ward 11) at 313 - 40 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0096 - CPC2019-1054.pdf2.CPC2019-1054-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1054-Attach 2-What We Heard Report.pdf4.CPC2019-1054-Attach 3-Residents' Association Response.pdf5.CPC2019-1054-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 203D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1054-Attach 5 -Public Submissions.pdfProposed Bylaw 203D20198.1.9Land Use Amendment in Downtown West End (Ward 8) at 1111 and 1009D – 9 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0040, CPC2019-1060 1.Land Use Amendment in Downtown West End (Ward 8) at 1111 and 1009D – 9 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0040 - CPC2019-1060.pdf2.CPC2019-1060-Attach 1-Applicant Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1060-Attach 2-Existing DC Direct Control District (Bylaw 53Z95).pdf4.CPC2019-1060-Attach 3-Existing DC Direct Control District (Bylaw 79D2015).pdf5.CPC2019-1060-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 204D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1060-Attach 5-Applicant Summary of Outreach.pdfProposed Bylaw 204D20198.1.10Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Rosscarrock (Ward 6) at 1107 - 37 Street SW, LOC2018-0265, CPC2019-1035 1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Rosscarrock (Ward 6) at 1107 - 37 Street SW, LOC2018-0265 - CPC2019-1035.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-1035.pdf3.Attach 2 - Existing Direct Control District - CPC2019-1035.pdf4.CPC2019-1035-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 68P2019.pdf5.Attach 4 - CA Letter - CPC2019-1035.pdf6.CPC2019-1035-Attach 5-Proposed Bylaw 205D2019.pdfProposed Bylaws 68P2019 and 205D20198.1.11Land Use Amendment in Yorkville (Ward 13) at 19515 Sheriff King Street SW, LOC2019-0074, CPC2019-1130 1.Land Use Amendment in Yorkville (Ward 13) at 19515 Sheriff King Street SW, LOC2019-0074, CPC2019-1130.pdf2.Attach 1 - CPC2019-1130 - Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1130-Attach2-Proposed Bylaw 206D2019.pdf4.Attach 3 - CPC2019-1130 - Existing Approved Outline Plan.pdf5.Attach 4 - CPC2019-1130 - Existing DC Direct Control District (Bylaw 1D2016).pdfProposed Bylaw 206D20198.1.12Land Use Amendment in Springbank Hill (Ward 6) at 2758 - 85 Street SW, LOC2018-0135, CPC2019-0989 1.Land Use Amendment in Springbank Hill (Ward 6) at 2758 - 85 Street SW, LOC2018-0135 - CPC2019-0989.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-0989.pdf3.Attach 2 - Proposed Outline Plan - CPC2019-0989.pdf4.CPC2019-0989-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 194D2019.pdf5.Attach 4 - Public Submissions - CPC2019-0989.pdfProposed Bylaw 194D20198.2OTHER REPORTS AND POSTPONEMENTS FOR PUBLIC HEARING (including non-statutory) None9.PLANNING MATTERS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARING 9.1CALGARY PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS None9.2OTHER REPORTS AND POSTPONEMENTS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARING 9.2.1Development of Off-site Levies: Update and Bylaw Amendment, PFC2019-1123 1.Development of Off-site Levies - Update and Bylaw Amendment - PFC2019-1123.pdf2.PFC2019-1123-Attach 1-Bylaw 2H2019.pdf3.Attach 2 - PFC2019-1123.pdf4.Attach 3 - PFC2019-1123.pdfProposed Bylaw 2H20199.3BYLAW TABULATIONS (related to planning matters)9.3.1Bylaw Tabulation Land Use Amendment, 299D2018 1.299D2018- Bylaw Tabulation Cover Page.pdf2.299D2018-Attach 1-Summary of Bylaw Tabulation.pdf3.299D2018-Attach 2- Proposed Bylaw 299D2018.pdfSecond and Third Reading10.POSTPONED REPORTS (including related/supplemental reports) None11.ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES 11.1CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS SELECTED FOR DEBATE 11.2OFFICER OF COUNCIL REPORTS None11.3ADMINISTRATION REPORTS 11.3.1 - Correction to Headers of Report and Attachments11.3.1Establishment of the Beltline Business Improvement Area – Referral and Update, C2019-1340 1.C2019-1039-Beltline BIA Cover Report.pdf2.Attach 1 - Beltline BIA Timelines and Details - C2019-1340.pdf3.Attach 2 - Maps Clarification - C2019-1340.pdf4.Attach 3 - City Clerks Notice of Request Letter - C2019-1340.pdf5.Attach 4 - Combined Files of CPS2019-1039 - C2019-1340.pdf11.3.2Proposed Ward Boundary Determination and Review Policy, C2019-1195 1.Proposed Ward Boundary Determination and Review Policy - C2019-1195.pdf2.Attachment 1 Council Policy CCO17.pdf3.Attachment 2 Proposed Policy, Includes Commission Terms of Reference.pdf4.Attachment 3 Policy Comparasion.pdf5.Attachment 4 Population and Elector Count Analysis by Ward.pdf6.Attachment 5 Ward Boundary Maps.pdf11.4COMMITTEE REPORTS 11.4.1Aligning Property Tax Methodology and Budgets to Calgary’s New Economic Reality, PFC2019-1323 (Notice of Motion) 1.Cover Report PFC2019-1323.pdf2.Attach 1 - NOM-PFC2019-1323.pdf3.Attach 2 - PFC2019-1323.pdfCouncillors: Gondek; Sutherland; Magliocca; Chu; Davison; Jones; Keating.11.4.2Combatting Antisemitism In The City of Calgary, PFC2019-1324 (Notice of Motion) 1.Cover Report PFC2019-1324.pdf2.Attach 1 - PFC2019-1324.pdf3.Attach 2 - PFC2019-1324.pdfCouncillors: Carra; Chahal; Chu; Colley-Urquhart; Davison; Farkas; Gondek; Jones; Keating; Sutherland; Woolley and Mayor Nenshi11.4.3Business Efficiency Amendments to Related Bylaws, CPS2019-1309 1.Business Friendly Amendments to Business Related Bylaws - CPS2019-1309.pdf2.CPS2019-1309-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 36M2019.pdf3.CPS2019-1309-Attach 2-Business Friendly Amendments to Business Related Bylaws.pdfProposed Bylaw 36M201911.4.4Amendment to Fire Operations and Fees Bylaw 55M2014, CPS2019-1311 1.Amendment to Fire Operations and Fees Bylaw 55M2014 - CPS2019-1311.pdf2.CPS2019-1311-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 29M2019.pdf3.CPS 2019-1311-Attach 2-Municipal Bylaws for Fireworks.pdfProposed Bylaw 29M201912.ITEMS DIRECTLY TO COUNCIL 12.1BYLAW TABULATIONS None12.2MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS None13.URGENT BUSINESS 14.CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 14.1CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS SELECTED FOR DEBATE 14.2ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES 14.2.1ENMAX Rating (Verbal), PFC2019-1325 Information Summary and Attachments held confidential pursuant to Sections 16 (Disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party), 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) and 27 (Privileged information) of the FOIP Act. Review By: 2024 October 0814.3URGENT BUSINESS 14.3.1Extension to Building Commitment Date, Option to Repurchase and Option to Repurchase and Option to Purchase 200 Barclay PR SW, UCS2019-1319 Held confidential pursuant to Sections 23 (Local public body confidences), 24 (Advice from officials) and 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) of the FOIP Act. Review by: Do not release.15.ADMINISTRATIVE INQUIRIES 15.1Administrative Response to Councilor Farkas' Administrative Inquiry - 2019 July 16, Research and Budget, AI2019-10 1.AI2019-10-Response to Admin Inquiry-Research and Budget.pdf16.ADJOURNMENT Members of Council may participate remotely, if required. Clerks Note: Please be advised Council may, by Motion, adjourn, or recess, at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, 2019 October 21 (Federal Election Day).No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Land Use Amendment in North Glenmore Park (Ward 11) at 5216 - 21 Street SW, LOC2019-0103 - CPC2019-1036.pdf2.Attach 1-Applicant Submission-CPC2019-1036.pdf3.Attach 2-CPC2019-1036- Applicant Letter to North Glenmore Park CA.pdf4.Attach 3-CPC2019-1036-Proposed Bylaw 196D2019.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Glamorgan (Ward 6) at 5027- 40 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0054 - CPC2019-1053.pdf2.CPC2019-1053-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1053-Attach 2-Community Association Response.pdf4.CPC2019-1053-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 197D2019.pdf5.CPC2019-1053-Attach 4-Public Submissions.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Bowness (Ward 1) at 8351 - 34 Avenue NW, LOC2019 0085 - CPC2019-1048.pdf2.CPC2019-1048-Attach 1- Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1048-Attach 2- Proposed Bylaw 198D2019.pdf1.Road Closure and Land Use Amendment in Seton and Residual Sub-Area 12I (Ward 12), LOC2019-0062-CPC2019-1066.pdf2.CPC2019-1066-Attach 1-Applicant's submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1066-Attach 2-Road Plan.pdf4.CPC2019-1066-Attach 3-Road Closure Conditions.pdf5.CPC2019-1066-Attach 4-Seton LU Amendment.pdf6.CPC2019-1066-Attach 5-Proposed Bylaw 12C2019.pdf7.CPC2019-1066-Attach 6-Proposed Bylaw 199D2019.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Cornerstone (Ward 5) at 76 and 134 Cornerstone Heights NE, LOC2019-0070 - CPC2019-1064.pdf2.CPC2019-1064-Attach 1-Applicant Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1064-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 200D2019.pdf1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Mount Pleasant (Ward 7) at multiple properties, LOC2019-0022 - CPC2019-1069.pdf2.CPC2019-1069-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1069-Attach 2-Proposed Bylaw 67P2019.pdf4.CPC2019-1069-Attach 3-Community Association Letter.pdf5.CPC2019-1069-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 201D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1069-Attach 5-Public Submissions.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Highland Park (Ward 4) at multiple addresses, LOC2019-0030 - CPC2019-1065.pdf2.CPC2019-1065-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1065-Attach 2-CA Submission.pdf4.CPC2019-1065-Attach 3- Proposed Bylaw 202D2019.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Elbow Park (Ward 11) at 313 - 40 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0096 - CPC2019-1054.pdf2.CPC2019-1054-Attach 1-Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1054-Attach 2-What We Heard Report.pdf4.CPC2019-1054-Attach 3-Residents' Association Response.pdf5.CPC2019-1054-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 203D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1054-Attach 5 -Public Submissions.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Downtown West End (Ward 8) at 1111 and 1009D – 9 Avenue SW, LOC2019-0040 - CPC2019-1060.pdf2.CPC2019-1060-Attach 1-Applicant Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1060-Attach 2-Existing DC Direct Control District (Bylaw 53Z95).pdf4.CPC2019-1060-Attach 3-Existing DC Direct Control District (Bylaw 79D2015).pdf5.CPC2019-1060-Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 204D2019.pdf6.CPC2019-1060-Attach 5-Applicant Summary of Outreach.pdf1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Rosscarrock (Ward 6) at 1107 - 37 Street SW, LOC2018-0265 - CPC2019-1035.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-1035.pdf3.Attach 2 - Existing Direct Control District - CPC2019-1035.pdf4.CPC2019-1035-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 68P2019.pdf5.Attach 4 - CA Letter - CPC2019-1035.pdf6.CPC2019-1035-Attach 5-Proposed Bylaw 205D2019.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Yorkville (Ward 13) at 19515 Sheriff King Street SW, LOC2019-0074, CPC2019-1130.pdf2.Attach 1 - CPC2019-1130 - Applicant's Submission.pdf3.CPC2019-1130-Attach2-Proposed Bylaw 206D2019.pdf4.Attach 3 - CPC2019-1130 - Existing Approved Outline Plan.pdf5.Attach 4 - CPC2019-1130 - Existing DC Direct Control District (Bylaw 1D2016).pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Springbank Hill (Ward 6) at 2758 - 85 Street SW, LOC2018-0135 - CPC2019-0989.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-0989.pdf3.Attach 2 - Proposed Outline Plan - CPC2019-0989.pdf4.CPC2019-0989-Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 194D2019.pdf5.Attach 4 - Public Submissions - CPC2019-0989.pdf1.Unconfirmed Minutes-Combined Meeting of Council-2019 September 30.pdf1.Unconfirmed Minutes-Strategic Meeting of Council-2019 October 07.pdf1.Status of Emergency Preparedness – Police and Security Threats - EM2019-1310.pdf2.Distrib-Presentation-EM2019-1310.pdf1.Business Friendly Amendments to Business Related Bylaws - CPS2019-1309.pdf2.CPS2019-1309-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 36M2019.pdf3.CPS2019-1309-Attach 2-Business Friendly Amendments to Business Related Bylaws.pdf1.Amendment to Fire Operations and Fees Bylaw 55M2014 - CPS2019-1311.pdf2.CPS2019-1311-Attach 1-Proposed Bylaw 29M2019.pdf3.CPS 2019-1311-Attach 2-Municipal Bylaws for Fireworks.pdf1.Assessment and Tax Circumstances Report - PFC2019-1058.pdf2.Attach 1 - List of Tax Cancellations Related to Prior Years' Assessment Rolls - PFC2019-1058.pdf3.Attach 2 - List of Tax Cancellations Related to the Non-Profit Tax Mitigation Policy - PFC2019-1058.pdf1.2020 Preliminary Assessment Roll and Related Estimates - PFC2019-1147.pdf1.Development of Off-site Levies - Update and Bylaw Amendment - PFC2019-1123.pdf2.PFC2019-1123-Attach 1-Bylaw 2H2019.pdf3.Attach 2 - PFC2019-1123.pdf4.Attach 3 - PFC2019-1123.pdf1.AI2019-10-Response to Admin Inquiry-Research and Budget.pdf1.Proposed Ward Boundary Determination and Review Policy - C2019-1195.pdf2.Attachment 1 Council Policy CCO17.pdf3.Attachment 2 Proposed Policy, Includes Commission Terms of Reference.pdf4.Attachment 3 Policy Comparasion.pdf5.Attachment 4 Population and Elector Count Analysis by Ward.pdf6.Attachment 5 Ward Boundary Maps.pdf1.Cover Report PFC2019-1323.pdf2.Attach 1 - NOM-PFC2019-1323.pdf3.Attach 2 - PFC2019-1323.pdf1.Cover Report PFC2019-1324.pdf2.Attach 1 - PFC2019-1324.pdf3.Attach 2 - PFC2019-1324.pdf1.299D2018- Bylaw Tabulation Cover Page.pdf2.299D2018-Attach 1-Summary of Bylaw Tabulation.pdf3.299D2018-Attach 2- Proposed Bylaw 299D2018.pdf1.C2019-1039-Beltline BIA Cover Report.pdf2.Attach 1 - Beltline BIA Timelines and Details - C2019-1340.pdf3.Attach 2 - Maps Clarification - C2019-1340.pdf4.Attach 3 - City Clerks Notice of Request Letter - C2019-1340.pdf5.Attach 4 - Combined Files of CPS2019-1039 - C2019-1340.pdf1.River Access Strategy Update - C2019-1346_final.pdf