  • Director M. Tita, Chair
  • Director R. Vanderputten, Vice-Chair (Partial Remote Participation)
  • Councillor G. Chahal (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor E. Woolley (Remote Participation)
  • Commissioner P. Gedye (Remote Participation)
  • Commissioner L. Juan (Remote Participation)
  • Commissioner A. Palmiere (Remote Participation)
  • Commissioner K. Schmalz
  • Commissioner J. Scott
  • A/ Principal Planner J. Silot
  • A/CPC Secretary G. Chaudhary
  • Legislative Assistant D. Williams

Director Tita called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.


Commissioner Gedye, Commissioner Juan, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Director Vanderputten, and Director Tita.

Absent for Roll Call: Commissioner Palmiere (joined at 1:02 p.m.), Commissioner Schmalz and Commissioner Scott.

Director Tita provided opening remarks at today's Meeting.

  • Moved byDirector Vanderputten

    That the Agenda for the 2020 October 01 Regular Meeting of the Calgary Planning Commission be confirmed.

  • Moved byCommissioner Gedye

    That the Minutes of the 2020 September 17 Regular Meeting of the Calgary Planning Commission be confirmed.


​Commissioner Palmiere declared a conflict of interest and abstained from discussion and voting with respect to Report CPC2020-0908. Commissioner Palmiere left the Council Chamber at 1:04 p.m. and returned at 1:58 p.m. after the vote was declared.

A presentation entitled "DL2020-0004 Development Liaison", 2020 dated October 01 was distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-0908.

​The following speakers addressed Commission with respect to Report CPC2020-0908:

  1. Kelly Coles, CMLC
  2. Alana Sommers, ISL Engineering
  • Moved byCommissioner Gedye

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0908, the following be approved:

    That Calgary Planning Commission receive for the Corporate Record the proposed Development Liaison application, DL2020-0004 for the new Victoria Park/Stampede LRT Station, platform and canopy at 1398, 1414, 1502, 1504, 1510 and 1602 Macleod Trail SE (Plan C; Block 108; Lots 1 to 4 and Lots 37 to 40; Plan C, Block 115, Lots 1 to 5; Plan C, OT; Portion of SW1/4 Section 15-24-1-5).


A presentation entitled "LOC2020-0068 Policy and Land Use Amendment", 2020 dated October 01 was distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-1057.

  • Moved byCommissioner Juan

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-1057, the following be approved:

    That Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council hold a Public Hearing; and

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed amendment to the North Hill Area Redevelopment Plan (Attachment 2); and
    2. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.
    3. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.07 ± hectares (0.177 acres ±) at 129 – 32 Avenue NE (Plan 2617AG, Block 65, Lots 36 and 37) from Residential – Contextual One / Two Dwelling (R-C2) District to Multi-Residential – Contextual Grade-Oriented (M-CGd75) District; and
    4. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.

A presentation entitled "LOC2020-0086 Land Use Amendment", 2020 dated October 01 was distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-0996.

  • Moved byCommissioner Juan

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0996, the following be approved:

    That Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council hold a Public Hearing, and

    1. Adopt, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.46 hectares ± (1.13 acres ±) located at 20 Crestridge Common SW (Condominium Plan 1910292, Unit 176) from DC Direct Control District to Commercial – Community 1 (C-C1) District; and
    2. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.

​The following documents were distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-1064:

  • A Corrected Cover Report
  • A presentation entitled "LOC2020-0098 Land Use Amendment", dated 2020 October 01
  • Moved byCommissioner Palmiere

    That with respect to Corrected Report CPC2020-1064, the following be approved:

    That Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council hold a Public Hearing; and

    1. Adopt by bylaw the proposed redesignation of 83.90 hectares ± (207.32 acres ±) located at multiple addresses (Attachment 5) from Residential – One Dwelling (R-1s) District, Residential – Narrow Parcel One Dwelling (R-1N) District, and Residential – Low Density Multiple Dwelling (R-2M) District to Residential – Low Density Mixed Housing (R-G) District, Residential – Low Density Mixed Housing (R-Gm) District; and
    2. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.
  • Moved byDirector Vanderputten

    ​That Pursuant to Section 24 (advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Calgary Planning Commission move into Closed Meeting at 2:16 p.m., in the Council Boardroom, to discuss confidential matters with respect to the following items:

    • Item 9.1.1, Parking Choices for Businesses (Verbal), CPC2020-0987, and 
    • Item 9.1.2, Guidebook for Great Communities (Verbal), CPC2020-1053

    And further, pursuant to Section 6(1) of the Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, Calgary Planning Commission suspend Section 78(2)(b), in order to complete all discussions with respect to Reports CPC2020-0987 and CPC2020-1053, and to reconvene in public at the Call of the Chair.


    Commission reconvened in public meeting at 5:00 p.m. with Director Tita in the Chair. 

  • Moved byDirector Vanderputten

    That Commission rise and report.


​Administration in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Report CPC2020-0987:

Clerks: G. Chaudhary and D. Williams. Advice: S. Loria, S. Pearce, D. Morris, T. Henry, J. Silot and M. Beck.
A confidential presentation was displayed with respect to Report CPC2020-0987. 
  • Moved byDirector Vanderputten

    That with respect to Verbal Report CPC2020-0987 the following be approved:

    That the Calgary Planning Commission direct that the Closed Meeting discussions, distributions and presentation remain confidential pursuant to Section 24 (Advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, to be reviewed by 2020 November 02.


​Administration in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Report CPC2020-1053:

Clerks: G. Chaudhary and D. Williams. Advice: R. Jamieson, D. Hamilton, F. Lakha, K. Szabo, G. Baron, S. Pearce, I. Harper, F. McLeod, S. Rankin, A. Caron-Roy, S. Jones, W. Koo, H. Ceccato, T. Gonzalez, T. Goldstein, J. Mueller, J. de Jong, J. Silot and M. Beck.
A confidential presentation was displayed with respect to Report CPC2020-1053. 

  • Moved byCommissioner Palmiere

    That with respect to Verbal Report CPC2020-1053 the following be approved:

    That the Calgary Planning Commission direct that the Closed Meeting discussions, distributions and presentation remain confidential pursuant to Section 24 (Advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, to be reviewed by 2021 January 29.

  • Moved byCommissioner Palmiere

    That this Meeting adjourn at 5:03 p.m.


    For: (6)Commissioner Gedye, Commissioner Palmiere, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Director Vanderputten, and Director Tita
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    The following items have been forwarded to the 2020 November 02 Combined Meeting of Council:

    Planning Matters for Public Hearing:

    Calgary Planning Commission Reports:

    • Land Use Amendment in Highland Park (Ward 4) at 428 – 34 Avenue NW, LOC2020-0111, CPC2020-1091
    • Land Use Amendment in Highland Park (Ward 4) at 204 – 40 Avenue NW, LOC2020-0112, CPC2020-1034
    • Land Use Amendment in Windsor Park (Ward 11) at 707 - 57 Avenue SW, LOC2020-0119, CPC2020-1026
    • Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Tuxedo Park (Ward 7) at 129 - 32 Avenue NE, LOC2020-0068, CPC2020-1057
    • Land Use Amendment in Crestmont (Ward 1) at 20 Crestridge Common SW, LOC2020-0086, CPC2020-0996
    • Land Use Amendment in Mahogany (Ward 12) at multiple addresses, LOC2020-0098, CPC2020-1064

    The next Regular Meeting of the Calgary Planning Commission is scheduled to be held on 2020 October 15, at 1:00 p.m.



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