That with respect to Report AC2023-0236, the following be approved, after amendment:
That the Audit Committee:
1. Direct that a Bylaw Review Working Group be established to review the City Auditor’s Bylaw 30M2004 (Attachment 1) and the Audit Committee Bylaw 33M2020 (Attachment 2), and that proposed amendments be brought to Audit Committee no later than 2023 Q4;
2. Approve the Amended Terms of Reference (Attachment 3, in the section entitled "Composition" by deleting "Up to" and inserting "A minimum of";) for this Bylaw Review Working Group;
3. Appoint the following members of the Audit Committee to the Bylaw Review Working Group:
- Councillor Pootmans;
- Councillor Wong;
- Public Member Lambert; and
4. Request that Members of the Audit Committee provide the Bylaw Review Working Group with their comments with respect to amendments to both Bylaws for their consideration.