Meeting #:
  • Councillor S. Keating, Chair
  • Councillor J. Gondek, Chair
  • Councillor G. Chahal, Acting Vice-Chair
  • Councillor S. Chu
  • Councillor J. Davison
  • Councillor J. Farkas
  • Councillor E. Woolley
  • *Councillor D. Farrell
  • General Manager M. Thompson
  • Acting City Clerk D. Williams
  • Legislative Assistant D. Ford

Councillor Gondek called the Meeting to order at 9:31 a.m.

Councillor Chahal was elected, by acclamation, as Acting Vice-Chair of the 2018 June 07 Regular Meeting of the SPC on Transportation and Transit.

Councillor Davison acknowledged today, 2018 June 07, as Alberta Motor Association (AMA) School Safety Patrol Day in Calgary.

    Moved byCouncillor Davison

    That the Agenda for the  2018 June 07 Regular Meeting of the SPC on Transportation and Transit be confirmed.



    Moved byCouncillor Farkas

    That the Minutes from the Regular Meeting of the SPC on Transportation and Transit, 2018 May 03, be confirmed.


(including related/supplemental reports)


Distributions with respect to Report TT2018-0467:

  • a PowerPoint presentation entitled "Improving Accessibility and Reducing Injuries through Snow and Ice Control", dated 2018 June 07;
  • a letter from Brad Krizan, Downtown Calgary;
  • a letter from Terry Wong, Chinatown District BIA, dated 2018 June 06;
  • a letter from Colleen Huston, Disability Action Hall dated 2018 June 07;
  • a letter from Agustin Louro, Bike Calgary, dated 2018 June 05;
  • an email from Mary Salvani, dated 2018 June 06;
  • a document from Lois Kelly, entitled "Snow and Ice Stories, Collected by seniors living in the East Village";
  • a letter from the Bridgeland Forever Young Seniors Group, dated 2018 June 07;
  • a letter from Ian T. McCabe, dated 2018 June 07;
  • a letter from Annie MacInnis, Kensington Business Revitalization Zone, dated 2018 June 06;
  • a letter from Melodie Lindsay, Manchester Community Group Chair, dated 2018 June 06; and
  • a letter from Sarelle Azuelos, Women's Centre of Calgary, dated 2018 June 07.

Received for the Corporate Record, with respect to Report TT2018-0467:

  • speaking notes from Barry Pendergast; and
  • a letter from Celia Lee, Sustainable Calgary, dated 2018 June 07.


1. Lois Kelly

2. Lauri Brunner

3. Ned Shillington

4. Brad Robertson

5. Mary Salvani

6. Ellen McGregor

7. Danny Antoine

8. Lloyd Thornhill

9. Joseph Portincasa

10. John Miller

11. Ian McCabe

12. Annie MacInnis

13. Terry Wong

14. Gie Roberts

15. Frank Anderson

16. Sarelle Azuelos

17. Susan High

18. Celia Lee

19. Barry Pendergast

20. D'Arcy Walsh

21. Larry Heather

22. Darren Taylor

23. Colleen Huston

24. Adriana De Lauw

Committee recessed at 12:00 p.m. and reconvened at 1:05 p.m. with Councillor Gondek in the Chair.

Councillor Gondek acknowledged members of the Calgary Transit Advisory Group,  in attendance in the public gallery, and thanked them for their service to this Committee.

    Moved byCouncillor Chu

    Subject to Section 6(1) of Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, Sections 77(c) and 109 be suspended, to allow Members additional time for questions to Administration and debate.

    Against:  Councillor Woolley

    Moved byCouncillor Farrell

    That with respect to Report TT2018-0467, Recommendations 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6, be approved, after amendment: 

    1. File the Administration Recommendation contained in Report TT2018-0467.

    3.Develop a funding strategy for the One Calgary 2019 to 2022 budget to further enhance service including the development of high priority pedestrian networks. 

    4.Prepare amendments to the Street Bylaw 20M88 to:
    (a) Add minimum and specified penalties for offences related to owners or occupants failing to remove ice and snow from the required portion of the sidewalk or pathway within 24 hours after ice and snow has been deposited;
    (b) Create an escalating fine schedule for offences indicated in subsection (1), that would increase the minimum and specified penalties for any second or third offence occurring within a 12-month period;
    (c) Require owners or occupants of a private parcel of land adjacent to a sidewalk or pathway, where the sidewalk or pathway contains a curb cut or crosses a laneway, responsible for the removal of snow and ice on the sidewalk that crosses the laneway, proportionate to any other private parcel of land that is adjacent to same sidewalk; and

    (d) Report back to Council on July 30 with respect to the Bylaw.

    5. Organize an advisory panel that includes business improvement areas, accessibility groups, seniors, public health providers, and other stakeholders for feedback and continual improvement.

    6. Direct Administration to provide Council with additional detail on the snow and ice control options related to the high-priority network that could be achieved this 2018/2019 winter season.  This information would be made available to Council on 2018 June 25.

    And further, that the distributions and documents received for the Corporate Record, from today’s Meeting, be attached to the Report prior to being forwarded to Council.

    Moved byCouncillor Farrell

    That with respect to Report TT2018-0467, Recommendations 2 be approved, as follows:

    2. Direct Administration to enhance the one-time budget commitment from the Fiscal Stability Reserve through the One Calgary process for the 2018-2019 SNIC season:

    E) Provide SNIC services to additional 100 km of pathway  - $0.5-1 million (operating)
    Clear all sidewalks adjacent to City property within 24 hours - $3-5 million (operating)

    Plow windrows away from high priority wheelchair ramp locations. -$2-3 million (operating).

    Against:  Councillor Woolley


A document containing revisions to Attachment 1 and a PowerPoint presentation entitled "RouteAhead Update", dated 2018 June 07, was distributed with respect to Report TT2018-0617.

    Moved byCouncillor Woolley

    That with respect to Report TT2018-0617, the following be approved:

    That the SPC on Transportation & Transit recommend that Council:

    1.  Direct Administration to use the attached Fare and Revenue Framework in the development of transit fares as part of One Calgary 2019-2022.

    2. Direct Administration to use the attached prioritization framework for major transit growth projects, and provide an update to Council through the SPC on Transportation & Transit by Q1 2019.




Distributions with respect to Report TT2018-0628:

  • a PowerPoint presentation entitled "Complete Streets Policy and Residential Street Design Policy - Three Year Update" dated 2018 June 07; and
  • a letter from Beverly Jarvis, BILD Calgary Region, dated 2018 June 07.


1.  Beverly Jarvis

2. Agustin Louro



    Moved byCouncillor Farkas

    That with respect to Report TT2018-0628, the following be approved, after amendment:

    That the SPC on Transportation and Transit recommends that Council direct Administration to report back to Council no later than Q4 2019 on the effectiveness and implementation of the policies.

    Moved byCouncillor Chu

    That this meeting adjourn at 2:28 p.m.



    The following Reports have been forwarded to the 2018 June 25 Regular Meeting of Council:


    Albert Park Radisson Heights Community Lands Parking Solution, TT2018-0557

    Hyperloop Development and Testing in Calgary – Deferral Request, TT2018-0629

    Improving Accessibility and Reducing Injuries through Snow and Ice Control, TT2018-0467

    RouteAhead Update, TT2018-0617

    Complete Streets Policy and Residential Street Design Policy – Three Year Update, TT2018-0628

    The next Regular Meeting of the SPC on Transportation and Transit is scheduled to be held, 2018 July 19.



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