That pursuant to Section 24 (Advice from officials) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Council move into Closed Meeting, at 1:37 p.m. in the Council Boardroom, to consider confidential matters with respect to the following item:
- 4.2 The Calgary Police Service Commitment to Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion, C2020-1010
And further, that Chair Croft, Commissioner North Peigan, Commissioner Sigurdson, Commissioner Zhang, Commissioner Cornett, Commissioner Roessel, Commissioner Siddiqui, Commissioner De Iaco, Comissioner Proctor, Heather Spicer and Lori DeLuca, Calgary Police Commission, and Chief Neufeld, Deputy Chief Cook, Deputy Chief Gill, Deputy Chief Mclellan, Deputy Chief Tawfik, and Executive Officer Jepson, Calgary Police Service, be invited to attend the Closed Meeting.
People in attendance during the Closed Meeting discussions with respect to Report C2020-1010.
Clerks: A. Degrood and T. Mowrey. Advice: B. Croft and M. Neufeld. City Manager: D. Duckworth Law: J. Floen. Observers: K. Black, M. North Peigan, K. Mclellan, A. Siddiqui, R. Jepson, T. Bhullar, R. Gill, C. Tawfik, R. Sigurdson, T. Zhang, T. Roessel, M. DeIaco, K. Proctor, H. Spicer, L. DeLuca, P. Cook, and S. Cornett.