That with respect to Report CPC2023-0428, the following be approved, after amendment:
That Calgary Planning Commission:
1. Forward this report (CPC2023-0428) to the 2023 May 16 Public Hearing Meeting of Council.
That Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council:
2. Adopt, by resolution, the proposed disposition of 0.19 hectares ± (0.46 acres ±) located at 490 Canyon Meadows Drive SW (Plan 1105LK; Block R3) with compensation to the Joint Use Coordinating Committee (JUCC) Reserve Fund in the amount of $660,000.00 in accordance with Administration’s recommendation;
3. Direct a designated officer to notify the registrar of the Southern Alberta Land Titles Office that the requirements of the Municipal Government Act have been complied with and request the removal of the Municipal Reserve designation; and
4. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw for the redesignation of 0.19 hectares ± (0.46 acres ±) located at 490 Canyon Meadows Drive SW (Plan 1105LK, Block R3) from Special Purpose – School, Park and Community Reserve (S-SPR) District to Special Purpose – City and Regional Infrastructure (S-CRI) District.