AGENDA CALGARY PLANNING COMMISSIONThursday, July 22, 2021 at 1:00 P.m. - 11:55 P.m.IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERMembersDirector D. Hamilton, ChairDirector R. Vanderputten, Vice-ChairCouncillor J. GondekCouncillor E. WoolleyCommissioner M. LandryCommissioner F. MortezaeeCommissioner A. PalmiereCommissioner C. PollenCommissioner J. ScottCommissioner J. SonegoSPECIAL NOTES: Public are encouraged to follow Council and Committee meetings using the live stream Members may be participating remotely.1.CALL TO ORDER 2.OPENING REMARKS 3.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 1.CPC AGENDA July 22 2021 - Final.pdf3.1DECLARATIONS - CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 4.CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 4.1Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Calgary Planning Commission, 2021 July 08 1.Unconfirmed Minutes - Calgary Planning Commission - 2021 July 08.pdf5.CONSENT AGENDA 5.1DEFERRALS AND PROCEDURAL REQUESTS None5.2BRIEFINGS None5.3Land Use Amendment in Highland Park (Ward 4) at 4025 – 2 Street NW, LOC2021-0039, CPC2021-1083 1.Land Use Amendment in Highland Park (Ward 4) 4025 - 2 ST NW (LOC2021-0039) - CPC2021-1083.pdf2.Attach 1 Planning and Evaluation Background CPC2021-1083.pdf3.Attach 2 Applicant Submission CPC2021-1083.pdf4.Attach 3 Applicant Outreach Summary CPC2021-1083.pdf5.Attach 4 Community Association Response CPC2021-1083.pdf5.4Street Name in Lewisburg (Ward 3), SN2020-0005, CPC2021-1071 1.Street Name in Lewisburg (Ward 3), SN2020-0005 - CPC2021-1071.pdf2.Attach 1 - Location Maps -CPC2021-1071.pdf3.Attach 2 - Associated Outline Plan (LOC2020-0057) - CPC2021-1071.pdf4.Attach 3 - Applicant Submission - CPC2021-1071.pdf5.Attach 4 - Policy Steward's Compliance Report - CPC2021-1071.pdf6.POSTPONED REPORTS (including related/ supplemental reports) None7.ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES 7.1DEVELOPMENT ITEMS None7.2PLANNING ITEMS 7.2.1Land Use Amendment in Saddle Ridge (Ward 5) at 198, 202 and 206 Saddleback Road NE, LOC2021-0003, CPC2021-0339 1.Land Use Amendment in Saddle Ridge (Ward 5) at multiple properties, LOC2021-0003-CPC2021-0339.pdf2.Attach 1 - Background and Planning Evaluation - CPC2021-0339.pdf3.Attach 2 - Applicant Submission - CPC2021-0339.pdf4.Attach 3- Applicant Outreach Summary - CPC2021-0339.pdf5.Attach 4 - Development Permit (DP2021-0272) Summary - CPC2021-0339.pdf6.Attach 5 - Community Association Response - CPC2021-0339.pdf7.2.2Land Use Amendment in Capitol Hill (Ward 7) at 1229 – 20 Avenue NW, LOC2021-0061, CPC2021-1011 1.Land Use Amendment in Capitol Hill (Ward 7) at 1229 – 20 Avenue NW, LOC2021-0061, CPC2021-1011.pdf2.Attach 1 - Background and Planning Evaluation - CPC2021-1011.pdf3.Attach 2 - Proposed Direct Control District - CPC2021-1011.pdf4.Attach 3 - Applicant Submission - CPC2021-1011.pdf5.Attach 4 - Applicant Outreach Summary - CPC2021-1011.pdf7.2.3Outline Plan in Lewisburg (Ward 3) at multiple properties, LOC2020-0057, CPC2021-1025 1.Outline Plan in Lewisburg (Ward 3) at multiple properties, LOC2020-0057, CPC2021-1025.pdf2.Attach 1 - Background and Planning Evaluation - CPC2021-1025.pdf3.Attach 2 - Applicant Submission - CPC2021-1025.pdf4.Attach 3 - Applicant Outreach Summary - CPC2021-1025.pdf5.Attach 4 - Proposed Outline Plan - CPC2021-1025.pdf6.Attach 5 - Proposed Conditions of Approval - CPC2021-1025.pdf7.Attach 6 - Proposed Outline Plan Data Sheet - CPC2021-1025.pdf7.2.4Land Use Amendment and Outline Plan in Livingston (Ward 3) at multiple properties, LOC2020-0159, CPC2021-1063 1.Land Use Amendment and Outline Plan in Livingston (Ward 3) at multiple properties, LOC2020-0159-CPC2021-1063.pdf2.Attach 1 - Background and Planning Evaluation - CPC2021-1063.pdf3.Attach 2 - Applicant Submission - CPC2021-1063.pdf4.Attach 3 - Applicant Outreach Summary - CPC2021-1063.pdf5.Attach 4 - Proposed Land Use District Map - CPC2021-1063.pdf6.Attach 5 - Rocky View County Response - CPC2021-1063.pdf7.Attach 6 - Proposed Outline Plan - CPC2021-1063.pdf8.Attach 7 - Proposed Outline Plan Conditions of Approval - CPC2021-1063.pdf9.Attach 8 - Proposed Outline Plan Data Sheet - CPC2021-1063.pdf7.2.5Land Use Amendment and Outline Plan in Homestead (Ward 5) at multiple properties, LOC2021-0047, CPC2021-1042 1.Land Use Amendment and Outline Plan in Homestead (Ward 5) at multiple properties, LOC2021-0047-CPC2021-1042.pdf2.Attach 1 - Background and Planning Evaluation - CPC2021-1042.pdf3.Attach 2 - Applicant Submission - CPC2021-1042.pdf4.Attach 3 - Applicant Outreach Summary - CPC2021-1042.pdf5.Attach 4 - Proposed Land Use District Map - CPC2021-1042.pdf6.Attach 5 - Rocky View County Response - CPC2021-1042.pdf7.Attach 6 - Proposed Outline Plan - CPC2021-1042.pdf8.Attach 7 - Proposed Outline Plan Conditions of Approval - CPC2021-1042.pdf9.Attach 8 - Proposed Outline Plan Data Sheet - CPC2021-1042.pdf10.Attach 9 - Approved Outline Plan – LOC2017-0111 - CPC2021-1042.pdf7.2.6Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Shaganappi (Ward 8) at 1408 - 33 Street SW, LOC2020-0147, CPC2021-1054 1.Policy and Land Use Amendment in Shaganappi (Ward 8) at 1408 - 33 Street SW, LOC2020-0147 - CPC2021-1054.pdf2.Attach 1 - Background and Planning Evaluation - CPC2021-1054.pdf3.Attach 2 - Applicant Outreach Summary - CPC2021-1054.pdf4.Attach 3 - Applicant Submission - CPC2021-1054.pdf5.Attach 4 - Development Permit (DP2021-1907) Summary - CPC2021-1054.pdf6.Attach 5 - Proposed Direct Control District - CPC2021-1054.pdf7.Attach 6 - Proposed Amendments to Westbrook Village Area Redevelopment Plan - CPC2021-1054_.pdf8.Attach 7 - Community Association Responses - CPC2021-1054.pdf7.3MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS None8.URGENT BUSINESS 9.CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 9.1ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES 9.1.1Assessing Midtown Station as a Growth Node - MDP Amendment Discussion (Verbal), LOC2019-0082, CPC2021-1057 Held confidential pursuant to Section 24 (Advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Review By: 2021 August 129.2URGENT BUSINESS 10.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Unconfirmed Minutes - Calgary Planning Commission - 2021 July 08.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Highland Park (Ward 4) 4025 - 2 ST NW (LOC2021-0039) - CPC2021-1083.pdf2.Attach 1 Planning and Evaluation Background CPC2021-1083.pdf3.Attach 2 Applicant Submission CPC2021-1083.pdf4.Attach 3 Applicant Outreach Summary CPC2021-1083.pdf5.Attach 4 Community Association Response CPC2021-1083.pdf1.Street Name in Lewisburg (Ward 3), SN2020-0005 - CPC2021-1071.pdf2.Attach 1 - Location Maps -CPC2021-1071.pdf3.Attach 2 - Associated Outline Plan (LOC2020-0057) - CPC2021-1071.pdf4.Attach 3 - Applicant Submission - CPC2021-1071.pdf5.Attach 4 - Policy Steward's Compliance Report - CPC2021-1071.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Saddle Ridge (Ward 5) at multiple properties, LOC2021-0003-CPC2021-0339.pdf2.Attach 1 - Background and Planning Evaluation - CPC2021-0339.pdf3.Attach 2 - Applicant Submission - CPC2021-0339.pdf4.Attach 3- Applicant Outreach Summary - CPC2021-0339.pdf5.Attach 4 - Development Permit (DP2021-0272) Summary - CPC2021-0339.pdf6.Attach 5 - Community Association Response - CPC2021-0339.pdf1.Outline Plan in Lewisburg (Ward 3) at multiple properties, LOC2020-0057, CPC2021-1025.pdf2.Attach 1 - Background and Planning Evaluation - CPC2021-1025.pdf3.Attach 2 - Applicant Submission - CPC2021-1025.pdf4.Attach 3 - Applicant Outreach Summary - CPC2021-1025.pdf5.Attach 4 - Proposed Outline Plan - CPC2021-1025.pdf6.Attach 5 - Proposed Conditions of Approval - CPC2021-1025.pdf7.Attach 6 - Proposed Outline Plan Data Sheet - CPC2021-1025.pdf1.Land Use Amendment and Outline Plan in Livingston (Ward 3) at multiple properties, LOC2020-0159-CPC2021-1063.pdf2.Attach 1 - Background and Planning Evaluation - CPC2021-1063.pdf3.Attach 2 - Applicant Submission - CPC2021-1063.pdf4.Attach 3 - Applicant Outreach Summary - CPC2021-1063.pdf5.Attach 4 - Proposed Land Use District Map - CPC2021-1063.pdf6.Attach 5 - Rocky View County Response - CPC2021-1063.pdf7.Attach 6 - Proposed Outline Plan - CPC2021-1063.pdf8.Attach 7 - Proposed Outline Plan Conditions of Approval - CPC2021-1063.pdf9.Attach 8 - Proposed Outline Plan Data Sheet - CPC2021-1063.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Capitol Hill (Ward 7) at 1229 – 20 Avenue NW, LOC2021-0061, CPC2021-1011.pdf2.Attach 1 - Background and Planning Evaluation - CPC2021-1011.pdf3.Attach 2 - Proposed Direct Control District - CPC2021-1011.pdf4.Attach 3 - Applicant Submission - CPC2021-1011.pdf5.Attach 4 - Applicant Outreach Summary - CPC2021-1011.pdf1.Land Use Amendment and Outline Plan in Homestead (Ward 5) at multiple properties, LOC2021-0047-CPC2021-1042.pdf2.Attach 1 - Background and Planning Evaluation - CPC2021-1042.pdf3.Attach 2 - Applicant Submission - CPC2021-1042.pdf4.Attach 3 - Applicant Outreach Summary - CPC2021-1042.pdf5.Attach 4 - Proposed Land Use District Map - CPC2021-1042.pdf6.Attach 5 - Rocky View County Response - CPC2021-1042.pdf7.Attach 6 - Proposed Outline Plan - CPC2021-1042.pdf8.Attach 7 - Proposed Outline Plan Conditions of Approval - CPC2021-1042.pdf9.Attach 8 - Proposed Outline Plan Data Sheet - CPC2021-1042.pdf10.Attach 9 - Approved Outline Plan – LOC2017-0111 - CPC2021-1042.pdf1.Policy and Land Use Amendment in Shaganappi (Ward 8) at 1408 - 33 Street SW, LOC2020-0147 - CPC2021-1054.pdf2.Attach 1 - Background and Planning Evaluation - CPC2021-1054.pdf3.Attach 2 - Applicant Outreach Summary - CPC2021-1054.pdf4.Attach 3 - Applicant Submission - CPC2021-1054.pdf5.Attach 4 - Development Permit (DP2021-1907) Summary - CPC2021-1054.pdf6.Attach 5 - Proposed Direct Control District - CPC2021-1054.pdf7.Attach 6 - Proposed Amendments to Westbrook Village Area Redevelopment Plan - CPC2021-1054_.pdf8.Attach 7 - Community Association Responses - CPC2021-1054.pdf1.CPC AGENDA July 22 2021 - Final.pdf