That the Agenda for today's Meeting be amended as follows:
Add the following items of Urgent Business and dealt with immediately following Confirmation of Minutes:
13.1 Amendment to the Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, Bylaw Amendment 15M2020 (Verbal), C2020-0389
13.2 COVID-19: Corporate Response Update (Verbal) C2020-0390
Add the following items of Urgent Business:
7.9 Golf Sustainability Framework Q1 2020 Update, PFC2020-0251
13.3 Options for Residential and Non-Residential Tax Relief Update (Verbal), C2020-0391
13.4 Cancel the 2020 March 18 Meeting of the Standing Policy Committee on Utilities and Corporate Services (Verbal), C2020-0392
13.5 Reserve Bids for Properties in the 2020 Tax Sale, UCS2020-0356
Add the following item of Confidential Urgent Business:
14.3.1 Low Income Transit Pass (Verbal), C2020-0384