Item Item 7.1.1 was heard concurrently with Item 7.1.2.
A letter from John C.W. McDonald, Millican Ogden Community Association, dated 2020 August 05 was electronically distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-0849.
A presentation entitled "LOC2020-0013 Policy and Land Use Amendment (R-C2 to DC) DP2020-3072 (proposed mixed-use development at 7401 - 23 Street SE),” dated 2020 August 06 was electronically distributed and displayed with respect to Report CPC2020-0849.
The following people addressed Commission with respect to Report CPC2020-0849:
1. Taylor Kawaguchi, The Mustard Seed
2. Vickie LaFleur, Casola Koppe Architects
3. Hans Koppe, Casola Koppa Architects
4. Bill Weaver, Ogden United Church