  • Mayor N. Nenshi, Chair
  • Councillor G-C. Carra, Vice-Chair (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor G. Chahal (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor P. Demong (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor J. Farkas
  • Councillor J. Gondek (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor E. Woolley (Remote Participation)
  • A/General Manager Christine Arthurs (Remote Participation)
  • Legislative Coordinator M. A. Cario
  • Legislative Advisor A. de Grood

Mayor Nenshi called the Meeting to order at 9:37 a.m.


Following nomination procedures, Councillor Carra was elected Vice-Chair of the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee, by acclamation. 

Mayor Nenshi provided opening remarks and a traditional land acknowledgement. 


Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Woolley, and Mayor Nenshi. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Gondek

    That the Agenda for today's meeting be amended by adding the following item of Urgent Business:

    By adding the following item as Urgent Business:

    • 10.1  Calgary Community Court (Verbal), IGA2020-1325
  • Moved byCouncillor Woolley

    That the Agenda for today's meeting be amended by adding the following item of Urgent Business:

    By adding the following item as Urgent Business:

    • 10.2 FCM Update (Verbal), IGA2020-1327
  • Moved byCouncillor Carra

    That the Agenda for today's meeting be amended by adding the following item of Confidential Urgent Business:

    By adding the following item as Confidential Urgent Business

    • 11.2.1  Regional Update (Verbal), IGA2020-1326
  • Moved byCouncillor Carra

    That the Agenda for the 2020 November 12 Regular Meeting of the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee be confirmed, as amended.

  • Moved byCouncillor Carra

    That the Minutes of the 2020 October 15 Regular Meeting of the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee be confirmed.


A presentation entitled "Advocacy Update - November 2020" was distributed with respect to Report IGA2020-1288.

  • Moved byCouncillor Carra

    That with respect to Verbal Report IGA2020-1288, the following be approved:

    That the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee receive the presentation for the Corporate Record.

    For: (7)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Woolley, Councillor Carra, and Councillor Demong

A presentation entitled "Government of Alberta Budget Submission" was distributed with respect to Report IGA2020-1232.

  • Moved byCouncillor Carra

    That Report IGA2020-1232 be referred to Administration for updates, to return with a report to the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee on 2020 December 10.

    For: (7)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Woolley, and Councillor Gondek

    By General Consent, Committee reconsidered its decision to return with a report to the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee on 2020 December 10 with respect to Report IGA2020-1232.

  • Moved byCouncillor Farkas

    That with respect to Report IGA2020-1232, the following be approved:

    That the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee direct Administration to reframe this report as per today’s discussion and present it to the Priorities and Finance Committee as soon as possible.

    For: (7)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Woolley, and Councillor Gondek

By General Consent, Committee postponed Item 8.3, Report IGA2020-1280, to be dealt with at the Call of the Chair.

A presentation entitled "Bow Valley Passenger Rail Project: Regional Transportation Update" was distributed with respect to Report IGA2020-1280.

  • Moved byCouncillor Carra

    That with respect to Report IGA2020-1280, the following be approved:

    That the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee recommends that Council support the Memorandum of Understanding that establishes the “Bow Valley Corridor Alliance”, an alliance of First Nations and municipalities along the proposed rail route from Calgary to Banff Townsite.


A presentation entitled "COVID-19 Community Affordable Housing Advocacy Plan Update & Rapid Housing Initiative" was distributed with respect to Report IGA2020-1291.

  • Moved byCouncillor Gondek

    That with respect to report IGA2020-1291, the following be approved:

    That the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee receive this report for the Corporate Record. 

    For: (7)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Woolley, and Councillor Gondek

    Committee then returned to the Agenda to deal with Item 8.3.

  • Moved byCouncillor Gondek

    That with respect to Report IGA2020-1325, the following be approved:

    That Committee:

    Request the Mayor to consult with the Chair of the Calgary Police Commission and develop a letter to be sent to the Minister of Justice and Solicitor General advocating for the Calgary Community Court concept.

    For: (7)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Woolley, and Councillor Gondek

Councillor Woolley presented verbal updates and was thanked by Committee.

  • Moved byCouncillor Carra

    That pursuant to Sections 21 (Disclosure harmful to intergovernmental relations) and 24 (Advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Committee now move into Closed Meeting at 11:24 a.m., in the Council Boardroom, to discuss confidential matters with respect to the following Item:

    • 11.2.1 Regional Update (Verbal), IGA2020-1326
    For: (7)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Woolley, and Councillor Gondek

    Committee reconvened in Public Meeting at 12:08 p.m. with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair.

    ROLL CALL: Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Woolley, and Mayor Nenshi. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Carra

    That Committee rise and report.


    By General Consent, pursuant to Section 6(1) of Procedure Bylaw 35M2017, Committee suspended Section 78(2)(a) of the Procedure Bylaw in order to complete the agenda prior to the noon recess.

​Administration in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Verbal Report IGA2020-1326:

Clerks: M.A. Cario and A. Degrood. Advice: C. Arthurs, K. Cote, N. Younger, J. Clarke, A. McIntyre, D. Corbin, and M. Surgenor-Sands.
  • Moved byCouncillor Carra

    That with respect to Verbal Report IGA2020-1326 the following be approved:

    That the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee direct the Closed Meeting discussions be held confidential pursuant to Sections 21 (Disclosure harmful to intergovernmental relations) and 24 (Advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

    For: (6)Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Carra, Councillor Chahal, Councillor Demong, Councillor Farkas, and Councillor Woolley
    Against: (1)Councillor Gondek
  • Moved byCouncillor Carra

    That this meeting adjourn at 12:12 p.m.


    The following items have been forwarded to the 2020 December 14 Combined Meeting of Council:


    • Regional Transportation Update: Bow Valley Passenger Rail Project – Memorandum of Understanding, IGA2020-1280

    The next Regular Meeting of the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee is scheduled to be held 2020 December 10 at 9:30 a.m.