REVISED AGENDAPRIORITIES AND FINANCE COMMITTEETuesday, September 08, 2020 at 1:00 P.m. - 11:55 P.m.IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERMembers PresentMayor N. Nenshi, ChairCouncillor S. Chu, Vice-ChairCouncillor G-C. Carra (CPS Chair)Councillor J. Davison (T&T Chair)Councillor J. Gondek (PUD Chair)Councillor W. Sutherland (UCS Chair)Councillor E. Woolley (Audit Chair)SPECIAL NOTES: Public are encouraged to follow Council and Committee meetings using the live stream Public wishing to make a written submission may do so using the public submission form at the following link: Public Submission Form Members may be participating remotely.1.CALL TO ORDER 2.OPENING REMARKS 3.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 4.CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 4.1Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Priorities and Finance Committee, 2020 July 14 1.Unconfirmed Minutes-Priorities and Finance Committee-2020 Jul 14.pdf5.CONSENT AGENDA 5.1DEFERRALS AND PROCEDURAL REQUESTS None5.2BRIEFINGS 5.2.1Status of Outstanding Motions and Directions, PFC2020-0897 1.Status of Outstanding Motions and Directions - PFC2020-0897.pdf2.Attach 1 - Status of Outstanding Items for the Priorities and Finance Committee.pdf6.POSTPONED REPORTS (including related/supplemental reports) None7.ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES 7.1Economic Strategy Update, PFC2020-0969 1.Economic Strategy Update - PFC2020-0969.pdf2.Attach 1-Previous Council Direction-PFC2020-0969.pdf3.Attach 2--Calgary in the New Economy Progress Report-PFC2020-0969.pdf7.2Kensington Manor Status Update, PFC2020-0900 1.Kensington Manor Status Update - PFC2020-0900.pdf2.Attach 1-Previous Council Direction and Background-PFC2020-0900.pdf3.Attach 2-Kensington Manor Demolition Financial Details as of 2020 July 10-PFC2020-0900.pdf7.3Solutions for Achieving Value and Excellence (SAVE) Program Preliminary Results and Actions, PFC2020-0891 1.Solutions for Achieving Value and Excellence (SAVE) Program Preliminary Results and Actions - PFC2020-0891.pdf2.Attach 1-Background and Previous Council Direction-PFC2020-0891 .pdf3.Attach 2-Business Cases Approved and Under Development-PFC2020-0891.pdf7.4Project Update on Tomorrow’s Chinatown, PFC2020-0922 1.Project Update on Tomorrows Chinatown - PFC2020-0922.pdf2.Attach 1-Background and Previous Council Direction-PFC2020-0922.pdf3.Attach 2-Project Timelines and Costs-PFC2020-0922.pdf7.5Amendments to the Election Bylaw, PFC2020-0965 1.Amendments to the Election Bylaw - PFC2020-0965.pdf2.Attach 1-Proposed Wording for a Bylaw to amend the Elections Bylaw-PFC2020-0965.pdf3.Attach 2-Summary of Recommended Amendments-PFC2020-0965.pdf4.Attach 3-Underline of Election Bylaw 35M2018-PFC2020-0965.pdf7.6Electronic Voting Implementation Update, PFC2020-0967 1.Electronic Voting Implementation Update - PFC2020-0967.pdf2.Attach 1-Background, Previous Council Direction PFC2020-0967.pdf3.Attach 2-Electronic Voting Framework PFC2020-0967.pdfNEW MATERIAL7.7City of Calgary Proposed Municipal Stimulus Program Submission, PFC2020-0894, PFC2020-0894 1.City of Calgary Proposed Municipal Stimulus Program Submission - PFC2020-0894.pdf2.Attach 1-Capital Budget Increase-PFC2020-0894.pdf3.Attach 2-MSP Application Briefings-PFC3030-0894.pdf8.ITEMS DIRECTLY TO COMMITTEE 8.1REFERRED REPORTS None8.2NOTICE(S) OF MOTION 8.2.1Notice of Motion - Fulfillment of Providing Services to Hamlet of Shepard and Surrounding Area, PFC2020-0995 1.PFC2020-0995 NoM.pdf2.PFC2020-0995 NoM-Checklist.pdfCouncillor Shane Keating9.URGENT BUSINESS 10.CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 10.1ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES None10.2URGENT BUSINESS 11.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Status of Outstanding Motions and Directions - PFC2020-0897.pdf2.Attach 1 - Status of Outstanding Items for the Priorities and Finance Committee.pdf1.Economic Strategy Update - PFC2020-0969.pdf2.Attach 1-Previous Council Direction-PFC2020-0969.pdf3.Attach 2--Calgary in the New Economy Progress Report-PFC2020-0969.pdf1.Kensington Manor Status Update - PFC2020-0900.pdf2.Attach 1-Previous Council Direction and Background-PFC2020-0900.pdf3.Attach 2-Kensington Manor Demolition Financial Details as of 2020 July 10-PFC2020-0900.pdf1.Solutions for Achieving Value and Excellence (SAVE) Program Preliminary Results and Actions - PFC2020-0891.pdf2.Attach 1-Background and Previous Council Direction-PFC2020-0891 .pdf3.Attach 2-Business Cases Approved and Under Development-PFC2020-0891.pdf1.Project Update on Tomorrows Chinatown - PFC2020-0922.pdf2.Attach 1-Background and Previous Council Direction-PFC2020-0922.pdf3.Attach 2-Project Timelines and Costs-PFC2020-0922.pdf1.Electronic Voting Implementation Update - PFC2020-0967.pdf2.Attach 1-Background, Previous Council Direction PFC2020-0967.pdf3.Attach 2-Electronic Voting Framework PFC2020-0967.pdf1.PFC2020-0995 NoM.pdf2.PFC2020-0995 NoM-Checklist.pdf1.Unconfirmed Minutes-Priorities and Finance Committee-2020 Jul 14.pdf1.Amendments to the Election Bylaw - PFC2020-0965.pdf2.Attach 1-Proposed Wording for a Bylaw to amend the Elections Bylaw-PFC2020-0965.pdf3.Attach 2-Summary of Recommended Amendments-PFC2020-0965.pdf4.Attach 3-Underline of Election Bylaw 35M2018-PFC2020-0965.pdf1.City of Calgary Proposed Municipal Stimulus Program Submission - PFC2020-0894.pdf2.Attach 1-Capital Budget Increase-PFC2020-0894.pdf3.Attach 2-MSP Application Briefings-PFC3030-0894.pdf