  • Mayor J. Gondek, Chair
  • Councillor K. Penner, Vice-Chair
  • Councillor G-C. Carra (Councillor-at-Large)
  • Councillor J. Mian (Councillor-at-Large)
  • Councillor S. Sharp (Infrastructure and Planning Committee Chair)
  • Councillor E. Spencer (Audit Committee Chair)
  • Councillor C. Walcott (Community Development Committee Chair)
  • Councillor A. Chabot
  • Councillor S. Chu
  • Councillor P. Demong
  • Councillor D. McLean
  • Councillor R. Pootmans
  • Councillor T. Wong
  • Chief Administrative Officer D. Duckworth
  • City Solicitor and General Counsel J. Floen
  • Chief Financial Officer C. Male
  • Chief Operating Officer S. Dalgleish
  • A/General Manager D. Hamilton
  • A/General Manager J. Bradley
  • General Manager K. Black
  • General Manager D. Morgan
  • General Manager M. Thompson
  • City Clerk K. Martin
  • Senior Legislative Advisor A. de Grood

Mayor Gondek called the meeting to order at 9:34 a.m.


Councillor Carra, Councillor Mian, Councillor McLean, Councillor Penner, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Wong, and Mayor Gondek

Mayor Gondek provided opening remarks and a traditional land acknowledgement.

Mayor Gondek recognized Shay Spencer, as Calgary's Mayor for a Day program from the Mayor's Youth Council program.

  • Moved byCouncillor Penner

    That the Agenda for the 2024 March 12 Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee be confirmed.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sharp

    That the Minutes of the 2024 February 13 Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee be confirmed.

  • Moved byCouncillor Spencer

    That pursuant to Sections 16 (Disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party), 24 (Advice from officials), 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body), and 27 (Privileged information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Committee move into Closed Meeting, at 10:06 a.m. in the Council Boardroom, to discuss confidential matters with respect to Item 7.1, Green Line Board Progress Report No. 1 (2024), EC2024-0223.

    And further, that Committee authorize Don Fairbairn, Chair, Green Line Board, to attend the Closed meeting discussions with respect to Item 7.1, Green Line Board Progress Report No. 1 (2024), EC2024-0223.

    For: (11)Councillor Carra, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, and Councillor Wong

    Committee reconvened in public meeting at 11:12 a.m. with Mayor Gondek in the Chair.


    Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Demong, Councillor Mian, Councillor McLean, Councillor Penner, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Wong, and Mayor Gondek

  • Moved byCouncillor Pootmans

    That Committee rise and report.

  • ​People in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Report EC2024-0223:

    Clerks: K. Martin and J. Booth. Chief Administrative Officer: D. Duckworth. Law: J. Floen. Advice: S. Dalgleish, C. Male, K. Black, D. Morgan, M. Thompson, D. Bhatti, and W. Tynan. External: D. Fairbairn.
    A Confidential Revised Attachment 4 was distributed with respect to Report EC2024-0223.
    Moved byCouncillor Mian

    That with respect to Report EC2024-0223, the following be approved, after amendment:

    That the Executive Committee:

    1. Receive this report for the Corporate Record; and
    2. Direct that the Closed Meeting discussions, Attachments 3 and 4, and Confidential Revised Attachment 4, be held confidential pursuant to Sections 16 (Disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party), 24 (Advice from officials), 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body), and 27 (Privileged information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, not to be released.
    For: (12)Councillor Carra, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, and Councillor Wong
  • Moved byCouncillor Penner

    That with respect to Report EC2024-0105, the following be approved, after amendment:

    That the Executive Committee:

    1. Forward Report EC2024-0105 to the 2024 June 4 Public Hearing Meeting of Council;
    2. Direct Administration to publish a notice of the 2024 June 4 Public Hearing of the Proposed Charter Bylaw under Report EC2024-0105 in two issues of a newspaper, with each issue being in consecutive weeks and no later than 2024 April 4;
    3. Recommend that Council:
      1. Give three readings to the Proposed Charter Bylaw (Attachment 2) to amend Charter Bylaw 1H2018 to delegate authority to Administration to cancel, reduce, refund or defer taxes up to $500,000 per taxation year in accordance with an approved Council Policy; and
      2. Adopt the proposed Council Policy on “Tax Relief Delegated to Administration” (Attachment 3), should the proposed Charter Bylaw be fully approved by Council.
    For: (13)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, and Councillor Wong
  • Moved byCouncillor Spencer

    That with respect to Report EC2024-0245, the following be approved, after amendment:

    That the Executive Committee recommend that Council:

    1. Approval of an increase of $6,104,703.85 in 2024 budget appropriation to Public Services Capital Program 147-148; and
    2. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 1R2024.
    For: (13)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, and Councillor Wong
  • Moved byCouncillor Wong

    That with respect to Report EC2024-0244, the following be approved, after amendment:

    That the Executive Committee recommend that Council:

    1. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 1L2024; and
    2. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 2L2024. 
    For: (13)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, and Councillor Wong

    By General Consent, Committee modified the Agenda to bring forward Item 8.2.2, Notice of Motion - Managing the Costs Linked to Downloading of Provincial Responsibilities to Municipalities, EC2024-0371 to be dealt with immediately following Item 7.4, 2024 Local Improvement Bylaws for Stephen Avenue Mall and Barclay Mall, EC2024-0244.

    Committee then dealt with Item 8.2.2.

This Item was dealt with following Item 8.2.3.

  • Moved byCouncillor Penner

    That pursuant to Sections 17 (Disclosure harmful to personal privacy), 24 (Advice from officials) and 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Committee now move into Closed Meeting at 4:25 p.m., in the Council Boardroom, to discuss confidential matters with respect to the following Items:

    • 7.5 Board, Commission and Committee Public Member Remuneration and Expense Policy, EC2024-0037
    • 10.1.1 Financial Update (Verbal), EC2024-0360
    For: (11)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, and Councillor Wong

    Committee reconvened in public meeting at 5:10 p.m. with Mayor Gondek in the Chair.


    Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Wong, and Mayor Gondek

  • Moved byCouncillor Spencer

    That Committee rise and report.

  • ​Administration in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Report EC2024-0037:

    Clerks: K. Martin and J. Booth. Chief Administrative Officer: D. Duckworth. Law: J. Floen. Advice: S. Dalgleish, C. Male, J. Bradley, K. Black, D. Hamilton, D. Morgan, M. Thompson, T. Woo, C. Nelson, J. Fraser, G. Juliano, A. Wedderburn, L. Kongnetiman, and L. Kerr.
    Moved byCouncillor Mian

    That with respect to Report EC2024-0037, the following be approved, after amendment:

    That the Executive Committee recommend that Council:

    1. Endorse the proposed Council Policy on “Remuneration and Expenses for Public Members Serving on Council-Established Boards, Commissions and Committees” (Attachment 1), to be effective 2026 January 1, and direct Administration to return to the 2024 Organizational Meeting of Council with changes to lower indirect costs and to remove barriers associated with processing expense reimbursements;
    2. Direct Administration to develop and present a budget submission to Mid-Cycle Adjustments to Service Plans and Budgets to support the direct and related administration costs of implementing the proposed Council Policy, with lower indirect costs and to remove barriers associated with processing expense reimbursements; and
    3. Direct that Confidential Attachment 3B and Closed Meeting discussions remain confidential pursuant to Section 17 (Disclosure harmful to personal privacy) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
    For: (10)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, and Councillor Wong

    Committee then dealt with Item 10.1.1.

This Item was dealt with following Item 10.1.2.

  • Moved byCouncillor Mian

    That with respect to Notice of Motion EC2024-0358, the following be approved:

    That Notice of Motion EC2024-0358 be forwarded to the 2024 March 19 Regular Meeting of Council for consideration.

    For: (11)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, and Councillor Wong
    Against: (1)Councillor Chabot

    Committee then dealt with Item 8.2.3.

This Item was dealt with following Item 7.4.

  • Moved byCouncillor Demong

    That with respect to Notice of Motion EC2024-0371, the following be approved:

    That Notice of Motion EC2024-0371 be forwarded to the 2024 March 19 Regular Meeting of Council for consideration.

    For: (13)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Councillor Demong, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, and Councillor Wong

    Committee then dealt with Item 10.1.2.

Councillor Chabot rose on a Point of Order.

The Chair ruled on the Point of Order.

Councillor McLean rose on a Question of Privilege.

The Chair ruled on the Question of Privilege.

This Item was dealt with following Item 8.2.1.

By General Consent, this Item was postponed to the Call of the Chair.

Committee then dealt with Item 8.2.4.

Committee returned to this Item following Item 8.2.4.

  • Moved byCouncillor Walcott

    That with respect to Notice of Motion EC2024-0373, the following be approved:

    That the recommendation be amended by deleting "2024 March 19 Regular Meeting of Council" and replacing with "the next Special Meeting of Council".

    For: (8)Councillor Carra, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor Mian, and Councillor Penner
    Against: (4)Councillor Chu, Councillor McLean, Councillor Chabot, and Councillor Wong
  • Moved byCouncillor McLean

    That with respect to Notice of Motion EC2024-0373, the following be approved, as amended:

    That Notice of Motion EC2024-0373 be forwarded to the next Special Meeting of Council for consideration.

    For: (11)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, and Councillor Wong

    By General Consent, pursuant to Section 121 of the Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, Committee granted Councillor Wong's request to change his vote from "Against" to "For".

    Committee then dealt with Item 7.5.

This Item was dealt with following the postponement of Item 8.2.3.

  • Moved byCouncillor Wong

    That with respect to Notice of Motion EC2024-0374, the following be approved:

    That Notice of Motion EC2024-0374 be forwarded to the 2024 March 19 Regular Meeting of Council for consideration.

    For: (12)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, and Councillor Wong

    Committee recessed at 3:14 p.m. and reconvened at 3:49 p.m. with Mayor Gondek in the Chair. 


    Councillor Carra, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Chu, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Wong, and Mayor Gondek

    Committee then returned to Item 8.2.3.

This Item was dealt with following Item 7.5.

A confidential presentation was distributed with respect to Confidential Verbal Report EC2024-0360.

​Administration in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Confidential Verbal Report EC2024-0360:

Clerks: K. Martin and J. Booth. Chief Administrative Officer: D. Duckworth. Law: J. Floen. Advice: S. Dalgleish, C. Male, J. Bradley, K. Black, D. Hamilton, D. Morgan, M. Thompson, L. Tochor, and C. Jacyk.
  • Moved byCouncillor Walcott

    That with respect to Confidential Verbal Report EC2024-0360, the following be approved:

    That the Executive Committee recommends that Council direct that the Closed Meeting discussion and confidential distribution be held confidential pursuant to Sections 24 (Advice from officials) and 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, to be reviewed by 2025 December 31.

    For: (10)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, and Councillor Wong

    Committee then dealt with Item 12.

This Item was dealt with following Item 8.2.2.​

  • Moved byCouncillor Mian

    That pursuant to Sections 17 (Disclosure harmful to personal privacy) and 24 (Advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Committee recess at 11:55 a.m. and reconvene in Closed Meeting at 1:00 p.m., in the Council Boardroom, to discuss confidential matters with respect to Item 10.1.2, Chief Administrative Officer 2024 Performance Plan (Verbal), EC2024-0367.

    And further, that Sohail Thaker, External Consultant, be authorized to attend the Closed Meeting with respect to Item 10.1.2, Chief Administrative Officer 2024 Performance Plan (Verbal), EC2024-0367.

    For: (11)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, and Councillor Chabot
    Against: (1)Councillor Wong

    Committee recessed at 11:58 a.m. and reconvened in Closed Meeting at 1:00 p.m.


    Councillor Carra, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Chu, Councillor Dhaliwal, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Wong, and Mayor Gondek

    People in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Confidential Verbal Report EC2024-0367:

    Clerks: K. Martin. Chief Administrative Officer: D. Duckworth. External: S. Thaker.
    A confidential document was distributed with respect to Confidential Verbal Report EC2024-0367.
    Committee reconvened in public meeting at 2:34 p.m. with Mayor Gondek in the Chair.


    Councillor Carra, Councillor Chabot, Councillor Chu, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Wong, and Mayor Gondek

  • Moved byCouncillor Sharp

    That Committee rise and report.

  • Moved byCouncillor Walcott

    That with respect to Confidential Verbal Report EC2024-0367, the following be approved:

    That the Executive Committee recommend that Council:

      1. Approve Confidential Distribution 1;
      2. Direct that Confidential Distribution 1 be shared with Sohail Thaker; and
      3. Direct that the Closed Meeting discussion, Confidential Attachments 1, 2 and 3, and the Confidential Distribution 1 be held confidential pursuant to Sections 17 (Disclosure harmful to personal privacy) and 24 (Advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
    For: (12)Councillor Carra, Councillor Chu, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Sharp, Councillor Spencer, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor McLean, Councillor Mian, Councillor Penner, Councillor Chabot, and Councillor Wong

    By General Consent, Committee set Item 7.5 Board, Commission and Committee Public Member Remuneration and Expense Policy, EC2024-0037, to be heard following Item 8.2.4. Notice of Motion - Conservation of Trees on Private Properties, EC2024-0374.

    Committee then dealt with Item 8.2.1.


This Item was dealt with following Item 10.1.1.

  • Moved byCouncillor Penner

    That this meeting adjourn at 5:14 p.m.


    The following Item has been forwarded to the 2024 March 13 Special Meeting of Council:


    • Notice of Motion - Plebiscite on City Wide Blanket Re-Zoning, EC2024-0373

    The following Items have been forwarded to the 2024 March 19 Regular Meeting of Council:


    • Board, Commission and Committee Public Member Remuneration and Expense Policy, EC2024-0037
    • Financial Update (Verbal), EC2024-0360
    • Chief Administrative Officer 2024 Performance Plan (Verbal), EC2024-0367


    • 2024 Local Improvements Projects, EC2024-0245
    • 2024 Local Improvement Bylaws for Stephen Avenue Mall and Barclay Mall, EC2024-0244
    • Notice of Motion - Enhancing Public Discourse at Council and Council Committee Meetings, EC2024-0358
    • Notice of Motion - Managing the Costs Linked to Downloading of Provincial Responsibilities to Municipalities, EC2024-0371
    • Notice of Motion - Conservation of Trees on Private Properties, EC2024-0374

    The following Item has been forwarded to the 2024 June 4 Public Hearing Meeting of Council:


    • Charter Bylaw and Council Policy for Tax Corrections and Compassionate Penalty Relief, EC2024-0105

    The next Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee is scheduled to be held on 2024 April 16 at 9:30 a.m.


No Item Selected