  • Councillor G-C. Carra, Chair
  • Councillor E. Woolley, Vice-Chair (Partial Remote Participation)
  • Councillor G. Chahal (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor S. Chu (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor J. Farkas (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor S. Keating (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor J. Magliocca (Remote Participation)
  • Mayor N. Nenshi, Ex-Officio (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor D. Farrell (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor J. Gondek (Remote Participation)
  • A/General Manager K. Black (Remote Participation)
  • Legislative Advisor A. de Grood
  • Legislative Advisor L. Kearnes

Councillor Woolley called the Meeting to order at 9:31 a.m.

Councillor Woolley provided opening remarks and a traditional land acknowledgement.


Councillor Woolley, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Gondek, and Mayor Nenshi.

Absent for Roll Call: Councillor Carra

Following nomination procedures, Councillor Chahal was elected as Acting Vice-Chair for today's meeting, by acclamation. 

    Moved byCouncillor Farkas

    That the Agenda for the Special Meeting of the 2021 May 27 Standing Policy on Community and Protective Services be confirmed.



The following documents were distributed with respect to Report CPS2020-0587:

  • A presentation entitled "2020 Civic Partner Annual Report"
  • A presentation entitled "2020 Civic Partner Annual Report: Silvera"
  • A presentation entitled "2020 Civic Partner Annual Report: Vibrant Communities Calgary (Stewards of Enough for All)"
  • A presentation entitled "2020 Civic Partner Annual Report: Calgary Economic Development"
  • A presentation entitled "2020 Civic Partner Annual Report: Calgary TELUS Convention Centre"
  • A presentation entitled "2020 Civic Partner Annual Report: Platform Calgary (Calgary Technologies Inc.)"
  • A presentation entitled "2020 Civic Partner Annual Report: Tourism Calgary"
  • A presentation entitled "2020 Civic Partner Annual Report: Heritage Park Society"
  • A presentation entitled "2020 Civic Partner Annual Report: The Calgary Zoological Society"
  • A presentation entitled "2020 Civic Partner Annual Report: Fort Calgary Preservation Society"
  • A presentation entitled "2020 Civic Partner Annual Report: Calgary Science Centre, operating as Telus Spark Science Centre)"
  • A presentation entitled "2020 Civic Partner Annual Report: The Hangar Flight Museum"
  • A presentation entitled "2020 Civic Partner Annual Report: Arts Commons"
  • A presentation entitled "2020 Civic Partner Annual Report: Calgary Arts Development Authority"
  • A presentation entitled "2020 Civic Partner Annual Report: Heritage Calgary (The Calgary Heritage Authority)"
  • A presentation entitled "2020 Civic Partner Annual Report: Parks Foundation Calgary"
  • A presentation entitled "2020 Civic Partner Annual Report: Lindsay Park Sports Society (Repsol Sport Centre)"
  • A presentation entitled "2020 Civic Partner Annual Report: Sport Calgary"
  • A presentation entitled "2020 Civic Partner Annual Report: Calgary Public Library"

The following Civic Partners addressed Committee with respect to Report CPS2021-0587:

1. Rob Easson on behalf of Silvera for Seniors

Councillor Farrell joined the Remote Meeting at 9:51 a.m.

2. Patti Dolan and Meaghon Reid on behalf of Vibrant Communities Calgary (VCC Initiatives Ltd.)

Councillor Woolley left the Chair at 10:00 a.m. and Councillor Chahal assumed the Chair (Remotely).

Councillor Woolley resumed the Chair at 10:01 a.m. and Councillor Chahal returned to his regular seat in Committee (Remotely).

Councillor Gondek left the Remote Meeting at 10:05 a.m.

3. Joe Lougheed, Sheila Will, and Court Ellingson on behalf of Calgary Economic Development Ltd.

Councillor Gondek rejoined the Remote Meeting at 10:23 a.m.

4. Wellington Holbrook and Kurby Court on behalf of the Calgary TELUS Convention Centre (Calgary Convention Centre Authority)

5. Dean Prodan and Terry Rock on behalf of Platform Calgary (Calgary Technologies Inc.)

6. Ross Middleton and Cindy Ady on behalf of Tourism Calgary - Calgary Convention & Visitors Bureau

7. Maggie Kiel and Lindsey Galloway on behalf of the Heritage Park Society

Councillor Woolley left the Chair at 11:15 a.m. and Councillor Chahal assumed the Chair (Remotely).

Councillor Woolley resumed the Chair at 11:16 a.m. and Councillor Chahal returned to his regular seat in Committee (Remotely).

Committee recessed at 11:27 a.m. and reconvened at 11:32 a.m. with Councillor Woolley in the Chair.


Councillor Woolley, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca,  Councillor Gondek, Councillor Farrell, and Mayor Nenshi.

Absent for Roll Call: Councillor Carra

8. Glenn Solomon and Dr. Clément Lanthier on behalf of The Calgary Zoological Society

9. Robin Lee and Naomi Grattan on behalf of Fort Calgary Preservation Society

Committee recessed at 11:55 a.m. and reconvened at 1:00 p.m. with Councillor Carra in the Chair


Councillor Carra, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Chu, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Keating, Councillor Magliocca, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Farrell and Mayor Nenshi.

10. Sean McLean on behalf of the TELUS Spark (Calgary Science Centre Society)

11. Nora Molina on behalf of The Hangar Flight Museum (Aero Space Museum Association of Calgary)

12. R. Scott Hutcheson and Alex Sarian on behalf of Arts Commons

13. Brian Frank and Patti Pon on behalf of Calgary Arts Development Authority Ltd.

14. Nikolas Marsall-Moritz and Josh Traptow on behalf of Heritage Calgary (Calgary Heritage Authority)

Mayor Nenshi left the Remote Meeting at 2:12 p.m.

15. David Inhaber and Sheila Taylor on behalf of Parks Foundation Calgary

Councillor Farkas left the Remote Meeting at 2:20 p.m.

16. Michael Devonshire and Jeff Booke on behalf of Repsol Sport Centre (Lindsay Park Sports Society)

Councillor Gondek left the Remote Meeting at 2:33 p.m.

17. Mary Moran and Catriona Le May Doan on behalf of Sport Calgary

Committee recessed at 2:57 p.m. and reconvened at 2:59 p.m. with Councillor Carra in the Chair.

City Clerks confirmed quorum was present.

Mayor Nenshi rejoined the Remote Meeting at 2:59 p.m.

18. Avnish Mehta and Sarah Meilleur on behalf of the Calgary Public Library Board

Councillor Farkas rejoined the Remote Meeting at 3:17 p.m.

By General Consent, pursuant to Section 6(1) of the Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, Committee suspended Section 78(2)(b) of the Procedure Bylaw in order to complete the remainder of the agenda prior to the afternoon recess.

    Moved byCouncillor Farkas

    That with respect to Report CPS2021-0587, the following be approved:

    That the Standing Policy Committee on Community and Protective Services recommend that Council receive this report for the Corporate Record.

    Moved byCouncillor Farkas

    That this meeting adjourn at 3:19 p.m.


    The following item has been forwarded on to the 2021 June 21 Combined Meeting of Council:


    • Civic Partners Annual Report, CPS2021-0587

    The next Regular Meeting of the Standing Policy Committee on Community and Protective Services is scheduled to be held on 2021 June 09 at 9:30 a.m.


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