AGENDA SPC ON UTILITIES AND CORPORATE SERVICESMeeting #:Date:Wednesday, October 16, 2019 at 9:30 A.m. - 10:00 P.m.Location:IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERMembers PresentCouncillor W. Sutherland, ChairCouncillor P. Demong, Vice-ChairCouncillor G. ChahalCouncillor D. Colley-UrquhartCouncillor J. FarkasCouncillor D. FarrellCouncillor S. KeatingMayor N. Nenshi, Ex-Officio1.CALL TO ORDER 2.OPENING REMARKS 3.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 4.CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 4.1Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Standing Policy Committee on Utilities and Corporate Services, 2019 September 18 1.Unconfirmed Minutes-SPC on UCS-2019 Sep 18.pdf5.CONSENT AGENDA 5.1DEFERRALS AND PROCEDURAL REQUESTS 5.1.1Deferral Request - Report on Notice of Motion C2019-0129 (Extended Producer Responsibility) due to the SPC on UCS by 2019 October to be moved to 2020 January, UCS2019-1303 5.2BRIEFINGS None6.POSTPONED REPORTS (including related/supplemental reports) None7.ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES None8.ITEMS DIRECTLY TO COMMITTEE 8.1REFERRED REPORTS None8.2NOTICE(S) OF MOTION None9.URGENT BUSINESS 10.CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 10.1ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES 10.1.1Amendment to Purchase and Sale, Option to Repurchase and Housing Agreements (Rosscarrock) 3500 17 AV SW, UCS2019-1318 Held confidential pursuant to Sections 23 (Local public body confidences), 24 (Advice from officials) and 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) of FOIP. Review by: Do Not Release10.1.2Option to Repurchase and Option to Purchase 200 Barclay PR SW, UCS2019-1319 Held confidential pursuant to Sections 23 (Local public body confidences), 24 (Advice from officials) and 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) of FOIP. Review by: Do Not Release10.2URGENT BUSINESS 11.ADJOURNMENT Members of Council may participate remotely, if required.No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Unconfirmed Minutes-SPC on UCS-2019 Sep 18.pdf