  • Director M. Tita, Chair
  • Director R. Vanderputten, Vice-Chair
  • Commissioner H. Cameron
  • Commissioner P. Gedye
  • Commissioner A. Palmiere
  • Commissioner K. Schmalz
  • Commissioner J. Scott
  • A/Principal Planner M. Beck
  • A/CPC Secretary G. Chaudhary
  • Legislative Advisor J. Palaschuk

Director Tita called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m.

Director Tita provided opening remarks at today's Meeting.

  • Moved byDirector Vanderputten

    That the Agenda for today's Meeting be amended by bringing forward Item 9.1.1. Municipal Development Plan and Calgary Transportation Plan Amendments (Verbal Report), CPC2020-0201 to be dealt with following Item 7.2.3. Land Use Amendment in Royal Vista (Ward 1) at 9 Royal Vista Drive NW, LOC2019-0180, CPC2020-0136.

  • Moved byCommissioner Cameron

    That the Agenda for the 2020 March 05 Regular Meeting of the Calgary Planning Commission be confirmed, as amended.

A clerical correction was noted on page 1 of the Minutes of the 2020 February 20 Regular Meeting of the Calgary Planning Commission, in the Present: section, by adding the name "Councillor G. Chahal" following the name "Director R. Vanderputten, Vice-Chair".
  • Moved byCommissioner Scott

    That the Minutes of the 2020 February 20 Regular Meeting of the Calgary Planning Commission be confirmed, as corrected.

  • Moved byCommissioner Palmiere

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0191, the following be approved:

    That Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council hold a Public Hearing; and

    1. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed amendment to the North Hill Area Redevelopment Plan (Attachment 1); and
    2. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.
    3. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.18 hectares ± (0.44 acres ±) located at 256, 260 and 264 – 19 Avenue NE (Plan 1367O, Block 2, Lots 27 to 33) from Residential – Contextual One / Two Dwelling (R-C2) District to Mixed Use - General (MU-1f3.4h22) District; and
    4. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.
The following clerical corrections were noted with respect to Report CPC2020-0269, in the Cover Report:
  • Page 1, Administration Recommendation section and page 4, Site Context section, paragraph 2, by deleting the words "2.78 hectares ± (6.87 acres ±)" and by substituting with the words "2.17 hectares ± (5.36 acres ±)"; and
  • Page 2, Background section, paragraph 4; page 5, Investigation: Alternatives and Analysis section, paragraph 4, and page 6, Land Use section, paragraph 4, by deleting the words "65 units" and substituting with the words "40 units".
  • Page 8, Interim Growth Plan (2018) section, by deleting the words "associated land use amendment and proposed outline plan build" and substituting with the words “proposed land use amendment builds".

David White, CivicWorks, addressed Commission with respect to Report CPC2020-0269.

  • Moved byCommissioner Palmiere

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0269, the following be approved, as corrected:

    The Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council hold a Public Hearing; and

    1. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 2.17 hectares ± (5.36 acres ±) located at 2127, 2229, and 2331 – 77 Street SW (Plan 3056AC, Blocks 5 and 9; Plan 3056AC, Lot 8) from Residential – Low Density Mixed Housing (R-G) District to Multi-Residential – At Grade Housing (M-G) District; and
    2. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.

Murray Lawrence addressed Commission with respect to Report CPC2020-0136.

A clerical correction was noted in Attachment 1, Applicant's Submission, page 1, fourth paragraph, by deleting the number "6" following the words "Kindergarten to Grade" and substituting with the the number "12".

  • Moved byCommissioner Palmiere

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0136, the following be approved:

    That Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council hold a Public Hearing; and

    1. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.85 hectares ± (2.10 acres ±) located at 9 Royal Vista Drive NW (Plan 0813886, Block 1, Lot 11) from Industrial – Business f1.0h24 (I-B f1.0h24) District to DC Direct Control District to accommodate a school (School – Private and School Authority – School), with guidelines (Attachment 2); and
    2. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.

    Against: Commissioner Cameron and Commissioner Gedye

  • Moved byCommissioner Scott

    That Commission reconsider its decision with respect to Report CPC2020-0136:

    “That Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council hold a Public Hearing; and

    1. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.85 hectares ± (2.10 acres ±) located at 9 Royal Vista Drive NW (Plan 0813886, Block 1, Lot 11) from Industrial – Business f1.0h24 (I-B f1.0h24) District to DC Direct Control District to accommodate a school (School – Private and School Authority – School), with guidelines (Attachment 2); and
    2. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.”
  • Moved byCommissioner Scott

    That Attachment 2 - Proposed DC Direct Control District be amended by adding sections 9 and 10 as follows:

    “Outdoor Space Requirement for School  −  Private

    9          A contiguous outdoor area of not less than 600.0 square metres must be provided in conjunction with a development permit for School − Private.


    10        The Development Authority may relax any of the rules contained in this Direct Control District Bylaw in accordance with Sections 31 and 36 of Bylaw 1P2007.”


  • Moved byCommissioner Scott

    That with respect to report CPC2020-0136, the following be approved, as amended:

    That Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council hold a Public Hearing; and

    1. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.85 hectares ± (2.10 acres ±) located at 9 Royal Vista Drive NW (Plan 0813886, Block 1, Lot 11) from Industrial – Business f1.0h24 (I-B f1.0h24) District to DC Direct Control District to accommodate a school (School – Private and School Authority – School), with guidelines (Amended Attachment 2); and
    2. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.

​Commissioner Palmiere declared a conflict of interest and abstained from discussion and voting with respect to Reports CPC2020-0189 and CPC2020-0188. Commissioner Palmiere left the Council Chamber at 3:46 p.m. and returned at 4:16 p.m. after the vote for both Reports was declared.

A revised Cover Report was distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-0189.

The following clerical corrections were noted with respect to Revised Report CPC2020-0189, in the Cover Report:
  • Page 14, Risk Assessment section, by deleting the words "Alberta Environment and Water" and substituting with the words "Alberta Environment and Parks"; and
  • Page 8, Environmental section, by deleting the word "info" and substituting with with the word "information".
  • Moved byCommissioner Scott

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0189, the following be approved:

    That Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council hold a Public Hearing; and

    1. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed amendments to the Belvedere Area Structure Plan (Attachment 4);
    2. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw;
    3. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed closure of 1.35 hectares ± (3.33 acres ±) of road (Plan 1711148, Area ‘A’) adjacent to 17 Avenue SE with conditions (Attachment 3); and
    4. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw;
    5. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of approximately 10.73 hectares ± (26.51 acres ±) located at 8705 - 17 Avenue SE, 8501, 8517, 8520, 8536, 8550, 8567, 8570, 8660, 8585, 8605 and 8621 - 18 Avenue SE, 8516, 8522, 8544, 8560, 8582 and 8650 - 19 Avenue SE and 1880 - 84 Street SE and closed road adjacent to 17 Avenue SE (Plan 1858AD, Block 2; Plan 5307AF, Block 1, Lots 9 to 32; Plan 5307AF, Block 2, Lots 1 to 40; Plan 5307AF, Block 3, Lots 1 to 20; Plan 5307AF, Block 4, Lots 9 to 20; Plan 18T58AD, Block 8; Plan 1711148, Area ‘A’) from Special Purpose – Future Urban Development (S-FUD) District and Undesignated Road Right-of-Way to Mixed Use - General (MU-1f3.0h20) District, Multi-Residential – Low Profile (M-1) District, Residential – Low Density Mixed Housing (R-G) District, Special Purpose – School, Park and Community Reserve (S-SPR) District, and Special Purpose – Urban Nature (S-UN) District; and
    6. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.

    Against: Commissioner Cameron


A revised Cover Report was distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-0188.

The following clerical corrections were noted with respect to Revised Report CPC2020-0189, in the Cover Report:
  • Page 12, Risk Assessment section, by deleting the words "Alberta Environment and Water" and substituting with the words "Alberta Environment and Parks"; and
  • Page 7, Environmental section, by deleting the word "info" and substituting with with the word "information".
  • Moved byCommissioner Scott

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0188, the following be approved:

    That Calgary Planning Commission APPROVE the proposed outline plan located at 8705 - 17 Avenue SE, 8501, 8517, 8520, 8536, 8550, 8567, 8570, 8660, 8585, 8605 and 8621 - 18 Avenue SE, 8516, 8522, 8544, 8560, 8582 and 8650 - 19 Avenue SE and 1880 - 84 Street SE and closed road adjacent to 17 Avenue SE (Plan 1858AD, Block 2; Plan 5307AF, Block 1, Lots 9 to 32; Plan 5307AF, Block 2, Lots 1 to 40; Plan 5307AF, Block 3, Lots 1 to 20; Plan 5307AF, Block 4, Lots 9 to 20; Plan 18T58AD, Block 8; Plan 1711148, Area ‘A’) to subdivide 10.81 hectares ± (26.72 acres ±) with conditions (Attachment 1).


    By general consent, Commission brought forward Item 7.2.3 Land Use Amendment in Royal Vista (Ward 1) at 9 Royal Vista Drive NW, LOC2019-0180, CPC2020-0136, to be reconsidered at this time. 

  • Moved byDirector Vanderputten
    1. ​That Pursuant to Section 24 (advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Calgary Planning Commission move into Closed Meeting at 1:56 p.m., in the Council Boardroom, to discuss confidential matters with respect to Item 9.1.1. Municipal Development Plan and Calgary Transportation Plan Amendments (Verbal Report), CPC2020-0201; and
    2. That Pursuant to Section 6(1) of the Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, as amended, Calgary Planning Commission suspend Section 78(2)(a), in order to complete all discussions with respect to Report CPC2020-0201, and to reconvene in public at the Call of the Chair.

    Commission reconvened in Public Meeting at 3:45 p.m. with Director Tita in the Chair.

  • Moved byCommissioner Schmalz

    That Commission rise and report.


Administration in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Report CPC2020-0201:

City Clerks: G. Chaudhary and J. Palaschuk. Advice: C. Blaschuk, C. Ferguson, J. Haggett, and D. Hamilton. Observer: K. Hill, and J. Siriphokham.

Info-graphics entitled "Proposed Changes" were distributed with respect to Report CPC2020-0201.

  • Moved byCommissioner Schmalz

    That with respect to Report CPC2020-0201, the following be approved:

    That Calgary Planning Commission:

    1. Receive the draft policy amendments for the Corporate Record; and
    2. Direct that the Closed Meeting discussions and distribution 1 remain confidential pursuant to Section 24 (Advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, to be reviewed by 2020 June 3.
  • Moved byCommissioner Scott

    That this Meeting adjourn at 4:25 p.m.





    • Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Tuxedo Park (Ward 7) at 256, 260 and 264 - 19 Avenue NE, LOC2019-0173, CPC2020-0191
    • Land Use Amendment in Springbank Hill (Ward 6) at multiple addresses, LOC2019-0155, CPC2020-0269
    • Land Use Amendment in Royal Vista (Ward 1) at 9 Royal Vista Drive NW, LOC2019-0180, CPC2020-0136
    • Policy Amendment, Road Closure and Land Use Amendment in Belvedere (Ward 9) at multiple addresses, LOC2018-0275, CPC2020-0189


    The next Regular Meeting of the Calgary Planning Commission is scheduled to be held 2020 March 19 at 1:00 p.m.



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