AGENDA COMBINED MEETING OF COUNCILMeeting #:Date:Monday, January 13, 2020 at 9:30 A.m. - 11:55 P.m.Location:IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER1.CALL TO ORDER 2.OPENING REMARKS 3.RECOGNITIONS None4.QUESTION PERIOD 5.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 6.CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 6.1Minutes of the Combined Meeting of Council, 2019 December 16 and 17 1.Unconfirmed Minutes - Combined Meeting of Council, 2019 December 16 and 17.pdf7.CONSENT AGENDA 7.1DEFERRALS AND PROCEDURAL REQUESTS None7.2BRIEFINGS 7.2.1Summary of Legal Advice - Retirement Allowance 1.Summary of Legal Advice - Retirement Allowance - C2020-0092.Jan 2020.pdf7.3Pest Management Policy, CPS2019-1518 1.Pest Management Policy - CPS2019-1518.pdf2.Attach 1-Pest Management Policy-CPS2019-1518.pdf3.Attach 2-Policy Implementation Framework-CPS2019-1518.pdf4.Attach 3-Policy CSPC017-CPS2019-1518 .pdf5.Attach 4-Summary of Changes-CPS2019-1518.pdf6.Attach 5-Engagement Summary-CPS2019-1518.pdf7.Attach 6-Stakeholder Letters-CPS2019-1518.pdf7.4City Charter Update, IGA2019-1571 1.City Charter Update - IGA2019-1571.pdf2.Attach 1-Framework Agreement-IGA2019-1571.pdf3.Attach 2-2012 MOU-IGA2019-1571.pdf4.Attach 3-Charter Summary-IGA2019-1571 .pdf5.Attach 4-Collaboration Agreement-IGA2019-1517.pdf6.Attach 5-List of Charter Authorites Replicated in MGA-IGA2019-1571.pdf7.5City of Calgary Water Security, UCS2019-1539 1.City of Calgary Water Security-UCS2019-1539.pdf2.Attach 1- Water Security Framework - UCS2019-1539.pdf7.6Plan for Piloting Variable Set-Out for the Black Cart Program, UCS2019-1142 1.Plan for Piloting Variable Set-Out for the Black Cart Program - UCS2019-1142.pdf2.Attach 1 -Variable Set-Out Pilot Plan - UCS2019-1142.pdf3.Attach 2 -Presentation - UCS2019-1142.pdf7.7Waste Management Storage Site Operational Practices, UCS2019-1502 1.Waste Management Storage Site Operational Practices - UCS2019-1502.pdf2.Attach 1 -Map of Waste Management Storage Sites and Non-Regulated Material Recyclers - UCS2019-1502.pdf3.Attach 2 - Analysis and Actions - UCS2019-1502.pdf7.8Corporate Land Strategy – Guiding Document, UCS2019-1579 1.Corporate Land Strategy - Guiding Document - UCS2019-1579.pdf2.Attach 1-Corporate Land Strategy Guiding Document-UCS2019-1579.pdf3.Attach 2-UCS2019-1579.pdf4.Attach 3-UCS2019-1579.pdf5.Attach 4-UCS2019-1579.pdf7.9Calgary Pathway and Bikeway Plan Update, TT2019-1431 1.Pathway and Bikeway Plan Update - TT2019-1431.pdf2.Attach 1-Project Background-TT2019-1431.pdf3.Attach 2-Always Available for All Ages and Abilities Network Principles Report-TT2019-1431.pdf4.Attach 3 -'What We Did' Report-TT2019-1431.pdf5.Attach 4-Letters of Support-TT2019-1431.pdf7.10Safer Mobility Plan Annual Report 2019, TT2019-1549 1.Safer Mobility Plan Annual Report 2019 - TT2019-1549.pdf2.Attach 1 - Safer Mobility Plan Annual Report 2019 - TT2019-1549.pdf3.Attach 2-Safer Mobility Plan Annual Report 2019 - TT2019-1549.pdf7.11Parking Requirements Review – Scoping Report, TT2019-1554 1.Parking Requirements Review Scoping Report - TT2019-1554.pdf7.12Guiding Principles for Green Line Committee, GC2019-1591 1.Guiding Principles for Green Line Committee, GC2019-1591.pdf2.Attach 1 - Green Line Committee Terms of Reference - GC2019-1591.pdf7.13Summary of Green Line Real Property Transactions for the Third Quarter 2019, UCS2019-1580 Report and Attachments held confidential pursuant to Sections 23 (Local public body confidences), 24 (Advice from officials) and 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) of FOIP. Review Date: 2029 February 128.PLANNING MATTERS FOR PUBLIC HEARING Note: Members of the public wishing to address Council, on any public hearing matter on this Agenda, may pre-register by contacting the City Clerk's Office at [email protected] or by calling 403-268-5861.8.1CALGARY PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS 8.1.1Land Use Amendment in Renfrew (Ward 9) at 639 and 641 – 12 Avenue NE, LOC2019-0125, CPC2019-1031 1.Land Use Amendment in Renfrew (Ward 9) at 639 and 641 – 12 Avenue NE, LOC2019-0125 - CPC2019-1031.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-1031.pdf3.Attach 2 - Community Association Letter - CPC2019-1031.pdf4.Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 1D2020.pdfProposed Bylaw 1D2020 R-CG8.1.2Land Use Amendment in Capitol Hill (Ward 7) at 1102 – 18 Avenue NW, LOC2019-0140, CPC2019-1473 1.Land Use Amendment in Capitol Hill (Ward 7) at 1102 – 18 Avenue NW, LOC2019-0140 CPC2019-1473.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-1473.pdf3.Attach 2- Proposed Bylaw 7D2020.pdfProposed Bylaw 7D2020 R-CG8.1.3Land Use Amendment in Highland Park (Ward 4) at 3827 Centre A Street NE, LOC2019-0099, CPC2019-1129 1.Land Use Amendment in Highland Park (Ward 4) at 3827 Centre A Street NE, LOC2019-0099 - CPC2019-1129.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-1129.pdf3.Attach 2 - Community Association Letter - CPC2019-1129.pdf4.Attach 3- Proposed Bylaw 2D2020.pdfProposed Bylaw 2D20208.1.4Land Use Amendment in Greenview Industrial Park (Ward 4) at 716 – 41 Avenue NE, LOC2019-0146, CPC2019-1422 1.Land Use Amendment in Greenview Industrial Park (Ward 4) at 716 – 41 Avenue NE, LOC2019-0146, CPC2019-1422.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant Submission - CPC2019-1422.pdf3.Attach 2 - Community Association Letter - Thorncliffe Greenview - CPC2019-1422.pdf4.Attach 3 - Community Association Letter - Highland Park - CPC2019-1422.pdf5.Attach 4 - Proposed Bylaw 8D2020.pdfProposed Bylaw 8D20208.1.5Land Use Amendment in Pineridge (Ward 10) at 6927 Rundlehorn Drive NE, LOC2019-0105, CPC2019-1436 1.Land Use Amendment in Pineridge (Ward 10) at 6927 Rundlehorn Drive NE, LOC2019-0105, CPC2019-1436.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant Submission-CPC2019-1436.pdf3.Attach 2 - Concept Site Plan-CPC2019-1436.pdf4.Attach 3 - Community Association Letter-CPC2019-1436.pdf5.Attach 4 - Proposed Bylaw 4D2020.pdfProposed Bylaw 4D20208.1.6Land Use Amendment in Stoney 3 (Ward 5) at 3730 – 108 Avenue NE, LOC2019-0131, CPC2019-1376 1.Land Use Amendment in Stoney 3 (Ward 5) at 3730 – 108 Avenue NE, LOC2019-0131.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant Submission-CPC2019-1376.pdf3.Attach 2- Proposed Bylaw 3D2020.pdfProposed Bylaw 3D20208.1.7Land Use Amendment in Stoney 1 (Ward 3) at 11063 - 14 Street NE, LOC2019-0139, CPC2019-1433 1.Land Use Amendment in Stoney 1 (Ward 3) at 11063 - 14 Street NE, LOC2019-0139, CPC2019-1433.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-1433.pdf3.Attach 2 - Development Permit Summary - CPC2019-1433.pdf4.Attach 3- Proposed Bylaw 9D2020.pdfProposed Bylaw 9D20208.1.8Land Use Amendment in Livingston (Ward 3) at 500 – 144 Avenue NW, LOC2019-0094, CPC2019-1284 1.Land Use Amendment in Livingston (Ward 3) at 500 - 144 Avenue NW, LOC2019-0094, CPC2019-1284.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant Submission - CPC2019-1284.pdf3.Attach 2 - Previously Approved Outline Plan (LOC2014-0117) - CPC2019-1284.pdf4.Attach 3 - Proposed Outline Plan - CPC2019-1284.pdf5.Attach 4 - Comparison of Approved and Proposed Outline Plan - CPC2019-1284.pdf6.Attach 5- Proposed Bylaw 11D2020.pdfProposed Bylaw 11D20208.1.9Land Use Amendment in Crestmont (Ward 1) at multiple addresses,LOC2019-0061, CPC2019-1398 1.Land Use Amendment in Crestmont (Ward 1) at Multiple Properties, LOC2019-0061, CPC2019-1398.pdf2.Attach 1 - List of Affected Addresses-CPC2019-1398.pdf3.Revised Attach 2-Applicant Submission-CPC2019-1398.pdf4.Attach 3 - Proposed Bylaw 5D2020.pdfProposed Bylaw 5D20208.1.10Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Montgomery (Ward 7) at 4628 – 20 Avenue NW, LOC2019-0143, CPC2019-1463 1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Montgomery (Ward 7) at 4628 - 20 Avenue NW, LOC2019-0143, CPC2019-1463.pdf2.Attach 1- Proposed Bylaw 2P2020.pdf3.Attach 2 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-1463.pdf4.Attach 3 - Community Association Letter - CPC2019-1463.pdf5.Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 10D2020.pdf6.Attach 5- Public Submissions-CPC2019-1463.pdfProposed Bylaws 2P2020 and 10D20208.1.11Land Use Amendment in Westgate (Ward 6) at 1703, 1707 and 1711 – 47 Street SW, LOC2018-0090, CPC2019-1462 1.Land Use Amendment in Westgate (Ward 6) at 1703, 1707 and 1711 – 47 Street SW, LOC2018-0090, CPC2019-1462.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant Submission - CPC2019-1462.pdf3.Attach 2 - Westgate Community Association Comments - CPC2019-1462.pdf4.Attach 3 - Applicant Lead Outreach Summary - CPC2019-1462.pdf5.Attach 4 - Community Open House Summary - 2018 September 19 - CPC2019-1462.pdf6.Attach 5 - Community Open House Summary - 2019 November 5 - CPC2019-1462.pdf7.Attach 6- Proposed Bylaw 12D2020.pdf8.Attach 7- Public Submissions-CPC2019-1462.pdfProposed Bylaw 12D20208.1.12Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Ramsay (Ward 9) at multiple addresses, LOC2016-0088, CPC2019-0695 1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Ramsay (Ward 9) at multiple addresses, LOC2016-0088 - CPC2019-0695.pdf2.Attach 1 - Proposed Bylaw 1P2020.pdf3.Attach 2- Proposed Bylaw 6D2020.pdf4.Attach 3 - Applicant Submission and Landowners - CPC2019-0695.pdf5.Attach 4 - Application Timeline - CPC2019-0695.pdf6.Attach 5 - Character Home Components - CPC2019-0695.pdf7.Attach 6 - Administration Supportable DC - CPC2019-0695.pdf8.Attach 7 - Community Association Letters - CPC2019-0695.pdf9.Attach 8-Public Submissions-CPC2019-0695.pdf10.Attach 9-CPC Member Comments-CPC2019-0695.pdfProposed Bylaws 1P2020 and 6D20208.1.13Land Use Amendment in Ogden (Ward 9) at 7400 - 23 Street SE, LOC2019-0098, CPC2019-1032 1.Land Use Amendment in Ogden (Ward 9) at 7400 - 23 Street SE, LOC2019-0098, CPC2019-1032.pdf2.Attach 1 - Proposed Bylaw 13D2020.pdf3.Attach 2 - Applicant's Submission CPC2019-1032.pdf4.Attach 3 - Community Association Letter - CPC2019-1032.pdf5.Attach 4-Public Submissions-CPC2019-1032.pdfProposed Bylaw 13D20208.1.14Land Use Amendment in Kingsland (Ward 11) at 7799 Macleod Trail SW, LOC2019-0148, CPC2019-1443 1.Land Use Amendment in Kingsland (Ward 11) at 7799 Macleod Trail SW, LOC2019-0148, CPC2019-1443.pdf2.Attach 1- Proposed Bylaw 14D2020.pdf3.Attach 2 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-1443.pdf4.Attach 3 - Community Association Letter - CPC2019-1443.pdfProposed Bylaw 14D20208.1.15Land Use Amendment in Legacy (Ward 14) at 22200 - 28 Street SE, LOC2016-0168, CPC2019-1454 1.Land Use Amendment in Legacy (Ward 14) at 22200 - 28 Street SE, LOC2016-0168, CPC2019-1454.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-1454.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Proposed Outline Plan - CPC2019-1454.pdf4.Attach 3- Proposed Bylaw 15D2020.pdfProposed Bylaw 15D20208.2OTHER REPORTS AND POSTPONEMENTS FOR PUBLIC HEARING (including non-statutory) None9.PLANNING MATTERS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARING 9.1CALGARY PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS 9.1.1Proposed Street Names in Haskayne (Ward 1) SN2019-0008, CPC2019-1456 1.Proposed Street Names in Haskayne (Ward 1) SN2019-0008, CPC2019-1456.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-1456.pdf3.Attach 2 - Policy Steward's Compliance Report - CPC2019-1456.pdf9.2OTHER REPORTS AND POSTPONEMENTS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARING None9.3BYLAW TABULATIONS (related to planning matters) None10.POSTPONED REPORTS (including related/supplemental reports) None11.ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES 11.1CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS SELECTED FOR DEBATE 11.2OFFICER OF COUNCIL REPORTS None11.3ADMINISTRATION REPORTS None11.4COMMITTEE REPORTS 11.4.1Shared e-Bike and e-Scooter Mid-Pilot Report, TT2019-1374 1.Shared E-Scooter and E-Bike mid-pilot report - TT2019-1374.pdf2.Attach 1 Previous Council Direction.pdf3.Attach 2 Shared e-Bike and e-Scooter Data.pdf4.Attach 3- Proposed Bylaw 1M2020.pdf5.Attach 4-Public Submissions-TT2019-1374.pdfProposed Bylaw 1M202012.ITEMS DIRECTLY TO COUNCIL 12.1BYLAW TABULATIONS None12.2MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS None13.URGENT BUSINESS 14.CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 14.1CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS SELECTED FOR DEBATE 14.2ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES 14.2.1City Manager Update (Verbal), C2020-0096 Held confidential pursuant to Section 24 (Advice from officials) of FOIP.14.3URGENT BUSINESS 15.ADMINISTRATIVE INQUIRIES 16.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Land Use Amendment in Renfrew (Ward 9) at 639 and 641 – 12 Avenue NE, LOC2019-0125 - CPC2019-1031.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-1031.pdf3.Attach 2 - Community Association Letter - CPC2019-1031.pdf4.Attach 3-Proposed Bylaw 1D2020.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Highland Park (Ward 4) at 3827 Centre A Street NE, LOC2019-0099 - CPC2019-1129.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-1129.pdf3.Attach 2 - Community Association Letter - CPC2019-1129.pdf4.Attach 3- Proposed Bylaw 2D2020.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Stoney 3 (Ward 5) at 3730 – 108 Avenue NE, LOC2019-0131.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant Submission-CPC2019-1376.pdf3.Attach 2- Proposed Bylaw 3D2020.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Pineridge (Ward 10) at 6927 Rundlehorn Drive NE, LOC2019-0105, CPC2019-1436.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant Submission-CPC2019-1436.pdf3.Attach 2 - Concept Site Plan-CPC2019-1436.pdf4.Attach 3 - Community Association Letter-CPC2019-1436.pdf5.Attach 4 - Proposed Bylaw 4D2020.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Crestmont (Ward 1) at Multiple Properties, LOC2019-0061, CPC2019-1398.pdf2.Attach 1 - List of Affected Addresses-CPC2019-1398.pdf3.Revised Attach 2-Applicant Submission-CPC2019-1398.pdf4.Attach 3 - Proposed Bylaw 5D2020.pdf1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Ramsay (Ward 9) at multiple addresses, LOC2016-0088 - CPC2019-0695.pdf2.Attach 1 - Proposed Bylaw 1P2020.pdf3.Attach 2- Proposed Bylaw 6D2020.pdf4.Attach 3 - Applicant Submission and Landowners - CPC2019-0695.pdf5.Attach 4 - Application Timeline - CPC2019-0695.pdf6.Attach 5 - Character Home Components - CPC2019-0695.pdf7.Attach 6 - Administration Supportable DC - CPC2019-0695.pdf8.Attach 7 - Community Association Letters - CPC2019-0695.pdf9.Attach 8-Public Submissions-CPC2019-0695.pdf10.Attach 9-CPC Member Comments-CPC2019-0695.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Capitol Hill (Ward 7) at 1102 – 18 Avenue NW, LOC2019-0140 CPC2019-1473.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-1473.pdf3.Attach 2- Proposed Bylaw 7D2020.pdf1.Proposed Street Names in Haskayne (Ward 1) SN2019-0008, CPC2019-1456.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-1456.pdf3.Attach 2 - Policy Steward's Compliance Report - CPC2019-1456.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Greenview Industrial Park (Ward 4) at 716 – 41 Avenue NE, LOC2019-0146, CPC2019-1422.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant Submission - CPC2019-1422.pdf3.Attach 2 - Community Association Letter - Thorncliffe Greenview - CPC2019-1422.pdf4.Attach 3 - Community Association Letter - Highland Park - CPC2019-1422.pdf5.Attach 4 - Proposed Bylaw 8D2020.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Stoney 1 (Ward 3) at 11063 - 14 Street NE, LOC2019-0139, CPC2019-1433.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-1433.pdf3.Attach 2 - Development Permit Summary - CPC2019-1433.pdf4.Attach 3- Proposed Bylaw 9D2020.pdf1.Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Montgomery (Ward 7) at 4628 - 20 Avenue NW, LOC2019-0143, CPC2019-1463.pdf2.Attach 1- Proposed Bylaw 2P2020.pdf3.Attach 2 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-1463.pdf4.Attach 3 - Community Association Letter - CPC2019-1463.pdf5.Attach 4-Proposed Bylaw 10D2020.pdf6.Attach 5- Public Submissions-CPC2019-1463.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Livingston (Ward 3) at 500 - 144 Avenue NW, LOC2019-0094, CPC2019-1284.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant Submission - CPC2019-1284.pdf3.Attach 2 - Previously Approved Outline Plan (LOC2014-0117) - CPC2019-1284.pdf4.Attach 3 - Proposed Outline Plan - CPC2019-1284.pdf5.Attach 4 - Comparison of Approved and Proposed Outline Plan - CPC2019-1284.pdf6.Attach 5- Proposed Bylaw 11D2020.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Westgate (Ward 6) at 1703, 1707 and 1711 – 47 Street SW, LOC2018-0090, CPC2019-1462.pdf2.Attach 1 - Applicant Submission - CPC2019-1462.pdf3.Attach 2 - Westgate Community Association Comments - CPC2019-1462.pdf4.Attach 3 - Applicant Lead Outreach Summary - CPC2019-1462.pdf5.Attach 4 - Community Open House Summary - 2018 September 19 - CPC2019-1462.pdf6.Attach 5 - Community Open House Summary - 2019 November 5 - CPC2019-1462.pdf7.Attach 6- Proposed Bylaw 12D2020.pdf8.Attach 7- Public Submissions-CPC2019-1462.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Ogden (Ward 9) at 7400 - 23 Street SE, LOC2019-0098, CPC2019-1032.pdf2.Attach 1 - Proposed Bylaw 13D2020.pdf3.Attach 2 - Applicant's Submission CPC2019-1032.pdf4.Attach 3 - Community Association Letter - CPC2019-1032.pdf5.Attach 4-Public Submissions-CPC2019-1032.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Kingsland (Ward 11) at 7799 Macleod Trail SW, LOC2019-0148, CPC2019-1443.pdf2.Attach 1- Proposed Bylaw 14D2020.pdf3.Attach 2 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-1443.pdf4.Attach 3 - Community Association Letter - CPC2019-1443.pdf1.Land Use Amendment in Legacy (Ward 14) at 22200 - 28 Street SE, LOC2016-0168, CPC2019-1454.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Applicant's Submission - CPC2019-1454.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Proposed Outline Plan - CPC2019-1454.pdf4.Attach 3- Proposed Bylaw 15D2020.pdf1.Pest Management Policy - CPS2019-1518.pdf2.Attach 1-Pest Management Policy-CPS2019-1518.pdf3.Attach 2-Policy Implementation Framework-CPS2019-1518.pdf4.Attach 3-Policy CSPC017-CPS2019-1518 .pdf5.Attach 4-Summary of Changes-CPS2019-1518.pdf6.Attach 5-Engagement Summary-CPS2019-1518.pdf7.Attach 6-Stakeholder Letters-CPS2019-1518.pdf1.City Charter Update - IGA2019-1571.pdf2.Attach 1-Framework Agreement-IGA2019-1571.pdf3.Attach 2-2012 MOU-IGA2019-1571.pdf4.Attach 3-Charter Summary-IGA2019-1571 .pdf5.Attach 4-Collaboration Agreement-IGA2019-1517.pdf6.Attach 5-List of Charter Authorites Replicated in MGA-IGA2019-1571.pdf1.City of Calgary Water Security-UCS2019-1539.pdf2.Attach 1- Water Security Framework - UCS2019-1539.pdf1.Plan for Piloting Variable Set-Out for the Black Cart Program - UCS2019-1142.pdf2.Attach 1 -Variable Set-Out Pilot Plan - UCS2019-1142.pdf3.Attach 2 -Presentation - UCS2019-1142.pdf1.Waste Management Storage Site Operational Practices - UCS2019-1502.pdf2.Attach 1 -Map of Waste Management Storage Sites and Non-Regulated Material Recyclers - UCS2019-1502.pdf3.Attach 2 - Analysis and Actions - UCS2019-1502.pdf1.Corporate Land Strategy - Guiding Document - UCS2019-1579.pdf2.Attach 1-Corporate Land Strategy Guiding Document-UCS2019-1579.pdf3.Attach 2-UCS2019-1579.pdf4.Attach 3-UCS2019-1579.pdf5.Attach 4-UCS2019-1579.pdf1.Shared E-Scooter and E-Bike mid-pilot report - TT2019-1374.pdf2.Attach 1 Previous Council Direction.pdf3.Attach 2 Shared e-Bike and e-Scooter Data.pdf4.Attach 3- Proposed Bylaw 1M2020.pdf5.Attach 4-Public Submissions-TT2019-1374.pdf1.Pathway and Bikeway Plan Update - TT2019-1431.pdf2.Attach 1-Project Background-TT2019-1431.pdf3.Attach 2-Always Available for All Ages and Abilities Network Principles Report-TT2019-1431.pdf4.Attach 3 -'What We Did' Report-TT2019-1431.pdf5.Attach 4-Letters of Support-TT2019-1431.pdf1.Safer Mobility Plan Annual Report 2019 - TT2019-1549.pdf2.Attach 1 - Safer Mobility Plan Annual Report 2019 - TT2019-1549.pdf3.Attach 2-Safer Mobility Plan Annual Report 2019 - TT2019-1549.pdf1.Parking Requirements Review Scoping Report - TT2019-1554.pdf1.Unconfirmed Minutes - Combined Meeting of Council, 2019 December 16 and 17.pdf1.Guiding Principles for Green Line Committee, GC2019-1591.pdf2.Attach 1 - Green Line Committee Terms of Reference - GC2019-1591.pdf1.Summary of Legal Advice - Retirement Allowance - C2020-0092.Jan 2020.pdf