  • Director D. Hamilton, Chair
  • Director R. Vanderputten, A/Vice-Chair (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor R. Dhaliwal (Remote Participation)
  • Councillor T. Wong (Remote Participation)
  • Commissioner N. Hawryluk (Remote Participation)
  • Commissioner F. Mortezaee (Remote Participation)
  • Commissioner Y. Navagrah (Remote Participation)
  • Commissioner A. Palmiere (Remote Participation)
  • Commissioner J. Tiedemann (Remote Participation)
  • Director K. Fromherz, Vice-Chair
  • Commissioner C. Pollen
  • A/Principal Planner S. Jones (Remote Participation)
  • CPC Secretary J. Palaschuk
  • Legislative Advisor C.Nelson

Director Hamilton called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.


Councillor Dhaliwal, Councillor Wong, Commissioner Hawryluk, Commissioner Mortezaee, Commissioner Tiedemann, Commissioner Navagrah, Commissioner Palmiere, Director Vanderputten, and Director Hamilton.

Absent from Roll Call: Commissioner Pollen and Director Fromherz

Director Hamilton provided opening remarks and a traditional land acknowledgement.

  • Moved byDirector Vanderputten

    That the Agenda for the 2022 March 24 Regular Meeting of the Calgary Planning Commission be confirmed.


Commissioner Mortezaee declared a conflict of interest with respect to Item 5.6.

Commissioner Navagrah declared a conflict of interest with respect to Item 7.3.1. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Wong

    That the Minutes of the 2022 March 10 Regular Meeting of the Calgary Planning Commission be confirmed.

  • Moved byCommissioner Navagrah

    That the Consent Agenda be approved as follows:

  • Moved byCommissioner Navagrah

    That with respect to Report CPC2022-0321, the following be approved:

    That Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council give three readings to the proposed bylaw for the redesignation of 0.05 hectares ± (0.12 acres ±) located at 3003 – 33A Avenue SE (Plan 7748JK, Block 2, Lot 24) from Residential – Contextual One Dwelling (R-C1) District to Residential – Grade-Oriented Infill (R-CG) District.

    For: (7)Director Vanderputten, Commissioner Mortezaee, Commissioner Palmiere, Councillor Dhaliwal, Commissioner Navagrah, Commissioner Hawryluk, and Commissioner Tiedemann
    Against: (1)Councillor Wong

Commissioner Mortezaee declared a conflict of interest and abstained from discussion and voting with respect to Report CPC2022-0244.

Commissioner Mortezaee left the Meeting at 1:14 p.m. and returned at 1:16 p.m. after the vote was declared.
  • Moved byCommissioner Navagrah

    That with respect to Report CPC2022-0244, the following be approved:

    That Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council:

    1. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw for the amendments to the Montgomery Area Redevelopment Plan (Attachment 2); and
    2. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw for the redesignation of 0.06 hectares ± (0.15 acres) located at 5239 – 22 Avenue NW, (Plan 4994GI, Block 51, Lot 8) from Residential – Contextual One Dwelling (R-C1) District to Residential – Contextual One / Two Dwelling (R-C2) District.
    For: (6)Director Vanderputten, Commissioner Palmiere, Councillor Dhaliwal, Commissioner Navagrah, Commissioner Hawryluk, and Commissioner Tiedemann
    Against: (1)Councillor Wong

A clerical correction was noted on the Agenda and on the Cover of Report CPC2022-0276, in the title of the Item, by deleting the words "(Ward 8)" and by substituting with the words "(Ward 6)".

A presentation entitled "LOC2021-0182 Land Use Amendment" was distributed with respect to Report CPC2022-0276.

  • Moved byCommissioner Palmiere

    That with respect to Report CPC2022-0276, the following be approved:

    That Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council give three readings to the proposed bylaw for the redesignation of 0.11 hectares ± (0.28 acres ±) at 3347 and 3351 Spruce Drive SW (Plan 2566GQ, Block 17, Lots 2 and 3) from Residential – Contextual One / Two Dwelling (R-C2) District to Multi-Residential – Contextual Low Profile (M-C1) District.

    For: (8)Director Vanderputten, Commissioner Mortezaee, Commissioner Palmiere, Councillor Wong, Councillor Dhaliwal, Commissioner Navagrah, Commissioner Hawryluk, and Commissioner Tiedemann

​The following documents were distributed with respect to Report CPC2022-0348:

  • A presentation entitled "LOC2021-0129/CPC2022-0348 Policy and Land Use Amendment" 
  • A revised Attachment 3; and
  • A letter from the Marda Loop Communities Association entitled "Community Association Response".

Boris Karn, CivicWorks, addressed Commission with respect to Report CPC2022-0348.

  • Moved byCommissioner Palmiere

    That with respect to Report CPC2022-0348, the following be approved:

    That Calgary Planning Commission accept the letter from the Marda Loop Communities Association and forward on with the Report to Council.

  • Moved byCommissioner Palmiere

    That with respect to Report CPC2022-0348, the following be approved:

    That Revised Attachment 3, Proposed Direct Control District, be amended on page 3 of 5, Section 9 “Floor Area Ratio” by deleting it in its entirety and substituting with the following:

    “9         The maximum floor area ratio is 1.3.”

    For: (8)Director Vanderputten, Commissioner Mortezaee, Commissioner Palmiere, Councillor Wong, Councillor Dhaliwal, Commissioner Navagrah, Commissioner Hawryluk, and Commissioner Tiedemann
  • Moved byCommissioner Mortezaee

    That with respect to Report CPC2022-0348, the following be approved, as amended:

    That Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council:

    1. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw for the amendment to the South Calgary/Altadore Area Redevelopment Plan (Attachment 2); and
    2. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw for the redesignation of 0.11 hectares ± (0.28 acres ±) located at 1743 and 1747 – 36 Avenue SW (Plan 1497BC, Block 16, Lots 21 to 24) from Multi-Residential – Contextual Grade-Oriented (M-CGd72) District to Direct Control (DC) District to accommodate multi-residential development, with guidelines (Revised Attachment 3, as amended).
    For: (8)Director Vanderputten, Commissioner Mortezaee, Commissioner Palmiere, Councillor Wong, Councillor Dhaliwal, Commissioner Navagrah, Commissioner Hawryluk, and Commissioner Tiedemann

​The following documents were distributed with respect to Report CPC2022-0338:

  • A presentation entitled "LOC2021-0073 Outline Plan and Land Use Amendment"; and 
  • A revised Attachment 2.

​The following speakers addressed Commission with respect to Report CPC2022-0338:

  1. Bela Syal, Situated Consulting Co. 
  2. Jason Palacsko, Centron Group
  • Moved byCouncillor Wong

    That with respect to Report CPC2022-0338, the following be approved, after amendment:

    That Calgary Planning Commission:

    1. As the Council-designated approving authority, approve the proposed outline plan located at 18800 – 52 Street SE, 19605 – 72 Street SE and 19511 – 72 Street SE (Plan 1812267, Block1, Lot 1; NE1/4 Section 15-22-29-4; and Plan 1911701, Block A), to subdivide 83.40 hectares (206.08 acres), with conditions (Revised Attachment 2).

    That Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council:

    2. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw for the redesignation of 83.25 hectares (205.70 acres) located at 18800 – 52 Street SE and 19605 – 72 Street SE (Plan 1812267, Block1, Lot 1; NE1/4 Section 15-22-29-4) from Special Purpose – Future Urban Development (S-FUD) District to Residential – Low Density Mixed Housing (R-G) District, Residential – Low Density Mixed Housing (R-Gm) District, Multi-Residential – Low Profile (M-1) District, Multi-Residential – Medium Profile (M-2) District, Commercial – Neighbourhood 1 (C-N1) District, Commercial – Neighbourhood 2 (C-N2) District, Mixed Use - General (MU-1f2.5h26) District, Mixed Use - General (MU-1f2.0h22) District, Special Purpose – School, Park and Community Reserve (S-SPR) District, and Special Purpose – City and Regional Infrastructure (S-CRI) District.

    For: (8)Director Vanderputten, Commissioner Mortezaee, Commissioner Palmiere, Councillor Wong, Councillor Dhaliwal, Commissioner Navagrah, Commissioner Hawryluk, and Commissioner Tiedemann

A presentation entitled "LOC2021-0189 CPC2022-0291 Land Use Amendment" was distributed with respect to Report CPC2022-0291.

  • Moved byCommissioner Palmiere

    That with respect to Report CPC2022-0291, the following be approved:

    That Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council give three readings to the proposed bylaw for the redesignation of 0.06 hectares ± (0.14 acre ±) located at 5920 Centre Street NE (Plan 7245HD, Block 17, Lot 6) from Residential – Contextual One Dwelling (R-C1) District to Multi-Residential – Contextual Grade-Oriented (M-CGd75) District.

    For: (8)Director Vanderputten, Commissioner Mortezaee, Commissioner Palmiere, Councillor Wong, Councillor Dhaliwal, Commissioner Navagrah, Commissioner Hawryluk, and Commissioner Tiedemann

​The following documents were distributed with respect to Report CPC2021-0344:

  • A presentation entitled "LOC2021-0010 Land Use Amendment", 
  • A revised Cover Report; and
  • A revised Attachment 1.
  • Moved byDirector Vanderputten

    That with respect to Revised Report CPC2021-0344, the following be approved:

    That Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council give three readings to the proposed bylaw for redesignation of 1.11 hectares ± (2.74 acres ±) located at 3536 and 3636 Research Road NW (Plan 9812871, Block 3, Lot 4 and 5) from Special Purpose – University Research Park (S-URP) District to Direct Control (DC) District to accommodate the additional discretionary uses of School – Authority School and School – Private, with guidelines (Attachment 2).

    For: (8)Director Vanderputten, Commissioner Mortezaee, Commissioner Palmiere, Councillor Wong, Councillor Dhaliwal, Commissioner Navagrah, Commissioner Hawryluk, and Commissioner Tiedemann

Commissioner Navagrah declared a conflict of interest and abstained from discussion and voting with respect to Report CPC2022-0337.

Commissioner Navagrah left the Meeting at 2:46 p.m. 

A presentation entitled "Early Input - Land Use Amendment and Development Permit (PE2022-00276), Civic Integrated Facility - Inglewood Fire Station/Mixed-Use Development" was distributed with respect to Report CPC2022-0337.

​The following speakers addressed Commission with respect to Report CPC2022-0337:

  1. David White, CivicWorks
  2. Genevieve Giguere, S2 Architecture 
  • By General Consent, Commission modified the afternoon recess to start immediately following Item 7.3.1.

  • Moved byCommissioner Hawryluk

    That with respect to Report CPC2022-0337, the following be approved:

    That Calgary Planning Commission receive the Presentation for the Corporate Record.

    For: (7)Director Vanderputten, Commissioner Mortezaee, Commissioner Palmiere, Councillor Wong, Councillor Dhaliwal, Commissioner Hawryluk, and Commissioner Tiedemann

    Commissioner Mortezaee (Remote Member) left the Meeting at 3:24 p.m.

    Commission recessed at 3:26 p.m. and reconvened at 3:59 p.m. with Director Hamilton in the Chair.


    Director Vanderputten, Commissioner Hawryluk, Commissioner Palmiere, Commissioner Tiedemann, Councillor Wong, Councillor Dhaliwal, and Director Hamilton.

    Absent from Roll: Commissioner Navagrah and Commissioner Mortezaee

  • Moved byCouncillor Wong

    That pursuant to Section 24 (Advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Calgary Planning Commission move into Closed Meeting at 3:59 p.m. in the Council Boardroom, to discuss confidential matters with respect to the following Item:

    • 9.1.1 Chinatown Cultural Plan and culturally-informed Area Redevelopment Plan, CPC2022-0180

    And further, the following be authorized to attend the Closed Meeting with respect to Report CPC2022-0180:

    • Wilco Van Bemmel, Dunefield Consulting 

    For: (6)Director Vanderputten, Commissioner Palmiere, Councillor Wong, Councillor Dhaliwal, Commissioner Hawryluk, and Commissioner Tiedemann

    Councillor Dhaliwal (Remote Member) left the Closed Meeting at 4:30 p.m. and returned at 4:33 p.m. 

    Councillor Dhaliwal (Remote Member) left the Closed Meeting at 4:57 p.m. and returned at 5:00 p.m.

    Commissioner Hawryluk (Remote Member) left the Closed Meeting at 5:20 p.m. and returned at 5:22 p.m. 

    Commissioner Tiedemann (Remote Member) left the Closed Meeting at 5:29 p.m. 

    Commission reconvened in Public Meeting at 5:56 p.m. with Director Hamilton in the Chair.


    Commissioner Hawryluk, Commissioner Palmiere, Councillor Dhaliwal, Councillor Wong, Director Vanderputten, and Director Hamilton

  • Moved byCouncillor Wong

    That Commission rise and report.


People in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Confidential Report CPC2022-0180:

Clerks: J. Palaschuk, J. Clement, and C. Nelson. Advice: F. Elahi, F. Lakha, C. Wilcox, D. Down, M. Beck, B. Downey, S. Patel, T. Nestor, D. Mahalek, M. Reid, R. Whyte, S. Gardiner, J. Thompson, M. Bishoff, K. McMurray, X. Zhang, J. McGuire, A. Kaddoura, D. McNeil, W. Koo, M. Huber, K. Bahl, R. Hall, and S. Jones. External: W. V Bemmel. 

A confidential presentation entitled "Tomorrow's Chinatown" was distributed with respect to Report CPC2022-0180.

  • Moved byCouncillor Wong

    That with respect to Report CPC2022-0180, the following be approved:

    That the Calgary Planning Commission direct that the Closed Meeting discussions and Distribution remain confidential pursuant to Section 24 (Advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, to be reviewed by 2022 September 6.

    For: (6)Director Vanderputten, Director Hamilton, Commissioner Palmiere, Councillor Wong, Councillor Dhaliwal, and Commissioner Hawryluk


​The following documents were distributed with respect to Report X2022-XXXX:

  • A letter from XX, dated XX; and
  • A presentation entitled "XX", dated
  • A document entitled XX


A letter/presentation entitled "XX" was distributed with respect to Report X2022-XX.


  • Moved byCouncillor Dhaliwal

    That this meeting adjourn at 6:00 p.m.


    The following items have been forwarded on to the 2022 May 10 Combined Meeting of Council:



    • Land Use Amendment in Dover (Ward 9) at 3003 – 33A Avenue SE, LOC2021-0214, CPC2022-0321
    • Land Use Amendment in Highland Park (Ward 4) at 457 – 33 Avenue NW, LOC2021-0175, CPC2022-0355
    • Land Use Amendment in Capitol Hill (Ward 7) at 1840 – 17 Avenue NW, LOC2022-0001, CPC2022-0318
    • Land Use Amendment in West Hillhurst (Ward 7) at 2032 and 2040 – 5 Avenue NW, LOC2021-0216, CPC2022-0149
    • Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Montgomery (Ward 7) at 5239 – 22 Avenue NW, LOC2021-0209, CPC2022-0244
    • Land Use Amendment in Spruce Cliff (Ward 6) at 3347 and 3351 Spruce Drive SW, LOC2021-0182, CPC2022-0276
    • Policy Amendment and Land Use Amendment in Altadore (Ward 8) at 1743 and 1747 – 36 Avenue SW, LOC2021-0129, CPC2022-0348
    • Land Use Amendment and Outline Plan in Rangeview (Ward 12) at multiple properties, LOC2021-0073, CPC2022-0338
    • Land Use Amendment in Thorncliffe (Ward 4) at 5920 Centre Street NE, LOC2021-0189, CPC2022-0291
    • Land Use Amendment in Varsity (Ward 1) at 3536 and 3636 Research Road NW, LOC2021-0010, CPC2021-0344

    The next Regular Meeting of the Calgary Planning Committee is scheduled to be held on 2022 April 7 at 1:00 p.m.


No Item Selected