AGENDA SPC ON COMMUNITY AND PROTECTIVE SERVICES Meeting #:Date:Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 9:30 A.m. - 3:30 P.m.Location:IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERMembers PresentCouncillor D. Colley-Urquhart, ChairCouncillor G-C. Carra, Vice-ChairCouncillor S. ChuCouncillor J. GondekCouncillor R. JonesCouncillor J. MaglioccaCouncillor E. WoolleyMayor N. Nenshi, Ex-Officio1.CALL TO ORDER 2.OPENING REMARKS 3.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 4.CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 4.1Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the SPC on Community and Protective Services, 2019 June 12 1.Unconfirmed Minutes - SPC on Community and Protective Services, 2019 June 12.pdf5.CONSENT AGENDA 5.1DEFERRALS AND PROCEDURAL REQUESTS 5.1.1Report on Motion Arising related to UCS2018-1139 (results of community engagement after land purchase) due to the SPC on CPS by Q3 2019 moved to March 2020, CPS2019-1136 5.2BRIEFINGS 5.2.1Calgary Indigenous Relations Office (IRO) Engagement and the Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee (CAUAC) Governance Review Briefing, CPS2019-0923 1.Calgary Indigenous Relations Office Engagement and the Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee Goverance Review .pdf2.Attachment 1 Council Direction Calgary IRO and CAUAC.pdf3.Attachment 2 Calgary IRO Engagement Phases.pdf4.Attachment 3 Calgary IRO Engagement Learnings To Date.pdf5.Attachment 4 CAUAC Governance Key Learnings.pdf5.2.2Status of Outstanding Motions and Directions (as of 2019 September 11), CPS2019-1134 1.Status of Outstanding Motions and Directions (as of 2019 September 11) - CPS2019-1134.pdf2.CPS2019-1134 ATT - Status of Outstanding Motions and Directions (as of 2019 Sept 11).pdf5.2.3Progress Update: Review of Lifeguarding Provisions, CPS2019-1074 1.Progress Update Review of Lifeguarding Provisions - CPS2019-1074.pdf2.ATT - Lifeguard System Review.pdf6.POSTPONED REPORTS (including related/supplemental reports) None7.ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES 7.1Calgary Police Service Annual Report to CPS, CPS2019-0501 1.Calgary Police Service Annual Report to CPS, CPS2019-0501.pdf2.CPS2019-0501 - Attachment 1 - Calgary Police Service 2018 4th Quarter Business Plan Report.pdf3.CPS2019-0501 - Attachment 2 - Calgary Police Service 2018 4th Quarter Statistical Report.pdf4.CPS2019-0501- Attachment 3 - Calgary Police Commission Annual Report to the Community 2018.pdf7.2Establishment of the Beltline Business Improvement Area, CPS2019-1039 1.Establishment of the Beltline Business Improvement Area - CPS2019-1039.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Beltline BIA map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Proposed bylaw Beltline Business Improvement Area.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Interim Beltline BIA board.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Documents relating to the Beltline BIA proposal.pdf6.Distrib-Letter 1-CPS2019-1039.pdf7.Distrib-Letter 2-CPS2019-1039.pdf7.3Establishment of the Bridgeland Business Improvement Area, CPS2019-1038 1.Establishment of the Bridgeland Business Improvement Area - CPS2019-1038.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Proposed Bridgeland Business Improvement Area map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Proposed Bridgeland BIA bylaw.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Proposed interim Bridgeland BIA board.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Documents relating to Bridgeland BIA proposal.pdf7.4Establishment of the Crescent Heights Village Business Improvement Area, CPS2019-1037 1.Establishment of the Crescent Heights Village Business Improvement Area - CPS2019-1037.pdf2.Attachment 1- Proposed Crescent Heights Village Business Improvement Area map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Proposed Crescent Heights Village BIA bylaw.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Proposed interim Crescent Heights Village BIA board.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Documents relating to Crescent Heights Village BIA proposal.pdf6.Distrib-Letter 1-CPS2019-1037.pdf7.Distrib-Letter 2-CPS2019-1037.pdf7.5Change to the 17th Avenue Retail & Entertainment District Business Improvement Area Boundary, CPS2019-1040 1.Change to the Boundary of 17th Avenue Retail and Entertainment District Business Improvement Area - CPS2019-1040.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Proposed bylaw.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Documents relating to the request for expansion.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Map of proposed boundary changes to the 17th Ave RED BIA.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Summary of 17th Ave RED BIA communications and engagement.pdf6.Attachment 5 - Administration notice of request of 17th Ave RED BIA boundary.pdf7.Distrib-Letter-CPS2019-1040.pdf7.6Flatwater Pool Business and Service Continuity Update, CPS2019-1055 1.Flatwater Pool Business and Service Continuity Update - CPS2019-1055.pdf2.ATT1 - Site Assessment.pdf3.ATT2 - Flatwater Pool Facility Statistics.pdf4.ATT3 - Guiding Principles for the Permanent Operating Reductions.pdf5.ATT4 - Summary of Engagement.pdf6.ATT5 - Correspondence from Community Stakeholders.pdf7.Distrib-Letter 1-CPS2019-1055.pdf8.Distrib-Opinion Poll-CPS2019-1055.pdf9.Distrib-Letter 2-CPS2019-1055.pdf10.Distrib-Speaking Notes 1-CPS2019-1055.pdf11.Distrib-Speaking Notes 2-CPS2019-1055.pdf7.7Short Term Rental Tiered Licence Category, CPS2019-1070 1.Short Term Rental Tiered Licence Category - CPS2019-1070.pdf2.CPS2019-1070 ATT 1.pdf3.CPS2019-1070 ATT 2.pdf4.CPS2019-1070 ATT 3.pdf5.Distrib-Presentation 1-CPS2019-1070.pdf6.Distrib-Opinion Poll-CPS2019-1070.pdf7.Distrib-Speaking Notes-CPS2019-1070.pdf8.Distrib-Document-CPS2019-1070.pdf9.Distrib-Letter 1-CPS2019-1070.pdf10.Distrib-Addendum-CPS2019-1070.pdf11.Distrib-Presentation 2-CPS2019-1070.pdf12.Distrib-Revised Att 1-CPS2019-1070.pdf13.Distrib-Notes 1-CPS2019-1070.pdf14.Distrib-Notes 2-CPS2019-1070.pdf15.Distrib-Notes 3-CPS2019-1070.pdf16.Distrib-Notes 4-CPS2019-1070.pdf17.Distrib-Notes 5-CPS2019-1070.pdf18.Distrib-Notes 6-CPS2019-1070.pdf19.Distrib-Notes 7-CPS2019-1070.pdf20.Distrib-Notes 8-CPS2019-1070.pdf21.Distrib-Notes 9-CPS2019-1070.pdf22.Distrib-Notes 10-CPS2019-1070.pdf8.ITEMS DIRECTLY TO COMMITTEE 8.1REFERRED REPORTS 8.1.1Relief for Calgarians Shouldering Security and Safety Costs Near Supervised Consumption Sites and Drug Use Hotspots, C2019-0959 1.Referred Report Cover Sheet- C2019-0959.pdf2.Relief for Calgarians with Security and Safety Costs Near Supervised Consumption Sites and Drug Use Hotspots - C2019-0959.pdf3.Distrib-Pamphlet-C2019-0959.pdfCouncillor Farkas8.2NOTICE(S) OF MOTION None9.URGENT BUSINESS None10.CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 10.1ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES None10.2URGENT BUSINESS None11.ADJOURNMENT Members of Council may participate remotely, if required.No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Unconfirmed Minutes - SPC on Community and Protective Services, 2019 June 12.pdf1.Calgary Indigenous Relations Office Engagement and the Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee Goverance Review .pdf2.Attachment 1 Council Direction Calgary IRO and CAUAC.pdf3.Attachment 2 Calgary IRO Engagement Phases.pdf4.Attachment 3 Calgary IRO Engagement Learnings To Date.pdf5.Attachment 4 CAUAC Governance Key Learnings.pdf1.Status of Outstanding Motions and Directions (as of 2019 September 11) - CPS2019-1134.pdf2.CPS2019-1134 ATT - Status of Outstanding Motions and Directions (as of 2019 Sept 11).pdf1.Establishment of the Beltline Business Improvement Area - CPS2019-1039.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Beltline BIA map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Proposed bylaw Beltline Business Improvement Area.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Interim Beltline BIA board.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Documents relating to the Beltline BIA proposal.pdf6.Distrib-Letter 1-CPS2019-1039.pdf7.Distrib-Letter 2-CPS2019-1039.pdf1.Establishment of the Bridgeland Business Improvement Area - CPS2019-1038.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Proposed Bridgeland Business Improvement Area map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Proposed Bridgeland BIA bylaw.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Proposed interim Bridgeland BIA board.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Documents relating to Bridgeland BIA proposal.pdf1.Establishment of the Crescent Heights Village Business Improvement Area - CPS2019-1037.pdf2.Attachment 1- Proposed Crescent Heights Village Business Improvement Area map.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Proposed Crescent Heights Village BIA bylaw.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Proposed interim Crescent Heights Village BIA board.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Documents relating to Crescent Heights Village BIA proposal.pdf6.Distrib-Letter 1-CPS2019-1037.pdf7.Distrib-Letter 2-CPS2019-1037.pdf1.Change to the Boundary of 17th Avenue Retail and Entertainment District Business Improvement Area - CPS2019-1040.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Proposed bylaw.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Documents relating to the request for expansion.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Map of proposed boundary changes to the 17th Ave RED BIA.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Summary of 17th Ave RED BIA communications and engagement.pdf6.Attachment 5 - Administration notice of request of 17th Ave RED BIA boundary.pdf7.Distrib-Letter-CPS2019-1040.pdf1.Progress Update Review of Lifeguarding Provisions - CPS2019-1074.pdf2.ATT - Lifeguard System Review.pdf1.Flatwater Pool Business and Service Continuity Update - CPS2019-1055.pdf2.ATT1 - Site Assessment.pdf3.ATT2 - Flatwater Pool Facility Statistics.pdf4.ATT3 - Guiding Principles for the Permanent Operating Reductions.pdf5.ATT4 - Summary of Engagement.pdf6.ATT5 - Correspondence from Community Stakeholders.pdf7.Distrib-Letter 1-CPS2019-1055.pdf8.Distrib-Opinion Poll-CPS2019-1055.pdf9.Distrib-Letter 2-CPS2019-1055.pdf10.Distrib-Speaking Notes 1-CPS2019-1055.pdf11.Distrib-Speaking Notes 2-CPS2019-1055.pdf1.Short Term Rental Tiered Licence Category - CPS2019-1070.pdf2.CPS2019-1070 ATT 1.pdf3.CPS2019-1070 ATT 2.pdf4.CPS2019-1070 ATT 3.pdf5.Distrib-Presentation 1-CPS2019-1070.pdf6.Distrib-Opinion Poll-CPS2019-1070.pdf7.Distrib-Speaking Notes-CPS2019-1070.pdf8.Distrib-Document-CPS2019-1070.pdf9.Distrib-Letter 1-CPS2019-1070.pdf10.Distrib-Addendum-CPS2019-1070.pdf11.Distrib-Presentation 2-CPS2019-1070.pdf12.Distrib-Revised Att 1-CPS2019-1070.pdf13.Distrib-Notes 1-CPS2019-1070.pdf14.Distrib-Notes 2-CPS2019-1070.pdf15.Distrib-Notes 3-CPS2019-1070.pdf16.Distrib-Notes 4-CPS2019-1070.pdf17.Distrib-Notes 5-CPS2019-1070.pdf18.Distrib-Notes 6-CPS2019-1070.pdf19.Distrib-Notes 7-CPS2019-1070.pdf20.Distrib-Notes 8-CPS2019-1070.pdf21.Distrib-Notes 9-CPS2019-1070.pdf22.Distrib-Notes 10-CPS2019-1070.pdf1.Referred Report Cover Sheet- C2019-0959.pdf2.Relief for Calgarians with Security and Safety Costs Near Supervised Consumption Sites and Drug Use Hotspots - C2019-0959.pdf3.Distrib-Pamphlet-C2019-0959.pdf1.Calgary Police Service Annual Report to CPS, CPS2019-0501.pdf2.CPS2019-0501 - Attachment 1 - Calgary Police Service 2018 4th Quarter Business Plan Report.pdf3.CPS2019-0501 - Attachment 2 - Calgary Police Service 2018 4th Quarter Statistical Report.pdf4.CPS2019-0501- Attachment 3 - Calgary Police Commission Annual Report to the Community 2018.pdf