Meeting #:
  • Director M. Tita, Chair
  • Director R. Vanderputten, Vice-Chair
  • Councillor G. Chahal
  • Councillor E. Woolley
  • Commissioner M. Foht
  • Commissioner P. Gedye
  • Commissioner L. Juan
  • Commissioner A. Palmiere
  • Commissioner K. Schmalz
  • Commissioner J. Scott
  • Acting Principal Planner J. Silot
  • Acting CPC Secretary G. Chaudhary
  • Legislative Assistant J. Dubetz

Director Tita called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m.


No opening remarks were provided at today's Meeting.


  • Moved byDirector Vanderputten

    That the Agenda for today's meeting be amended by bringing forward item 7.3.1, Report CPC2019-0198 to be dealt with following item 7.1.1, Report CPC2019-0298.

  • Moved byCommissioner Foht

    That the Agenda for the 2019 March 21 Regular Meeting of the Calgary Planning Commission be confirmed, as amended.

  • Moved byCommissioner Juan

    That with respect to Report CPC2019-0330, the following be approved:

    That the Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council hold a Public Hearing; and 

    1. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed amendment to the North Hill Area Redevelopment Plan (Attachment 2); and
    2. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.
    3. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.06 hectares ± (0.15 acres ±) located at 2525 and 2527-16A Street NW (Plan 3800AJ; Block 1; Lots 12 and 13) from Residential – Contextual One / Two Dwelling (R-C2) District to Residential – Grade-Oriented Infill (R-CG) District; and
    4. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.

A Clerical correction was noted on the Cover Report, Page 10 under the List of Attachments to add "Attachment 7 – CPC Member Comments” following Attachment 6.

  • Moved byCommissioner Juan

    That with respect to Corrected Report CPC2019-0291, the following be approved:

    That Calgary Planning Commission receive the presentation and this report, and forward Calgary Planning Commission’s comments to the SPC on Planning and Urban Development for information.



  1. Jason Curtis
  2. John Kuharchuk
  3. David White


  • Moved byDirector Vanderputten

    That the following Conditions of Approval be added to Attachment 3:

    Prior to Release, the Applicant is to work with Administration to evaluate the replacement of Class 1 bicycle storage with horizontal bicycle racks. The proposed configuration contains vertically mounted bicycle racks which may not be suitable for all users. Amend the Plan to the satisfaction of the Director, Transportation Planning.

    Prior to Release, consider the relocation of the proposed accessible motor vehicle stalls closer to the elevator core to minimize conflicts and travel distance. Amend the Plan to the satisfaction of the Director, Transportation Planning.

  • Moved byCommissioner Scott

    That with respect to Report CPC2019-0298, the following be approved:

    That the Calgary Planning Commission:

    1. RECEIVE AND ACCEPT this report and attachments for information; and
    2. Recommend the Development Authority, without having to return to Calgary Planning Commission, APPROVE the proposed Development Permit application DP2018-3498 of a New: Assisted Living, Residential Care (1 building), located at 528 - 25 Avenue SW and 2412R - 5 Street SW (Condominium Plan 0210275, Units 1 to 36; Plan 3845O, Block 16, Lot 13), with conditions (Attachment 3, as amended)
  • Moved byCommissioner Gedye

    That with respect to Report CPC2019-0236, the following be approved:

    That Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council hold a Public Hearing; and

    1. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed amendments to the North Hill Area Redevelopment Plan (Attachment 3); and
    2. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.
    3. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.14 hectares ± (0.34 acres ±) located at 2020 – 6 Street NW (Plan 2934O, Block 19, Lots 21 to 25) from Residential – Contextual One / Two Dwelling (R-C2) District to Multi-Residential – Contextual Low Profile (M-C1) District; and
    4. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.

Commissioner Palmiere declared a conflict of interest and abstained from discussion and voting with respect to Report CPC2019-0321. Commissioner Palmiere left the Council Chamber at 4:01 p.m. and returned at 4:08 p.m., after the vote was declared.

The following distributions were made with respect to Report CPC2019-0321:

  • A summary of clerical corrections to the Cover Report, Page 4, as well as to Attachment 2, Proposed Direct Control District Guidelines Sections 4, 5, 7, 10(1) and 14; and
  • A revised Attachment 1, Applicant's Submission.


  • Moved byCommissioner Foht

    That with respect to Corrected Report CPC2019-0321, the following be approved:

    That the Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council hold a Public Hearing; and 

    1. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.04 hectares ± (0.11 acres ±) located at 1702 Kensington Road NW (portion of Plan 6219L; Block 13; Lot 40) from Residential - Contextual One / Two Dwelling (R-C2) District to DC Direct Control District to accommodate a small scale mixed use development, with guidelines (corrected Attachment 2); and
    2. Give three readings to the proposed Bylaw.

With respect to Report CPC2019-0311 and Report CPC2019-0310, a document titled "Symons Valley Ranch, Farmer's Market Lands Redevelopment" by IBI Group on behalf of Capexco was distributed.

  • Moved byCommissioner Juan

    That with respect to Report CPC2019-0311, the following be approved:

    That the Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council hold a Public Hearing; and

    1. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed amendment to the Glacier Ridge Area Structure Plan (Attachment 4); and 
    2. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.
    3. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 12.44 hectares± (30.74 acres±) located at 14555 Symons Valley Road NW (Plan 1643JK, Block A) from DC Direct Control District to Special Purpose – School, Park and Community Reserve (S-SPR) District and DC Direct Control District to accommodate the future development of a Community Activity Centre, with guidelines (Attachment 3).
    4. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.

With respect to CPC2019-0310, the following corrections were made to Attachment 1, Conditions of Approval:

  • Clerical corrections to Conditions 1, 28 and 46; and
  • Remove Condition 11, and renumber following numbers accordingly.


  • Moved byCommissioner Juan

    That with respect to Report CPC2019-0310, the following be approved:

    That the Calgary Planning Commission APPROVE the proposed outline plan located at 14555 Symons Valley Road NW (Plan 1643JK, Block A) to subdivide 12.44 hectares ± (30.74 acres ±) with conditions (corrected Attachment 1).

  • Moved byCommissioner Palmiere

    That with respect to Report CPC2019-0304, the following be approved:

    That the Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council hold a Public Hearing; and

    1. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 2.84 hectares ± (7.02 acres ±) located at 2117, 2209, and 2219 – 81 Street SW (Plan 2747HB, Block 29; Plan 1310482, Block 25, Lot 1; Plan 3056AC, Block 25) from DC Direct Control District to Special Purpose – Urban Nature (S-UN) District, Special Purpose – Special Purpose – School, Park and Community Reserve (S-SPR) District and DC Direct Control District to preserve natural and open areas and accommodate multi-residential development, with guidelines (Attachment 2); and
    2. Give three readings to the proposed redesignation bylaw.
  • Moved byCommissioner Palmiere

    That with respect to Report CPC2019-0309, the following be approved:

    That the Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council hold a Public Hearing; and 

    1. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed amendment to the South Calgary/Altadore Area Redevelopment Plan (Attachment 3); and
    2. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.
    3. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.17 hectares ± (0.43 acres ±) located at 1831, 1835, and 1839 - 33 Avenue (Plan 4479P, Block 67, Lots 21 to 26) from Residential – Contextual One / Two Dwelling (R-C2) District to Mixed Use – General (MU-1f3.0h20) District; and 
    4. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.
  • Moved byCommissioner Scott

    That with respect to CPC2019-0232, the following be approved:

    That the Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council hold a Public Hearing and:

    1. ADOPT, by bylaw, the proposed redesignation of 0.51 hectares ± (1.26 acres ±) located at 4632 - 1 Street SE (Plan 5831GN, Block B, Lots 7 and 8) site from Industrial – General (I-G) District to Industrial – Business f1.0 (I-B f1.0) District; and
    2. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw.

Following Item 7.1.1, Report CPC2019-0298, the Calgary Planning Commission considered item 7.3.1., Report CPC2019-0198.

Distributions with respect to  Report CPC2019-0198:

  • A letter from Jim Laurendeau, Calgary Stampede, dated March 15, 2019,
  • A letter from Tyson Bolduc, Beltline Neighbourhoods Association, dated March 19, 2019; and
  • Proposed Calgary Planning Commission Member Questions and Comments dated March 21, 2019 to be reviewed and approved by Calgary Planning Commission Members.


  • Moved byDirector Vanderputten

    That the Calgary Planning Commission:

    Postpone Report CPC2019-0198, to be continued following Item 7.3.2, Report CPC2019-0239; and

    Direct Administration to prepare and distribute Commission member comments as supplementary information to the postponed report.


    By general consent, and pursuant to Section 6(1) of the Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, as amended, the Calgary Planning Commission suspended Section 78(2)(b) in order to complete questions of clarification prior to the scheduled recess.

  • Moved byCommissioner Gedye

    That the Calgary Planning Commission reconsider its previous decision in order to hear from a speaker.

  • Moved byDirector Vanderputten

    That the Calgary Planning Commission:

    Postpone Report CPC2019-0198, to be continued following Item 7.3.2, Report CPC2019-0239; and

    Direct Administration to prepare and distribute Commission member comments as supplementary information to the postponed report.


    The Calgary Planning Commission recessed at 3:30 p.m. and reconvened at 3:45 p.m. with Director Tita in the Chair.

  • Moved byDirector Vanderputten

    That Calgary Planning Commission receive the presentation and this report, and forward Calgary Planning Commission’s comments to the SPC on Planning and Urban Development for information.

  • Moved byDirector Vanderputten

    That with respect to CPC2019-0239, the following be approved:

    That the Calgary Planning Commission receive the verbal presentation for information and direct Administration to attach Calgary Planning Commission Member comments to Report PUD2018-0819 being prepared for a future SPC on Planning and Urban Development meeting.

  • Moved byCommissioner Juan

    That this Meeting adjourn at 5:29 p.m.






    • Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Capitol Hill (Ward 7) at 2525 and 2527 – 16A Street NW, LOC2018-0199, CPC2019-0330
    • Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Mount Pleasant (Ward 7) at 2020 – 6 Street NW, LOC2018-0270, CPC2019-0236
    • Land Use Amendment in Hillhurst (Ward 7) at 1702 - Kensington Road NW, LOC2018-0139, CPC2019-0321
    • Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Residual Sub - Area 02K (Ward 2) at 14555 Symons Valley Road NW, LOC2017-0232, CPC2019-0311
    • Land Use Amendment in Springbank Hill (Ward 6) at 2117, 2209 and 2219 - 81 Street SW, LOC2017-0383, CPC2019-0304
    • Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in South Calgary (Ward 8) at 1831, 1835 and 1839 - 33 Avenue SW, LOC2018-0242, CPC2019-0309
    • Land Use Amendment in Manchester Industrial (Ward 9) at 4632 - 1 Street SE, LOC2018-0274, CPC2019-0232


    The next Regular Meeting of the Calgary Planning Commission is scheduled to be held on 2019 April 4.




No Item Selected