AGENDA BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEEMonday, November 16, 2020 at 1:00 P.m. - 5:00 P.m.IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERMembers PresentCouncillor W. Sutherland, ChairCouncillor J. Davison, Vice-ChairMayor N. Nenshi, Ex-OfficioCity Manager Designate S. SharpSPECIAL NOTES: Public are encouraged to follow Council and Committee meetings using the live stream Members may be participating remotely.1.CALL TO ORDER 2.OPENING REMARKS 3.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 4.CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 4.1Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Business Advisory Committee, 2019 December 06 1.Unconfirmed Minutes - 2019 December 06 -Business Advisory Committee.pdf5.CONSENT AGENDA 5.1DEFERRALS AND PROCEDURAL REQUESTS None5.2BRIEFINGS None6.POSTPONED REPORTS (including related/supplemental reports) None7.ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES 7.1Update on the Customer Journey Issues for the Restaurant and Brewery Industry, BAC2020-1312 1.Update on the Customer Journey Issues for the Restaurant and Brewery Industry - BAC2020-1312.pdf2.Attach 1-Previous Council Direction and Background-BAC2020-1312.pdf3.Attach 2-Administration’s next steps and future considerations-BAC2020-1312.pdf4.Attach 3-What We Heard Report-Restaurants and Brewing Industry-BAC2020-1312.pdf8.ITEMS DIRECTLY TO COMMITTEE 8.1REFERRED REPORTS None8.2NOTICE(S) OF MOTION None9.URGENT BUSINESS 10.CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 10.1ITEMS FROM OFFICERS, ADMINISTRATION AND COMMITTEES None10.2URGENT BUSINESS 11.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Update on the Customer Journey Issues for the Restaurant and Brewery Industry - BAC2020-1312.pdf2.Attach 1-Previous Council Direction and Background-BAC2020-1312.pdf3.Attach 2-Administration’s next steps and future considerations-BAC2020-1312.pdf4.Attach 3-What We Heard Report-Restaurants and Brewing Industry-BAC2020-1312.pdf1.Unconfirmed Minutes - 2019 December 06 -Business Advisory Committee.pdf