That with respect to Report N2022-0979, the following be approved, after amendment:
That the Nominations Committee recommend that Council:
1. Appoint Public Members to the following Boards, Commissions and Committees:
- Advisory Committee on Accessibility (Attachment 1a)
- Anti-Racism Action Committee (Revised Attachment 2a)
- Assessment Review Board (Revised Attachment 3a)
- Audit Committee (Revised Attachment 4a)
- BiodiverCity Advisory Committee (Revised Attachment 5a)
- Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee (Revised Attachment 6a)
- Calgary Airport Authority (Attachment 7a)
- Calgary International Airport Development Appeal Body (Attachment 8a)
- Calgary Planning Commission (Attachment 9a)
- Calgary Police Commission (Attachment 10a)
- Calgary Transit Access Eligibility Appeal Board (Attachment 11a)
- Calgary Transit Public Safety Citizen Oversight Committee (Attachment 12a)
- Climate Advisory Committee (Revised Attachment 13a)
- Combative Sports Commission (Attachment 14a)
- Event Centre Committee (Attachment 15a)
- Friends of HMCS Calgary Committee (Revised Attachment 16a)
- Licence and Community Standards Appeal Board (Revised Attachment 17a)
- Social Wellbeing Advisory Committee (Attachment 18a)
- Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (Revised Attachment 19a)
2. Nominate Public Members to Platform Calgary (Attachment 22a);
3. Appoint the individuals as set out in Attachment 12a to the Calgary Transit Public Safety Citizen Oversight Committee for terms set out in the Attachment;
4. Amend the Urban Design Review Panel Terms of Reference to permit one-year or two-year appointments, and appoint Public Members to the Urban Design Review Panel as indicated in (Revised Attachment 20a);
5. Direct that, unless otherwise noted, Public Member appointments and nominations be released publicly following applicant notification by the City Clerk's Office, no later than end of day Thursday 2022 October 27; and
6. Direct the City Clerk's Office to conduct additional advertising and recruitment for the Audit Committee; and
7. Direct that closed meeting discussions and Attachments 1a – 22c remain confidential pursuant to Sections 17 (Disclosure harmful to personal privacy) and 19 (Confidential evaluations) of the Freedom of Information and protection of Privacy Act
And further, that the Nominations Committee:
8. Direct the City Clerk to contact Public Members who have been recommended for appointment to more than one Board, Commission, and Committee (BCC), in order to determine their preference, and address gaps in recommendations with BCC Chairs, and return to Council’s Organizational Meeting with this information;
9. Direct that one additional applicant be interviewed for consideration of placement on the Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee Reserve List, and return to Council’s Organizational Meeting with this information if possible; and
10. Defer the recommendation of applicants to serve on the Beltline Community Investment Fund Committee (Attachment 21a) and establish a panel of Councillors Penner and Wong to work with local area Councillor Walcott in order to screen applicants and bring recommendations to Council as soon as possible, to appoint the Public Members.