That with respect to Report CPC2024-1115, the following amendment be approved:
That Attachment 2 be amended as follows:
1. Amend Section 4, Permitted Uses, to read as follows:
“Permitted Uses
4 (1) The permitted uses of the Industrial – General (I-G) District of Bylaw 1P2007 are the permitted uses in this Direct Control District.
(2) The following uses are permitted uses if they are located within existing approved buildings:
(a) Artist’s Studio;
(b) Financial Institution;
(c) Fitness Centre;
(d) Health Care Service;
(e) Indoor Recreation Facility;
(f) Information and Service Provider;
(g) Pawn Shop;
(h) Radio and Television Studio; and
(i) Retail and Consumer Service.”
2. Amend Section 5, Discretionary Uses, to read as follows:
“Discretionary Uses
5 (1) Uses listed in Section 4(2) are discretionary uses if they are located in new proposed buildings or proposed additions to existing buildings.
(2) The discretionary uses of the Industrial – General (I-G) District of Bylaw 1P2007 are the discretionary uses in this Direct Control District with the addition of:
(a) Cannabis Store;
(b) Drinking Establishment – Small;
(c) Liquor Store; and
(d) Payday Loan."