That with respect to Report GC2019-1591, the following be adopted, as amended, as follows:
That Council:
1. Approve and include the amended Green Line Committee Terms of Reference - Guiding Principles as an appendix as amended, as follows:
On page 1 of 1 under Section Green Line Project Vision:
A city-shaping transit service that improves mobility in communities in north and southeast Calgary, connecting people and places and enhancing the quality of life in the city.
Outcomes for Calgarians
A transit service that:
- Improves mobility by providing a frequent, reliable, and affordable service.
- Contributes to an efficient transportation network that promotes transportation choice and reduces congestion, travel times and greenhouse gases.
- Enhances connectivity between people and places including connections to the broader transit network.
- Creates a positive transportation experience – safe, accessible, comfortable and convenient.
- Contributes positively to urban realm, community development and revitalization.
- Contributes to the vitality of business in the community.
- Protects the environment by enhancing City’s environmental stewardship.
2. Amend the Green Line Committee Terms of Reference to add the following after Section 8 Meetings:
"8.1 Public Participation
The Chair of the Green Line Committee will determine, prior to the publication of the Agenda, which items, if any, require public participation. This will be noted in the public Agenda.
The Committee may, by majority vote, require an item to have public participation at the following Committee meeting.
And further, a clerical correction is required to the Terms of Reference, under the section 2. Mandate, by deleting the fourth bullet in its entirety."