That with respect to Report PFC2019-0040, the following be adopted:
That Council:
1. To optimize the Green Line cash flow commitments over the term of the project, reconsider, in part, its decision as contained in the minutes of the Regular Meeting of 2017 November 27 with respect to Recommendation 1 of Report C2017-1123 as follows:
by deleting the words “the financing” after “fund” and before “costs” to result in the following motion:
“Direct that the 2017 tax room ($23.7 million) be retained in 2018 and future years and used to fund costs for Green Line for 27 years until 2044.”; and
2. Direct that Attachment 1 and the Closed Meeting discussions remain confidential upon review by 2026 December 31 pursuant to Sections 23, 24, 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.