AGENDAEXECUTIVE COMMITTEEThursday, September 29, 2022 at 9:30 A.m. - 4:30 P.m.IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERMembers PresentMayor J. Gondek, ChairCouncillor E. Spencer, Vice-ChairCouncillor P. Demong (Councillor-at-Large)Councillor K. Penner (Community Development Committee Chair)Councillor R. Pootmans (Audit Committee Chair)Councillor C. Walcott (Councillor-at-Large)Councillor S. Sharp (Infrastructure and Planning Committee Chair)SPECIAL NOTES: Public are encouraged to follow Council and Committee meetings using the live stream Council Members may be participating remotely.1.CALL TO ORDER 2.OPENING REMARKS 3.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 4.CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 4.1Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee, 2022 July 20 1.Unconfirmed Minutes-2022-07-20-Executive Committee.pdf5.CONSENT AGENDA 5.1DEFERRALS AND PROCEDURAL REQUESTS None6.POSTPONED REPORTS (including related/supplemental reports)None7.ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES 7.1Financial Task Force Update Overview, EC2022-1105 1.Financial Task Force Update Overview-EC2022-1105.pdf7.1.1Financial Task Force - Property Tax Policy Framework, EC2022-0649 1.Financial Task Force - Property Tax Policy Framework - EC2022-0649.pdf2.Attach 1-Previous Council Direction-EC2022-0649.pdf3.Attach 2-Property Tax Policy Current State-EC2022-0649.pdf4.Attach 3-Property Tax Policy Options-EC2022-0649.pdf5.Attach 4-Tax Responsibility Benchmarking-EC2022-0649.pdf6.Attach 5-Stakeholder Engagement Summary-EC2022-0649.pdf7.Attach 6-Tax Policy Principles-EC2022-0649.pdf8.Attach 7-Summary of Existing Tools for Property Tax Relief-EC2022-0649.pdf9.Attach 8-Presentation-EC2022-0649.pdf7.1.2Financial Task Force - Non-Residential Assessment Subclasses Scoping Report, EC2022-0780 1.Non-Residential Assessment Subclasses Scoping Report - EC2022-0780.pdf2.Attach 1 - Previous Council Direction - EC2022-0780.pdf3.Attach 2 - Non-Residential Assessment Subclasses Scoping Report - EC2022-0780.pdf4.Attach 3 - Property Type Subclass Illustrative Examples - EC2022-0780.pdf5.Attach 4 - Location Subclass Illustrative Examples - EC2022-0780.pdf6.Attach 5 - Small Business Subclass Illustrative Examples - EC2022-0780.pdf7.Attach 6 - Presentation - Non-Residential Assessment Subclasses Scoping Report - EC2022-0780.pdf7.1.3Financial Task Force - Assessment Smoothing Scoping Report, EC2022-1100 1.Assessment Smoothing Scoping Report - EC2022-1100.pdf2.Attach 1 - Previous Council Direction - EC2022-1100.pdf3.Attach 2 - Assessment Smoothing Scoping Report - EC2022-1100.pdf4.Attach 3 - Illustrative Examples Smoothing - EC2022-1100.pdf5.Attach 4 - Illustrative Examples Rolling Average - EC2022-1100.pdf6.Attach 5 - Presentation - Assessment Smoothing Scoping Report - EC2022-1100.pdf7.1.4Financial Task Force - Establishing Policy to Respond to Economic Highs and Lows, EC2022-0971 1.Establishing Policy to Respond to Economic Highs and Lows-EC2022-0971.pdf2.Attach 1-Background and Previous Council Direction-EC2022-0971.pdf3.Attach 2-Countercyclical Fiscal Policy Report-EC2022-0971.pdf4.Attach 3-Presentation-EC2022-0971.pdf7.2The City of Calgary Reserves and Long Term Liabilities Balances 2021, EC2022-0815 1.The City of Calgary Reserves and Long Term Liabilities Balances 2021 - EC2022-0815.pdf2.Attach 1 - Previous Council Direction and Background - EC2022-0815.pdf3.Attach 2 - Reserves and Long-Term Liabilities Balances 2021 - EC2022-0815.pdf4.Attach 3 - Reserves to be Reviewed in 2022 Triennial Reserve Review - EC2022-0815.pdf5.Attach 4 - Presentation - The City of Calgary Reserves and Long-Term Liabilities Balances 2021 - EC2022-0815.pdf7.3Indigenous Gathering Place Update (Verbal), EC2022-1101 7.4Recommended Ward Office Budget - 2023-2026 One Calgary Budget, EC2022-0936 1.Recommended Ward Budget - 2023-2026 One Calgary Budget-EC2022-0936.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Recommended Ward Budgets- EC2022-0936.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Summary of the Ward Budget Councillor Engagement - EC2022-0936.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Proposed Bylaw Text - EC2022-0936.pdf5.2023-2026 One Calgary - Recommended Ward Budgets Presentation.pdf7.5Summary of Administrative Resources and Remuneration of Boards, Commissions and Committees, EC2022-0524 1.Summary of Administrative Resources and Remuneration of Boards, Commissions and Committees - EC2022-0524.pdf2.Attach 1-Resourcing City BCCs-EC2022-0524.pdf3.Attach 2-Resourcing Council Mtg and Governance-EC2022-0524.pdf4.Attach 3-Previous Council Direction-EC2022-0524.pdf5.Attach 4-Independent BCCs Not Supported by The City-EC2022-0524.pdf7.6Response to Motion Arising - How Redevelopment Impacts Property Tax Revenue and Revenue Neutral Calculation, EC2022-0647 1.Motion Arising Response-How redevelopment impacts property tax revenue and revenue neutral calc-EC2022-0647.pdf2.Attach 1-How development and redevelopment impacts property tax revenue and revenue neutral calculation-EC2022-0647.pdf3.Attach 2-Presentation-EC2022-0647.pdf8.ITEMS DIRECTLY TO COMMITTEE 8.1REFERRED REPORTS None8.2NOTICE(S) OF MOTION 8.2.1Notice of Motion - Addressing Noisy Vehicles Through Calgary Traffic Bylaw Enforcement, EC2022-1098 1.Notice of Motion - Excessive Vehicle Noise.pdf2.NoM Checklist - Noise.pdfCouncillor Walcott8.2.2Notice of Motion - Regulating the Distribution of Graphic Images in Calgary Communities, EC2022-1102 1.Notice of Motion-Regulating the Distribution of Graphic Images in Calgary Comm- EC2022-1102.pdf2.Notice of Motion Checklist-EC2022-1102.pdfCouncillor Wyness, Councillor Penner, Councillor Spencer, Mayor Gondek, Councillor Walcott, Councillor Pootmans, Councillor Demong, Councillor Dhaliwal, Councillor Sharp9.URGENT BUSINESS 10.CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 10.1ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES 10.1.1Downtown Calgary Development Incentive Program Update (Verbal), EC2022-1097 Held confidential pursuant to Sections 16 (Disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party), and 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.10.2URGENT BUSINESS 11.BRIEFINGS 11.12022 Mid-year Operating and Capital Budget Revisions Report, EC2022-1049 1.2022 Mid-year Operating and Capital Budget Revisions Report - EC2022-1049.pdf2.Attach 1 - Operating Budget Continuity Schedule -EC2022-1049.pdf3.Attach 2 - Capital Budget Continuity Schedule-EC2022-1049.pdf4.Attach 3 - Decisions Referrals Having Actual or Potential Impact -EC2022-1049.pdf12.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Unconfirmed Minutes-2022-07-20-Executive Committee.pdf1.2022 Mid-year Operating and Capital Budget Revisions Report - EC2022-1049.pdf2.Attach 1 - Operating Budget Continuity Schedule -EC2022-1049.pdf3.Attach 2 - Capital Budget Continuity Schedule-EC2022-1049.pdf4.Attach 3 - Decisions Referrals Having Actual or Potential Impact -EC2022-1049.pdf1.Motion Arising Response-How redevelopment impacts property tax revenue and revenue neutral calc-EC2022-0647.pdf2.Attach 1-How development and redevelopment impacts property tax revenue and revenue neutral calculation-EC2022-0647.pdf3.Attach 2-Presentation-EC2022-0647.pdf1.The City of Calgary Reserves and Long Term Liabilities Balances 2021 - EC2022-0815.pdf2.Attach 1 - Previous Council Direction and Background - EC2022-0815.pdf3.Attach 2 - Reserves and Long-Term Liabilities Balances 2021 - EC2022-0815.pdf4.Attach 3 - Reserves to be Reviewed in 2022 Triennial Reserve Review - EC2022-0815.pdf5.Attach 4 - Presentation - The City of Calgary Reserves and Long-Term Liabilities Balances 2021 - EC2022-0815.pdf1.Recommended Ward Budget - 2023-2026 One Calgary Budget-EC2022-0936.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Recommended Ward Budgets- EC2022-0936.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Summary of the Ward Budget Councillor Engagement - EC2022-0936.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Proposed Bylaw Text - EC2022-0936.pdf5.2023-2026 One Calgary - Recommended Ward Budgets Presentation.pdf1.Notice of Motion-Regulating the Distribution of Graphic Images in Calgary Comm- EC2022-1102.pdf2.Notice of Motion Checklist-EC2022-1102.pdf1.Financial Task Force Update Overview-EC2022-1105.pdf1.Assessment Smoothing Scoping Report - EC2022-1100.pdf2.Attach 1 - Previous Council Direction - EC2022-1100.pdf3.Attach 2 - Assessment Smoothing Scoping Report - EC2022-1100.pdf4.Attach 3 - Illustrative Examples Smoothing - EC2022-1100.pdf5.Attach 4 - Illustrative Examples Rolling Average - EC2022-1100.pdf6.Attach 5 - Presentation - Assessment Smoothing Scoping Report - EC2022-1100.pdf1.Non-Residential Assessment Subclasses Scoping Report - EC2022-0780.pdf2.Attach 1 - Previous Council Direction - EC2022-0780.pdf3.Attach 2 - Non-Residential Assessment Subclasses Scoping Report - EC2022-0780.pdf4.Attach 3 - Property Type Subclass Illustrative Examples - EC2022-0780.pdf5.Attach 4 - Location Subclass Illustrative Examples - EC2022-0780.pdf6.Attach 5 - Small Business Subclass Illustrative Examples - EC2022-0780.pdf7.Attach 6 - Presentation - Non-Residential Assessment Subclasses Scoping Report - EC2022-0780.pdf1.Establishing Policy to Respond to Economic Highs and Lows-EC2022-0971.pdf2.Attach 1-Background and Previous Council Direction-EC2022-0971.pdf3.Attach 2-Countercyclical Fiscal Policy Report-EC2022-0971.pdf4.Attach 3-Presentation-EC2022-0971.pdf1.Summary of Administrative Resources and Remuneration of Boards, Commissions and Committees - EC2022-0524.pdf2.Attach 1-Resourcing City BCCs-EC2022-0524.pdf3.Attach 2-Resourcing Council Mtg and Governance-EC2022-0524.pdf4.Attach 3-Previous Council Direction-EC2022-0524.pdf5.Attach 4-Independent BCCs Not Supported by The City-EC2022-0524.pdf1.Financial Task Force - Property Tax Policy Framework - EC2022-0649.pdf2.Attach 1-Previous Council Direction-EC2022-0649.pdf3.Attach 2-Property Tax Policy Current State-EC2022-0649.pdf4.Attach 3-Property Tax Policy Options-EC2022-0649.pdf5.Attach 4-Tax Responsibility Benchmarking-EC2022-0649.pdf6.Attach 5-Stakeholder Engagement Summary-EC2022-0649.pdf7.Attach 6-Tax Policy Principles-EC2022-0649.pdf8.Attach 7-Summary of Existing Tools for Property Tax Relief-EC2022-0649.pdf9.Attach 8-Presentation-EC2022-0649.pdf1.Notice of Motion - Excessive Vehicle Noise.pdf2.NoM Checklist - Noise.pdf