That with respect to Report PFC2020-0381, the following be approved, after amendment:
Administration recommends* that the Priorities and Finance Committee recommends that Council:
1. Review the portfolio of public realm and utility investments, as indicated in Attachment 1, to be funded by the Established Area Investment Fund (public realm) and redirected capital budget (utilities), and:
Approve a capital budget request for Budget Id 481650 “Public Realm (EAGCS) of $11.7M in 2021 and $18.3M in 2022, funded by the Established Area Investment Fund.
2. Direct Administration to:
a. Explore a new Established Area off-site levy for local-sized water and sanitary pipes, through consultation with stakeholders, and for Council’s consideration, as part of the current Off-site Levy Bylaw review;
b. Develop a two-year pilot Tax Uplift program in the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan to support future growth-related public realm investments; and
c. Explore additional financial tools and strategies for public realm investment in Phase 2 and replenishing the Established Area Investment Fund, as listed in Attachment 3, with a report back with preliminary recommendations through the Priorities and Finance Committee by end of Q4 2020.
3. Approve the Request to Create a New Reserve and associated Terms and Conditions for the Established Area Investment Fund (Attachment 4).
4. Direct Administration to continue Phase 2 of the Established Area Growth and Change Strategy work as defined in a Phase 2 Work Plan (Attachment 7) in collaboration with the Phase 1 stakeholders, and bring back the next round of recommendations, no later than 2022 November, in coordination with the 2023-2026 business plan and budget cycle.
5. Direct that Administration explore allocating the funding for Pumphouse Park Improvements (Attachment 1) to Sunalta Community Hub Area Improvements.
*The full financial impact to The City of the COVID-19 emergency is not yet understood. A comprehensive review of capital project funding and delivery is underway.