That pursuant to Section 23 (Local public body confidences), 24 (Advice from officials), 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body), and 27 (Privileged information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Committee now move into Closed Meeting at 3:26 p.m., in the Council Boardroom, to discuss confidential matters with respect to the following Items:
- 7.10 Green Line Board Q1 2021 Report, PFC2021-0774
- 10.1.2 Naming of Six City Parks, PFC2021-0631
- 10.1.3 Local Authorities Election Act Update (Verbal), PFC2021-0791
And further, that Don Fairbairn, Chair, Green Line Board, and Doug Ewing, Acting Delivery Director, Green Line, be invited to attend the Closed Meeting.
Committee reconvened in public meeting at 4:50 p.m. with Mayor Nenshi in the Chair.
Mayor Nenshi, Councillor Chu, Councillor Carra, Councillor Davison, Councillor Gondek, Councillor Sutherland, Council Farrell, and Councillor Keating.
Absent from Roll Call: Councillor Woolley.